Android :: Map Performance Poor Because Of Many Overlays?

Apr 17, 2010

I have a map in my android application that shows many markers (~20-50). But the app performs very poor when i try to scroll/zoom (in Google Android Maps i did a sample search for pizza and there were also some 20-50 results found and i didn't notice any particular performance problems when zooming/scrolling through the map).

onCreate() {
drawable = this.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.marker1);
itemizedOverlay = new MyItemizedOverlay(drawable,mapView);


Android :: Map Performance poor because of many Overlays?

Android :: OpenGL Poor Performance With Textures?

Jan 30, 2010

So I'm doing some simple 2D stuff with OpenGL on Android and found the performance to be very, very poor. To give you an example, I made an app with a full screen LSurfaceView. I loaded a 512x1024 texture (containing a 480x854 image), set up an orthogonal 2D matrix, and set it to draw a 480x854 pixel quad with that texture, using vertex and texture arrays. Lighting, dither, blending, etc. is disabled.

I would expect this to run at 60fps without problem, but that simple operation already drags the frame drawing time to 19ms/frame. If I add some more small textured quads around the screen, the drawing time goes up to 22/24ms. If I enable blending it balloons to 28/30ms. This is testing on a Motorola Milestone, running 2.0.1. Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong or is it just a common problem in Android?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Poor 4 G Performance?

Jul 13, 2010

Am I the only one, or is there a problem with the EVO and 4G speeds? In the Houston Area, I get anywhere from around 600 kb/s to 2600 kb/s speed. In most all cases, the 3G speed is faster than the 4G. At home, I average around 700 kb/s with 2-4 bars signal strength showing. Tech support is working on this with me and trying to determine if it's a phone problem, or tower problems. I had a chance today to journey around the area within about a 10 mile distance, thus insuring it changed towers. Service stinks on 4g, to say the least. Clearwire tells Sprint Tech Support that the tower for my home has low use, and good throughput. If the tower is good, and the software on the tower, then there may be a HTC EVO problem of some kind as this is the same on 3 different HTC EVO's purchased within 2 days of each other.

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Android :: Poor Roaming Performance - Can't Connect To INTERNET

Jun 22, 2010

I'm encountering very poor roaming performance. When my device switch from 3G to Wifi and vice versa, my application can't connect to the INTERNET for about 10 minutes. The given error is connection timeout: socket is not connected. I've already posted a similar problem here: But I've noticed that it's not related to HttpUrlConnection. I've tried Apache Api to make my connections and the result is the same. Am I the only one facing this problem ? Could it be a platform bug?

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Android :: Motorola Droid - Poor Accelerometer Performance

Dec 7, 2009

I just got my Motorola Droid and installed my little accelerometer app right away. All it does is registering a SensorEventListener if the user clicks the start button. It also takes the current time in millis. Every time onSensorChanged() is called, a counter gets bumped. After the user presses the stop button, the listener is unregistered and the time taken again. Using the values from above, I get a samplerate of 9 samples/sec which is WAY too low for what I want to do. The delay of the listener is set to SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST. The Listener is registered within the main activity and is executed on the main thread of the process (I guess).

The G1 we used before was getting samplerates from around 35 samples/ second, which is way better, but still bad. Any suggestions on why the SensorEventListener performs poorly? The system is Android 2.0. App is compiled using API-Level 5.

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Android :: Performance Of Map Overlay In Conjunction With ItemizedOverlay Very Poor

Apr 14, 2010

I am trying to display one png (drawable) on a map in about 300 points. I am retrieving the coordinates from a Sqlite table, dumping them in a cursor. When I try to display them by parsing through the cursor, it takes for ever for the images to be drawn, about .5 second per image. I find that to be suspiciously slow, so some insight on how I can increase performance would help. Here is the snippet of my code that does the rendering:

while (!mFlavorsCursor.isAfterLast())
point = new GeoPoint(
overlayitem = new OverlayItem(point, "", "");

I tried to isolate all the steps and it looks like the slow one is this: itemizedoverlay.doPopulate(); This is a public method in my class that extends ItemizedOverlay that runs the private populate() method.

