Android :: How To Create A DataGrid Display
Jun 18, 2009Hai any one please tell me is there any possibility to create a DataGrid in android ,if yes mean please help me with some code snippets,or give some related web urls.

Hai any one please tell me is there any possibility to create a DataGrid in android ,if yes mean please help me with some code snippets,or give some related web urls.
I'm very new to Android development and I want to develop an application that uses a local database. I want to show the results of queries in a DataGrid like object.
The UI would be somewhat similar to this.
Is it possible to develop this kind of UI in Android? If so how can I accomplish this? Are there good tutorials I can follow?
how to create an android app that would display a simple .txt document?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create a Helper class to display Toasts in my android app, as follows.
My code is based on the example at:
My problem is, when I try to inflate the view, I can't call findViewById without the View from the activity I am calling toastAlert in. Is there a way I can access that view?
I am trying to display a SpreadSheet in the Android application with auot adjustable columns and each columns should surrounded by lines.I used the Table Layout the data are displayed in the Table format but i don't know how to surround each column with lines, auto adjustment.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe following code executes a function that retrieves a file via ftp and then displays it in an imageview. Since I'm using the main thread the UI locks up, somebody tells me I can use asynctask to make this work but I can't figure it out :<
Is anybody familiar with this that could offer me some guidance? code...
Is it possible to disable title bar display dynamically after setting the content view by setting the NoTitlebar theme?
All the posts I have read told that any title bar changes we can make only before setContentView() call.
I am facing one problem in message view. Bacically what I need to do is in message view I want to mark any telephone number or web address in different color. Can anyone please tell me where exactly the text is been written in Message View? On clicking this items it should launch appropriate event. If anyone touches a telephone number it should launch the dialer or if it is a valid email address then it should launch the Compose message event and so on.
Another question is whether to display message is Android uses the WebView?
I am dispalying some data by using sqlite .when i click on one button data come from database. It takes some time. At that time the screen is black .At that time I want to display the rotating spinner before the data dispaly.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow to create an HTTP request object of POST type in android? Which class need to be extend or what method need to implement? How to establish connection to a server? Actually i want to connect to a microsoft exchange server, and then i have to send a request to it using HTTP.
View 8 Replies View RelatedHello there I have a problem regarding the new HTC Magic I purchased : in my text display where I read the conversations between me and my contacts... it has all of the messages I sent in 1 group together, and all of the messages my contacts have sent together. How do I change this to display the order in which they were sent and received? For example right now it is
ME : blahblahblah
ME : blahblahblah
ME : blahblahblah
You : blahblahblah
You : blahblahblah
You : blahblahblah
I have an issue with displaying videos on android devices.When any video is displayed it does not take the entire screen size of device even though i have given android:layout_width="fill_parent".There will being some blank space on either sides.for eg.if i have a video of 480 by 320 it will work on 480 by 320 device fine but on a device like say Nexus one it wont take the entire display of device ,there will be some blanl spaces on two sides. Is this a default feature of android devices or is there a solution to resolve this ?Why does not the "fill_parent" attribute work?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe display area of my SGS has been reduced there is now a black line (approximatively 1 millimeter thick) around the display now anything that should be displayed has been centered (a kind of)i have noticed that after press-holding the HOME BUTTON (to get to the task manager).even when the phone that black border is still there and it look like the screen has been pushed down the display is not now at the same level as the top-cover (or screen cover).I have used the factory reset but nothing has changed.My phone look horrible now.
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust got my EVo yesterday and so far I love it, battery life isn't bad..about 11 hours today and 44% left...moderate use. Hopefully it stays that way.I will admit tho, the screen is nice a HUGE but it isn't near as sharp and pretty as my little hero, anyone else think it has a slight blurry look to it? Maybe I have a messed up display or something.why in the world did they remove the lockscreen wallpaper? I liked that, and now it's just a blank little screen with a slider on it...can we at least customize it more?
View 5 Replies View Relatedi have two latitude and longitude. I want to display it on map in street view on phone. can some one tell me how can i do it ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to display an xml file with all the tags in Webview or the Browser without first parsing the xml file?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI realized that android is not able to display pdfs (in a webview or whatever) out-of-the-box.
So my question, are there any (os) jars or classes to display a pdf document within an app?
Has anybody experience with using some of the standard java pdf viewer libraries on Android?
The libraries don't need to be free, only usable with android phones.
I heard that itext got ported over to android. Has one of you did something with it yet?
