Android :: Difference In Behavior Between HTC / NexusOne / SDK 2.1-update1

Jun 7, 2010

I wrote an app that invokes the contact manager in the following way: Intent pickcontact = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, People.CONTENT_URI); startActivityForResult(pickcontact, CONTACTPICKED); I am experiencing 2 different behavior between HTC phones and the NexusOne, all with firmware 2.1-update1. (i.e., my application is getting access to all my contact along the primary phone number of that contact list). On HTC phones however (incredible and the hero), the list of contact I get represents some sort of index as opposed to the actual contact name/phone number.

Android :: Difference in behavior between HTC / NexusOne / SDK 2.1-update1

Motorola :: What Is Difference Between Android 2.2 / 2.2-update1

Oct 5, 2010

I was looking at an Android powered Tablet made in China. They are confirming that it is running version 2.2. But when looking at the about phone UI, it shows that the version is "2.2-update1". Is this real? Or is it 2.1 with some 2.2 features? Any advise would be appreciated, since I wanted to buy these ASAP.

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Android :: NexusOne AudioRecord Randomly Goes To Standby

May 9, 2010

On the nexus one, my app goes into Audio Record Stanby randomly after 0-40 seconds. I'm using the AudioRecord class, and while the standby is reported in the terminal, the AudioRecord instance reports the same states of RECORDSTATE_RECORDING and STATE_INITIALIZED throughout the entire sequence.

The bottom line is that when this anomaly occurs, audio is not captured. and this is what im working to prevent was only able to reproduce on nexus one android2.1 not g1 android1.6

I have looked extensively through the Android C/C++ libraries such as at this file:;a=blob_p... and [url]

Most interesting to me, is this line in AudioFlinger: [url]

Specifically the bool AudioFlinger::RecordThread::threadLoop()

As you can see, minput->standby() occurs in 4 different places in the code.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Come With Android 2.1 Update1

May 7, 2010

Reposting the screenshot that PansyDog just posted over at AndroidCentral, post #49.

So who here still wants to argue that the Evo will drop with Froyo 2.2? Sure it COULD still happen, but is it really that likely?

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Nexus :: Android 2.2 Update From 2.1 -update1 EPF21B

Jun 10, 2010

I have a Nexus One with Android 2.1 -update1 Build # EPF21B. I am using this in India. I need to find out a couple of things :
1. How do I find out if my N1 is rooted or not.
2. Whether my N1 qualifies for a Android 2.2 update ?
- If no, how do I make it qualify ?
- If yes, when do I get the update ?

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Android :: Multitouch Seems Badly Broken On Nexus One 2.1-update1

Feb 11, 2010

So what I want to know is what is being done about this? Is there a bug file and if so is it.

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Android :: LG Ally From Verizon 2.1-update1 Has Broken Apps

Sep 26, 2010

I have been told by one of my customers that my app (and some others) no longer works on his phone since he got an OTA for2.1-update. a bit of a Google about and it sounds like yes - my customer and my app are not alone. Has any-one else encountered this - is it Verizon's fault or has my app got some obscure bug? The icon has changed from the normal group text icon to a generic android icon, and instead of being called group text, the name that shows up in my app menu is "com.smallbould". When I click on the icon, every time I get an immediate message saying that Andriod Home has to be force closed. I never even make it to the group text main screen... nothing from group text loads, period. I can uninstall the app and then reinstall it from Android market and everything goes back to normal... the icon and the app name go back to normal and the app loads and works without a problem. But as soon as I power down the phone, the app reverts to the generic icon and becomes totally non functional again. For what its worth, Fandango and History Eraser also have this problem after 2.1-update1. All of these apps worked flawlessly before the update. My phone is an LG Ally from Verizon.

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Motorola Droid :: Will I Still Get Ota Since It Says I Have Firmware 2.1 Update1?

Mar 31, 2010

I have manually updated my droid to 2.1, will i still get the ota since it says i have firmware 2.1 update1?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Deleting 2.1-update1 Using Uninstaller App

Jul 19, 2010

I was going through my Uninstaller App today to see what apps I really haven't been using much lately, because even though I have apps2sd, my internal memory is down to 23mb. Despite clearing the cache with cachmate. I have a bunch of apps, and know that they are all taking up cache, but daaaaamn, they take up a lot, lol. I have a 16gb, i think "kingston" sd card, and doubt it's a class 6 (because my wife got it at the sprint store), so I'm not comfortable moving all my dalvik cache onto it in case it screws something up, or makes it super slow. Sorry, got a little off topic. So I came across " 2.1-update1 10998kb", and wasn't sure if I would brick my phone by deleting it. It's obviously taking up some of my internal memory, and I'd like to have that room back lol. Does anyone know if I'll brick my phone if I delete it, or if it will be just fine if I delete it? I'm running 1.5, with Aloysius 2.1 LWP w/ OC. I refuse to upgrade to 2.1 and lose root. Unless someone has finally found a way to get root again after updating to 2.1?