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HTC Magic :: Sluggish Performance / Poor Battery

Sep 12, 2009

I just got an HTC Magic from Rogers a few days ago and I'm noticing that it's running REALLY slow. The lag is unreal when I text and the battery dies very quickly. I have TWO widgets open (calendar and Google search) and the transition from sliding screens is sluggish. I rooted my phone a few days ago. Could this be the problem? Has anyone else experienced this? I heard that Sense UI is supposed to cause problems, but I haven't heard anything regarding Cupcake.

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Samsung Galaxy I7500 :: Poor GPS Performance - And JC6

May 22, 2010

I have no issues with GPS with my stock 1.5 ROM. The signal is picked up within a few seconds, even in my basement. Once I updated to Galaxo, the gps performance is extremely bad. Most of the time, my phone is only picking up 2 satellites, not enough for a lock. If I am lucky enough to get a lock, it doesn't last very long. I have managed to pick up 7 satellites once, but the reception on each was extremely poor, not enough for a fix. I tried flashing back to stock, which again, had very good GPS performance.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what underlying issue is causing the poor GPS performance? I understand that JC6 ROM (and Galaxo is built around it I believe) is from Russia. Does android have a cache of nearby satellites (similar to how QuickGPS works with windows mobile phones), and could it be that these satellite location are optimized for Russia? If not, is it an inherent problem with Android 1.6? As I use my gps quite often, hopefully someone can provide some insight, or I might just be driving an infinite loop of circles in the near future...

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General :: MT6573 Poor Video Performance

Sep 6, 2012

I have other non China android phones that records video pretty impressively under bad or average lighting conditions. According to MT6573's specification, it has support for advanced 3D graphics; multi-format video capture and playback up to FWVGA 30fps; high-resolution camera support to 8MP.

An irritating thing is that the camera is TOTALLY USELESS under average or poor lighting conditions when recording. I have tried with different apps and they all gave me disappointing video recordings (almost total darkness clips).

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HTC Desire :: Poor Performance In Weak Signal Areas

Apr 29, 2010

I have never had any problems at home with either my trusty unlocked N95 or Orange Sony Ericsson T610 (remember them?) so I had no qualms over ordering a nice shiny (dark brown) HTC Desire.

3G coverage is a bit iffy in the area as I'm right on the border of an excellent to good area so I never expected to have super fast data over the air, but I have wifi locally for that anyway.

So you can imagine my disappointment when the first call with the mobile from home cut off quite suddenly. A retry to reconnect failed with a no service message and no signal strength. I then spent the next hour playing around with the settings turning off wifi, data, setting the phone to 3G only (no chance) and then GSM only.

When the phone was working and making a call the audio was not clean and very digital. There was also a chance that mid call you would be cut off for no reason. When it wasn't playing ball at all the signal strength varied from three bars down to zero without moving the phone. Sometimes upon initiating the call it came back immediately with no signal and cutting the call off. Picking the phone up from sitting on the side in sleep mode you were usually presented with a no service message.

Orange were excellent and immediately replaced the phone, a courier arriving at 6:15pm upon reporting the problem at 8:30am that morning. Unfortunately the replacement was exactly the same.

Even worse, my place of work is in a designated poor reception area. There are a number of us on Orange as it is the only network that can at a pinch be picked up inside. My signal at all. Moving to a window seat got me two bars but the phone refused to connect or hold a call. The only time it did calling 150 sounded like I was listening to a recording of a Darlek. A Nokia 5300 on Orange alongside was nice and clear, with very good tone by comparison.

By chance another member of staff also had recently signed up with Orange on a Desire (500mins, unlim texts, 500Mb, free phone, 20). In a back to back test both phones were the same. We even tried swapping SIMs. Luckily for him he has no problems with reception when at home so is quite happy with the Desire.

