Android :: Displaying Progress Dialog From Open GL Thread

May 9, 2010

Does anyone have expirience with opengl-ui-opengl threading interraction? I'am developing a small opengl application. I'am a little bit confused with separate opengl thread. Currently, my application is logically separated in two parts - the controlling one and the rendering one. The controlling part interracts with user - accepting user input, changing activities, dealing with files and so on. The rendering part - just render everything it should. Ok, so when I need to load new texture to opengl (unfortunatelly its large and I cant reduce its size), I'd like to show a ProgerssDialog dialog. Trying to show it from the open gl thread brings me an exception: "Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()". Because the initiator of loading is in the ui thread (for example - user selected a menu option), I'am opening the dialog, adding the load Runnable to stack on Runnables that will be called in Render.onDrawFrame and passing there a callback that will be executed after texture is loaded.

Android :: Displaying Progress Dialog from Open GL thread

Android :: Progress Dialog With A Second Thread

Sep 26, 2009

I've created ProgressDialog with a second thread according to the DevGuide,changes screen orientation or 2) hits the back button twice (first to hide the dialog, second to hide the app) to hide the application and run the app again after a while.Then, onCreate() is called (for the second time), and progress bar stops responding properly. My thread may work for a few minutes and I want to give the user possibility to hide it and do sth else. After a while he might want to run the app again in order to check the progress.I found a few articles concerning this topic, but I couldn't find the exact solution I should chose for this problem. So, could you tell mi what is the proper way to handle this? Should i save the handler and dialog state with "onRetainNonConfigurationInstance()"? If so, how to do it properly and is it safe?

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Android :: Progress Dialog And Thread Error

Apr 15, 2010

i had made an application which download a huge list from the internet and display in a listview. The Listview class is supported by my own Class which is extension of the BaseAdapter base class. In the display list adapter getView method I use simple_list_item_multiple_choice. When I would like to insert an progress dialog with a Thread, the System is die with NullPointer Exception in the last row: *public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {if(convertView == null) convertView =inflater. inflate (android .R. layout.simpl e_list_item_multiple_choice, parent,false); try {ViewHolder vh = new ViewHolder(); vh.check TextView = (Checked TextView) convertView.findViewById(; vh. check TextView. setEnabled (true);* BUT if I don't use the Thread all going to right, there will no NullPointer Exception Can anyone tell me why ? Any solution?

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Android :: 2.2 Progress Dialog Freezing In Second Thread

Oct 17, 2010

I have recently experimented with creating an easy way to open a ProgressDialog up in a second thread, so if the main thread freezes the dialog will keep working. Here is the class: public class ProgressDialogThread extends Thread
public Looper ThreadLooper;
public Handler mHandler;public ProgressDialog ThreadDialog;
public Context DialogContext;
public String DialogTitle;
public String DialogMessage;
public ProgressDialogThread(Context mContext, String mTitle, String mMessage)
{ DialogContext = mContext;
DialogTitle = mTitle;
DialogMessage = mMessage;
} public void run()
{ Looper.prepare();
ThreadLooper = Looper.myLooper();
ThreadDialog = new ProgressDialog(DialogContext);
mHandler = new Handler();
} public void Update(final String mTitle, final String mMessage)
{ while(mHandler == null)
synchronized(this) {
try { wait(10); }
catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.d("Exception(ProgressDialogThread.Update)", e.getMessage() == null ? "MISSING MESSAGE" : e.getMessage()); Runnable(){
public void run() {
public void Dismiss()
{ while(ThreadDialog == null || mHandler == null)
synchronized(this) {
try { wait(10); }
catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.d("Exception(ProgressDialogThread.Dismiss)", e.getMessage() == null ? "MISSING MESSAGE" : e.getMessage()); Runnable(){
public void run() {
public void Continue()
{ while(ThreadLooper == null || mHandler == null)
synchronized(this) {
try { wait(10); }
catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.d("Exception(ProgressDialogThread.Continue)", e.getMessage() == null ? "MISSING MESSAGE" : e.getMessage()); Runnable(){
public void run() {
However it sometimes work perfectly but other times the application simply freezes and crashes eventually.Here is an example of use:ProgressDialogThread thread = new ProgressDialogThread(this, "Loading", "Please wait...");
// Do Stuff
thread.Continue();It generates a lot of warning and even some crashes sometimes: eg. Handler: Sending message to dead thread.and exceptions like ANR

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Android :: Progress Dialog Working In Thread

Jul 27, 2010

Trouble is, that ProgressDialog show only after loading run(), but I need to show it on start and showing it while loading some data. I put: "dialog =,"Working...","Loading data", true);" in method run(), but the same. I print in Log.i() some info (int i++) and put title of ProgressDialog. Method work correctly, but don't show ProgressDialog. I have read some info that some thread block another thread (my created), that's why doesn't show progressDialog, but can't do anything.

