Android :: Intents In Queue - Send Data Via Web Service
Sep 29, 2010
Is it possible, with an IntentService, to send another intent to the IntentService from within the IntentService? For example, say my IntentService is processing an Intent which has it write a bunch of data to the database. During this time, several other Intents to write other data may [or may not] have been queued up in the IntentService. Suppose, after processing that Intent by writing the data to the application's database, I want to queue up another Intent to send that data via web service to "the cloud." Perhaps I want to queue this processing in another Intent because sending to the cloud is secondary. Is it possible? Would it cause any problems if the Intent being processed is the only Intent in the queue at the time the IntentService is trying to queue another Intent?
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Feb 16, 2010
I am little confused with the use of intents used for sending data to activity from service. In my application I have to have startactivity from the service and have to pass data ,so that activity can utilize the data while launching.For this i have written the following code Intent intent = new Intent(Service.this,Activity.class); intent.putExtra("data", data); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); context.start Activity(); I assume that the data is passed to the activity and can be parsed on the oncreate function of the activity.Now the service running in the background has to pass data to the activity continously for UI updates.For this I have written the following codeIntent intent = new Intent(Service.this, Activity.class); intent.putExtra("Data", data); intent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_ATTACH_DATA); sendBroadcast(intent,null); (Do I need to broadcast the intent???) In activity I have done following things:- Implemented broadcast reciever:private BroadcastReceiver mBroadcastReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (Intent.ACTION_ATTACH_DATA.equals(intent.getAction())) { Bundle extra = intent.getExtras(); float Data[] = extra.getFloatArray("Data"); update(Data);
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Jul 30, 2010
Intents in Android are an elegant way to pass messages between uncoupled components, but what if you want to send extra data with the Intent? I know you can add various value types, and objects that implement Parcelable, as extras, but this doesn't really cater for sending user defined types locally (i.e. not over a remote interface). Any ideas?
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Nov 24, 2010
I am pretty new to this but I was told I could get good help here. A friend and myself are playing around with creating Android apps (using ADT)
Here is how we are trying to make the program: in activity, user sets threshold values for the X and Y axis on accelerometer. When user hits button "Start", startService is invoked and starts TiltService.
TiltService is designed to run in the background always on the phone without user interaction. TiltService constantly compares the threshold with the accelerometer values and will vibrate if they are off.
My problem is I can't seem to get the putExtra() data correctly. I have overridden the onStartCommand in my service but I get the message "unreachable code" when I save the getExtras() to a bundle.
Here is the relevant code (I can post the whole thing, just do not want to clog up page) code...
I thought I understood the basic of how Intents could pass data, but I guess I don't. Is it obvious what I am missing?
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Jul 28, 2010
I wanna develop an app that uses CSD or Data channel of GSM Service to send data. Can anyone help me out with it?
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Aug 31, 2010
I have a service from which a start a new thread. This new thread will communicate with a TCP server using socket. What is the best way to send the data received from TCP server back to the service? Handlers or something else?
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Apr 28, 2010
I am writing a widget on Android 1.6 that shows the minutes that a person has used on the current month.
The way I have it setup is by having a service that listens to the state of the phone and when the phone is picked up, it starts the timer and when the person hangs up, ends a timer. I would like to send this variable(long duration) over to my appWidgetProvider so I could update the edit text on it.
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Jul 23, 2010
I'd like to enable a "silent send" from my application that is, I'd like to catch the SEND intent in a Service, not an Activity. How does the default Android web browser send that intent? Is it possible to handle it in a Service, or in an Activity that never sets a View?
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Feb 15, 2010
Usually, I putExtra inside an Intent to transfer stuff between Activities. But it seems like I can't do this with a Service? Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); That doesn't work for a android Service. How do I send a string from an Activity to a Service then?
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Dec 15, 2009
I need to be able to handle/catch Intents while my Activity is closed. So I am looking at either a Service or a BroadcastReceiver. Is it possible to "receive" intents to a service itself? I tried to search, but could not find anything helpful. With a BroadcastReceiver, I am not exactly sure how that works outside of an Activity. Does it depend on the Activity being open/running? Can it run by itself?
Let's say that my Activity is killed by Android(or a task killer app), does the BroadcastReceiver still receive intents and process them? I have used a BroadcastReceiver as a widget, but I do not want to use a widget this time. My goal is to have the user open the Activity to set some options. From there, they would be able to close the Activity, but I would still be able to process Intents that were sent out by the system. I am still fairly new to Android development, so I could be so far away from where I need to be.
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Sep 13, 2010
What is the difference between 2 ways of interaction between applications on android:
1. implementing service in app #1 and using it in app #2.
2. handling intentions and posting answer intention.
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Jul 6, 2009
I'm writing an application that consists of a background Service and one or several Activities acting as UI towards this. There will most likely be several different UIs for this service that will installed later on, like custom widgets or UIs. The question is how to solve this in the most efficient way. Is it better to only use Intents for communication between UI and Service (sending control commands with Intents from the UI and listening for Intents from the Service for state and data updates) or should I prefer using IPC communication (AIDL -> Java Stub, binding to the service etc.)?
Since the UI might be started long after the service is started, I would either need to use sticky intents to signal current state, or have a very frequent intent sent by the service if choose to go with the Intent-based design. Which one would be the preferred way in that case? I've read that sticky intents are much more resource consuming than normal intents, but are intents more consuming than IPC directly towards the service? Also, is really an AIDL the right way to allow third-party integration? Intents sounds better, since they are also asynchronous.
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Apr 12, 2010
I currently have a Service in Android that is a sample VOIP client so it listens out for SIP messages and if it recieves one it starts up an Activity screen with UI components. Then the following SIP messages determine what the Activity is to display on the screen.
