Android :: Server Socket 3G Connection

Mar 3, 2010

I have been trying to setup a Droid to Droid 3G connection. I can confirm that all works great in wifi mode. The Droid can make connection requests (Http, Telnet, raw sockets) in 3G, but I cannot get the Droid to accept a socket connection in 3G mode. I was told by Verizon that a special license may be needed to accept socket connection requests and they would send me some information. So far none has been received. If anyone knows how to program the Droid to accept socket connection requests over 3G, please respond. Also if anyone knows why this not allowed please respond.

Android :: Server Socket 3G connection

Android :: Server Socket Ports Connection Timeout Error

Jul 9, 2010

I am playing around a bit with peer-to-peer communication with android devices.I have written a basic program that creates a listening ServerSocket on each phone using the application. Using the application you can also connect to other devices that is listening, by connecting to the remote ServerSocket. Nothing strange about that.My problem is that it seems that the listening port is not open for connection on different devices. I can connect to my HTC Desire, works like a charm. But connecting to a HTC Hero I get timeout, same if I try to connect to the emulator. But connection FROM the emulator to the Desire and FROM the Hero to the Desire works like a charm. Whats up with this? No security apps is installed and both devices(and the emulator) is running 2.1.

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Android :: Connection Between Server/socket When It Moves From EDGE To WIFI And Vice Versa

Dec 16, 2009

Does Android keep the connection between the server/socket when it moves from EDGE to WIFI and vice versa?

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Android :: Connecting Android Bluetooth Client Socket To Ubuntu Server Socket

Jul 15, 2010

I am writing an Android app that should exchange data to a server over Bluetooth, with the server side on a PC running Ubuntu, using the bluez library, in C (or C++).

My Android app fails (IOException) when I try to connect to my server socket on the PC.

Here is essentially what I in the java code (in Android, full eclipse project here:


This throws IOException after a timeout of 10seconds or so.

On the server side (in Ubuntu 8.10), I basically set up a Bluetooth server socket, along the lines described in the example bluez/sdp-register.c

Down below is my C++ program. To compile it do

g++ -I/usr/include/glib-2.0/ -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include -o bt_server bt_server.cpp -lbluetooth

I can do the reverse succesfully, i.e. create a server socket in Android and connect from Linux, however this is not what I want to do!

I think either the problem has to do with my config of Ubuntu.


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Android :: Server Socket Error / How To Fix?

Jun 25, 2010

I'm now facing a very strange server socket problem, I have a server that will listen on a TCP port, I use the following code to do this work. public class RequestListenerThread extends Thread.

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Android :: Server Socket Error

May 19, 2010

I am attempting to open a ServerSocket on my Android device to receive network connections, but do not seem to recieve network traffic from them. Running netstat -an on the device shows it is listening on, but my connections to telnet to <public ip of Android device>:1234 do not appear (and do not receive a SYN,ACK in response). How can I write an application which will open an accessible server socket? Is this possible? I am thinking that either the ISP (mobile carrier) may be blocking this incoming connection attempts or the Android OS is blocking them (host firewall)?

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Android Server Socket Programming?

Mar 14, 2014

I have recently developed android application using server socket programming My problem is this its running show slow.

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Android :: How To Connect Emulator To Socket Server?

Aug 6, 2010

So I have an android application that needs to connect to a socket server. That's simple enough if the socket server was running on my development machine. However the socket server is running on a server not only not on my own machine, but on a different subnet. How would I connect my emulator to the socket server? I understand how the port forwarding works to connect to the local machine, but I'm sort of confused on how I can redirect it across a subnet from my dev machine.

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Android :: Client-Server App / Bad Socket Exception

Mar 3, 2010

I have a simple client-server app on android. the android service communicates with the server via tcp sockets. the service sends a simple String to server which works. the server processes the string and sends back an object to the android service. the object implements the serializable interface. the object "leaves" the server successfully but at the point where the android service receives the object (socket.readObject()

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Android :: Server Certificates For Two Way Authentication SSL Socket

Oct 31, 2010

I'm working on an Android app that requires both client and server certificate authentication. I have an SSLClient class that I created that works beautifully on regular desktop Java SE 6. I've moved it into my Android project and I'm getting the following error: "KeyStore JKS implementation not found".I've looked online a bit and it looks like there's a possibility that Java Keystores are not supported on Android (awesome!) but I have a feeling there's more to it than that because none of the sample code I've found resembles what I'm trying to do at all. Everything I found talks about using an http client rather than raw SSL sockets. I need SSL sockets for this application.

