Android :: Fill In Scroll View From File , Database / Any Data Source?
Nov 15, 2010I want to bind data from an xml file? how can I do that where i'm using a layout xml file to define a scrollview ??

I want to bind data from an xml file? how can I do that where i'm using a layout xml file to define a scrollview ??
I have an app which uses a large amount of data which has been compiled outside the app (on my main PC). The app is for my personal use so there are no complications with having to distribute data updates to other users. However, I am currently following a very convoluted and time-consuming procedure each time I want to update the data, and I wonder if anyone can suggest any ways to streamline it.
The procedure I follow whenever I want to add new data is as follows:
I enter the new data into a csv file which I maintain as the source of the relevant table in the database. I use SQLite Database Browser to import the data into an existing SQLite database. (This program does not seem to have the ability to append imported data into an existing table, so whenever a table needs updating I have to delete the existing table, then import data from the csv file into a new table, then manually edit the data types for all the fields in the table.)
I drag the icon for the database file onto the 'assets' folder of my project in Eclipse. I export the project from Eclipse as an apk file. I copy the apk file to my phone (using Astro File Manager) I uninstall the old version of the app and install the new apk.
when the app is run, code based on the example set out here copies the data from the 'assets' folder into the app's data folder; this means that each byte of data takes up two bytes in the phone's internal memory; at present this is not a problem, but could be as the volume of data grows; I wonder if there is a more memory-efficient method?
I am trying to play file which is stored in SDCARD in emulator. I have Linux O/S. So i need to provide command in run configuration. I am providing following parameter.
-sdcard /usr/android/sdcard/mysdcard.iso -audio oss [i]
The following is my code to play file.
try { mMediaPlayer.setDataSource("/sdcard/test_cbr.mp3"); mMediaPlayer.prepare(); // Giving error. mMediaPlayer.start(); }
I have an application made up of an ExpandableList, whose children are data collection widgets like CheckBoxes and EditText. Once data is entered, it is immediately lost when the list is scrolled.
What may be the problem or solution?
I'm doing an admin page that can view the users that exist in the system. My idea is to show a list of the users and the details in one page. I heard that using listview is very tedious. Is there any other way that is easy?
Maybe view in textview but I dont know how it works. I must put in a lot of textview on my xml? A simple task that I need to know how to do. I just need to know how to view data's in a page, using any method. Code...
As you can see I tried to put data from my database straight into the array but it can't work; final String[] TEST = c.getString(1);. The error message Type mismatch: cannot convert from String to String[] appeared.
I have a textview displaying many individual words, each word is a link using Spans and setMovement Method( LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); The textview is wrapped by a ScrollView. However the ScrollView does not work as the links in the TextView are activated instead.Is there a way to combine a ScrollView and TextView so that both the scrolling and links in the text work?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I copy my data from xyz.xml in my assets dir to my sqllite db during development in android platform
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've got this odd problem which is happening on 1.6, 2.2, and a MyTouch 3G Slide (which is API #7, and listed as "2.1-Update1" in the Android Device Chooser). If anyone can explain what I'm doing wrong & how to fix it (or possibly confirm that this is an Android bug)The basic idea for my app is to make a stopwatch-sort of thing, in that the user can tap a button to start a timer, then tap it again to stop (pause) the timer; further taps alternate between resuming the timer and pausing the timer.I've got a top-level ScrollView which contains a RelativelLayout, which contains a bunch of widgets. The first widget is a HUGE button (so that it's easy to press), which pushes all my other widgets below the bottom of the screen. This is intentional, as I want to rely on the ScrollView (and an on-screen reminder to the user) to make the rest of the input options available.I've got a simple state-machine type setup, where mState is the current mode (STATE_ TIMER_ NOT_ STARTED before the user presses any buttons, RUNNING after the first press, and then PAUSED after the second, back to RUNNING after the third, etc, etc).
