Android :: K-9 Quickie : "save All Headers Locally"?
Oct 18, 2010I've got half an idea but have been losing emails and would like to know exactly.

I've got half an idea but have been losing emails and would like to know exactly.
A few small bubbles, 'prolly my fault. No biggie, can't really see them when the screen is on.
Although the standard Verizon screen protectors don't cover the whole face,I seemed to be able able to squeegee them all out. Also, the feel of the screen wasn't as slick as with the VZ protectors, it was more sticky/resistant when sliding.
I'll hope protection will be what sells me on the Steinheil
What is the easiest way to add headers to a listview (and my list has multiple adapters (sections) so I need to show multiple headers for my list!
View 10 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for an app to download only the email headers with (or without, but better with) the possibility to download the whole mail.
The reason is to be able to take a quick look to all af them, avoiding wasting time of downloading when some friend has just the happy idea of sending you a heavy power point, or the pictures from your last party, or just simple spam.
I must say that there's another not less important reason: I don't have a 3G flat rate.
I want to generate a Listview that has some dividers between some of the entries, like it can be seen in some of the property sections. See the example below. I try to generate a List that consists of some textviews followed by one of the fancy dividers explaining the next part of the list and then again some text views. How can this be done? I thought about creating different views to add to the list? Is this the way to go?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've found some information about this topic, but I was curious as to whether anyone has had any success loading webpages in a WebView with custom headers. There doesn't seem to be any simple way of doing this. I've seen an implementation that involved downloading the webpage and separately loading the data into the WebView. While this is not difficult, the WebView then demonstrated problems with relative URLs and downloading images.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to display a high score table in my application and wanted to know the Best Practice for displaying static headers or footers. The data for the High Score tableis a REST web service returing up to 100 JSON records. I have looked at some of the previous posts that talk about addHeaderView() & addFooterView() but they all seem to indicate that the footer or header will scroll off the screen. My 1st question is has someone been able to implement this in a clean way to allow a basic static header or footer. My second question is is their another way I could accomplish my goal of displaying my high score table besides a List View. I will be displaying 6 columns of data which will need to scroll vertically.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIt means, that it has vertical headers (fixed horizontally), which can be scrolled vertically, and horizontal headers (fixed vertically), which can be scrolled horizontally. The contents should be scrollable both vertically and horizontally. To make it clear, I tried to 'draw' here...........
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm adding section headers for my listView, there are few methods on the web. Since I'm using simpleCursorAdapter to manage my listView, I adopted phil bogle's method.
The error occurred at this part of the code:
This is the LogCat shows how they compare while I scroll up the list:
The correct output should be:
Sun, 05 Sep 2010
But when I scroll up, the setViewValue calls 120 first and compare with preDate(show above), it becomes:
Sun, 05 Sep 2010
Sun, 05 Sep 2010
So how can I make the section headers fixed after creating the headers? Why setViewBinder been called while scrolling?
I have to access a web page from within my application and, in order to have access to it, I need to set some custom HTTP headers. I want to use the WebViewclass in my activity but, as far as I can tell, it's not possible to set custom HTTP headers.
So is there a way of using the existing web browser (or WebView) with custom HTTP headers? My application targets Android 1.6.
I am trying to download an Android APK file that is output by a php page. I have the following and it works on firefox but not on the phone. Firefox downloads with an apk extension but has a little firefox icon next to it. The phone downloads the file with a .html extension, why is this?
UPDATE: Full source
function display($tpl = null) {
$appId = JRequest::getInt('id', '0');
$model = &$this->getModel();
$app = $model->getApplication($appId);.................
I am trying to create a basic datasheet in my application using a TableLayout. The first row contains the titles of each column. Every row thereafter is data. I would like the data to be scrollable while keeping the first title row visible (i.e. the first row would not scroll with the rest).I have tried something like the following (unsuccessfully)
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to view the http response headers in an Activity once a web page has been loaded in a WebView? Seems like this should be possible, but I can't find any methods that expose the headers.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm getting some odd side effects when I set a header to my ListActivities. The ListActivity actually allows you to scroll up "behind" the header and click...which sends my app into a fit of errors b/c my Lists are connected to a Cursor and selecting behind the header returns a value of -1. Ive noticed this doesnt happen to any of my Lists that dont have headers.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhat are the minimal steps necessary (including retrieving the source code) to compile and run just the Dalvik virtual machine on Linux?
View 1 Replies View RelatedRequirement: Display query results in a list with a header view atop each group. (results grouped from database) Looking at Mark's MergeAdapter. Wondering if I might be able to use a single cursor and have each adapter filter on the group field? That a viable approach?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am not sure how to send HTTP Auth headers.
I have the following HttpClient to get requests, but not sure how I can send requests? code...