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Android :: Progress Dialog Thread Stops When Closing G1

Mar 6, 2009

have a Progress Dialog in an extra Thread running. Normally the user will have the keyboard open, because something is to insert! So when the Progress Dialog appears and the user close the keyboard, the dialog dissappears and the application crashes. In the debugger i saw the exception "View not attached to window manager". May because the Dialog is not longer shown but the application want to remove it after the calculation? Here is the code where i start the dialog and the thread:Does somebody know how to solve this?

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Android :: Find Table Leyout In Thread (Because Of Progress Dialog)

Jun 5, 2010

On my activity, im getting some big data from web, and while getting this data i want to show the user a ProgressDialog with spinning wheel. That i can do only with putting this code into a thread, right? the problem is that after im getting this data i need to insert it into my tableLayout as TableRows and it seems impossible to access the TableLayout from the thread. What can i do to show this progress dialog and to be able access the table layout from the thread ? is there any event that happens on the end of the thread ?
My code fails for : _tableLayout.addView(_tableRowVar, new TableLayout.LayoutParams(
LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT));My full code is : final ProgressDialog dialog =, "","Getting data.

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Android :: ASync Task Progress Dialog Not Showing Until Background Thread Finishes

Apr 24, 2010

I've got an Android activity which grabs an RSS feed from a URL, and uses the SAX parser to stick each item from the XML into an array. This all works fine but, as expected, takes a bit of time, so I want to use AsyncActivity to do it in the background. The line items = parser.getItems() works fine - items being the arraylist containing each item from the XML. The problem I'm facing is that on starting the activity, the ProgressDialog which i create in onPreExecute() isn't displayed until after the doInBackground() method has finished. i.e. I get a black screen, a long pause, then a completely populated list with the items in. Why is this happening? Why isn't the UI drawing, the ProgressDialog showing, the parser getting the items and incrementally adding them to the list, then the ProgressDialog dismissing?

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Android :: How To Handle Screen Orientation Change / When Progress Dialog And Background Thread Active?

Jul 10, 2009

My program does some network activity in a background thread. Before starting, it pops up a progress dialog. The dialog is dismissed on the handler.This all works fine, except when screen orientation changes while the dialog is up (and the background thread is going). At this point the app either crashes, or deadlocks, or gets into a weird stage where the app does not work at all until all the threads have been killed.How can I handle the screen orientation change gracefully?

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Android :: Update Text When Dialog Open And Dismissed In Thread

Aug 18, 2010

Look at my code.
- code -
private Handler handler = new Handler(); private ProgressDialog dialog;
final Runnable runInUIThread = new Runnable() { public void run() { dialog.dismiss();
} };
private void DoThis() {
dialog = new ProgressDialog(Main.this); dialog.setTitle("Title");
Thread newTask = new Thread() {
@Override public void run() { Looper.prepare(); DoThat();; Looper.loop();
); newTask.start(); } }

Is it possible to use test.setText("something") in this thread to update a Button text or TextView in the LinearLayout after the dialog is dismissed? I try cheating placing:
It kind of updated the text when the dialog open. I want to do it after the dialog was dismissed. What is the correct way to implement this in my thread?

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Android :: Android Positioning Progress Dialog Or Custom Progress Dialog

Feb 24, 2010

I don't know how to position the progress dialog(the one with the rotating image). When my application starts its display an full screen image and a progress dialog box. I need to moved the progress dialog box a little lower.

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Android :: How To Repeat Login Dialog And Progress Dialog?

Jan 25, 2010

I am having a problem about repeating Login dialog (an AlertDialog) and progress dialog, coordinating with http thread. I suppose repetitive Login dialog (if fail, continue) handling should be common and straightforward. I guess my approach must be wrong somewhere. I already spent 2 days on this and am desperate. So please help. User starts the app, the main activity starts.Show a login dialog (generated by the main thread, i.e. from on Create. The main thread then starts a wait_thread, which will wait for http to return data and check the data and decide what to do.After user input username/password and press login, a progress dialog starts.The progress dialog starts an http_thread to talk to the server and get replies. Once done, it will notify the waiting thread.If the user type in the right username password first time, the code works fine.But it always fail for 2nd time Login, i.e. When first login fail(wrong username/ password),the wait_thread will generate 2nd Login dialog to let user repeat the login process. But after user hit the login on this 2nd Login dialog, the system always crashes.

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Android :: Displaying A Progress At Start Up App

Sep 22, 2009

I want to display a progress when the application start,then close progress when all data load completely.How can I do that?