All this works great EXCEPT that when the timer is running, and the user presses the start/stop/resume button again, the ScrollView will scroll down a ways. I am NOT issuing this command (I don't even have a reference to ScrollView object), and I'm not sure why it's doing this.
REPRO:Compile + run the below samples. When the app starts, press the 'Start Timing' button. Use your thumb (or the mouse) to touch-drag the screen upwards (so you can see the RatingBar), then drag it back downwards (so the button is again completely on-screen). Tap the button (which now reads 'PauseTiming') again, and it'll jump down a bit. It should NOT be jumping/scrolling down, since there's no statement (that I can see) that tells it to scroll down. As near as I can tell, it's the setText that causes the scrolling ( when I comment those lines out, no scrolling occurs).WHAT I'M ASKING FOR:if I'm doing something dumb & you could point out what it is, I'd really appreciate it! I wonder if 'touch mode' might have something to do with this, since it does NOT appear to happen (in the emulator) when I use the mouse's scroll wheel to move the panel upwards (i.e.,instead of the simulated finger-dragging). I can't find a whole lot on touch-mode, and nothing specific on focus/selection in touch mode within a ScrollView if you can confirm that this error occurs for you too, that would be ok, too (since misery loves company.AHEM I mean, since it might help confirm that it's not just me package;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.format.Time;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class MyTestApp extends Activity {
public final static int STATE_TIMER_NOT_STARTED = 1;
public final static int STATE_TIMER_RUNNING = 2;
public final static int STATE_TIMER_PAUSED = 3;
private int mState;
Time t = new Time();
private Time data = new Time();
private Button btnStartStopResume;
private TextView lblSpacer;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
btnStartStopResume = (Button) findViewById(;
// Set the button's size so that the other info will also be visible
Display display = ((WindowManager) getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE))
// This is such a hack, but the windowScroller doesn't appear to
// have a height at this point in the lifecycle (nor in 'onResume' :( )
btnStartStopResume.setHeight(display.getHeight() - 200);
lblSpacer = (TextView) findViewById(;
} public void doStartStopResume(View v) {
if (mState == MyTestApp.STATE_TIMER_NOT_STARTED) {
} else if (mState == MyTestApp.STATE_TIMER_RUNNING) {
String s = getString(R.string.add_scroll_down_to_add);
} else if (mState == MyTestApp.STATE_TIMER_PAUSED) {
public void doReset(View v) {
}public void doNewRunClick(View v) {
public void doAddTiming(View v) {
public void reset() {
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <RelativeLayout
> <Button
android:text="Start Timing"
android:onClick="doStartStopResume" />
android:text="@string/add_scroll_down_for_more" />
android:text="Start of this run:"
android:textSize="8dp" />
android:text="--:--:-- --"
android:textSize="26dp" />
android:text="Elapsed Time:"
android:textSize="8dp" />
android:text="-- m -- sec"
android:text="This is a new run of timings"
android:layout_marginBottom="10dip" />
android:text="Intensity (1 = none 5 = max)"
android:layout_below="@id/chkNewRun" />
android:layout_marginBottom="5dip" />
android:layout_below="@id/rbIntensity" />
android:layout_marginBottom="10dip" />
android:onClick="doReset" />
android:text="Add Timing To List"
android:onClick="doAddTiming" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string name="app_name">Timer</string>
<string name="dlg_edit_timing_title">Edit A Timing</string>
<string name="add_scroll_down_for_more">< Scroll down for more options! ></string>
<string name="add_scroll_down_to_add">< Scroll down to save this timing! ></string>
<string name="start_timing">Start Timing
<string name="stop_timing">Pause Timing
<string name="resume_timing">Resume Timing
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
<application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/app_name">
<activity android:name=".MyTestApp"
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="5" />
UPDATE 1: Adding if( btnStartStopResume.isInTouchMode() )
Toast.makeText(this, "TOUCH MODE", 2000);
elseToast.makeText(this, "NOT touch mode", 2000);
then setting breakpoints in the debugger confirms that the button is always in touch mode (regardless of whether I finger-drag the panel up/down, or mouse-wheel it up/down). So it's a combination of being in touch-mode AND finger-dragging the panel after the 2nd button-press (i.e, when the app is in 'stopped/paused timing' mode) that's causing the odd extra-timing in subsequent pauses.
