Android :: Multiple Calls To SimpleCursorAdapater#bindView

Oct 3, 2010

I am using setViewValue method of ShowViewBinder to access image inside row of listView. The idea is to load image from internet and display it inside row of listView.

To load image, I am starting new image loader thread, but what I discovered when debugging this code, for each row I am actually starting 3 or 4 threads. I don't understand why. The code in if (columnIndex == ...) is executing more than once.

My code goes something like this:


Android :: Multiple calls to SimpleCursorAdapater#bindView

Android :: Multiple Calls To SimpleCursorAdapater That Has A ViewBinder

Jul 30, 2010

I have a ListView populated using a SimpleCursorAdapter that has a ViewBinder, and I'm finding that when the ListView is displayed, ViewBinder#setViewValue is called 3 times for each row of the cursor.


And the third time from onMeasure again.

Firstly, is this expected behaviour?

If it is, then what's the best way of performing potentially expensive work in ViewBinder#setViewValue? For example, retrieving the results of another cursor whcih is used to construct the bound view.

Or am I approaching this from entirely the wrong view point?

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Android :: Any Application For Placing Multiple Calls In A Row

Mar 25, 2010

I've been hunting for a solution for days and can't find an answer. I've got an application where I need to place multiple calls in a row. I can invoke the dialer just fine and it starts calling the number. The problem is that after the call is over the call log comes up. I don't want the call log to come up. I want the dialer to return to my application after the call is over. How can I do this?

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Android :: SimpleCursorAdapter.bindView - And Row Views

Oct 22, 2009

I have a problem with bindView() that has me puzzled. I am using it to customize each row, including setting icons, coloring the background and setting up listeners for buttons. It mostly works as expected, but not quite.

When I fill the ListView with SimpleCursorAdapter, I get multiple calls to bindView() for position 0, but only 1 call for the other rows. The problem is that when all is said and done, I have 2 rows (LinearLayout) created for position 0. Here is a sample log extract:


I use a view holder class to hold the view, position and other data so that when a button is clicked, I can retrieve the holder with view.getParent.getTag(). This all works fine. The problem is that there are two views for position 0, but it's the first one in the above logcat that seems to be displayed. My code which acts on the rows when a button is clicked (especially setting background color) does not reliably hit the position 0 row that is actually displayed.

I can see what's happening but I am at a loss about what to do about it. Why are two view created for position 0? Is it something that I can control? How? If not, how should I deal with it so that the results when I modify the views are predictable?

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Android :: Using BindView To Customize ListView

Feb 7, 2009

In all the examples I've found to manipulate each view in a ListView, the method always seems to be getView(). But these were never Adapters backed by a cursor. I decided to try bindView() within a SimpleCursorAdapter, and so far it works very nicely, especially with the cursor all set up for my use.

My question is, is this usage good practice, and could I run into a problem in future? My question may be dumb but I just couldn't find a good example code snippet that uses a cursor.

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Android :: Overrided SimpleCursorAdapter BindView Not Being Called

Mar 19, 2010

The problem is as follows: - My app is deriving from TabActivity that has 3 tabs - Each tab has a ListView - Tab1 is populated by an adapter that inherit SimpleCursorAdapter and overrided the bindView() method. This tab is displaying correctly. - Tab 2 is also populated by another adatper that inherit SimpleCursorAdapter and overrided the bindView() method. For some reason that I don't understand, the overrided bindView() is not being called. Thus the tab is not displaying correctly.

Here's my code fragment:


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Android :: GetView Vs BindView In A Custom CursorAdapter

Aug 20, 2010

I'm watching this video and Romain Guy is showing how to make more efficient UI adapter code using the getView() method. Does this apply to CursorAdapters as well? I'm currently using bindView() and newView() for my custom cursor adapters. Should I be using getView instead?

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Android :: CursorAdapter Calling BindView On Every Item

Oct 4, 2010

I was using some of the code from DeskClock and found that when I tried to modify the CursorAdapter that newView was getting called for each item. (I actually wanted to add a divider and it seems like adding the dividers separately is better than adding them into a single listView)

If I have 3 items I get the following behavior:


I would've expected newView/bindView to be called once per cursor item. But, that doesn't seem to be the case. This was kind of a problem for me because I wanted to select the appropriate view depending on the cursor data, but since bindView could be called before newView that doesn't work.

Is this some odd recycler behavior (or somehow normal/expected)? Or is there something broken with the code (I removed everything except the ListView and it's still doing this)? I'm not quite sure why you would try to bind views that haven't been created, and why newView gets called on the first item twice.

If someone has an easy way of adding dividers to ListViews I'd love to know. I was going to try to dig through the contacts example to see how they did it there if not.

In case anyone's wondering MergeAdapter was neat to mess around with and try (I'll use it in some other situations). But, I did just end up writing a single adapter that handles multiple views. It computes the type of each item (which is small), stores it in a map, initializes it at adapter creation, and updates it in notifyDataSetChanged.

