Android :: Large Data File / How To Deal With It?
Dec 10, 2009
My application needs to intensively manipulate (read-write) on some structured text data.The size of the data is significant 1Mb. And there is initial data available for the user to start with.My idea is to put this data as a file in the .apk. Then, on initial application launch to read this data and populate Android SQLite database with it. Then just work with this database. But after the database is populated the data file is no longer needed. And I'd like to remove it to free some memory. Alternate approach is to work with this data file instead of SQLite database. But I assume SQLite would work a magnitude faster then i/o on my data file..
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Jul 26, 2010
I have a large bitmap (say 3888x2592) in a file. Now, I want to resize that bitmap to 800x533 and save it to another file.I normally would scale the bitmap by calling Bitmap.createBitmap method but it needs a source bitmap as the first argument, which I can't provide because loading the original image into a Bitmap object would of course exceed the memory (see here, for example).Is there a way to read a large image file with 10MP or more and save it to a new image file, resized to a specific new width and height, without getting an OutOfMemory exception?I also tried BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file, options) and setting the Options.outHeight and Options.outWidth values manually to 800 and 533, but it doesn't work that way.
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Aug 14, 2009
Is it a problem that i put 17 Mb database to /data/data or should i put it to /sdcard?
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Sep 17, 2009
I am trying to implement the functionality to resume a large file download, but have not found how to start downloading from a position that is not at the beginning of an InputStream.I am currently using the InputStream.skip() method to go to the position where I want to resume the download, but have found that this method actually reads all the data over the network and then throws it away.I would appreciate some help in learning the correct way to start reading from the resume offset of the internet file being downloaded, so that I can avoid wasting the phone network bandwidth, and also avoid the extra time delay caused by re-downloading all the data that was already previously downloaded.
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Mar 16, 2010
I need to send files as large as 80 MB, but usually in the 15-25 MB several times every day. I use YouSendit, Megaupload and the like on my laptop. Would be a HUGE help if I could simultaneously upload from my Android phone. It has to be able to handle a folder. Basically, a folder full of pictures.
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Apr 14, 2010
I'm trying to download large file from Internet (>20Mb)
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Nov 2, 2010
I'm trying to download a large .zip file from a web server but I have a weird behaviour, the description is:
- I'm executing the code in the device emulator, API level 3 (version 1.5) with an SD card of 512MB. I start the device with "Wipe data user"
- The length of the size from conexion.getContentLength() is 7012725
- The server address is localhost (, but I've tried with an external server and the behaviour is the same. I've double checked that I can download the file through a web browser.
- I have these permisions in the manifest file:
The error:
- It starts downloading the file, I can see the text 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and then it stops at 60. - After a while, the emulator reboots itself.
- About the possible wifi lock, what I've done is add this permission "android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" and then this piece of code, but with exactly the same behaviour:
Here is the code, that it's being executing in a separate thread:
more log description:
Could anyone try my code and download a zip file with size round 8MB? Does it works for you?
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Jan 21, 2009
My application may consist og 100Kb code and 800 Kb Database content. If I include a datafile with the 800Kb data and import it into an SQLite database under the initial run of the applcation, I cannot delete the data file afterwards and my application will take up 800 Kb unnecessarily. Is there a better way to include/import my data....? (I want my application to not depend on being online after download - so the data should be downloaded with the application.
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Apr 28, 2009
I need to post some files on my server, it works fine for small files like 1mb but when i try for more than 4 mb ; it force close because of memory overload.
Have a look on my code below:
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Oct 7, 2010
Presently am displaying html file in web view and my emulator size 1024*600. If the html file is large then user is scrolling down to see bottom part of the html. I Need to break these html file in equal parts so that it fits exactly in my screen size. I don't want User to Scroll Down but load remaining part (next page) next time.
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Nov 3, 2009
From one activity, I want to pass a lot of data (about 1MB of Strings).I tried sticking it in Intent.putExtra(ArrayList<String>), but if I put in too much data, I get "FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION".What's the easiest way? I don't want to publish a service, or use the file system. I really want a pipe that can write data from one end and read it from the other end. I can handle the case where the starter Activity dies while the "startee" activity is trying to read from the pipe.
