Android : Keyboard App To Use Besides Swype?
Oct 25, 2010Besides swype because i have a strong feeling a lot of people will say that off of the back, what is your favorite keyboard app to use?

Besides swype because i have a strong feeling a lot of people will say that off of the back, what is your favorite keyboard app to use?
I am wondering if Swype is still available to download and if so, where? I thought it was on Market but guess not. is this free? I have tried Ultra Keyboard that allows you do to typing OR tracing, and tracing seems to be very similar to this Swype concept. Has anyone tried this?
View 49 Replies View RelatedI've checked all the forums and have only found people who are reviewing, praising or comparing the Swype Keyboard. When I got my EVO I heard great things about Swype and how Sprint was making it their official keyboard. I have read that the Samsung Epic 4g will come preloaded with Swype, however, I've yet to be able to find an APK for Swype that works. I downloaded Shapewriter when it was available and now have that which I enjoy using but I plan on swapping out my phone for the White Evo (I know its the same thing but my bf prefers the black over the white) and even with Astro File Manager backup I cannot save the APK for Shapewriter. Where did everyone get Swype from? It is not in the market and the closest thing available now is SlideIT which is 5.99 Euro 7.75 US. I attempted to download the apk via torrents but ended up with a bunch of expired trial apks. Did I completely miss the time frame for this download? Does anyone know where I can get it? And what other Keyboards have you tried? I've done reviews on all of them accept Swype and Betterkeyboard. I found swiftkey to be a good qwerty in landscape with haptic feedback since theirs a lot of space between keys, and the Evos stock keyboard has the best T9 for portrait mode, and I think I like SlideIT better than Shapewriter which I hate to type on without swiping the keys. So my two questions are:
Where do I get Swype? and What is your favorite keyboard?
Has anyone else noticed this?Today when I went to enter some text, I noticed that the "Y" and the "Z" are transposed on the keyboard the Y is down in the lower left corner, and the Z is up in the middle of the top row of keys.
View 8 Replies View RelatedMy version of Swype expired on Monday forcing me to try ultra keyboard, which I didn't like, and then reluctantly back to the stock keyboard. Has anyone found the new version of swype that works or a Link that can lead me to it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSwype Keyboard for Evo Installation Problem:Installing Astro File Manager is easy. But when I'm attempting to download evo swype.apk, it doesn't work.I can open up Astro File manager to show my downloads, but only a .bin file that's 1.77 mb in size is being downloaded.Do you have any ideas how to get past this so I can actually download the Swype keyboard onto my Evo?
View 4 Replies View RelatedLongtime lurker first time poster, so I just got swype over the weekend and I love it, but gmote touch-pad does not. Cant use the keyboard functionality to write anything into search bars, forms, etc. so I have to switch back to the regular keyboard just for that app
Not a big deal if there was an easy way to switch back to normal, but for the life of me I cant figure out how. I know to change INTO swipe you long press the "123" key and it brings up input method options, once im in swype how can I quickly get back to that options menu?
I am on a non rooted droid incredible. I have the newest version of the swype beta, and I noticed everytime I reboot my phone and I try to write something in swype the keyboard will just flash or something and it wont put in what I tried to write, and it will do this until I change my default input method back to the HTC keyboard and back to swype.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI reinstalled Swype after the upgrade... how do I get the keyboard again? I went to settings and language & keyboard and checked swype. I forgot how I got it to come up the first time I installed it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI may be missing something here, but I can't see a way of calibrating the Swype keyboard for when you need to tap individual keys instead of swyping as usual. On my Desire the keyboard is well out of alignment. Can anyone help? Swyping itself works a dream
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm using the Desire, and I've just discovered Swype, which I love.Except for ONE little thing.How the hell do ya get the keyboard to disappear so you can hit the 'send' or 'save' button which is lurking below it?With the default keyboard, you have a button dedicated to hiding the keyboard, but Swype doesn't appear to have one of those.
View 49 Replies View RelatedPosted this last night but it got deleted or something so I will try again. Here is a link to apk for a blue swype keyboard. This is not the keyboard that the keys turn blue when you press them, the entire keyboard is blue. Thanks to Sneakyfreak for making this and allowing me to share it.You have to uninstall any previous keyboards you are running on swype then install this apk to have it work.