I just noticed that it's scrolling down to the EditText, and no further. It looks like when you move the panel down the EditText gets the selection, and after the click event the ScrollView scrolls back to the thing that has the selection. Seems to explain why the mouse-wheel approach doesn't have this problem (it moves the selection/focus back up to the button).
I want to have a dynamic table, with rows added over time as a result of user interaction, using a TableLayout inside a ScrollView. This works fine, but when I want to scroll to the end of the table using fullScroll(), it always leaves out the last line; that is, it scrolls so that the one before the last one is visible. The last line is visible when scrolling manually, and the scrollbar is correct too.I'm of course open to suggestions as to how to make a better layout out of this; but I'm specifically interested in understanding why fullScroll() behaves that way. Should I give it a different parameter, or use something else altogether? Or does it do that because the newly added line isn't yet visible somehow? (if so, how can I solve that?) Or did I miss some other obvious thing?The following code replicates the problem:
import java.util.Random;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.ScrollView;
import android.widget.TableLayout;
import android.widget.TableRow;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class TestActivity extends Activity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
((Button) findViewById( View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) {
Random rnd = new Random();
TableRow nr = new TableRow(v.getContext());
for (int c=0; c<3; c++) {
TextView nv = new TextView(v.getContext());
}((TableLayout) findViewById(;
// Scrolls to line before last - why?
((ScrollView) findViewById(;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:text="Add Row"
android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" />
android:layout_alignParentTop="true" >
android:stretchColumns="0,1,2" />
Edit: for reference, I implemented Romain Guy's solution as follows:In, replace:
// Scrolls to line before last - why?
((ScrollView) findViewById(;
// Enqueue the scrolling to happen after the new row has been layout
((ScrollView) findViewById( Runnable() {
public void run() {
((ScrollView) findViewById(;
It looks like the standard ScrollView does not support horizontal scroll. Has anyone implement a ScrollView with horizontal scroll support? It would be appreciated if you can share it.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have 2 ScrollViews in my android layout. How can I synchronise their scroll positions?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm doing Major Project on my final year and I'm very new to Android plus I;m not good at codings. I need help with my login page.
I've created something like a database connection java file which is this:
I've already created a database for users using SQLite. The database name is Users and the table is called User. The records inside the table are Username, Password, LastName, FirstName. I've inserted one user's info into the database. The problem is I do not know whether my is correct.
And I've also created Hardcoded Login page:
So I want to know how I should apply the database connection on the Should I insert database connection something like db.Open();? I studied ASP.Net a few months back and I kind of forget most of what I've learnt. So how should I open the database connection on and how to check with database whether the user enters the right username and password?
Please direct me to a description of the techniques that the ContentProvider employs to access data. I am trying to understand how it works as well as what is tunable or even if its meant to be tunable. It the memory management tiered, cached, virtual, flat? Is it file based, shmem based, stream based? Can there be a combination thereof?
Any information, suggestions, or references are welcome. The android fundamentals page says: "The data can be stored in the file system, in an SQLite database, or in any other manner that makes sense;" but the android ContenProvider page barely skins the onion.
is there no way to change the timeout to scroll in ScrollView? In the source, it's set to: static final int ANIMATED_SCROLL_GAP = 250; so any drags will be blocked for 250ms. This has the appearance of the ScrollView being stuck for a bit before it moves. This makes small scroll gestures difficult to work with. There's no way around this?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a ScrollView (and a LinearLayout within it) set as main content. When the user scrolls the view further down, and then if I replace it's child (LinearLayout) with another LinearLayout, the view remains in the scrolled positioned.How do I reset the ScrollView back to coordinate 0?