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Sep 2, 2009
I need to insert approximately one million rows of data (spread over 4 tables) - each row has one or two numeric fields, and two or three text fields (normally quite short). Single-column indexes on all the fields. After doing some tests on the emulator with a small test set, I extrapolated (assuming the last row will be inserted with a similar speed to the first row) my results to figure out that this would take about 15 hours (I have a Core 2 Duo running Vista). However, then I tried running the small test set on my Hero and I was surprised to see it run more than four times faster. I would guess it would take about 3 hours on the Hero. Alternatively, I could make the pre-populated database available as a download on the first run but this is likely to be a 120MB download. I have a few questions I'm hoping someone can help me with: 1. SQLite performance on the actual device being 4-5 times faster compared to the emulator - is this normal/expected? 2. Do the figures above generally sound fast/slow/normal (sorry this is so vague)? 3. From a user perspective - would it be best to provide a 120MB download or a 3 hour "first-time initialisation" step (plus 6MB download)?
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Jun 26, 2010
I will be making a mobile application in Android. My application is like Google Map's Get Direction feature, but a lot more complex, so I need to store data about points in the map. So I'm worried that SQLite may not be able to handle these large amount of data(or considering the limited storage of the phone). I have no background in SQLite so please bear with me.
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Jun 10, 2009
I am working on an android app that needs to act on a few data files totaling around 30MB. I put together a test and the emulator failed with OutOfDiskSpace. Debugging on a device failed with even a smaller data size. After reading through the google groups, it appears that the application size limit isn't stated anywhere and nobody from google has been forthcoming with specifics about this. Given that there are iPhone apps that are over 100MB in size, putting such a small limit on Android apps seems weird, except just for the fact that you have a relatively small amount of total available app storage space (< 100MB).What techniques do you use to deal with this limit? If you have an app that needs more than 10MB, do you put it on a web server and deal with downloading it the first time? If so, how do you handle access control so that only your app can get the data?
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Feb 1, 2010
I need to be able to scroll through a list with (up to) 20K rows, backed by a cursor on a read-only db. Testing 20K rows on a G1, the query takes approx .02s regardless of table size, while binding the adapter to the list takes 4.5s. Note that this is before the view calls used in rendering. What makes the binding delay more troublesome is that it blocks the UI thread, and is incurred on every rotate. Combine these, and doing a rotate just after starting the bind results in a delay up to 9s.
I tried lazy loading with a base adapter, but that hits the same delay in the underlying cursor.getCount(), and the overall user experience isn't ideal. I also considered using an ArrayAdapter, adding synthesized objects from the cursor rows, but then I'd incur the overhead of creating up to 20K objects (not to mention the additional memory requirements).
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Mar 12, 2010
I have a class that extends View. I override the onDraw method and allow the user to draw on the screen. I am at the point where I want to save this view as an image. I Can use buildDrawingCache and getDrawingCache to create a bitmap that I can write to the SD card. However, the image is not good quality at a large size, it has jagged edges. Since I have a View and I use Paths I can transform all by drawing to a bigger size. I just don't know how to make the Canvas bigger so when I call getDrawingCache it doesn't crop all the paths I am just transformed. What is happening is I transform all my paths but when I write the Bitmap to file I am only getting the "viewport" of the actual screen size. I want something much bigger.
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May 30, 2010
when i download large data from website, i got this error information:
I/global (20094): Default buffer size used in BufferedInputStream constructor.
It would be better to be explicit if an 8k buffer is required.
D/dalvikvm(20094): GC freed 6153 objects / 3650840 bytes in 335ms
I/dalvikvm-heap(20094): Forcing collection of SoftReferences for 3599051-byte al
D/dalvikvm(20094): GC freed 320 objects / 11400 bytes in 144ms
E/dalvikvm-heap(20094): Out of memory on a 3599051-byte allocation.
I/dalvikvm(20094): "Thread-9" prio=5 tid=17 RUNNABLE
I/dalvikvm(20094): | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 s=0 obj=0x439b9480
I/dalvikvm(20094): | sysTid=25762 nice=0 sched=0/0 handle=4065496
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May 28, 2010
I guess many people already read this article:
Using your own SQLite database in Android applications:
However it's keep bringing IOException at
I'am trying to use a large DB file. It's as big as >8MB. I built it using sqlite3 in Mac OS X, inserted UTF-8 encoded strings (for I am using Korean), added android_meta table with ko_KR as locale, as instructed above.
However, When I debug, it keeps showing IOException at
I suspect it's caused by trying to read a big file. If not, I have no clue why.
I tested the same code using much smaller text file, and it worked fine.
Can anyone help me out on this? I've searched many places, but no place gave me the clear answer, or good solution. Good meaning efficient or easy.
I will try use BufferedInput(Output)Stream, but if the simpler one cannot work, I don't think this will work either.
Can anyone explain the fundamental limits in file input/output in Android, and the right way around it, possibly?
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Oct 16, 2010
Well, I am sure that at some point in time you all have sent a video but I am trying to figure out why I can't send videos. Last night, I was performing at a night club and I wanted to send the videos to friends and what not so they can hear our singing. However, the video clips are anywhere from 8-20 seconds long and they are not in HD quality but 3gp. Yet it tells me the message can't be attached because it's too large.