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Android :: Displaying Progress Bar While Downloading File

Nov 9, 2010

I have been searching for days trying to find solution to my problem. I would like to show a progress bar while downloading a file in Android. I found enough to download the file but have struggled to figure out how to display a progress bar.

Here is my download code:...............

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Android :: Progress Dialog Does Not Appear

Nov 9, 2010

WebView webView = new WebView(this);
webView.getSettings().setUserAgentString("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/7.0.517.44 Safari/534.7");
webView.setWebViewClient(new HelloWebViewClient());
ProgressDialog dialog =, "",
"Loading. Please wait...", true);
dialog.cancel();Why does the ProgressDialog not appear?

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Android :: Add A Progress Dialog?

Mar 5, 2010

I'm App I'm doing I try to do some operations that are not very fast, and I want to add a progress dialog...

I have the next code:


When I execute it, I don't see the progress dialog (but I see the program gets doing things)

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Android :: Can I Use Progress Bar In Droid Without Thread?

Jul 29, 2010

Can I use progress bar in android, without the thread?

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Android :: How To Include Progress Dialog?

Sep 13, 2010

I have to show progress dialog while button click. Is there any sample code to show this.

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Android :: Progress Dialog - API Demos Example

Apr 3, 2010

I'm using the progress dialog example from Android API Demos (case DIALOG_PROGRESS). After the orientation changed the dialog is freezing with no progress anymore.

What should I change to make the example working properly after orientation change?

The piece of code is following:


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Android :: Using Progress Dialog With Usertask

Aug 21, 2009

I have an application that downloads some content from the network, processes it and displays it. When any link is clicked, the user task(async task) is used to download and process the content and the content is shown in the new activity.

I want to show a progress dialog until the content gets downloaded and processed. But when i call the method I am getting the following error.

'android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window -- token android.os.BinderProxy@435904d8 is not valid; is your activity running'

I use the get method to get the result from the user task. I make the main thread to wait until the usertask completes its work. I know this is a bad way, but the normal handler does not work here.I think it is not good idea to start a new activity in the onPostExecute method.

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Android :: Show Two Progress Dialog One After Another?

Oct 30, 2010

-->I am new to Android And i want to show two progress dialog one after another??

-->First i want to show when my image is load from internet, when this process is done i have set A button on that Remote image.

-->When i click that button i want Dialog for second time..(on clicking button i have set video streaming code.. before video is start i want to close that Dialog..)

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Android :: How To Set Progress Dialog Time Out

Aug 28, 2010

I want to create a progress dialog that will be run for a predetermind time after that it will be automatically to do it in android

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Android :: Progress Dialog & Status Bar

Apr 13, 2010

In my application i'm loading 40 images in background from web.

- At the time i need to progress dialog or progress bar in status bar (not title bar ).

- How to show it ?

- I tried so much sample programs.

- All are showing only images not progress.

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Android :: Progress Dialog Is Not Showing

Apr 25, 2010

I am developing one application for facebook. In this application when user click on login button i start WebView acitvity there user can login. On success of login i start activity from where user pressed that login button.

Now My problem is On main activity I get all friends list from facebook. That takes some time. So i want to show ProgressDialog, however that progress dialog is not showing up in main activity.

Here is my code.

On Login success i am using this method:


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Android :: Progress Dialog Anywhere In Activity?

Sep 26, 2010

can i keep progress dialog anywhere in activity? if possible then how can i do it?

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Android :: Add Any Layout In Progress Dialog Box?

Sep 27, 2010

Is it possible to add any layout in progress dialog box in android??

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Android :: Add A Delay To Progress Dialog

Nov 17, 2010

I want to make a dummy progress dialog appear for 2 or 3 seconds. It won't actually do anything other than say detecting.

I have the code:


But what do I put in between the show, and the dismissal to have the dialog appear for a few seconds?

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Android :: Showing A Progress Dialog

Jun 10, 2010

I have looked at the Android API and other posts here on stackoverflow, but have not been able to figure this out.

My app downloads files to the sd card. I would like to pop a "loading..." dialog while the file is downloading and then have it disappear when the download is finished. This is what i came up with using the android API:


However the dialog doesn't actually show. when i debug it, it claims that it is showing, but it is obviously not on the screen.

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Android :: Progress Bar Embedded In Ui And Not In Dialog

Nov 22, 2010

Is there a way to embed the progress bar in the UI with out an dialog. And not programmatically but with layout xml files. I am guessing it has to be some sort of animation or a "drawable"

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Android :: Displaying Custom Dialog

Sep 15, 2010

Alright, so I would like to have a custom dialog, but I cannot figure out for the life of me how to make it appear when the function is called.


What could I do?

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