Android : How To Set Focus On List?
Sep 9, 2010I display a list on screen, how could I set focus on one list item? It seems in touch mode, it is impossible to set focus. Am I correct?

I display a list on screen, how could I set focus on one list item? It seems in touch mode, it is impossible to set focus. Am I correct?
I use tabs in my Android application and one of my tabs contains a listview. I'm noticing some weird behavior when I override isEnabled in my list's adapter and then try to use the D-pad to move up and down through the list and to my tabs.If the 0th item of the list is enabled, then everything works as expected - I can move down through the list, and then up again and once I reach the top of the list, pressing up moves focus to my tab.However, if the 0th item is DISABLED (isEnabled in my adapter returns false), then when I press up while position 1 is focused, the focus gets stuck. It doesn't move up to the tab as I would have expected and instead stays on position 1 of the list.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the following XML layout for a ListActivity.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent"
<ListView android:id="@+id/android:list" android:layout_width="fill_parent"
android:layout_height="fill_parent" />
<TextView android:id="@+id/android:empty"
android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"
android:text="No Contacts" />
My problem is that if I have focus on any of the header ImageButtons then when pressing down with the dpad the list get focus on its 7th row (depending on row height), and not on the first row. I've seen the same behavior on Fring application, under Contacts. I tried by listening for the OnKey event for the KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN and triggering a implicit focus on the first item of the list, but I don't know how to do it either.
I have ListView, where each row contains two edittext boxes. I'd like on list item selected(using Dpad) place focus on first edittext box. I tried the following code, but it does not work: ListView list = (ListView) findViewById(; OnItemClickListener click_listener = new OnItemClickListener() {public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id){EditText box1= (EditText ) view.findViewById(; box1.requestFocus(); return ;} list.setOnItemClickListener(click_listener);}
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a list view which contains different numbers and i have a button below with the name "Call". The expected spec is to change the button background to blue, only if user clicks on list item, and if user clicks on some other views, i need to change the button background to white.
My work around for this issue:
I have set onfocusChangeListener() for the list live, but onFocusChanged() is getting called if next view gets the focus.
Expected result:
1) Background of the button should change to blue if user clicks on list child item.
2) Background of the button should change to white if user clicks on other views.
My activity has a set of buttons on the left half of the screen and a ListView on the right.Initially the focus is on the first button. When I browse the buttons by pressing DOWN arrow key and then press the RIGHT arrow key, the focus does not go to the topmost list item. Instead, the list item correspondingly on the right gets focused.Is there a way that when I press the RIGHT arrow key, the focus goes to the topmost item on the Listview?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn my app i'm setting background to each child views in listview. So that listview default focus ( orange color ) is not focusing. Is there any way to set both ( listview focus & child view background)?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI loved the camera on the Eris and the Incredible, not only did they have a whole lot more of a crisp high-res detail, the auto-focus absolutely rocked. With my droid x, I can be getting a little artsy and focus on an object with the crosshair but it'll take me 20 tries to get it to lock on, its insane, I know I'm not getting too close to my subject because it will definitely eventually focus on that object if I try over and over and over again. It's not just close ups that I find myself and my buddy with this issue either. macro shooting mode does not help. My buddie's droid X has the same exact behaviors. Eris and incredible just LOCKED ON first try with even very low contrast / detail subjects, on top of that, have a ton better camera GUI when it comes to "click to focus". I know this thing ain't no SLR but, blows me away of how terrible the camera performance is vs. the HTC android based devices. Ihink motorola will fix this? I know this thing ain't no SLR but it just blows me away how the HTC android devices camera performance (except for video) blows the Droid X away.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am on my first Android application and I am on a timeline so details and examples will be useful since my knowledge is still minimal. I want my first screen to present the user with a list of activities to choose from. In my situation it is a recipe app where the user first chooses the type of food, such as, Beef, Chicken, or Pork. I want the application to launch an activity depending on the list item that the user clicked on. I am not sure if I should use a list view, a text view, a scroll view, a list activity, an activity group...
View 1 Replies View Relatedwe are wroking on the displaying of mails from an email . we got the list of emails stored . we need to show a small text screen which consists of the some content of the body when the email in the list gets focus .