Contacting Orange again I did not get much further. Talking to technical support they were not much help and suggested that they did not warrant the phone to work inside the building and as I could make a continuous call outside then they did not class the phone at fault. This included my problems at home in what is termed an excellent coverage area! When I pointed out that two other phones I owned did work in the very same location I was told that mobile designs differ and positions of antennas vary considerably.

Frustrated I decided the only course of action was to use my right to cancel within 7 days as it was apparent that I was not going to be able to resolve the issue. Even last night it performed perfectly for a couple of calls and then failed miserably an hour later.

As a gadget I was smitten. Even as I handed the package over to the Post Master today I was inwardly screaming �GIVE IT BACK!� Unfortunately I need to be able to make calls on it when I want, not when it wants.

I have only seen a couple of other members note a similar problem on these forums but I have noticed a large number of Nexus problems that sound very similar. I would be interested to hear if anyone else has experienced this or do you all live in 5/5 coverage areas?

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Motorola Droid :: People With Poor Battery Performance

Dec 10, 2009

I see some people in the forums bragging about how great their batteries are and i am jealous I took mine of the charger at 7:00 this morning and at 3:00 my phone was already down to 40 percent. My question for the users that also seem to have poor battery life is, once your phone reaches 40% does a reboot give you more battery life? Every time my phone reaches 40% a reboot brings mine back up to 60%. This happens every time so it is not a coincidence or a onetime thing. I am curios if the reporting is off because it is almost 5:00 and i just did a reboot and now I have 60% left. I can live with 40% usage from 7:00 to 5:00 but I can't live with 60% usage from 7:00 to 3:00

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Samsung Moment :: Poor Performance With Yahoo Mail

Dec 18, 2009

What's up with Yahoo mail on the Moment? Its performance is absolutely dismal! I followed the steps in manual set up instructions I found in a thread here:

Imap server -
port - 143
security type - TLS (if available)
SMTP Server-
port - 25
security type - TLS (if available)
* check Require sign-in

I was able to establish a link with my Yahoo mail account, but is reliabilty and performance is poor at best (I had much better performance accessing Yahoo mail on my old Samsung Instinct). Most the time when I try to check my Inbox, I get a "Username or password incorrect" notice. (Believe me, they are not incorrect). If I press "Menu" and then the "Refresh" button, I then get a "Connection error" notice! If anyone has any fix or any info for resolving this issue, then please post it here. I can access my Yahoo e-mail okay through the browser, but this is really not the way I prefer to do this.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: WIFI Keeps Dropping And Battery Performance Poor AFTER Update

Sep 17, 2010

Went through the Over Air update process yesterday, now WIFI drops all the time and the battery performance is so ppor the phone will not last a day!!! Can I put back the old SW or get this fixed some how? (edit a config fiel or somthing.......?)

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HTC Droid Eris :: Advanced Task Killer - Exclude To Avoid Poor App Performance?

Mar 8, 2010

With Advanced Task Killer, which apps should I exclude to avoid poor app performance. For example, I realized after reading another thread today that I should exclude the Weather Channel widget. I could not figure out why the weather conditions did not update automatically. Excluded the widget and now it updates. Any other apps that are similar?

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HTC Desire : Google Maps Earth Overlays - How To Add Overlays

Sep 23, 2010

I've searched here and on the interweb, but cannot find out how to add overlays (.kml files) into Maps or Earth. Can it even be done (shame if not) and if so, how do I do it.

EDIT: I've tried MyMapsEditor, but that doesn't run on Froyo.

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Android :: How Does Emulator Performance Compare To Real Device Performance?

May 23, 2010

I'm looking into writing an Android game, tough I don't curerntly own an Android device. For those of you who own a device, how does the performance on the emulator relate to real device performance? I'm especially interested in graphics related tasks.This obviously depends on both the machine running the emulator, and the specific device in question, but I'm talking rough numbers here.This question is a duplicate, but since that post is heavily outdated, I figured it's irrelevant by now.

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HTC EVO 4G :: HTC EVO Poor Picture And Poor Sound Quality

Jul 23, 2010

I use to own a palm pre before I switched to HTC EVO. I think the evo is a great phone but the two things I missed so much about my palm pre is the camera and the sound qualities.

