Android :: Modify Properties Of A List In ListActivity?

Mar 18, 2009

I have a simple ListActivity midlet. It populates the list using a String array which is passed to the setListAdapter method. code...

However my question is, how is it possible to modify the properties of the list so if I know "etc" and "dev" are directories and I want to change the text colour to reflect that it is a directory how can I do this ?

Can anyone point me to any API's ?

Android :: Modify properties of a list in ListActivity?

Android :: Add / Delete / Modify Values In

Jul 27, 2010

How can I add/delete/modify values in "" for Android.

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Android :: Change Properties Of Expandable List?

Jul 29, 2009

I'm using BaseExpandableListAdapter, and there is a drop-down button (looks like an arrow) on the left side for each parent item to indicate that you can expand that item to view child items. The question is: How can I change the properties of that drop-down button such as its position? I basically want to move it a bit lower in each parent item.

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Android :: Display Image Before The List In Listactivity

Jun 21, 2010

I'm trying to display an image before the list in a listactivity. If I put an ImageView before the ListView, then only the list is displayed..

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Android :: Update ListActivity When List Data Changes

Oct 8, 2009

i want to know how to refresh the ListActivity when i change/add data to the list wich is dispayed.i first thougt the ListAdapter would know when the list is changed but when i add elements to the list there is no update, only when i close the activity and reopen it i see the i searched for any update() refesh() or something like that method but there is it seem i didnt get the concept, can someone help me please?

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Android :: ListActivity And SQLiteDB - Can't Refresh List

Oct 29, 2009

What is the best way to display a database queries results on the screen using ListActivity? I need the db queries to run in the background and I also need to be able to make different queries and refresh the screen according to the query result. I am using the ListActivity class with a SimpleCursorAdapter in order to display the db queries result on the screen. At the moment, I am doing the db queries at the background using AsyncTask, when getting the results I want the list to be updated immediately, but I can't find a good way to do it. It worked only when I used the changeCursor(cursor) function to set the adapter to a new cursor with the new results. But I don't think this is a good solution since it seems to stuck the UI for a while. I also found some posts about notifyDataSetChanged() but I am not sure if/how/when I should be using it with a SimpleCursorAdapter to make the view refresh.

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Android :: Modify The RecentTasks List

Dec 6, 2009

I know I can get recent tasks list by using ActivityManager - public List<RecentTaskInfo> getRecentTasks(int maxNum, int flags);

but can I modfiy it?

I also check the source code to find out the storage of recent tasks. but I cannot understand it. Where the recent tasks from? I want to add a method setRecentTasks to


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Android :: ListActivity Design / Changing Content Of List Adapter

May 31, 2010

I would like to write a rather simple content application which displays a list of textual items (along with a small pic).I have a standard menu in which each menu item represents a different category of textual items (news, sports, leisure etc.).Pressing a menu item will display a list of textual items of this category.Now, having a separate ListActivity for each category seems like an overkill (or does it?)
Naturally, it makes much more sense to use one ListActivity and replace the data of its adapter when each category is loaded.My concern is when "back" is pressed. The adapter is loaded with items of the current category and now I need to display list of the previous category (and enable clicking on list items too)
Since I have only one activity - I thought of backup and load mechanism in onPause() and onResume() functions as well as making some distinction whether these function are invoked as a result of a "new" event (menu item selected) or by a "back" press.This seems very cumbersome for such a trivial usage.Am I missing something here?

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Android :: Select Item In List / But Modify It

Sep 24, 2010

One thing driving me crazy in Android is if you start typing say in a search box (like in market, maps, etc.) and you see a choice that is almost what you want, you cannot select it and modify it.For example, I accidentally type pinboll in market.It finds nothing.I start to type pin again, there is pinboll. There seems to be no way to select that and be able to change the one letter. I have to retype the whole thing. Am I missing something?

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Android :: Integrate ImageButton With ListActivity Failed - List No Longer Selectable

Jan 30, 2010

I have a working ListActivity class. Each of the list item consists of an ImageView and a TextView. However, when I try to replace the ImageView with ImageButton, The list becomes unselectable. The onListItemClick or any other function no longer get called when press a list item (Although the track ball can still focus a list item, but nothing more can be done). I have searched the forum and also the internet and failed to find any such working example, apart from one guy reporting a similar problem but with no answer.Code...

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Android : Turn List Scrolling Off When Calling On Content Changed In ListActivity

Jul 1, 2010

I got a ListActivity. I update the activity using onContentChanged() API. My problem is that each time I call the above API the list scrolls to the top. Is there any easy way to turn this "feature" off?

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General :: Modify Deleting Item From Principal List?

Sep 2, 2012

What I want to ask is not related to decompiling and recompiling APKs, but modifying them.So, for example. I've a Settings.apk that I want to modify deleting an item from principal list. How can I remove or modify the 'LAUNCHER' item from the list?At the moment, this item, when you click it, open Launcher (TouchWiz) Settings, but if I want to open another launcher settings?!

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Android :: Being Ignored

Feb 8, 2010

I'm building using Ant and trying to use to override some default values, and failing miserably. What am I missing?

Here's what I've tried:

1) Create a project with: > android create project --target 1 --name MyAndroidApp --path ./MyAndroidAppProject --activity MyAndroidAppActivity --package com.example.myandroid

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Android :: How To Get Dirty(changed) Properties?

May 13, 2010

How to get the dirty(changed) properties(any controls subclasses of view) amongst a number of properties on a layout. Does android has a dirty flag to mark if the layout has any field that has a changed content?

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Android :: Make Own UI Defining My Properties?