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Android :: Can't Open Server Socket On Port 80 / How To Use

Jul 18, 2009

I was developing an app which need to open serversocket.

But, when i open one on poet 80, this throw a BindException :/ iven with the INTERNET permission. Open on other port work (ex: 8080).

Does this mean android not allow me to use this socket?

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Android :: Server Socket Programming In 1.5 / Most Power Efficient Way?

Dec 2, 2009

I am doing a project where I have too develop an application that listens for incoming events by a service. The device that has to listen too events is an Android phone with Android SDK 1.5 on it. Currently the services that call events only implement communication trough UDP or TCP sockets. I can solve my problem by setting up a ServerSocket, but i doubt that's the most power efficient way. This application will be running most of the time, with Wi-Fi on, and I'd like too reach an long battery duration. I've been looking for options on the internet for my question for a while but i couldn't get a real answer.What is the most efficient way too listen to incoming events? Should I make an ServerSocket? or what are my options?Are there any other implementations that are more power efficient?

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Android :: Server Socket To Wake Up A Sleeping Phone

Mar 17, 2010

I noticed that if the Android phone is listening on a ServerSocket on the 3G network, and is then put to sleep with the power button, it no longer listens for incoming connections. The incoming TCP connection does not wake up the phone. Is this there a way to enable waking up a sleeping phone on incoming Server Socket connections, the way that incoming data on a regular Socket does?

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Android :: Server Socket Accept() Not Accepting Connections

Oct 27, 2010

I am trying to setup at ServerSocket on my Android phone, and send a char or int or anything from my computer. The code on the phone creates a ServerSocket and then blocks whilst waiting for a connection(plus some more bits if the socket is created. But I'm not getting this point, so left that out!)Basically, the phone is getting to accept, and the computer is not connecting. The xx.xx.xx.xx is the public IP of the phone I obtain programatically (and it matches up with checking on have set the INTERNET permission on the phone. I have also been able to do this in reverse (ServerSocket on pc, client on phone).

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Android :: Socket Freezes Using GSM Connection

May 27, 2010

I'm working on application that uses a socket connection.I've implemented 2 different Threads for the read() and the write() methods so they are not being blocked by the read.Everything is working well on the WiFi connection but when I switch to GSM connection the connection becomes unstable without any exception being thrown. It means that there are freezes.the write and read seems to work but no data is actually being piped.

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Android :: Socket Refused Connection

Dec 7, 2009

I wondered if there could be a specific reason why a server socket could refused a client request connection , the server running on one android device the other on the emulator?

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Android :: How To Manage Connection To A Socket?

Jun 21, 2010

I would like to know what is the recommendation for socket connection management in Android?In our App we would like to be connected to a TCP/IP server when our app is in the foreground or paused. So, create a connection to a TCP/ IP server when the App starts basically, On Create of the launcher activity. However, we do not want to create a new connection and close connection every time an activity is created, paused, destroyed or orientation changed. So, we save the connection object in the App class and the activities will reuse the same connection.Question is when do I close it? I would like to close the socket when the App is "paused", "stopped" or "destroyed". The problem is these messages are not sent in the App context. How can I figure out if the App is in foreground or not? Even the "Terminated" event for an App is not guaranteed to be delivered. So, in that case how do I know when to disconnect?

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Android :: Socket Freezes Via GSM Connection

May 24, 2010

I'm working on application that uses a socket connection. I've implemented 2 different Threads for the read() and the write() methods so they are not being blocked by the read. Everything is working well on the WiFi connection but when I switch to GSM connection the connection becomes unstable without any exception being thrown. It means that there are freezes at the write and read seems to work but no data is actually being piped.

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Android :: Bluetooth Socket Connection

Nov 11, 2010

I'm creating an application that uses an android to send and receive data via bluetooth. but I'm having problems when creating the socket. He gets caught in that line mmSocket btserver.accept = (); And I can not pair with any device.I have another doubt, I can make that communication with an android and a symbian?

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Android :: Unable To Send Data Over TCP From Java Socket To .net Tcp Server

Nov 2, 2010

i am trying to get an android app to send tcp data to a server on my network. The server was written in c#. When i use the code below to transmit data, the server only receives a whole series of.

Socket socket = new Socket(host, port);
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true);

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Android :: PHP Socket Server (Push Notifications) - Security / Authentication

Aug 31, 2010

I have recently written a socket server in PHP that will be handling communication between an Android phone application and my PHP webserver. Due to the fact that Android doesn't natively support push style notifications we are going to be using our webserver as the middleware layer to handle our 'pushes'. The socket server is stable, runs well, and seems to scale nicely. While I would eventually like to re-write this in C I don't have the skill necessary to do that right now so I am going to be staying in PHP for at least a short while. As of this moment our Android emulator is able to communicate through the server, get pushes, etc. so that part is all covered.

