Android :: Can I Use Progress Bar In Droid Without Thread?
Jul 29, 2010Can I use progress bar in android, without the thread?

Can I use progress bar in android, without the thread?
I've created ProgressDialog with a second thread according to the DevGuide,changes screen orientation or 2) hits the back button twice (first to hide the dialog, second to hide the app) to hide the application and run the app again after a while.Then, onCreate() is called (for the second time), and progress bar stops responding properly. My thread may work for a few minutes and I want to give the user possibility to hide it and do sth else. After a while he might want to run the app again in order to check the progress.I found a few articles concerning this topic, but I couldn't find the exact solution I should chose for this problem. So, could you tell mi what is the proper way to handle this? Should i save the handler and dialog state with "onRetainNonConfigurationInstance()"? If so, how to do it properly and is it safe?
View 11 Replies View Relatedi had made an application which download a huge list from the internet and display in a listview. The Listview class is supported by my own Class which is extension of the BaseAdapter base class. In the display list adapter getView method I use simple_list_item_multiple_choice. When I would like to insert an progress dialog with a Thread, the System is die with NullPointer Exception in the last row: *public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {if(convertView == null) convertView =inflater. inflate (android .R. layout.simpl e_list_item_multiple_choice, parent,false); try {ViewHolder vh = new ViewHolder(); vh.check TextView = (Checked TextView) convertView.findViewById(; vh. check TextView. setEnabled (true);* BUT if I don't use the Thread all going to right, there will no NullPointer Exception Can anyone tell me why ? Any solution?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have recently experimented with creating an easy way to open a ProgressDialog up in a second thread, so if the main thread freezes the dialog will keep working. Here is the class: public class ProgressDialogThread extends Thread
public Looper ThreadLooper;
public Handler mHandler;public ProgressDialog ThreadDialog;
public Context DialogContext;
public String DialogTitle;
public String DialogMessage;
public ProgressDialogThread(Context mContext, String mTitle, String mMessage)
{ DialogContext = mContext;
DialogTitle = mTitle;
DialogMessage = mMessage;
} public void run()
{ Looper.prepare();
ThreadLooper = Looper.myLooper();
ThreadDialog = new ProgressDialog(DialogContext);
mHandler = new Handler();
} public void Update(final String mTitle, final String mMessage)
{ while(mHandler == null)
synchronized(this) {
try { wait(10); }
catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.d("Exception(ProgressDialogThread.Update)", e.getMessage() == null ? "MISSING MESSAGE" : e.getMessage()); Runnable(){
public void run() {
public void Dismiss()
{ while(ThreadDialog == null || mHandler == null)
synchronized(this) {
try { wait(10); }
catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.d("Exception(ProgressDialogThread.Dismiss)", e.getMessage() == null ? "MISSING MESSAGE" : e.getMessage()); Runnable(){
public void run() {
public void Continue()
{ while(ThreadLooper == null || mHandler == null)
synchronized(this) {
try { wait(10); }
catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.d("Exception(ProgressDialogThread.Continue)", e.getMessage() == null ? "MISSING MESSAGE" : e.getMessage()); Runnable(){
public void run() {
However it sometimes work perfectly but other times the application simply freezes and crashes eventually.Here is an example of use:ProgressDialogThread thread = new ProgressDialogThread(this, "Loading", "Please wait...");
// Do Stuff
thread.Continue();It generates a lot of warning and even some crashes sometimes: eg. Handler: Sending message to dead thread.and exceptions like ANR
Trouble is, that ProgressDialog show only after loading run(), but I need to show it on start and showing it while loading some data. I put: "dialog =,"Working...","Loading data", true);" in method run(), but the same. I print in Log.i() some info (int i++) and put title of ProgressDialog. Method work correctly, but don't show ProgressDialog. I have read some info that some thread block another thread (my created), that's why doesn't show progressDialog, but can't do anything.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhave a Progress Dialog in an extra Thread running. Normally the user will have the keyboard open, because something is to insert! So when the Progress Dialog appears and the user close the keyboard, the dialog dissappears and the application crashes. In the debugger i saw the exception "View not attached to window manager". May because the Dialog is not longer shown but the application want to remove it after the calculation? Here is the code where i start the dialog and the thread:Does somebody know how to solve this?