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to create a multiple selection list where the selection is represented graphically rather than with checkboxes.My list has checkboxes, but I want them to serve a different purpose. I'm using a cursor to hold my data and created a custom view binder for the SimpleCursorAdapter. I did this for the checkboxes and general flexibility.So far I haven't even been able to show one line as being selected. I've enabled multiple selection on the list and denied the children of the list item focusability. I've tried manually changing background color with the position fed in through the list item click listener. But the wrong items get changed and they don't even change to the right color. I've enabled touch focusability with no improvement either.Ideally, I'd like the trackball highlight focus bar to appear in multiple places. But I don't think this is possible unless you use the drawable directly. But I don't know how to find or apply it. My next idea was to have a slim view bar that changes color. But I had the same problem with the wrong item being selected so I never finished trying to guess the index position to see if this would work. My most recent idea is to completely swap out the view for another one if it's selected. But I have no idea how to do this either. I'm thinking of using an array list to store the _id s of the items that need a different view to get around the wierd selection problem. I'm also thinking of passing in the ID field as my from and the selection view as the to for my adapter. Then I'd intercept it with my binder and change the view accordingly. But once again, I'm not sure how to do this successfuly.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am trying to display the text from json in a list view.But my problem is that i cant figure out how to display them in list view. I also want to get only some of the text from url(for example, alerttext and date). Can anyone help me in declaring the list adapter and list view in order to display the data in the way i want.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to tackle a problem that seemingly many Android developers have, which is how to intersperse lists with non-list data, in one big scrollable pane.The model I have in mind is the screen for an individual app in the Market. You have a big description, a list of a few lazily loaded comments, and then some individual items that do different things, like visit the developer's web page, call them, etc. And then in between them all, are nice section headers.Emulating this approach seems to be extremely hard. I've read enough SO answers and mailing list posts to know not to put a ListView inside of a ScrollView, but I want the same effect without using addHeader() and addFooter() with very complex header and footer views. I've tried using a LinearLayout that I stock with views myself, but I can't get the pleasant click effects that default list items have (the orange background, white for long-click, etc.).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm pretty new to Android dev and still working out a lot of things.I've got a main menu showing using the following code, but can't work out how to disable selected items in the menu. Can anybody help me with some sample code?
View 2 Replies View RelatedBy Default in the Listview,focus will come on the list item.Instead of that, can I get only the border to the list item?I can achieve this by using a transparent image as a list selector.Is there any other simplest way to achieve this requirement?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to after I have updated by listAdapter I want to make sure that the list is scrolled all the way to the bottom so that it displays the last element entered in the list How can I do this ?I tried this but no luck.
View 1 Replies View Relateddo you know if it is possible to keep focus in a widget even if other widgets that are partially visible or not visible at all changes its height size?I wouldn't like to have my screen jump vertically in front of the user because some other widget updated itself to accommodate more data.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI wrote a code for pinging of given URL.It works fine for me.But whenever i clicked on the start ping button, pinging started but that time focus always is on start button and no widget of the screen working that time. After pressing many times it will gives the force close error.If iam giving URL which is not pinging then that time , all the widgets are working fine.After some time i need to stop the pinging by using my stop button.But it is not working.Please give me advise.Iam using Runtime.exec() for ping command in my android.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have lot of lists: for example: Categories, and subCategories, in my case some Categories has subcategories, So What I want to do, is if the categories has subcategories I want to clean the recently list and show the subcategories,(This can be solved by creating new activity for only subcategories, but I would say that the most of the code woyld same)I wounder how can I updoate list whit new data?If possible to add some animation when clicking, so the list goes to left when clicking, and showing data comes from right,
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a form that is working fine with the "Next" flow order when using the computer keyboard with emulator (and probably with the keyboard on the G1) but not with the SoftKeyboard with 1.5.Some fields indicate "Next" with this keyboard, some go to the correct field and others don't.Two of the fields are text and they only give a carriage return instead of "Next."My numeric fields give the proper "Next" key. Use of the SoftKeyboard is a little underdocumented so far (if there is a hidden doc online somewhere please provide me a link to it). There are also some added fields under 1.5 that I have asked about previously but received no answer.These appear to have something to do with the Soft Keyboard.Though these can be set programmatically I haven't seen the proper way to set these flags using XML. This field is the one that replaces "Numeric" which deprecated.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can we prevent an edittext from getting focus and displaying the soft keyboard. I have an searchbox which should not be focused by default and should have focus only when user clicks on it to enter something. But right now it takes focus and shows the keyoard as soon as I open the activity. Is this a bug or can this be changed to behave in the way we want?
