Android :: Java Socket Not Throwing Exceptions On Dead Socket?

Jun 29, 2010

We have a simple client server architecture between our mobile device and our server both written in Java. An extremely simple ServerSocket and Socket implementation. However one problem is that when the client terminates abruptly (without closing the socket properly) the server does not know that it is disconnected. Furthermore, the server can continue to write to this socket without getting any exceptions. Why? According to documentation Java sockets should throw exceptions if you try to write to a socket that is not reachable on the other end!

Android :: Java socket not throwing exceptions on dead socket?

Android :: Socket Programming - Java - Many Clients One Socket

Nov 12, 2009

Essentially Im trying to get many many java clients connect to a socket on my ColdFusion server (Using the Socket Gateway). However before i even start to code this, Im a little confused about sockets and their performance. First of all, are sockets meant for many(1000+) clients connecting to one socket (say port 2202) on one server? How is the performance if all there waiting for is basically a ping, or something such that when these clients receive this "ping" they can go get some new data.

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Android :: Connecting Android Bluetooth Client Socket To Ubuntu Server Socket

Jul 15, 2010

I am writing an Android app that should exchange data to a server over Bluetooth, with the server side on a PC running Ubuntu, using the bluez library, in C (or C++).

My Android app fails (IOException) when I try to connect to my server socket on the PC.

Here is essentially what I in the java code (in Android, full eclipse project here:


This throws IOException after a timeout of 10seconds or so.

On the server side (in Ubuntu 8.10), I basically set up a Bluetooth server socket, along the lines described in the example bluez/sdp-register.c

Down below is my C++ program. To compile it do

g++ -I/usr/include/glib-2.0/ -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -o bt_server bt_server.cpp -lbluetooth

I can do the reverse succesfully, i.e. create a server socket in Android and connect from Linux, however this is not what I want to do!

I think either the problem has to do with my config of Ubuntu.


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Android :: How To Use Http Connections Like TCP Socket In Java

Mar 9, 2010

may be asking a bit much here but I have faith in the community so it's worth trying. I'm making a game and I'm trying to pick the connection type to use for communicating between a Java mobile client and a Java server backend.Socket programing in Java is easy - there's a lovely tutorial on the subject and two way communication is trivial.Trouble is that on a mobile client (Android) it's not guaranteed that the cellular network will let you make TCP connections. That makes me think using an HTTP connection is the way to go. HTTP connections are request based but I need a way to push notifications from the server to the client. It seems the solution to this problem is to use 'long polling' I have read a bit about it but have yet to see a simple example for what I'm trying to achieve.Again I might be asking a lot but this seems like a fairly common problem, is there a library or framework I can import / use to wrap a Http connection and provide a two way long standing connection (That reconnects automatically etc). I read a bit about cometD but it doesn't seem to have a Java library that I can just pick up.The communication I need is not heavy, not constant two way streams of data just occasional updates either way to keep the game going.

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Android :: How To Approach Socket Programming Between C# -> Java

May 8, 2010

I've recently knocked up a server/client app for Windows & Android that allows one to send a file from Windows to an android phone over a socket connection. It works great for a single file but trying to send multiple files over in a single stream is causing me problems. I've also realised that aside from the binary data, I will need to send messages over the socket to indicate error states and other application messages. I have little experience with network programming and and wondering what is the best way forward.Basically the C# server side of the app just goes into a listening state and uses Socket.SendFile to transmit the file. On Android I use the standard Java Socket.getInputStream() to receive the file. That works great for a single file transfer, but how should I handle multiple files and error/messaging information? Do I need to use a different socket for each file? Should I be using a higher level framework to handle this or can I send everything over the single socket? Any other suggestions for frameworks or learning materials?

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Android :: Java Socket IO Exception - Permission Denied

Nov 2, 2010

i am trying to connect to a server on my network running a tcp listener using the following java code. I am getting am IOException - Permission Denied. It is from an android 2.2 emulator.Does anyone know why?Socket socket = new Socket("", 1111);PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter( socket.getOutputStream(), true);Out.println("test");socket.close();

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Android :: Unable To Send Data Over TCP From Java Socket To .net Tcp Server

Nov 2, 2010

i am trying to get an android app to send tcp data to a server on my network. The server was written in c#. When i use the code below to transmit data, the server only receives a whole series of.

Socket socket = new Socket(host, port);
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true);

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Android :: Unable To Create Server Socket In Eclipse (java)

Oct 20, 2010

Hi, i am very new to programming in java however have a lot of experience in .NET (c# & I am trying to create a new instance of a serversocket class in eclipse IDE and when i type the following code it is giving me an "Unhandled exception type IOException" and i havent even tried to run the code yet! I dont understand how my code is exceptioning before runtime or what i can do to fix it.