I'm interested in using Android for a E-Ink based platform. I know it has been demonstrated once by MOTO, but I'm interested in using it for a commercial grade product and not 'just' a technology demo. I have got a question on the ability to change the platform to cope with specific display effect caused by E-Ink. I'm asking this question from the role of system architect and have no prior experience with Android.
E-ink has several characteristics which are very different than the common LCD displays:
time to update display (50-700ms)
it costs power to change the display (none to maintain)
display life time is determined by number of display updates!
tradeoffs can be made between quality, performance and display lifetime
grayscale versions available
The great thing: it costs no power to retain display information and they can be read in bright sunlight with no backlight. Also the display can be literally as thin as paper...
This means that the platform software needs to have a degree of control over the number of display updates and the type of display updates to get the best performance. Otherwise, an application which is unaware of the display characteristics could quickly drain the battery, or worse, shorten display life time to months instead of years. Conceptually I'd be interested in replacing a display driver, but I'm not sure if this part is open. I know it is hard to get info on the Qualcomm chipsets....
My question: can this be done? Can the Android platform be modified to support a drastically different display effect? Any pointers to an android roadmap?
The reason I find Android interesting for this application is because there is a significant overlap in functionality (from cell phone to browser).
I'm new to android developing and I've done a function which return an arraylist type ArrayList<ArrayList>. I would like to display this arraylist for see if my function work.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI have a huge UI, in which I have about 300 to 500 rows of data (Horizontal Linear Layout), with each row containing 3 to 4 views. If I load all the UI at once, it takes a long time. How best I can display this UI?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm trying without success to shape a simple screen composed of a webview and a closebutton on the bottom. When i run it i see the button close at bottom but when the loadURL of the webview is done the webview takes all the screen size and hide the close button.
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy app displays an AdMob AdView followed by a ListView. When the app first starts, I'd see an empty space where the AdView should be. After a while, I'd see an ad being displayed. However, this where the strange happens.The ad only displays for a brief moment, no more than a second, then it goes away and becomes empty space again (no ad). So it just repeats like this: no ads for while, brief display of ad, no ads again for while, and so on.This is my first experience with AdMob and I followed the AdMob integration instructions pretty closely.Am I doing something wrong? Or is there some kind of param to set the during of an ad being display that I am missing?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI understand the notion of overlays and all, but what if I want to display thousands of points on a map?The map becomes unresponsive after a few hundred OverlayItems are added.What's the best approach for doing this?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI added the calendar widget to my main screen to display my Google calendar. It's not very usable though. It shows today's date, but not today's appointments. To see today's appointments, I'd have to click on the calendar to go into it. For future days, it doesn't even list all of the appointments, I just get "+1 more." Right now, it looks like this:
11 Aug Wed
Aug 12 - appointment
Aug 13 - appointment +1 more
Aug 14 - appointment
Aug 15 - appointment +1 more
Has anyone found a better calendar? I want to see everything that's coming up for the day on the main screen without having to click into my actual calendar. I just came from the Palm Treo and loved that calendar display because it was quick and functional. Not so much with the Droid X.
I have created an apk which has activities. I have included tabs in my program through which the user can select the required activity. But my main problem is that i couldn't find a way to display the tabs throughout the application. For example, on clicking a tab the corresponding tab opens. But when i click on a button the activity is displayed but the tabs are not getting displayed. I have included a tabHost in the program to display the tabs for various activities.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI wanna to launch google map and locate to a specific co-ordination.But, the launched google map there is no dot(like function of my location) in the view to indicates exact location, does anyone know how to let the dot displayed when google map launched? Just by sending intent.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI hear that "some Activities never display UIs" according to My question: is this true? I have yet to find a way to make an Activity without a UI. Documentation suggests an Activity can be non-visual.For example, Activity.getWindow() returns the "current window, or null if the activity is not visual."When would an Activity have a null Window?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to display all the process IDs to a user?
I think to display the current ID can use the following code:
int myProcessID = Process.myPid();
But how do I display all process IDs?
I want to display an image from a url, for this I defined the ImageView first as,
<ImageView android:id="@+id/imagename" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
then in the activity,
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); ImageView imgV = (ImageView)findViewById(;
Now how should I supply the url of the image from where it should fetch the image ever time. I have seen the function setImageURI but it is not clear how to give the url.Any clues?
I want to display a list of image form url which i will get from xml file. how can i do that please assist me.Any kind of help is appreciated
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