View 6 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone have expirience with opengl-ui-opengl threading interraction? I'am developing a small opengl application. I'am a little bit confused with separate opengl thread. Currently, my application is logically separated in two parts - the controlling one and the rendering one. The controlling part interracts with user - accepting user input, changing activities, dealing with files and so on. The rendering part - just render everything it should. Ok, so when I need to load new texture to opengl (unfortunatelly its large and I cant reduce its size), I'd like to show a ProgerssDialog dialog. Trying to show it from the open gl thread brings me an exception: "Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()". Because the initiator of loading is in the ui thread (for example - user selected a menu option), I'am opening the dialog, adding the load Runnable to stack on Runnables that will be called in Render.onDrawFrame and passing there a callback that will be executed after texture is loaded.
View 2 Replies View RelatedOn my activity, im getting some big data from web, and while getting this data i want to show the user a ProgressDialog with spinning wheel. That i can do only with putting this code into a thread, right? the problem is that after im getting this data i need to insert it into my tableLayout as TableRows and it seems impossible to access the TableLayout from the thread. What can i do to show this progress dialog and to be able access the table layout from the thread ? is there any event that happens on the end of the thread ?
My code fails for : _tableLayout.addView(_tableRowVar, new TableLayout.LayoutParams(
LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT));My full code is : final ProgressDialog dialog =, "","Getting data.
I've got an Android activity which grabs an RSS feed from a URL, and uses the SAX parser to stick each item from the XML into an array. This all works fine but, as expected, takes a bit of time, so I want to use AsyncActivity to do it in the background. The line items = parser.getItems() works fine - items being the arraylist containing each item from the XML. The problem I'm facing is that on starting the activity, the ProgressDialog which i create in onPreExecute() isn't displayed until after the doInBackground() method has finished. i.e. I get a black screen, a long pause, then a completely populated list with the items in. Why is this happening? Why isn't the UI drawing, the ProgressDialog showing, the parser getting the items and incrementally adding them to the list, then the ProgressDialog dismissing?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy program does some network activity in a background thread. Before starting, it pops up a progress dialog. The dialog is dismissed on the handler.This all works fine, except when screen orientation changes while the dialog is up (and the background thread is going). At this point the app either crashes, or deadlocks, or gets into a weird stage where the app does not work at all until all the threads have been killed.How can I handle the screen orientation change gracefully?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have created a activity and set a the title bar to contain a progress bar like this: this.requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_PROGRESS);getWindow().setFeatureInt(Window.FEATURE_PROGRESS, 500);But it turns out to be a horizontal bar, how can I make this a spin bar? (without creating a custom title bar)
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to delete certain texts from a thread in an easy manner instead of having to delete a whole thread??
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow can I implement a run() method of thread if I create a Thread Global?
I mean If I create a Thread Globally then can I implement its run() method {" public void run()"} anywhere in my Application?
In the run() method I have to write the code to perform some action.
IF I can do it then please can anyone show me briefly how to do it particularly.
I am writing an application in which i need to handle messages between the main thread(the deafult UI related thread) and the user created Gamethread.
The requirement is like this.
An activity(say "Activity_X") is setting the view by "setContentView(some "View_Y")". In "Activity_X" i have implemeted "onCreateOptionsMenu()" and "onOptionsItemSelected()" fucntions for creating menus & a switch case for action to be taken on selecting those menus.Menu has items like "resume/pause/zoom/" .
All action to be take on selecting these menus are implemented in "View_Y" in a separate Gamethread by extending "Thread" class.
So whenever a menu is selected in "Activity_X" i need to send a message to "View_Y". And on receiving this ,a particular action/method should be called in View_Y(GameThread).
How can i achieve this using Handlers?Is there any other way of doing this? Please do share with me some code snippets for these.