View 2 Replies View RelatedCurrently I have an edittext field that when the user presses enter it does mostly what I want it to, validate an IP Address format and inform the user if it is wrong. How do I make it so when the user presses enter it checks it like it is supposed to be does not enter the newline character?
Here is my code for it.
public boolean onEditorAction(TextView arg0, int arg1, KeyEvent arg2) {
ConfigData.m_IPAddress = m_etIPAddress.getText().toString();
} else { showAlertDialog("Invalid IP Address
Example:","Error: ");
} return false;
Another problem I have is that in the false condition of the validation, that it will not bring up the soft keyboard to allow the user to reedit that text field. If the user clicks on another edit text the window gives it focus, and allows the user to edit the second text field while still maintaining the 'green outline' around the original edittext.
The EditText still creates a newline. I tried calling that when I create the EditText and it shows the dialog then inserts a newline character at the beginning which is weird because the
Should automatically overwrite anything in that field to the static IP saved within ConfigData. (my settings class) and I think the focus might work, the problem is that after requestFocus, that EditText shows it has focus but is unresponsive. I can click on other EditText's and modify them, while it still shows the focus outline on the IP EditText. If I click on the IP EditText it doesn't actually do anything. Its kind of strange.
I have an Activity that keeps running after the Home button is pressed (naturally) and of-course the focus is in the home screen, and when the running process ends I need to restore the focus on that activity. In more PC expression, I need to maximize the application.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHas anyone noticed that AutoCompleteTextView doesn't pass the focus to the next field when you tap on "NEXT" button on soft keyboard? And it's all happening on Android 1.6. v1.5 works flawlessly! Is there any known solution for this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am taking a marketing research class and our topic is on smartphones. We need to do a focus group for this project and the report is due VERY soon. We had much difficulty finding people with android phones here in vancouver so it would be much appreciated if you guys can help! The focus group will likely take place on msn either on Friday or Saturday around 5pm. If you are not available for a focus group, I can always interview you individually through skype/msn/phone/email. You can contact me at my email: or reply to this thread!
View 6 Replies View RelatedIn my android application it automatically focuses the first Button I have in my layout, giving it an orange outline. How can I set the initial focus preferably in XML, and can this be set to nothing?
View 1 Replies View RelatedNow i want the first item of the list to be automatically focused when i launch the application How can i set the focus on any item of the list when i click on the some other view for example a button?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI made an image button in eclipse and I tested it out (ran it) with the emulator in the android sdk package.
<selector xmlns:android="">
<item android:state_pressed="true"
android:drawable="@drawable/cat1" /> <!-- pressed -->
<item android:state_focused="true"
android:drawable="@drawable/cat2" /> <!-- focused -->
<item android:drawable="@drawable/cat3" /> <!-- default -->
Pressed and Default work with the mouse, but how do you focus it? Or if you can't, do you need to get an android phone?
Iam writing GridView by using BaseAdapter with 2 columns.Each column with One Image and Text.It works smoothly.I had given focus by using below code in onConfig...
public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
It works when my view configuration changes.But Same doesn't work in onCreate() method.I used below all methods in onCreate() but my view doesn;t get focus.How to give focus for the first image when running my application.I want focus on first image when view inflates on the device.Please give me guidance?................
I'm currently getting to grips with Android, playing around with the Lunar Lander sample. I've found that if you navigate away from the app (eg, hit the call button) it will destroy the underlying surface (calling surfaceDestroyed). Navigating back (which will trigger onWindowVisibilityChanged) the app will crash, as it will try to draw to the surface without recreating it. Is there some code I can put in onWindowVisibilityChanged (or anywhere else) that will regenerate the SurfaceView's underlying surface and resume execution nicely? It feels like this should be a simple function call but I can't find anything in the API docs.
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