The EVO is said to use 8MP for its camera but honestly the camera quality is nothing compare to the palm pre. Simply put, the camera and the sound output on the evo sucks.

You can clearly notice the difference between the pictures I took using the pre and the evo. The pre gives far better picture quality and also better sound output. I always enjoy plays my sounds or using pandora on my pre, but with the evo the different is the case. The sound quality with the evo is horrible even when plugged to good speakers.

I bearly take picture with the evo because I am used to good picture quality with my pre.

I have had the evo for less than two weeks and i am seriously thinking of returning it because of these two issues.

I really want to know, is this poor picture and poor sound qualities a thing with the evo in general or is it just with the particular evo that I got.

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Motorola CLIQ : Moto Update New - Improved Performance - Battery Life - Software Performance And Stability

Feb 20, 2010

Motorola CLIQ Over-the-Air Update
[Retail Partner Sales - T-Mobile Employees and Authorized Dealers]

February 19 Update
The over-the-air update for the Motorola CLIQ has been delayed to the week of February 22. An updated article will be available once a date has been determined.

On February 18, Motorola will begin sending over-the-air (OTA) software updates to Motorola CLIQ customers. The software update will improve device performance and resolve several known issues.
Improved Performance:
Improved battery life
Improved software performance and stability
Improved widget response
Decreased Force Close error messages
New Manage SIM Card application
Support of .WMA and .WAV media files
Removal of the imeem mobile application
Known Issues Resolved:
Accessories & Bluetooth
Error: 'Unable to pair' or 'Unable to connect to device'
Call functions
Can activate other functions while listening to visual voicemail
Call not ended by pressing the End key
Speakerphone turns on unexpectedly when answer incoming call
Plays ringtone or vibrates while on an active call
Unable to answer incoming call using �Slide to answer� feature
Accidentally opens Dialer or makes outbound while holding device
Device hardware (battery, keys, power, screen)
Battery indicator may not display accurate battery power
Call not eded by pressing the End key
Touch screen issues
Cannot answer incoming call using the Slide to answer feature
Incorrect keys registered using on-screen keyboard
Touch display appears to have �dead spots� that are unresponsive
Accidentally selects item when trying to flick through screens or menus
Wrong message deleted
Phone may reset when turning Wi-Fi off in area with no Wi-Fi coverage
Customers can manually download the OTA on demand by going to Settings > About Phone > System Updates. Customers do not need to wait for a notification message to download.
Action Steps
Be aware of the fixes and enhancements included in the Motorola CLIQ update.
If customers are experiencing any Known Issue that will be resolved by the software update:
Do not file a handset exchange
Advise customers that the issue will be resolved by a software update on February 18.
Important Rebate Changes
[Retail Partner Sales - T-Mobile Employees and Authorized Dealers]
Customers eligible for rebates as part of new activations or upgrades must be advised they will receive their rebates in the form of a prepaid Visa card.
When customers take advantage of our new Early Upgrade or Early Upgrade Plus options, they are not eligible for upgrade rebate cards. These new upgrade options allow customers to take advantage of upgrades sooner and provide an instant discount, instead of having to wait for rebate cards.
To be eligible for an upgrade rebate card, customers must meet upgrade eligibility requirements.
Current, 1-year contracts: 11 or more active months since last discounted handset purchase.
Current, 2-year contracts: 22 or more active months since last discounted handset purchase.
Rebates on eligible purchases require contract extensions and a $9.99 or higher Data/Messaging feature.
Valid only on FlexPay plans with 1 or 2-year contracts.
Not valid for Even More Plus plans.
Active Months: The number of months in which the account has been in good standing and during which service has not been suspended.
Action Steps
Inform customers that Early Upgrade and Early Upgrade Plus are not eligible for upgrade rebate cards.
Advise customers eligible for rebates that they will receive their rebates in the form of a prepaid Visa card.
"With the purchase of your new handset, you can submit a rebate form to receive your rebate. The rebate will be in the form of a prepaid Visa card that can be used anywhere Visa is accepted. See the rebate form for additional details."
Trackball Replacement Program
[Retail Partner Sales - T-Mobile Employees and Authorized Dealers]
On February 24, T-Mobile will launch a Trackball Replacement program for BlackBerry Pearl 8100/8120 and BlackBerry Curve 8320 customers that are having trackball issues. This program will be available in T-Mobile retail stores only at this time.
Action Step
Refer customers to a T-Mobile retail store after February 24 for further assistance if they come in to your location looking to complete a trackball replacement.
First Connect for Dealers
[Retail Partner Sales]
First Connect for Dealers is an exciting class designed to help on-board and prepare Retail Partners to successfully sell T-Mobile products and services and provide differentiated customer experiences. This four hour class is conducted via the T-Mobile Live Virtual Classroom and covers the following:
Welcome to T-Mobile
Who is T-Mobile?
Differentiated Handsets
Differentiated Rate Plans
Service Excellence / Selling Skills
Tools and Resources
Customer On-Boarding
The attached flyer contains dates and times for these calls as well as registration details. ADRs should educate their locations about these calls and encourage them to attend.
To successfully be able to attend the training sessions, Retail Partners should have the following:
Computers with high speed Internet connections
The ability to play and hear video segments on the computer using speakers or headset
The use of a fully charged mobile phone to hear the audio portion of the conference call
Printer access to print Participant Workbook.
Action Steps
Share the attached flyer with your locations and encourage them to attend one of the scheduled calls.