Then you just need to have getViewTypeCount() return the number of possible views. And getItemViewType to return the type from the map (which is 0 based, so 0-getViewTypeCount()). If you can compute your type from the position you don't need the map, but doing this on the fly wasn't possible so I just pre/recompute when needed.

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Android :: Way To Handle Multiple GetView Calls From Inside An Adapter?

May 20, 2010

I have a ListView with custom ArrayAdapter. Each of the row in this ListView has an icon and some text. These icons are downloaded in background,cached and then using a callback, substituted in their respective ImageViews. The logic to get a thumbnail from cache or download is triggered every time getView() runs.

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Android :: Custom List Cursor Adaptor Crashes At BindView On Emulator - Not On Phone

Aug 23, 2010

I will try to be specific if I can - please be patient, first time asker and relatively new to programming on this platform. Apologies if this has been asked/answered before - please link it to me. I have searched up and down but find other unrelated (to me at least) problems.

The real puzzler for me is that my app is crashing on my emulator but when installed on my phone (via upload of apk to phone and then using an AppInstaller app from market) it works.

The crash comes from a NullPointerException at the numbered line in the following code snippet (my code) of a custom list cursor adapter.


The following error dump is created.


Curiously I have been happily programming and debugging away all day and out of the blue a long working and bug free portion of my app now throws up this error.

I suspect it might be a problem with the databases, but really not sure - nothing seems out of place there. Up until today I had a database with only one table - today I added a new table which also has a "_id" field as the name autoincrement key field, which I read in the docs was required for android list adapters (if memory serves). Having some experience in coding and some minor experience with databases, that seems like a bad idea to me but I am uncertain of if that is the problem and/or how else to do it.

The crash I am listing here does not display or make reference to the data in the other, new table. The cursor does not contain any query data from it. In fact if I rename the key field "_id" of the new table to something else (ie "_blah"), the crash remains.

Like I said, if I upload the apk to my phone, it works.

I have tried the following on the emulator:
- restarting adb (and eclipse) - no result
- uninstall from emulator - no result
- destory AVD profile and recreate - no result

I am developing this under the Android 2.1 SDK, and have been for the last few weeks. I have only ever had that SDK installed, I am yet to update to 2.2.

Not sure what else I can say here - hoping somebody here has experience enough to shed some light on it.

Without a fix to this, I can anticipate a very slow development process here on out (assuming I have to upload to my phone to test new code changes...).

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Android :: Pros - Cons Of Multiple Activities In An App Vs One Activity - Multiple Views

Aug 16, 2010

Are there design guidelines to help decide if an application with multiple views should be designed with multiple activities or just one activity and control the back button itself.

I've tried both. My most complex applications using one activity per screen. However, now that I'm successfully written an app with just one activity and handling the back button myself, I don't see any compelling reason to use multiple activities. The one activity application is much simpler and more straightforward.

What advantages of multiple activities am I missing?

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Android :: Use Multiple Activities Or Multiple Content Views

Feb 18, 2010

I'm working on an application using xml layouts.

I wish to know which is better:
1. Use few activities and change its contentview
2. Use an activity for each 'view' needed

If both works, in which case which option would be better?

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Android :: Should App's With Multiple Layouts Have Multiple Activities To Handle Each

Jul 1, 2010

I'm planning to develop and app that presents the users with several different screens (of different information).
Was wondering what would be the best way to implement this?

Is it better to have separate XML layouts and an activity to display and allow the user to interact with each screen of data?

OR would handling all of these in the same activity be more efficient (and dynamically load / unload each layout)?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Calls Do Not Even Show Up - Appear As Missed Calls

Jul 3, 2010

Not sure if this is technically the "silent bug" but calls do not even show up on the phone, they just appear as "missed call from...." no noise no other notification. I restarted phone but it did it again right away. Phone does show the 50% bug in battery info.

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Android :: Starting Activity With FLAG ACTIVITY MULTIPLE TASK To See Multiple Instances

Feb 2, 2009

I am trying to launch an activity from another activity .. Within the

I have activity launch code as ..


I have set the android:multiprocess="true" in the AndroidManifest.xml of TargetSL I don't seem to see the multiple instances of TargetSL, which i am expecting ..

All i see is 2 process, where i was hoping to see an instance of TargetSL, for each launch that was invoked by the singleLauncher!

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HTC EVO 4G :: Make VoIP Calls Or Skype Out Calls

Jun 9, 2010

Is there anyway to make VoIP calls or Skype Out calls on the EVO? I am switching from the iPhone 3GS and am going out of the country on vacation in a month and I got used to making Skype Out calls over WiFi when out of the country.

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HTC Incredible :: Not Receiving Calls - Log As Missed Calls

Apr 30, 2010

having problems receiving calls. When I call the phone from another line, nothing happens except its logged as a missed call. The screen doesnt light up and no options for receiving calls. This happened before I installed Google voice. I disabled Google voice and still no joy. Everything else works. I can make calls, browse over WiFi and 3G.

