Android : Is It Safe To Launch / Activity From A Non-ui Thread?
Jul 21, 2010Suppose my activity ui-thread spawns a separate thread at some point. Is it safe for that new thread to fire off an Intent for launching a new activity?

Suppose my activity ui-thread spawns a separate thread at some point. Is it safe for that new thread to fire off an Intent for launching a new activity?
Is the SQLiteDatabase thread-safe?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAs I read at many places this phrase "the Android UI toolkit is not thread-safe"
Why is that,just I want to understand .....
Is the BitmapFactory.decodeStream method thread safe?
View 2 Replies View RelatedLet me give you the scenario.
Say that my first Activity that loads up, also creates a thread, which will run indefinitely in the background.
Now, if I move to another Activity, I assume that the thread that I initially created in the main activity will continue to run.
So, now to my main question - in order to manage this background thread from other Activities, is it safe to store a reference to that thread in a singleton object?
I'm wondering whether prepared statements in Android (instances of SQLiteStatement) are thread-safe. In particular I'm asking with regard to the following scenario:
In a ContentProvider you create a pre-compiled insert statement during onCreate. Then, in the overriden insert method you make use of this statement by binding a set of parameters to it and calling executeInsert on it.
We know that a ContentProvider has to be written in a thread-safe manner. If SQLiteStatement does not bind parameters per thread, a concurrent call to the provider's insert method would alter the statement's bindings and result in unpredictable behavior.
Android's own Contacts provider uses prepared statements in this way (, so I tend to believe that they are in fact thread-safe. Looking at the source code of SQLiteStatement I don't see how though (
So, is SQLiteStatement (or SQLiteProgram that is) thread-safe with respect to parameter binding or not?
I want to see a thread for my own sake and others on what apps people have removed and what is safe.In order to remove an app use these directions.Footprints: (I had to do a Nandroid backup after removing this becauuse maps would not load in navigation) some online have reported the same problem while others here said it worked for them) JUST BE SURE TO MAKE A BACKUP FIRST.Another app to watch for is Friendstream as people have reported problems with constant sync issues.(Also just a question when removing apps do you need to run the same command line ending with .odex?)
View 38 Replies View RelatedMy app is comprised of a set of reusable Activities that other apps can reuse. For various reasons, I would like my Activities to be launched in context of the invoking Activity's process, instead of always being launched in my Activity's process (default behavior on Android). How can I achieve this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn my android project, I have 2 Activities. How can I launch an Activity from an Activity. I know I can do 'startActivity', but my activity has NOT registered for any Intent, is there anyway I can still launch it from my activity?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have 2 projects (each has its own apk). Can you please tell me how can I launch an activity which is in another apk that I created? I have this activity which I want to launch from another project: what should I put in here so that I can launch this from another activity in another project?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it in any way possible to launch an activity from the main function without having a UI? i.e. is there a way to create a sort of "wrapper" around another activity, i.e. by launching the main activity, it takes you to another activity automatically. If that is not possible, is there a way to remove the main activity from the stack so that clicking the back button does not take you to a blank UI?
Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:
public class WrapperActivity extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL, Uri.parse("tel:555-1212"));
For example, typing "321" launches my application.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow can I launch an android activity, defined with.* public class MyActivity extends Activity {...}.from a Java method ?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI can launch several activities by clicking on link. These Activities are - phone dialing, web browser and probably couple more. My question is how to extend this list? How to make new Activity launch-able by link clicking? Let's say if someone receives email with link myapp:// and clicks on this link my Activity starts. Is it doable?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to launch an activity from the web page? Like <a href="dialer:123456">Call me </a>?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow to set a shortcut key to launch an activity ? Lets say I have an app "TestApp". I want to set a shortcut key (e.g alt + T ) to launch activity of TestApp. Is there any way to set such shortcuts to android apps?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm new to Android development, so I might be missing something obvious. I want to launch an activity when the user's phone clock hits a specified time (similar to an alarm). However, I'm not sure how I would go about doing this as constant polling of the clock seems inefficient and a waste of resources. Do I need to capture broadcast events from the lclock, or use PendingIntents?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an screen that displays all the names in the Contacts in a ListView. When the user clicks on a name, I want to launch another Activity which display the details of the selected Contact (Phone number/ email) in another screen. How do I display details for the selected row. (i.e When starting the intent how do I send over the row_id of the item selected)?
I've tried the following code:
Intent i = new Intent(this, ContactDetails.class);
In order to keep some native code happy, I need to launch an activity in a new process. Does anyone know how to do this?
I can set the activity's process attribute in the manifest, but this will cause *all* instances of the activity to appear in the *same* process, which I can't have.
I'm willing to use internal APIs for this, and I've found Process.start(), but it's not at all clear how this is supposed to be used.
I'm currently running into an issue that makes sense but I'm not too sure how to resolve it... Here is the scenario: App v1 icon LAUNCH is set to Activity Main from the manifest file. App v2 icon LAUNCH is set to Activity All from the manifest file and Activity Main no longer exists. After updating to App v2 the app icon fails to launch the application saying it doesn't exist! After a restart of the phone things work. So how can I refresh the applications package or better the launch icon and shortcut icons so that my users don't experience this after an upgrade of my newest app version?
View 3 Replies View Relatedi have a launcher activity which shows up the blank screen at the start up..i want to show up some animation using an animatd.gif...i initialize my layouts viz home etc when the oncreate of launcher is called, but how do i add some animated image until my first layout is shown..i also doubt whether android supports animated gifs or i have to do a workaround.
View 1 Replies View Related1. i have a service that will launch an activity. How to make the activity launched like a phone call? i mean when the phone screen is locked, it will awaken.
2. how to start a service right after downloaded and installed from android market?
I would like to launch an activity at the end of a phone call. Could not find any reference to that. How can I do it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the following code in Oncreate of my activity:
I have a ListView that uses different XML files to create Views and make items out of. One of these XML files contains a RatingBar. Everything displays and looks excellent. I'm trying to attach an onClick handler to the RatingBar to launch a new Activity. My RatingBar is of style ?android:attr/ratingBarStyleSmall; so it's just an indicator (I want the small RatingBar click to take the user to an Activity where they can do various ratings).
My problem is the onClick handler for the RatingBar never gets executed. What makes it more interesting is that I've used the same code to make a LinearLayout clickable and it works fine. My Adapter's getView looks as such:...............
Using PreferenceScreen in xml format we can launch activity by specifying Intent as shown in sample application.This will launch Browser activity which is registered to handle http protocol. But this is not working. Getting exception of ActivityNotFound.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat i'm trying to do is to open an Activity when i click on a button.
This is my code in my main activity.
The program launches no problem when i just implement the first button (restuarant).
But when i try to implement the button that i have commented out it fails to launch. and yes i have added the activity to the manifest file.
i'd like to Launch an Activity Form a Service. I know that this is not best practice for android however i am creating an application that is just a service and the first time it runs the user needs to accept some terms and conditions (this is the activity i need to launch). Can any one help me some code to do this? Is it possible?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI think I already know the answer to this, but I just wanted to confirm (I think no horrible ramifications)...
View 5 Replies View RelatedAre there any scenarios on Android where a process can be instantiated (classes loaded, etc.) and a non-main activity launched without going through the main activity? Background: my app has a single main activity (android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" and android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"), some secondary activities, and a preferences class providing static methods meant to be called from anywhere. These static methods' implementations require a Context, and so the class has a static Context member s_context; the static methods assert that s_context is non-null before using it. The very first thing I do in my main activity's onCreate() method is pass getApplicationContext() into the preferences class so it can set s_context.
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