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo my layout looks basically like this:
<ImageView android:layout_alignParentBottom="true"/>
I have the ScrollView so all of the layout always is visible no matter the height of the screen. The problem is that on a very high screen, I still want my imageview to be at the bottom. However, a child of a ScrollView dont seem to have a defined bottom. The View is placed at the top of the layout. How can I solve this problem in a neat way?
I have a WebView inside the ScrollView. The content of WebView dyanamically changes when it displays different html page. I have the following issue: For example I have A.html, and B.html. The content of B.html is larger than A.html, so the page is longer. When WebView load B.html, the ScrollView stretches its size to enable itself scroll for B.html, then if I go back to A.html, ScrollView doesn't resize itself. (The scroll area is exceed the content of A.html) What I want to have, is dynamic change the scroll area of scroll view to fit the webview's content.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a HorizontalScrollView with a series of CompoundButtons. I want to find the (x,y) for a given child view. I have tried using:
like this:
View tmpView = this.findViewById(viewId);
Rect hitRect = new Rect();
the hitRect is always 0,0 - 0,0.
I need the x,y mainly to scroll to a particular child view. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I have a ListView with an adapter extending BaseAdapter.I create a view (from a LinearLayout and I put some items ont it depending on some parameters. I have a textview, with a drawable and sometime another textview next to the drawable in this horizontal linearlayout. For some reason, this command doesn't seems to work. So when my textview doesn't fill the full width of the list, I can only click on the part of the elements with the widget on it. I have try playing a lot with the layout and I can't get this to work. The parameters seems to be ignore all together. Only hack that would work I found was to set a big minimum width on my linearlayout but I don't think that's the best solution.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHaving this XML view code...
Why my ListView shows only the first item and does not fill the screen?
I have a problem statement, and here it is: My requirement is: There are a number of images shown on the screen. I want to allow the user to drag and drop any of the images to anyother image. Based on which image is dragged and on which is it dropped, I need to do something specific. So, I need to find a way so that I can get my source view and my target view.To understand this in a better way, consider a practical scenario. In the File Explorer of Windows, we can drag and drop items from the left pane showing the directory tree to any of the folders shown in the right pane.If anyone of you ever faced a similar scenario, please let me know because I could not find a direct support to such a thing (Drag and Drop) in the platform, so may be I need to find an innovative solution to it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have one question. How can i fill GridView with data from String array?
My code for adapter is :
Where tmpx is array with strings. But my app crashes, when i want to run activity.
LogCat error log:
I read a tutorial, and it uses SQLlite and "SimpleCursorAdapter" to fill the list with items. This is the code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have managed to set up a tabbed view for my app, and have the following xml for the UI
yet am seemingly unable to scroll down to see the rest of the form (cuts off at one of the spinners, why is this?
In my tableview i need to add the scroll view for the particular rows . Is there any way to create like this in android?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat I have now is a layout that includes a list view at the bottom. All of the items in the layout above the list view remain fixed as you scroll through the list view. I would like the entire page to scroll so for example when you reached the bottom of the list you would no longer see the items above the list view.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAll I want to do is get the scroll view which contains a table to display below the text box. Right now, it displays over top of it. If I move the ScrollView below the RelativeLayout, then it doesn't show up at all! What do I need to do? I am really starting to think this whole layout idea is a bad one. Maybe I should just do it in code.
Here is my layout.
I want to add scroll bar in gridview,How can i add scroll bar in grid view?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a text view in the middle of a linear layout that I want vertical scrolling with I have set the flag for scrollbars vertical and it is showing up, but you can't actually scroll the text.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn one of my androids activities, I have several widget in a vertical linearlayout. The length of this layout is bigger than the screen and thus I cannot see the widget at the bottom.
In the Emulator, is there a special scroller to implement or a particular action to do to be able to scroll up and down?