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Android :: Calls Over 3G

Aug 24, 2010

I've been doing my research on the subject but I have time believing that there is no services that will allow me to me 3G calls with my Nexus One (it is my understanding that with the iPhone there are several services that offer that). Is that true??? I'm in Canada so the Google Voice service is not an option.

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Android :: Set Weight Using API Calls

Sep 7, 2009

is there a way to set the weight of a view using API calls? I construct parts of my UI at runtime. The dynamic UI has multiple View. However, I want to set the weight of those view to be non-equal. Any idea on how to do that?

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Android :: Record Calls

Jan 24, 2009

I would like to know whether its possible to record call in Android. If its possible then which class should be used for that purpose. I think there should be some message broadcast receiver invoked when a call is accepted and application should be started in background and record the conversation. Would like to know if this is actually possible and it it is then what classes to refer to?

One more thing if I want to send the recorded file to a server through GPRS then is there any limit in size for it to get transfer through GPRS? Small files will be transferred easily through GPRS but what about larger files? Is there any upper limit as to files of this much size can be transferred.

More importantly I want to know about the call recording function. Whether its available in Android phones as a native applicatoins or not? If its not available then can a application be written that can record all incoming and if possible outgoing calls as well.

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Android :: Blacklist Calls

Jul 14, 2010

Is there a blacklist app that allows me to simply reject (either by picking up and hanging up, or by saying the number is disconnected) numbers that I specify. I used an app called iblacklist on my iphone and it works wonders for this. I was wondering if there is something in the market that functions the same as this. iblacklist also removes the calls from the recent calls list, that would be useful but not very important.

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Android :: Way To Receive Calls Through Pc?

Apr 8, 2010

Does anyone know of an app (for hero) that would allow me to make and receive calls on my desktop when my phone is plugged in via usb? I have desktopSMS going and was wondering if there is something similar for calls. I have unlimited voice/text so i don't need anything to avoid that, my problem is that where i sit in the office i can't get a signal on the phone, but plugged in via usb my phone can sit on the window sill and get reception so it would be handy not to have to run across the room every time it rings! i tried searching the forums for this but on and pc are too short to search so you can imagine how many hits for "receive calls" there were!

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Android :: How To Block Calls

Jul 5, 2009

I want to block calls from few numbers, for that I want to write a app of my own. So what are the APIs which I should be using? Basically I want to get notified when a call comes, i want to compare numbers if it is what i want to block, i want to cut the call or mute it or if possible mute it and record it.

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Android : Best Way For Web Service Calls

Jun 10, 2010

I have been trying to develop an android application for sometime now and i would like to get some suggestion on the best way of making web service calls or to be generic the best way of communication between the android platform and web server. Soap(using Ksoap) and HTTP(using POST) are two methodologies & XML and JSON are the two data formats that am aware of,(let me know if they are few other options too..) and , i would like to know what is the best option of data transfer when i) the data to transfer is Large and less frequent. ii) more frequent but less data is being transfered. Also when it comes to data synchronization between server and our app , how is that generally implemented?

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Android : App To Do The Api Calls Interception

Sep 9, 2009

I want to write an app to do the api calls interception just like what "Detour" does under windows. Once the app is running it can hijack all the api calls other app made to the system. Anybody can give me any idea about achieving that?

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First Android Application With API Calls

Apr 6, 2014

I am new bee to android app development and planning to develop an application to connect to another application through JAVA APIs.I hope android apps have the ability to interact with JAVA APIs

I want to know which tool should I use for development? What are the steps which I need to perform to connect to the JAVA API? I have the java library files but not sure how to connect. I have knowledge about HMTL and JAVA but never worked on android apps. I want to know the easy and best tool for android app development.

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Android :: Support For Multiple PDP?

Feb 20, 2009

I want to know when will Android support Multiple PDP.

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Android :: App With Multiple Activities

Feb 8, 2010

I have a very simple game that consists of only one activity, and I want to add a title screen.If the title screen is another activity, what changes do I need to make to my manifest file to make the title screen open first?The gameplay activity is called Leeder, and the title screen activity is called LeederTitleScreen.

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Android :: Multiple API Versions Of An App

Oct 3, 2009

How can I publish two versions of my app without changing the package name, so that users may upgrade to either version, one for Anroid 1.5 and one for Android 1.6 ? I want to offer new features requiring Android 1.6 as soon as possible, but not all users will have upgraded to Android 1.6.

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Android :: 3D Map With Multiple Pictures

Mar 28, 2010

I am picturing something like what I saw on G4 a year or so ago. Program that takes multiple pictures and creates a 3d map based on them in which you can walk around inside the map. I really wish I still had the bookmark for that page. Anyway, is that the same as what you are talking about here? Or am I mistaken? If it is the same, it is an amazing concept. I look forward to the site being up and running so I can poke around a bit. (Right now, it won't connect).

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