View 16 Replies View RelatedDroid-Life has different keyboard colors which looks sweet, but they aren't compatible with the Incredible (they don't work in landscape). Anyone have some for us? Download: 5 Additional Swype Colored Keyboards | Droid Life: A Motorola Droid Blog
View 12 Replies View RelatedI love swype and am getting used to it. I have it set up as the default entry method in Hand cent, but I miss the microphone icon in the touch keyboard, because sometimes "speaking" a text message is convenient. Is there a short cut to use the voice input when using swype, or do I have to hold down on the text entry part and switch to "touch keyboard" each time? If you are using swype and can still use the microphone button, please let me know how.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to get Swype to work on my desktop PC, I downloaded the app to my phone and everything but it's hard swyping on a physical keyboard. What will I ever do?
View 9 Replies View RelatedWas holding my phone a weird way, hit some buttons by accident and there were weird keys on there. Arrows, cut, copy, paste buttons. Don't know how I got there, would like to know how to get back though.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI tried the swype keyboard a while ago and i friggin loved it, problem is, it was the beta version that you had to manually dl and move to sd card then install.I ran into a problem a couple weeks ago, it said my swype keyboard trial period was over and that I couldnt use it anymore, and now im stuck with the default keyboard again.Is there an official version of this thing out yet? or a different one? I really wanna use swype again but I cant find anything
View 3 Replies View RelatedGuys I found an awsome keyboard that I believe to be better than Swype.It's called ShapeWriter keyboard, let me know what you guys think.I thought I had found a new keyboard but apparently its been out for awhile! Although it has it advantages and disadvatages over swype, I still like it! Sorry for posting this in the "root" forum, lol I forgot about the regular forum!
View 4 Replies View RelatedFor a while now since i got the vibrant, i've been using swype.IMHO This is one of the best keyboards out there. but there's a flaw in the keyboard,it's annoying because i always do it! And what i was wondering, is if we can disable it, or delete it all together. In swype keyboard, on the bottom right hand corner, theres a button for the Smiley face. Which is also under the most used backspace key. So you know, whenever i'm trying to delete some text, instead of deleting text, i get a bunch of ":-)" it is extremely annoying. I never used this key on purpose, and what i was wondering is that if we could some how delete that smiley button .
View 4 Replies View RelatedI downloaded and have been using swype for over a week now. Last night I switched back to the standard keyboard for something and then tried to switch back to swype. Now it doesn't work. When I go to the keyboard, it's just still the standard keyboard. Any thoughts?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been looking for Swype, ShapeWriter etc online and just can't seem to find it fo rthe desire anywhere.
Anyone have any ideas?
I'm sure it exist though, isn't it..?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI just received my refurb droid x and its complete garbage. All stock and it lags like crazy in every aspect of the phone. I've literally shut it off three times the past hour to avoid throwing it. my swype keyboard will stop responding for twenty seconds after every word. Sometimes it stops in the middle of words. Every part of the phone behaves like this. I'm going to try a custom rom to see if it helps. It came installed with 2.2 also. Anyone else having these problems with refurb phones?
View 18 Replies View RelatedHonestly with the huge keyboard and multitouch... Swype doesn't give me a super huge speed improvement! I can FLY typing on this stock keyboard!
View 14 Replies View RelatedWhen the phone is plugged into the ac charger, swype acts erratic when using it, as soon as I unplug from the charger, it swypes smoothly. Can someone verify this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm just wondering on the consensus here.I think the screen is so large that it is actually harder to type with Swype and easier to type on the touch keyboard in landscape mode. What are your guys thoughts? I keep switching back and forth.
View 49 Replies View RelatedSo yesterday my phone was working fine. No problems at all. But for some reason when I woke up this morning it started acting up. First, my phone would just freeze on me for awhile and then unfreeze like nothing happened. Second, my screen turned completely black twice for no apparent reason. And third, I can't even type using Swype or the stock keyboard anymore! It's either I can type but it won't show.. or I just can't type anything at all as if it's stuck.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have installed Swype beta and Shapewriter. After installing, form the home screen I press menu, settings, language & keyboard and click either swype or shape-writer.However, when I use an application like G mail, or the web browser, the droid default keyboard is displayed rather the swype or shape-writer,Any suggestions on where I need to adjust settings so that the default keyboard is either swype or shape-writer?I have used swype in the past and it worked great, unitil the beta expired. I just downloaded the new beta from the site. Just can't make it the default though.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI signed up for Swype beta, then after I received the notification I installed it.
I made it as a default input option.
Yet, when I open anything that requires a text input, the swype icon does not show up on the keyboard as it did on 1.5.
In onbe word swype does not swype for me.
So i had it working, then i turned it off to go back to normal keyboard. but now i want to go back.
But i cant. would come back even though its reenabled,