Android :: Increase Hit Detection On ItemizedOverlay

Sep 23, 2010

I have an itemizedOverlay extended and I want to increase the hit detection on the OverLayItem's if this is possible?

Android :: Increase Hit detection on ItemizedOverlay

Android :: NinePatchDrawable As ItemizedOverlay

Jun 13, 2009

Is it possible to use "stretchable" graphic as pin in ItemizedOverlay? If not how can I draw NinePatchDrawable on Canvas?

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Android :: ItemizedOverlay ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Jan 31, 2010

I've seen all the posts about using setLastFocusedIndex(-1).

I've tried that but my app is still crashing.


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Android :: NullPointerException ItemizedOverlay?

Nov 15, 2010

This does not refer to anywhere in my code at all.

How do I go about getting to the bottom of it?


Here is the draw method of the ItemizedOverlay


I now print out the stacktrace and no difference!

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Android :: Overlay Vs ItemizedOverlay?

Oct 24, 2009

I want to draw 20 pins on a MapActivity. Each pin has a small pin image, but I have to dynamically overlay a small bit of text over each pin at runtime.

Looks like I have two options:

#1) Itemized Overlay This is the suggested method. I put all my pins in one ItemizedOverlay object, and that counts as a single Overlay object for my MapView.

#2) One Overlay per pin Create a separate Overlay instance for each pin I need to render.

The problem I see with using method #1 is that you need to set a drawable for the item. This would mean that I need to create 20+20 (one for focused/non-focused state each) bitmaps and keep them in memory for the duration of my app. On the other hand, Overlay lets you override the draw method so I can do the simple compositing at runtime.

The other issue with Itemized Overlay - although it handles focus for you - does it move the focused item to the front of the z-order when selected?

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Android :: Displaying ItemizedOverlay(s) On A Map ?

Oct 31, 2010

I'm having some troubles with displaying ItemizedOverlay(s) on a map.

Here I extracted a simplified example of what I need to do.

Here's my Map class:


I followed the guide provided by google to extends the ItemizedOverlay class


As it is clear from the code I need to update at fixed times a map UI with possibly new positions to do so I'm using a timer, but I think I might fall in some kind of thread issues I don't know how to handle, since when running a test I can see in the Log what happens but no marker is drawn on the map.

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Android :: ItemizedOverlay.onTap() Imprecise?

Feb 15, 2010

I'm using Google maps. I put the markers on map and my inherited ItemizedOverlay overrides onTap() method.

Markers are 32x32 images.

However, I can tap quite a bit away from the marker and still receive the event. This becomes a problem when markers are close to each other.

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Android :: ItemizedOverlay Using Both OnTap Methods

Jun 15, 2010

I have a MapView where I would like to be able to tap the map to create a new item at that location if there is no item there, or display the info about the item if there is.

I tried overriding both the onTap(int) and onTap(GeoPoint, MapView) methods but apparently if the second method is overridden the first never gets called (commenting one or the other lets each one work as I expected).

I thought about just checking if an item was at the location, but there doesn't seem to be any handy methods available to do that (other than iterating through the list of items and checking each manually).

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Android :: Problem Draw On A MapView ItemizedOverlay

Aug 27, 2010

I am developing an application for the Parisian Metro. One of the functions is a map where you can click the metro stations and see what are the metro lines, and when are the next 4 trains on this station.

I have hence created a MapActivity and an ItemizedOverlay classes.

On my device it is working perfectly, but I am getting some logs from the users with a crash, and I really don't understand what's wrong.

My map activity adds ONE ItemizedOverlay that displays a blue dot for the current user location. This overlay also listens to onTap, which depending on the coordinates of the tap, will try to find metro stations (for which I know the lat/lon coordinates). This is working perfectly.

The stack trace of the crash is:


Sometimes it comes from different lines but it always finishes crashing at

As is does not mention my code, I don't know what's wrong.

You can get the source code of the MapActivity and the the ItemizedOverlay:

The activity class is ACarteStations and the overlay class is StationMetroMapOverlay.

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Android :: ItemizedOverlay Adding Items And OnTap?

Feb 4, 2010

When I add a new item to my ItemizedOverlay the onTap display I have set appears X times, where X is equal to the number of items that I added. So for example, if I add one item and tap it, it the onTap method gets called once, and in the LogCat I get:

02-04 23:28:56.188: INFO/NotificationService(52): enqueueToast pkg=android.mapit$Stub $Proxy@4394c100 duration=0

If I add a second item and click ANY of the other items, the onTap method gets called twice and I get the following in LogCat:


If I add a third item and click ANY of the other items, the onTap method gets called three times and I get the following in LogCat:


Any idea why this would occur? I'm running into issues with it affecting other things like removal of items.