Today I had a show, and my brother recorded me and I wanted to send the video out and it still says the same thing. Is there anything I can do? I love At & T but I am wondering does this have anything to do with their Data cap because when I had my Droid X and Incredible on Verizon. I was able to send videos up to 30 seconds long to phones via MMS but I can't send videos on my Captivate. I couldn't send videos either on the Xperia X10, I had, the aria I had, and now the backflip. (I am just using it because I love motoblur for the social networking, not the phone).
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Jun 2, 2010
I was trying to d/l a large mp3 file off the internet from my desire (110mb)
It didnt manage to d/l, i was wondering if the part is had d/l is lurking somewere on the sd card, if so where can i locate it?
Ive had a root around looking with Astro but to no avail...
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Oct 23, 2009
I want make it support multiple screens(small,normal and large).I am 100% sure the all of layouts are working perfectly now, but large screen,the problem is that all XML files of layouts in layout-large can't load,The platform always load default XML file(these are under layout folder) at large screen environment.
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Jan 6, 2010
After playing pandora, slacker or using other data intensive apps the radio locks up. The up arrow just sticks and the only recourse is to restart the phone. Anyone else experiencing this? I did find if I turn off bluetooth and wifi(even though im not using it) it doesn't seem to happen nearly as often. Maybe its a heat issue?
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May 3, 2013
I'm trying use abootimg to extract the bootimg.cfg file but it keeps giving me the error:
~/Projects/dualboot_bt_android/BT5-GNOME-ARM$ abootimg -x data.img bootimg.cfg
data.img: Value too large for defined data type
I think I'm getting this because the data.img is 4.9 gbs in size, but I don't know how to resize the it...
Can't believe I overlooked it. I tried to extract it from the data.img instead of the boot.img like I was supposed to. No wonder it didn't work.
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Jul 13, 2010
We are supposed to cache textual and audio data in our application until device is booted or maximum of two days, whichever happens earlier. To get a perspective on data to be cached, note that we are to store about 200 text headers containing around 10 fields, each of length 30 bytes and about 20 sound files each about a minute long.We are getting the textual data by parsing XMLs and then we keep them in ArrayLists. The sound files are directly written inside the app storage using File I/O (and not on SDcard or Apps Cache directory).This application is to be run on devices running Android 1.5 or later.I understand, and please correct me if I am wrong, that we can cache the files either on SDcard or inside the application or inside applications Cache directory.
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Apr 13, 2009
I am trying to play file which is stored in SDCARD in emulator. I have Linux O/S. So i need to provide command in run configuration. I am providing following parameter.
-sdcard /usr/android/sdcard/mysdcard.iso -audio oss [i]
The following is my code to play file.
try { mMediaPlayer.setDataSource("/sdcard/test_cbr.mp3"); mMediaPlayer.prepare(); // Giving error. mMediaPlayer.start(); }
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Jul 31, 2009
I have some reference data in a text file (~5MB) that I want to use with might android application.The file is of the format:
1|a|This is line 1a
1|b|This is line 1b
2|a|This is line 2a
2|b|This is line 2b
2|c|This is line 2c
What I want to know is the most efficient way (less memory, fast, size etc.) to use this file within my application.
a.) Should I save the file as a raw resource and open and read the whole file whenever I need a certain line.
b.) Should I convert the file to XML and use XPath to query the file when ever I need to look up a value
<!--sample XML -->
<line number="1">
<entry name="a">This is line 1 a</entry>
c.) Should I just copy & paste the whole file as a static string array in the application and use that.
[EDIT] I will also need to search this file and jump to arbitrary keywords e.g. "line 1a".
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Apr 14, 2010
Is it possible to copy a file located on the sdcard to a package's internal filesytem located at /data/data/packagename/files/ folder?
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Mar 29, 2009
I am saving an image using openFileOutput and now i want to use this image in my java script file.
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Oct 13, 2009
I am essentially using a listview but am looking at providing a bookmark functionality. I am thinking that I should store the item attributes in a file when bookmarked and retrieve when required to populate a bookmark listview.
I was wondering if there is a de facto standard used in achieving this or do I follow just the "writing into a file" and "reading from a file" when necessary style?
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Feb 8, 2010
We want to add below update sql into our content provider:We found current update of content provider does not support it, which would not recognize the "column1" of "column1 + 1" as column name. So we have to add execSQL method into ContentProvider and I think it is dirt. So I wonder if anyone know how to do such thing with ContentProvider or any more elegant way to achieve it.
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