I have an ExpandableListView (ELV) with the groups having LinearLayout. I have set the height of the group to some value (38dip in this case, equivalent to two lines of text). If the group heading is long and would take more than 2 lines, it is not shown properly in the ELV item - some part of the view gets scrolled. On the other hand, if I change android:layout_height to "wrap_content" in the LinearLayout, the groups always show all the lines. But the line widths are variable, i.e., short titles show up with only 1 line and long titles show up with 2, 3 or 4 lines. That looks ugly. I would like to implement the height to be something like max("38dip", "wrap_content"). Is there a way to do this?
Even programmatically, I do not seem to be getting the actual height of the group if I set android:layout_height to "wrap_content". Any suggestions there?
I am considering adding a means by which my app can perform functions over Google Voice, and the functionality would make little sense if I required the user to type in a password.I'd like a reasonable plan for storing the password locally and sending it (through google-voice-java) when demanded by Google Voice.Clearly, I'd like to properly represent the risks of the chosen scheme honestly to the user. I'd like the storage to be based atop writing it into a SharedPreferences created with flags.What form of obfuscation is suitable, and with what available salting ingredients and such should I customize it?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a notes app that stores notes on the device and syncs with cloud
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am a bit new to Android. What I need to do is send data back and forth between an activity and a service locally. The information sent is sensitive and must not be able to be picked up by other apps. This excludes using broadcast and the onBind() function if I understand things correctly? So the activity needs to send some string parameters to the service. Also it somehow needs to tell the service which activity started it so the service can reply to the correct class since many different activities will use this service.
Once the service has fetched the information via a http request it is suppose to send that data (just a long string which will later be parsed) back to the activity that started it. How do I go about doing this? Using static variables/functions is not an option since again many actives will be using this service. Sure it would be possible to use a static array to hold the classes but that just seems ugly. It's only possible to send simple variables (not objects) via the intent? There must be a better way to do this.
I have a locally stored webpage (html) under res/raw folder.There is an image that is referenced in this html page (test.gif) which is stored under res/drawables.When I use a webview to display this page, it does not display the image. How can I correctly reference the path to the test.gif image?I tried using a text view with Html.fromHtml() but that does not parse several html tags.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have an Android app that saves a text file directly onto the phone, in the app's install directory. I need to allow the user to create a new email, attaching this saved text file. When I start the intent to send the email, everything shows up in Gmail correctly, but the attachment does not get sent. All of my searches on stack overflow seem to only deal with attaching an image file from the SD card. Below is the code that I used. Please let me know if I have done something incorrectly.
File myFile = new File(getFilesDir() + "/" + "someFile.txt");
FileOutputStream stream = null;
if( file != null )
steam = openFileOutput("someFile.txt", Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE);
Uri uri = Uri.fromFile(myFile);
Intent sendIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, subject);
sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, email_text);
sendIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, uri);
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(sendIntent, "Email:"));
I've also tried sendIntent.setType("application/octet-stream"); but that didn't make a difference. I'm at a loss for why the file doesn't attach and get sent.
I would like to implement a functionality in my game to give some daily goodies. But user can easily abuse it by changing the date of the device again and again. I know this can be easily implemented through some server. Is there any way to handle it locally without the involvement of server or network connectivity?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to set up the email client to download only the message headers? I don't want to wait to download all my messages. Plus, I receive a lot of fun mail and I don't want to download it on my SGS. I just want to know what messages I have received and select the ones that I want.
My company mail doesn't support IMAP or exchange
There's another two simpler questions at the end of this post, I want to know those too.i'm wrapping a native API to Android by NDK.But when building it don't find the header files.I have the following structure.
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(call all-subdir-makefiles)
LOCAL_PATH :=/home/marcos/dev/workspace/rmsdk.native.wraper/jni
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := native.c DelegateDRMProcessorClient.cpp
LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARY := adept cryptopenssl dp expat fonts hobbes jpeg mschema png t3 xml zlib
I am currently developing android XMPP client to communicate with the Tigase server setup locally.Before starting development on Android I am writing a simple java code on PC to test connectivity with XMPP server.My XMPP domain is my pc name "mwbn43-1" and administrator username and passwords are admin and tigase respectively.Could anyone please tell me the solution for this problem.I checked the file in the Smack API and it looks the same as given in the link solution.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm having problems connecting locally over wifi to play games against my friends. Is there a procedure you have to go through to connect? Can htc desire phones connect to each other over wifi or do they have to connect through a router?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any app that instead of sending the voicemail to the network it records it on to the phone?
Voicemail for me is not included in my monthly minutes, so I can end up with quite a large percentage of my phone bill being voicemail.
I'm running RCMixS on my HTC Desire
Here's what i'm doing :
1) Desktop PC (Outlook 2010) <> USB MyPhoneExplorer <> Phone (ICS SGS2)
This creates contacts on my phone under the "phone" category.
2) Hosted Exchange <> Wireless Activesync <> Phone
This creates contacts on my phone under the "exchange" category.
As the contacts are exactly the same, the contacts are automatically merged and i have 2 separate categories of contacts that display as 1 list which is what i'm looking for.
3) When I resync, all of my exchange contacts are deleted (both on the phone and server) which is not what I want.
Is it possible to have a single set of contacts that I can sync across my desktop PC, phone and exchange server ?