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Android :: Access Drawable Resources From ItemizedOverlay?

Jul 3, 2009

I have a method in my ItemizedOverlay class which takes an object as a parameter and depending on it's certain values returns an appropriate icon. What's the best way to access the drawable resource from within ItemizedOverlay as you can't access it directly like in an activity? The only idea I have for now is to pass the resources as a second argument...

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Android :: MapView With ItemizedOverlay Still Don't Work / Solve It?

Sep 7, 2009

I've try to make a mapview with itemized overlay and it's not work. I share my code if anyone see anything :

java class mapview code...

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Android :: OnToucheEvent Badly Handles ItemizedOverlay

Jul 6, 2009

I have the following exception that occurs I don't really know in which circumstances.

I'm just trying to add an overlay to may viewMap, and I don't have anything special in my classes. The most strange thing is that it worked for a while, then it broken again when I changed my image!


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Android : Way To Use 9-patch / Text For ItemizedOverlay On MapView?

Nov 23, 2009

In my application I would like to mark different spots on a map. What I'm now wondering is if there's a way to use a simple 9-patch image and add the spot's name as text to it or would I need to draw everything myself (including the text) in the draw() method of ItemizedOverlay?

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Android :: Performance Of Map Overlay In Conjunction With ItemizedOverlay Very Poor

Apr 14, 2010

I am trying to display one png (drawable) on a map in about 300 points. I am retrieving the coordinates from a Sqlite table, dumping them in a cursor. When I try to display them by parsing through the cursor, it takes for ever for the images to be drawn, about .5 second per image. I find that to be suspiciously slow, so some insight on how I can increase performance would help. Here is the snippet of my code that does the rendering:

while (!mFlavorsCursor.isAfterLast())
point = new GeoPoint(
overlayitem = new OverlayItem(point, "", "");

I tried to isolate all the steps and it looks like the slow one is this: itemizedoverlay.doPopulate(); This is a public method in my class that extends ItemizedOverlay that runs the private populate() method.

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Android :: 1.5 Bug With Earphone Detection

May 5, 2009

On my Google dev phone there is a problem with the new 1.5 version in combination with an official HTC adapter cable YC A300 and 3.5mm earphones. Android doesn't recognize the earphones (it worked on 1.1!). Android still recognizes the HTC earphones with ExtUSB.

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Android :: How To Use Accelerometer Detection

May 20, 2010

I want to know how to calculate the accelerometer movement.When i place the mobile horizontally in idle state and similarly when i place the mobile in hands,So there accelerometer value change when it is place horizontally or while it is in hand vertically.How To Identify them,Any Sample Codes will be useful.

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Android :: Shake Detection On Emulator

Apr 30, 2010

I am pretty new to android. I have a use case where I need to detect a shake and show some images in my application. Can I test shake functionality on android emulator ? What are the other alternatives apart from testing it on a real phone ?

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Android :: Motion Detection Using Camera?

Jun 6, 2010

Is this possible? How do i do it? I want to learn but dont know where to begin even

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Android :: Sobel Edge Detection

May 30, 2010

As part of an application that I'm developing for Android I'd like to show the user an edge-detected version of an image they have taken (something similar to the example below).To achieve this I've been looking at the Sobel operator and how to implement it in Java. However, many of the examples that I've found make use of objects and methods found in AWT (like this example) that isn't part of Android.My question is then really, does Android provide any alternatives to the features of AWT that have been used in the above example? If we were to rewrite that example just using the libraries built into Android, how would we go about it?

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Android :: Accelerometer False Detection

Oct 27, 2009

I have a code snippet to detect accelerometer movements. It works some times by properly detecting slight movements, but sometimes it detects movements when I kept my device idle too. Are there any problems with built-in accelerometer detection on Android?

I use an HTC G-1 device. My code snippet is below. How do I resolve it so I can detect small device movements but not detect anything when the device is idle?


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Android :: Runtime API Level Detection

Apr 27, 2009

I'm trying to product a binary that is compatible with 1.1 and 1.5, but i'm having trouble with the ViewSwitcher class behaving different. I'd like to create a wrapper for it, but I need a way to programatically detect the api level at runtime.