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Android :: Use HTTP Post Method Or Simple Java Socket Program

Mar 20, 2010

Could someone please suggest me a good/efficient way to communicate with the server. I could think of two options 1) Use http post methods to send data to a php script at the server which would later call the google api's written in another java program (jar)or use php to use google api's (if its possible) to find nearby restaurants and send the list back to client. 2) Use simple java socket programming. The server has a jar file that supports multi threading and it does the job of finding restaurants and sending the list.

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Android :: Socket Exception Socket Not Connected Android

Oct 27, 2010

In my android application i am trying to run a application using GPRS connection and not WIFI.When tried to run in wifi the app runs fine.The browser works fine with the APN settings set but when trying to connect to server using my application it gives me socket exception.I am using the below permissions in manifest file.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"></uses-permission>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"></uses-permission>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"></uses- permission>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE"></uses-permission>
<uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE"></uses-permission>
<uses-permission android:name= "android.permission.WRITE_APN_SETTINGS" ></uses-permission>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" ></uses-permission>
I am receiving Socket not connected exception.Is there any other permission which i need to add for using GPRS connection other than WIFI.
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): Problem executing HTTP POST

10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at Source)
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at Source)
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at Source)
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at Source)
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at Source)
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at Source)
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at Source)
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at Source)
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at com.motorola.blur.calendar.sync.activesync.SyncService.syncAccount(Unknown Source)
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at com.motorola.blur.calendar.sync.activesync.SyncService$ Source)
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at com.motorola.blur.util.concurrent.BlurThreadFactory$ Source)
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): Caused by: Socket is not connected
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at org.apache.harmony.luni.platform.OSNetworkSystem.connectStreamWithTimeoutSocketImpl(Native Method)

10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at org.apache.harmony.luni.platform.OSNetworkSystem.connectStreamWithTimeoutSocket(
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory.connectSocket(
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at org.apache.http.impl.conn.DefaultClientConnectionOperator.openConnection(
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.execute(
10-27 18:26:19.689: WARN/CalSyncSvc(166): ... 17 more

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Android :: Socket Is Not Connected

Feb 17, 2010

I am trying to use httpclient to hit a http link. For some reason I keep on geting this "socket is not connected" error. I am not sure about the reason for this error. Can any one help? This error also occurs when I start using the car navigation app or whenever I try to forward calls.

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Android :: How To Connect G1 With Pc By Socket

Mar 3, 2009

I have a java server which run on the pc, and a client which run on the G1. Now, G1 is connected to the pc with a usb cable. I want to use socket to let them communicate with each other, as what I did in the emulator. But now G1 cannot find the server through the ip "".InetAddress serverAddr = InetAddress.getByName (""); ClientSocket = new Socket(serverAddr,SERVERPORT); The ClientSocket is null. What's the IP of the pc now?

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Android :: Socket Freezes Using GSM Connection

May 27, 2010

I'm working on application that uses a socket connection.I've implemented 2 different Threads for the read() and the write() methods so they are not being blocked by the read.Everything is working well on the WiFi connection but when I switch to GSM connection the connection becomes unstable without any exception being thrown. It means that there are freezes.the write and read seems to work but no data is actually being piped.

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Android :: Socket Refused Connection

Dec 7, 2009

I wondered if there could be a specific reason why a server socket could refused a client request connection , the server running on one android device the other on the emulator?

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Android :: How To Manage Connection To A Socket?

Jun 21, 2010

I would like to know what is the recommendation for socket connection management in Android?In our App we would like to be connected to a TCP/IP server when our app is in the foreground or paused. So, create a connection to a TCP/ IP server when the App starts basically, On Create of the launcher activity. However, we do not want to create a new connection and close connection every time an activity is created, paused, destroyed or orientation changed. So, we save the connection object in the App class and the activities will reuse the same connection.Question is when do I close it? I would like to close the socket when the App is "paused", "stopped" or "destroyed". The problem is these messages are not sent in the App context. How can I figure out if the App is in foreground or not? Even the "Terminated" event for an App is not guaranteed to be delivered. So, in that case how do I know when to disconnect?

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Android :: Socket Freezes Via GSM Connection

May 24, 2010

I'm working on application that uses a socket connection. I've implemented 2 different Threads for the read() and the write() methods so they are not being blocked by the read. Everything is working well on the WiFi connection but when I switch to GSM connection the connection becomes unstable without any exception being thrown. It means that there are freezes at the write and read seems to work but no data is actually being piped.

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Android :: Bluetooth Socket Connection

Nov 11, 2010

I'm creating an application that uses an android to send and receive data via bluetooth. but I'm having problems when creating the socket. He gets caught in that line mmSocket btserver.accept = (); And I can not pair with any device.I have another doubt, I can make that communication with an android and a symbian?

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Android :: Reading Data From Socket

Oct 31, 2009

I am facing some problem during reading data from socket If there is some null data in socket stream so the DataInputStream would not read the full data and the so at the receiving end there is exception for parsing data.What is the right way to read the data from socket so there is no loss of data at any time ?