I have a separate thread running to get data from the internet. After that, I would like to update the ListView in the main thread by calling adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(). But it does not work. Any workaround for that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to do the drawing in another thread to speed up the game(it is way to slow right now). I was told to do this but don't quite understand why that would speed things up. Is it GameView that should implement Runnable? Should I make the thread sleep when not drawing? where should I start the thread? package;
import; import android.content.Context; import*; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.SurfaceView; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnKeyListener; import java.lang.Runnable; import java.lang.Thread;...................
I'm using an horizontal progress bar in my Android application, and I want to change its progress color (which is Yellow by default). How can I do it using code (not XML)?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need to suspend/resume a thread from another thread in the same process. I tried to look into thread apis,but I couldn't figured out a way to achieve this.Can anyone pls point me some references to look or give a tip to do this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThe Android doc says "Like activities and the other components, services run in the main thread of the application process." Is the main thread here the same thing as UI thread?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI don't know how to position the progress dialog(the one with the rotating image). When my application starts its display an full screen image and a progress dialog box. I need to moved the progress dialog box a little lower.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I am talking on my Droid, the screen often goes black and I can only see the screen options by tilting the phone. Even then, I cannot consistently see the call options. Also, when trying to multi-task, the unlock screen pops up and I am not always able to perform multiple tasks because as soon as I perform the unlock motion it goes right back to the lock screen. Suggestions?
View 6 Replies View RelatedAnyone have a problem with the onscreen keypad not coming up when a call is in progress? My credit card company called me with an automated message to notify me about possible fraud on one of my credit cards. At one point to continue with the call, I had to press "1", but the onscreen keypad would not come up when I tapped on the keypad icon. I kept tapping but nothing happened, and ended up losing the call. The keypad icon has worked on other calls, just not this one.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI developed one small application to display some text at defined intervals in the android emulator screen.I am using Handler class, small snippet from my code...
When i run this appication the text is displayed only one time.Please any one knows how to run a thread using Handler.
In my android app i have an ui-update-thread that keeps all my views up-to-date.
within onStop() to prevent the thread from running all the time. if i don't do this, it would keep running even if i close the app!
problem is: how do i bring this thread back to life when returning from some other activity to this one? run() doesn't work, calling the initial start() in some other method like onResume() crashes the app.
Occasionally I see thread execution hiccups on my Motorola Droid (currently running 2.1 but I saw it with 2.0.1, too). Normally my dummy thread (full tilt, foreground, not doing *anything* else) runs in about 5-6mS. However, I see a second hump around 13-14mS and stragglers anywhere out to 80mS (typically around 35mS, though). What is going on? Why is this scheduling so non-deterministically? What is the solution? I could deal with a couple mS slower if it would get rid of those stragglers that exist the whole way out to 50-80mS..................
View 2 Replies View RelatedStatus: ROOT ,,Root Notification Thread (Root Achieved and thread open)
View 49 Replies View RelatedThere are a ton of activity stack related questions on StackOverflow, but I didn't really see any that answered the question I have. I'm working on an online game that (for now) has 3 different activities Login/Register Menu (seen when logged in, includes "new game", "my stats", and a few other things...I'm just worried about the "new game" option for now.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy application is basically a image viewer. It is opened from both camera and as a separate application.
I open the image viewer to view and edit the picture. Each edit operation is implemented using thread. If my application closes due to pressing the home button, the next time I open it with camera. It throws anr.
This doesn't always happen. Only when large edit operations or edit operations on large image files are done.
I get out of memory error, sometimes timeout.
I guess it s because the thread doesn't complete the edit operation when home is clicked. and it s still running on the background. so when i open it s unable to process it.
m I right?
If so what is the way to stop a thread before the completion?
I am trying to make facebook asynchronous non blocking thread in android. due to which our UI is run separate thread but i am unable to do that can any one tell me how to do that.
and If possible please give me one example.
Is there any way to monitor the performance of a thread on Android phone.
As in any POSIX library?
I want to find the time taken by a "thread" during execution, while many other applications might also be running.