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Motorola Droid :: Does Helix Launcher2 Work On 2.1 Update1?

Mar 31, 2010

HelixLauncher2 in the market says it requires 2.1-update1 that is on the N1. Does HL2 work on the Droid now? Does version 1 work on the updated Droid?I really, really need more than 3 home screens, and want to try Helix to get them.

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Samsung Captivate :: Recovery Mode / Firmware 2.1-update1

Oct 3, 2010

I seem to be having problems getting access into recovery mode. It's a brand new Captivate and it came preloaded with Firmware 2.1-update1I tried variations on this, but from everything I've heard, this should work just fine: Hold both volume buttons while powering on and keep holding the power button 3 seconds after the ATT logo appears (before it power cycles itself). Nothing triggers, and it just boots up normally.I've also tried the "One Click Root/UnRoot" method, with no luck.Has ATT gotta more aggressive with locking us out?

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Updated With Registry Hack But Only Got 2.1 Update1

Oct 29, 2010

I have updated my Galaxy S with the registry hack to Froyo but I still have 2.1 update1 on it. I have read here How to get the Galaxy S Froyo 2.2 update RIGHT NOW if you own a GT-i9000 device, regardless of European country [UPDATED] | CareAce that Samsung pulled the Froyo update so people with can't access it with the registry hack. Is there any other way to get the update through Kies?

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LG Ally :: Skype Mobile Stopped Working After Update1

Oct 19, 2010

I'm a new comer on this forum. I got my Ally about a month ago. So far I like it overall, though it feels a little slow at times. I installed the update1 pushed out to me couple weeks ago from verizon. After that, the Skype mobile doesn't open with error message. I tried removing and reinstalling it, then it worked again. But it's screwed up again after rebooting the phone. I had to repeat this twice. Sorry if this was discussed before. But is there any solution to this problem?

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Motorola Droid X :: Running 2.1 Update1 - Process And Procedures Little Different

Sep 21, 2010

Just came from an rooted droid eris. That was a HTC phone and while just getting familiar with the X it seems the process and procedures are a little different/more confusing. My brand new X came with 2.1 update1. Now my only reason/purpose for rooting is really only for custom roms(if even available or stable for the X yet, but not that important atm)/apps requiring SU permissions like wireless tether and setcpu.

Although I doubt I'll need to oc this beast. And tweaking the os to be better/faster/how I want it like removing bloatware. With that being said, like I said I am running 2.1 update1. And I am hearing something about the X getting Froyo 2.2 anyday now? Should I wait for that to hit my phone before I do anything?

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Android :: Freeze Bug In Android 2.1-update1 Showing Up In Multiple Cases On Nexus One And Droid

May 7, 2010

I mentioned this earlier but no one seemed to know anything about this. It just happened again to me in the middle of testing a new game, which is the first time I've seen it happen during one of my games. The game had been loaded for about a minute and I was playing and everything was fine and then the phone locked up and this was in the log:

[url]. CPU may be pegged. trying again.

The waitForCondition messages kept logging every second until the phone (Nexus One) rebooted itself.

This continued until the device rebooted. As you can imagine, process 29487 is my game. 74 is (I think) system service. Both got hung up and my game certainly didn't do anything to cause this. I just use a GLSurfaceView and a normal logic thread. Nothing special, no hacks.

This is not the first time I've seen it - it can be reliably reproduced when flipping orientations on a live wallpaper service and doing the proper context/display destroy and new EGL init on orientation change. It happens almost instantly there. It's actually plaguing my live wallpaper because I haven't found a workaround for it yet.

I've also seen this happen once before to RenderScript, so perhaps it is OpenGL-related?

I feel like there is a bug down there in the depths of Android....

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Android :: How To Set Notifications Behavior On EVO?