For example if its an incoming call it will display Answer or Reject or an outgoing call it will show a dialling screen. At the minute I use Intents to let the Activity know what state it should display. An example is as follows:
Intent i = new Intent();
i.putExtra("", true);
Intent x = new Intent();
So the activity will have a broadcast reciever registered for these intents and will switch its state according to the last intent it received...............
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Nov 1, 2009
I'm rather new to Android, so please bear with me. I'm developing an application running a service in the background. The service is ONLY supposed to run when requested somewhere in the UI. The service must be able to be stopped through the UI as well. At the same time, while running, the service must be able to pick up intents such as "intent.action.DATA_SMS_RECEIVED" and "intent.action.NEW_OUTGOING_CALL".
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Jul 2, 2010
How to send any message from one activity to another using intent and intent filters?
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Aug 18, 2010
I have a Receiver for BOOT_COMPLETED intent and it will start a Service by calling startService with an intent and the Service processes that intent in onStartCommand function by spawning a thread that does a HTTP post to a server.On powerup, sometimes it takes 3 to 5 seconds to get the active data connection on phone, when this happens Service fails to do HTTP post as there is no data connection. Is it possible for the Receiver to send the intent to Service using startService with a delay.? so that when onStartCommand of Service is called data connection is ready to post data.
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Mar 30, 2009
How do you pass an intent from a service to a new activity launched from a main activity? There's a passextra( intent src ); but I don't think thats what I am looking for?
activity main > start service( intent wuteverserviceintent );
activity main > start activity( intent newactivityintent );
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Nov 1, 2010
Suppose you have a download service that downloads files asynchronously. For each download intent received it will put the URL of the file to download and the start ID into a job queue and return START_REDELIVER_INTENT. A worker thread then processes that list and calls stopSelf with the start ID it just processed. My question is: If the service's process gets killed and the service restarted, will the service receive all the intents (with the URLs) it hasn't called stopSelf on before it was killed or does the service receive the last intent only? It seems the API docs are ambiguous on this.
The docs say
"if this service's process is killed while it is started [...], then it will be scheduled for a restart and the last delivered Intent re- delivered to it again [...]", indicating that only the last intent gets redelivered (which would be terrible in this use case), but they also say "The service will [...] be re-started if it is not finished processing all Intents sent to it (and any such pending events will be delivered at the point of restart)."
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May 11, 2010
Let's say I have a background service that performs several tasks. As it completes task A, it posts notification A with a certain intent and some extra data that indicates viewing result of A. As it completes task B, it posts notification B with a certain intent and some extra data that indicates viewing result of B. As it completes task C, it posts notification C with a certain intent and some extra data that indicates viewing result of C. At the end, the notification area has three notifications. Each one has the same intent, except for one of the extra data fields. I would expect that each one would load my activity with different extra data. They don't. When onNewIntent is called, each has the extra data field set to C. I have rooted out any possible aliasing and checked the data as it is placed into a notification. It seems to allow only one set of data per package. Is what I am attempting not possible? Has anyone accomplished what I am attempting? For example, have you had a service download several large files, and then had notifications that would open each of those. Code...
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Nov 7, 2009
I have some code that is creating and removing alarms, and which works great in Android 1.5 and 1.6 but breaks on the Android 2.0 AVD.The code that's giving this exception is: Code...
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Apr 6, 2014
I send data to my mysql database the posted data is empty...I don't know what is wrong with my code.
[HIGH]urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(urlConnection.getOutputStream ());
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Nov 1, 2010
I wonder how is it possible to send a picture. I am using json to send data and store to database. But how do I handle a picture? How do I send it using json?
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Jul 21, 2010
I want to handle exceptions in Service. my exception handler sends error report email. so i add FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag and it works fine in onCreate(). but in UncaughtExceptionHandler, it doesn't send email. so how it can send email in uncaughtException()?
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Jun 1, 2010
I have one service in one application. In my second application i am binding to that service using aidl tool . Now i want to send some data from my service to activity which is running in second application. How can i achieve this.
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Jun 11, 2010
Retrieving data from the REST Server works well, but if I want to post an object it doesn't work:...
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Apr 26, 2010
I want to receive Intent "android.intent.action.SEND" in a Service. Is it possilbe to register for this Intent via registerReceiver() and get the Intent in Broadcast receiver in the Service?
Or is there any restrictions that "android.intent.action.SEND" can only be registered via Manifest.xml of an Activity and not in a Service?
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Sep 27, 2010
When using torrent-fu, does the computer (doing the downloading) have to be on? Or can I just use torrent-fu to find torrents when I'm at work, queue them up, and when I get home turn the computer on and it'll start the downloads?
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May 5, 2010
I need to store a queue into a DB. I need to be able to insert at the head, and append at the tail. I also need to remove items from the head.
Each item is just a string. I need to maintain a todo list -- high priority items are added to the beginning of the queue. and low priority items are append to the end.
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Oct 27, 2010
i am trying to send a json string from my android client to my .net Rest service...
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost post = new HttpPost("http://myURL");
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("name", "i am sample");
StringEntity str = new StringEntity(json.toString());
str.setContentType("application/json; charset=utf-8");
str.setContentEncoding(new BasicHeader(HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE,"application/json; charset=utf-8"));
HttpResponse response = client.execute(post);
Response is bad request. am i sending the json object as string? is this code correct?
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Feb 17, 2010
I want to send an intent to my service everytime the state of Wifi connectivity changes. So when I currently use a broadcast receiver to listen for the state changes in Wifi, so when this recieves an intent I want to be able to send this info on to my service. Is this possible and if so the correct way to do it?
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