Jul 8, 2010

How can I make my own UI defining my properties?

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Android :: Copy All Properties Of A View?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm creating an currency exchange rate application to learn Android. The app will list all exchange rate in a list, each of them has the layout like this (in essential) code...

To list exchange rate for all currencies I have the following approach:

- Design the layout for one currency (let's choose EUR as first currency)
- Generate the layout for all other currencies automatically by:
1. Copy all properties of the EUR-layout into the new currency layout
2. Modify some properties of new currency layout like: ID, Rates ...
3. Repeat steps 1,2 for all sub-layout of the new currency layout

But I don't know how to code step 1, so I did a lot of google about: "android copy view" "android copy properties" "android copy view" "android clone view" "java clone object" .... but still no solution.
So, my question is: how to copy all properties of a view ?

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Android : Way To Edit Project Properties To Set One?

Feb 18, 2010

When I import a new existing project into Eclipse, I get the following error message when attempting to execute as an Android project..

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Android :: Can Not Access To The System Properties Store

Jan 20, 2009

I am modifying the Settings application, and needing to access the system properties. By using android.os.SystemProperties.get, I can read the system properties. However, I can not set the system properties back with android.os.SystemProperties.set. This function has no return and the system properties never get changed. Why? Is there any permission required?

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Android :: Setting TextView Properties In A ListView

May 20, 2010

I have an activity with a ListView which is populated through a custom ArrayAdapter. There is an array of objects which have a Boolean property called 'isRead'. Based on the value of this property, I want to set the typeface of one of the TextViews in the row to either 'normal' or 'bold'. I also set the color of the text to either 'gray' or 'black When the Activity initially starts up, everything works as expected. If isRead is true, the text is gray with a normal font. Once I scroll down the list and then scroll up again, the text of an object where isRead is true is colored gray, but the font is bold. Code...

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Android :: Seeing Double ListView To Change Properties

Apr 25, 2009

I am wondering if anyone else is encountering this issue (or if its just me). I converted an app I have been working on from using a regular view to using SurfaceView. The app accesses listviews to change properties of the elements I am drawing on a canvas. The listviews called from the SurfaceView version draw over themselves mis-registered when I scroll long lists quickly. If anyone out there has had a similar problem and/or has an idea what might be going on and/or has a suggestion as to how to fix this.

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Android :: How To Find Hardware Properties At Runtime?

Nov 4, 2009

How can I find hardware properties at runtime? I want to be able to know if the device has a physical keyboard, d-pad, trackball, etc.

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Android :: How To Access Music File Properties?

Feb 14, 2009

I would like to retrieve the properties that describe an mp3 file's properties (ie: author, album, title).I was not able to use javax.sound.sampled.AudioFileFormat to do this.

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Android :: Properties For Application Specific Attributes?

Oct 20, 2010

I want to center the application title/label in my android app but I can't find a lot of documentation on how to set that property. I have found a couple of posts saying that I can create a custom title bar and change the theme in my manifest but I just can help think there is a simpler way to just center the title.

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Android :: User Defined Application Properties?

Aug 28, 2009

Where is the right place to specify general user-defined properties, like a host address or a service mail address ? The properties should be accessible from my activities.

I would like to specify such attributes within the AndroidManifest.xml, but there seems to be no elements available for user-defined properties. So the only way may be to put such properties into a resource file as strings or to hide them into the source code...

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Android :: Creating Custom Properties On Xml For Phone

Jan 8, 2010

We have in our project a keyboard with "Key" elements, this Key elements have attributes such as android:codes="119", android:keyLabel="w" and so on.My question is how can I include an custom attribute like a "android:alternativeKeyLabel" to do something else.

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Android :: Way Dynamically Change Element Properties

Nov 2, 2010

I'm looking for a way to dynamically change an elements properties.

For example I want the user of my app to be able to enter a value within my program that will change android:layout_marginTop="blabla" to whatever I want. It doesn't specifically have to be that property, I want to be able to change any property of any element. Is there a way to do this?

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Android :: App That Lets You Change Music Properties?

Jul 14, 2010

Ive downloaded a few songs on my android from apps but is there another app that let's me adjust the music properties straight on the phone?

It would come in handy and I'm sure I'm not the only person with the problem.

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No Properties And Build Target In New Android Project

Feb 15, 2012

i recently installed eclipse 3.5.2, sdk platform andoid 1.6, api 4 revision 4 and google APIs by google inc. i also set the path for sdk. but everytime i tried clicking the new android project, the build target and project doesn't show up. the only thing that appears is the 'Project Name', 'the location', and the working set.

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General :: Paranoid Android Hybrid Properties

Jun 25, 2013

I just installed the Paranoid Android 3.60 ROM that I downloaded via this link [URL] ..... I am using a Sprint Galaxy Nexus.

The problem I am running into is with the "hybrid properties" in the settings. Everything else with the ROM has worked wonderfully, but I believe the Hybrid is the main reason to run this ROM and I cannot access it. Any time i click the Hybrid Properties in settings, I get "Unfortunately, settings has stopped responding." I have reinstalled and wiped factory and dalvik/ caches.

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Android :: Creating Custom Widgets / Defining Properties In XML For Them

Jul 29, 2009

I would like to create a widget that can reads its attributes from an XML file onCreate. I've created a Custom Button that extends Button widget. I would like to define its layout and styling in an XML, such that the widget can be reused across different views, with the same styling attributes. The notepad sample code does carry some pointers to this problem, however, it defines a XML layout with the component as View, inside LinearLayout, which is not really what I'm trying to achieve here.

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