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Android :: Face Detection In Phone

Nov 8, 2010

I am currently working on an experimental camera app. I'm looking into implementing face detection at the moment and am currently weighing up my options.I have considered the OpenCV port available for android and using their face detection functions, but from demos I have seen of previous implementations the camera seems to lag a lot.Considering the camera on the HTC desire has face detecting, I know it must be possible to get at least a semi decent face detection system in place. I was just wondering if anyone had an opinion on how I could get the best results.Using an available library? Implementing a particular algorithm myself?

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Android :: Using Face Detection Program

Nov 5, 2010

Has anyone ever used the API for face detect in their android program?More simply stated, can I have a java class that pulls up the camera, scans a person's face and returns parameters back into the program?

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Android :: How To Persist Options Selected In AlertDialog Spawned From ItemizedOverlay OnTap Method

Jun 7, 2010

In the description of how to add a list of options to an AlertDialog the official Android documentation alludes to saving a users preferences with one of the "data storage techniques." The examples assume the AlertDialog has been spawned within an Activity class.

In my case I've created a class that extends ItemizedOverlay. This class overrides the onTap method and uses an AlertDialog to prompt the user to make a multi-choice selection. I would like to capture and persist the selections for each OverlayItem they tap on.

The below code is the onTap method I've written. It functions as written but doesn't yet do what I'd hope. I'd like to capture and persist each selection made by the user to be used later. How do I do that? Is using an AlertDialog in this manner a good idea? Are there better options?


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Android :: Froyo - Killed Application Detection?

Jul 29, 2010

On Froyo, we found that some new "Task Manager" apps are now using the ActivityManager.killBackgroundProcesses() to kill apps. When this happens, Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_RESTARTED is no longer fired. How can I find out that my application has been killed? I tried to start a service, and I do see this message printed in logcat:

W/ActivityManager( 2426): Scheduling restart of crashed service in 20000ms

However, the service is never restarted as advertised, if the app is killed using the killBackgroundProcesses API. (If I go into adb shell and kill the service process, the service will indeed be restarted ...) This looks like a bug anyway, because the notification created by the app is no longer removed like in eclair (the StatusBarService, and a bunch of other system services, depend on the Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_RESTARTED broadcast).

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Android :: Enter Button With Finger Detection?

Apr 2, 2010

I'm working on a soundboard, however I've got a problem when it come to drag the finger over the screen to play the sounds for the buttons I drag the finger over.Do anyone know how I can detect when a finger enter a button and not click the button?

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Android :: Google Sky Map A Little Off / Orientation Detection Of Phone?

Jul 1, 2010

I've been trying out Google Sky Map and it seems a bit off. I hold my phone in landscape mode and point it at the moon as if I were going to take a picture of it. The application shows the moon about 5-10 degrees off from where it actually is. Is this just the accuracy of the compass and orientation detection of the phone?

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Android :: Simple Bluetooth Presence Detection

Apr 12, 2010

Really general, very new to bluetooth. Can we have one android device broadcasting a simple 'hello' bluetooth network (maybe a radius of just a few feet) - then when other android devices come into that area, reply with a 'hello' back? The client devices moving through the 'hello' radius wouldn't need to be always be checking for presence. I'd let the user open an app and check for bluetooth networks nearby. If they find one of these hubs, they can then choose to broadcast back a hello.Is that at all possible? Any general info would be great.

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Android :: Complex Object Collision Detection

Nov 29, 2009

I am currently working on a collision detection routine for an Android based game which is capable of handling complex concave curves in 2D. I use complex in this post to describe any non-trivial, arbitrary shape (beyond circles, squares, etc). My problem is that all of the various methods I have come across are either too simplistic to be realistic or too complex for a cell phone. At the moment I am favoring a tile-based scheme but I am having problems figuring out how to do this with convex curves that span several tiles and may have several line segments per tile. I gave some thought to representing the curves mathematically, with each tile being an interval of the function, but there will likely be points where the curve doubles-back on itself (think the big loop at the top of a pinball table that brings the ball all the way around the table and back the direction it came). My questions boil down to:

1. Does anyone know of a way of hit testing a given simple shape (e.g. a circle) against a concave series of line segments (shapes beyond circles can be figured out from there) beyond just a Boolean result?

2. What is the best way to represent large, complex shapes programatically? I am currently favoring an XML file describing my levels and the objects in them with shape/position/physics/etc. data to be parsed in during load time.

3. Is there an altogether better way of doing this beyond line segments?

The one saving grace in this conundrum is that I know the vast majority of the objects are stationary with, at most, three or four (usually one) dynamic objects moving around.

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