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Android :: Activity Manager Vs Socket

Apr 7, 2010

I'm trying to catch socket errors (invalid ip, wrong port, etc.).It seems like the ActivityManager is shutting me down before I have time to catch these errors. I really have no idea what's going on here. My splash screen Haus attempts to start the service from a thread, however when the thread get's to the "about to create socket", it simply locks up. It locks up the entire app until the Force Close dialog box arrives.
I have Log.i all the way into the class that makes the connection.04-07 22:15:29.286: INFO/CONNECTION(19053): 4368 04-07 22:15:29.296: INFO/CONNECTION(19053): establishConnection() 04-07 22:15:29.446: INFO/CONNNECTION(19053): about to create socket 04-07 22:15:34.036: INFO/ActivityManager(76): Displayed activity 8545 ms (total 8545 ms) 04-07 22:15:38.989: WARN/ActivityManager(76): Launch timeout has expired, giving up wake lock! I never see any of these Logs, except of course for the one that tells me I'm inside the method.

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Android :: Getting File Descriptor From Socket

Jul 23, 2010

The documentation for FileDescriptor says it is "The lowest-level representation of a file, device, or socket". I see that some classes like FileOutputStream and LocalSocket expose a getFD(), but Socket doesn't.How do you get at a true (INET) socket's fd? Alternatively, how do you get at the (private) SocketImpl member of Socket named "impl" (this one exposes the fd)

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Android :: Socket Timeout Not Working?

Jun 5, 2009

In the sample code, a SocketTimeoutException should be thrown if the connection can't be stablished in a second, isn't it? But the timeout take a looong time to be detected.

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Android :: How To Listen On Socket Port 80?

Jun 4, 2010

I'm new to Android development, now I'm working on a simple HTTP server project. I try to use ServerSocket to listen on port 80 but I failed. There will have an exception if I did this. I have already set INTERNET permission in manifest. I found that everything is Okay if I use port 8080, that's strange for me, why I cannot use port 80? I don't want my users to use another port to connect my server.

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Android :: Server Socket Error / How To Fix?

Jun 25, 2010

I'm now facing a very strange server socket problem, I have a server that will listen on a TCP port, I use the following code to do this work. public class RequestListenerThread extends Thread.

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Android :: Server Socket 3G Connection

Mar 3, 2010

I have been trying to setup a Droid to Droid 3G connection. I can confirm that all works great in wifi mode. The Droid can make connection requests (Http, Telnet, raw sockets) in 3G, but I cannot get the Droid to accept a socket connection in 3G mode. I was told by Verizon that a special license may be needed to accept socket connection requests and they would send me some information. So far none has been received. If anyone knows how to program the Droid to accept socket connection requests over 3G, please respond. Also if anyone knows why this not allowed please respond.

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Android :: Server Socket Error

May 19, 2010

I am attempting to open a ServerSocket on my Android device to receive network connections, but do not seem to recieve network traffic from them. Running netstat -an on the device shows it is listening on, but my connections to telnet to <public ip of Android device>:1234 do not appear (and do not receive a SYN,ACK in response). How can I write an application which will open an accessible server socket? Is this possible? I am thinking that either the ISP (mobile carrier) may be blocking this incoming connection attempts or the Android OS is blocking them (host firewall)?

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Android :: How To Send File By Socket?

May 5, 2009

I want to send a file from the Android phone to a server by socket.Could anyone give me some example code about how to do it?

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Android :: Proxy SDK 1.5 R1 - Socket Time Out

Aug 10, 2009

With this SDK version I can use my emulator using a proxy server. There is three solutions: - add values in system table - configure -http-proxy in eclipse run menu - configure APN on emulator to set the proxy. When I use Android browser, it's really slow but it's working. If I try to to a post from my application, I take an ANR and some minutes later a socket time out.

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Android :: Socket Not Disconnecting When Connectivity Changes

Jan 5, 2010

My chat application connects to a server and information is sent/received by the user. When the connection changes, such as 3g->wifi, wifi->3g, losing a data connection, etc, the socket sometimes stays connected for ages before disconnecting. During this time, it's impossible to tell if the connection is still active, it seems as if messages are being sent just fine. Other times, when sending a message, it will throw an IO error and disconnect.

Apart from implementing code to detect connection changes and reconnecting appropriately, is it possible to have the socket immediately throw an IO exception when connectivity changes?

I'm connecting using the following code:.........

I'm not using setSoTimeout as data may not be transferred for long periods of time depending on the remote server's configuration.

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Android :: Bad Socket Exception - SOCKS

Oct 14, 2010

I tried to connect to a server through a SOCKS server in an Android client app (Android OS 1.5 and 1.6) with below snippet code:


However it gave out an exception on the last line:


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Android :: Droid WIFI Socket Name?

Nov 10, 2010

I am developing one Android application which communicate with Wifi network. I want to know the name of the wifi socket in Android Device. i searched in google but nothing help me. I heard android device used RFCOMM socket for Bluetooth communication. Is RFCOMM socket used for Wifi communication?

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