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HTC Incredible :: Poor Incredible Sound Quality - Poor Verizon Customer Service

May 26, 2010

I (like hundreds of others) have had a call quality problem with the two Droid Incredibles I purchased for my wife and myself when they were released on April 30th. Verizon recognized that there was a problem and replaced both devices with ones manufactured about a month later (5/02) and the same issue with poor voice quality continued.

We love the device EXCEPT for the lack of ability to understand callers. So, I asked Verizon to extend our 30-day opt out to give them an opportunity to work out the issues with this device. I just received a call from Verizon customer service (which I could barely understand) and was told they would not extend the 30 day period and my option was to live with the poor sound quality or switch to another device. Verizon has no other devices that were interested in at this time so well be canceling these two lines (and one other) and returning to T-Mobile. T-Mobile may not have the best coverage, but they do have great customer service, unlike Verizon.

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Android :: Overlays Drawn On The Map

Jul 17, 2010

What I am trying to do - I am continuously getting a stream of lat/lng positions, I want to move a overlay item dynamically on the map based on the lat/lng in the stream. I am displaying the location of moving object dynamically on the map

I am putting my whole code in a while(true) loop and trying to read the stream every 5 seconds and refresh the overlays on the map. But overlay items are not shown until the function (either oncreate, or any onclickeventhandler etc) is completed. For example, test code, I am adding a single test overlay item when ever the user clicks on a button. If I put a wait(2000000) "after" I add overlays and invalidate the map, the overlay is not displayed until the time has elapsed and the function is completed.

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Android :: More Efficient Map Overlays

Nov 2, 2009

In my app I am drawing bus routes on top of a MapView. The routes have anywhere between a dozen and a few hundred GPS coordinates that describe the route that the bus takes. The problem I'm having is that once I draw out all these lines panning/zooming the MapView is incredibly slow (even clicking the 'Back' button takes a minute to happen). I'm not sure how relevant it is, but I put in some debug code then checked the logcat output and the MapView is repeatedly calling the draw() method of the Overlay whether anything has changed or not. This is happening several times a second and is causing a massive amount of garbage collection to happen (2-3 MB every second).

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Android :: MapView Overlays

Sep 28, 2009

My problem is my MapView becoming very laggy and so non-responsive at times, that Android thinks its hit deadlock and tries to close it.