My concern is that, right now, anyone can open a socket to my server and will be given a client connection. While we won't be passing sensitive data back and forth I don't want to allow just anyone to connect over and receive broadcast information, eat up my resources, and clog my server in general. The question is, how do I secure a server like this? Let's assume that I am running on port 25,000--can I set up some sort of SSL layer on that port and expect devices like the Android to be able to communicate over that port without any special protocols or jumping through hoops? I have considered asking the connecting clients to authenticate their user against our user database before being given a client connection, but that would require the passing of credentials in plain text over the network which I am not about to do.

I am rather new to straight TCP communication from PHP and feel like I might just be missing something simple that allows for authentication on this level.
Additional information: If I am able to get a valid username and password securely I would be using MySQL to validate the user and then accept/reject their connection based on the results of the query.

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Android :: Unable To Create Server Socket In Eclipse (java)

Oct 20, 2010

Hi, i am very new to programming in java however have a lot of experience in .NET (c# & I am trying to create a new instance of a serversocket class in eclipse IDE and when i type the following code it is giving me an "Unhandled exception type IOException" and i havent even tried to run the code yet! I dont understand how my code is exceptioning before runtime or what i can do to fix it.

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Android : Make Socket Client - Server Source Code?

Apr 7, 2010

I want to make my phone communicate with computer with socket. I have try many kinds of source in internet. None of them works. The phone always display "HelloWorld <ActivityName>". Log.d() seems not work on my phone, because, I have used that, but nothing was printed.

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Android :: Detecting Socket Connection Failure

Apr 1, 2010

I am working on an app that uses a Socket to connect to a controller over TCP. The protocol library was written in Java and I am implementing it in android via a Service. where the Connection class is a Thread that handles the communications with the controller. It's where the Socket lives.I'm using the Preferences mechanism to store the IP and Port. If I feed the Socket the correct IP and Port, the Connection Service works beautifully. However, I am trying to simulate a user entering the wrong information and having the connection fail. The ultimate goal is to present a dialog and offer the ability to "reconnect" or "update settings". However, when I enter a wrong Port number, the application simply hangs.I was under the impression that Threads executed concurrently so I've tried moving the call to start the Connection Service to a Thread, but it still hangs the application.

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Android :: Permanent Socket Connection Drains Battery

Jul 15, 2010

I am developing an app which has one service running in the background even if the application is closed. This service basically listens to the server via socket connection. It is an app's requirement to keep one consistent connection open. but this drains battery liek anything. I know socket is costly affair in the sense of battery life. Do anybody know any other way to keep communication channel open? or any optimization in using socket?

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Android :: Create Persistent Socket Connection On Droid?

Apr 29, 2010

First off, let me say that feel free to recommend me if long lived TCP persistent connections are the way to go or persistent HTTP connections are better.

I've also pre-read that instead of having a persistent connection, I can have a polling mechanism.

I'm just asking in the curious interest of how can I create a persistent connection from Android to a server?

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Android :: SSL Socket Blocks On Read While Changing Connection / Is It A Bug?

Feb 19, 2010

I assume that when I do a read on the inputstream, it blocks until it gets more data to read.
I also assume that when the connection is closed, the read throws an IOException.

The problem is that sometimes when I change the connection from carrier to WiFi or from WiFi to carrier, the read just gets stuck and never throws the IOException.

The SDK is 1.5 and the phone a HTC Hero.

This behavior is quite ugly for me because I need to stay always connected.
Does someone else have ever seen this problem ? Is it a bug or am I the bug?

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General :: Socket Connection App SDK?

Jun 20, 2012

I'm making a chat program and server relay on pc and I was wondering if there's a simple template for tcp/ip socket connections.

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Android :: Make Beep Sound Notification On Socket Connection Establishment?

Aug 3, 2010

How can I make the Device sound a beep when socket connection has been established. In other words, how to set a notification tone when an event occurs in Android sdk?

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Socket Programming - TCP Connection Through NetBios (NBNS) Name?

Dec 22, 2011

I'd like to know whether there is a way to connect to a TCP server (socket server) in an computer using his name (e.g.: my computer has a host name: MyComputer; then I must connect with it using his name).

It can be done using NBNS protocol (NetBios Name Service), but always I try to connect using his name, the Tablet uses DNS protocol instead of NBNS, as I might expct.

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