I am adding 60 overlays to the map view and i originally thought that the icon size may be causing the problem by using up all the memory. When i decreased the overlay icon size, it did improve things, though it is still to slow to be usable. Has anyone experienced anything similar and have a workaround? There may be a better way of doing it other then extending the Hello MapView example.

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Android :: Possible To Remove All Overlays?

Sep 12, 2010

I have the following code to add an Overlay


I also have the following remove code where sites is a global variable.code...

Sometimes I am left with duplicates so would like a way to remove all overlays from a map, is this possible?

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Android :: MapView Draw Overlays

Feb 14, 2010

i have a problem with my mapView. my app reads "some" gps points out of a file and i want to draw a route (drawing lines between the gps point). If my file contains many gps points, my app works really slow. i think its working slow, because i draw all overlays. now i want to check, whether a point is visible in my mapView or not. so i have to get the mapCenter and Lat/lon span (getLatitudeSpan,..) !? how and where must i save my points and how can i check all my points (after my mapCenter has changed for example). Shall I save my points in a list (in my Overlay class??) and iterate through every list item and check, wheter its visible or not?

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Android :: Dynamic Pin Overlays In MapView

Oct 29, 2009

I've been reading the (shoddy) documentation for the Google Maps API (MapActivity et al), and I think I have roughly worked out how it works. It seems that if you want to add a marker overlay you can use ItemizedOverlay easily, but you have to add all your markers at once. There doesn't seem to be any way to remove them.

What I want to do is query markers from an online database as the user pans around (in the same way the actual map tiles are fetched). Is there a simple way to do this?

As far as I can tell I need to subclass Overlay and implement the draw method, but where is the best place to put the code that fetches new markers when the map is panned? There doesn't seem to be an onMapChanged() method anywhere. My best guess is MapController.onKey() but that seems wrong.

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Android :: MapView Overlays With Multitouch

Feb 17, 2010

I'm seeing a bug with overlays on MapView with the Nexus One. Pinch and zoom multitouch gestures don't scale my overlays until the user releases the gesture, at which point the overlay redraws itself. In contrast, the My Location overlay in Google Maps WILL scale during the gesture. Is there a way to fix this in my app, or is this a MapView bug?

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Android :: Overlays On A Mapview Not Shown

Mar 1, 2010

I followed the instructions from the google hellomapview tutorial. I get a working mapview etc. But the two items that are added to the map are not shown. It seems they are there somewhere because tapping at the specified location shows the message that was added to the items.

Here is my source code. It should be very close to the google tutorial source code.


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Android :: Efficient Map Overlays In On Google Map

Nov 24, 2010

I want to do the following and am kind of stuck on these for a few days:

1) I was trying to draw poly lines ( I have encoded polylines, but have managed to decoded those) that move when I move the map(the only solution that I found was for Geopoints to be transformed into screen co-ordinateswhich wont move if I move the map !)

2) I have used helloItemizedOverlay to add about 150 markers and it gets very very slow.any idea what to do ? I was thinking about threads(handler)

3) I was looking for some sort of a timer function that executes a given function, say, every 1 minute or so.

4) I was also looking for ways to clear the Google map from all the markers/lines etc

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Android :: ImageView Clickable Overlays

Apr 14, 2010

I have a ImageView and draw some things on that view. Now I want to have the position of the click in the onClickListener. Although I think that's not really possible (storing the position in the onTouchListener is not working), I want to ask, if there is any other way to accomplish that? The goal is to have a image with some overlays, that should be clickable. I thought about AbsolutLayout, but that is depracated, so what now?

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Android :: MapView Animated Overlays?

Oct 1, 2010

The Android the MapView Overlay class mentions two draw methods. One regular, and one for animated overlays.

I have tried to find more information on how to animate overlays and use this second method, but it all keeps coming back to the same forum postings. Can anyone explain how you specify to the MapView that a certain Overlay should be animated? How do you specify the manner in which it animates?

If it's relevant, I'm currently trying to draw pins in the map that update in realtime with streaming GPS locations for objects. I get new data every two seconds and need to tween the locations by having the pins move in a simple straight line between coordinates.

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