Jul 13, 2010

Does anyone know how to set the notifications behavior on the EVO? Specifically with Google Talk? I would like the phone to beep at me only once when someone sends a google talk message, and then not ever again for the following messages until I unlock the phone's screen and reactivate the google talk app. I think it already works this way for email, but not for Gtalk. Can this be done? And, I already know that if I open up the chat session, the sounds shut off on successive messages. However I would like it to stop the beeping without opening the chat window.

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Android :: Customize Spinner Behavior

Apr 21, 2010

I want to customize the spinner behavior a little bit. I want to add a couple of buttons at the end of the drop down menu that is displayed when the user selects the control. Any idea how this could be done?

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Android :: Odd Behavior With A Search Activity

Oct 24, 2009

I have a package with two activities

1. A main activity 2. A search activity

The search activity is invoked by a search suggestion provider in two possible ways

1. By clicking directly on a suggestion invoking the search activity through a VIEW action 2. By clicking on the explicit search icon invoking the activity through SEARCH action

If it is invoked through SEARCH I stay on the search activity and show some text to the user. Now when I click the back button I go back CORRECTLY to the home page.

ODD Behaviour: However if I came to the search activity through the VIEW, I invoke a browser activity and call finish() on the search activity. Now I have the browser in my view. If I now go back I would expect to go back to teh device home page. But from now where the "main activity" is showing up.

I see in the logcat a message from ActivityManager indicating

moveTaskToBack: 8

I have tried various flags to invoke the browser activity the tried flags include new task previous is top and I have also tried both a singleTop and otherwise with the SearchActivity as well. Same end result.

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Android :: Behavior Of Activity For Cases

Mar 18, 2010

1. I want to know the behavior of activity for the cases where onStop and on Destroy were not called like low memory situations.
2. I was registered my handler in on Create() and unregistering in on Destroy, what is the behavior if other thread sends messages to the registrants after the activity was killed by android without calling on Destroy. I know that those handler were not removed by GC as they are still referring by the thread.
3. Also suggest me to handle the above situations.

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Android :: Getting Right Highlighting Behavior In ListView

Sep 20, 2010

I have a ListView set up in single-choice mode like this:

<ListView android:id="@id/android:list"android:layout_width="fill_parent"
android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:background="#ff444444" android:layout_weight="1"
android:drawSelectorOnTop="false" android:choiceMode="singleChoice" android:scrollbars="vertical"

When I press my finger on a choice, the selection changes from white text on light gray to black text on orange. But as soon as I lift my finger, the selection reverts to the original state. I'd like that chosen row to remain in the black-text-on-orange mode when I lift my finger so that the user knows what was selected in the list (my onClickListener has captured the selected row, of course). Is there a way I can tell the ListView that I want this behavior or something similar so the user knows what item has been selected?

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Android :: Select Behavior Of TextView

Oct 18, 2010

I have a TextView which is inside a LinearLayout which is in the child position of an ExpandableListView. Without assigning a color state selector to the text view, the following behavior is observed:Text unselected - text paints as white Text selected - text paints as black.If I add a color state selector with a call to text.setTextColor(R.color.textcolorstatelist) then the following behavior is observed:Text unselected - text paints as black Text selected - text paints as black.I tried two versions of textcolorstatelist.xml and both produced the results above.

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Android :: Inconsistent Handler Behavior

Sep 30, 2010

I am using a handler inside my service to display notifications at a certain time using the Handler.postDelayed method. My application runs fine on the emulator just as expected satisfying all cases. But when I installed the same on my HTC Wildfire, it simply doesn't happen as anticipated. Notifications are displayed at a random manner after the scheduled time and some notifications even fail. I'm monitoring my service from the Applications > Running Services and still my service is active.

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Android :: Inconsistent Ringtone Behavior

Mar 16, 2009

I am trying to add ringtones to the media/ringtones folder from my application. If the phone is connected via USB to a computer or mounted on my Mac, the ringtones do not show up in the SD Card, nor in the Ringtone settings.

But if I run the application with the USB unplugged, the ringtones appear ok. This is not a problem with Ringdroid which does the same thing.

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Android :: AddHeaderView Changes Behavior On ListView / Way To Fix?

Jul 10, 2010

I got two kind of lists on 4 different views. All lists are clickable and starts an activity to read the clicked record. One is just a listview populated from the DB and works fine. The second is also a listview populated from a DB but has a addHeaderView. This makes the list forget where it was when you return from the listview's intent. If I remove the addHeaderView(); it works fine. Why does AddHeaderView changes or even malfunctions ListView's behavior?

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Android : Use To Try And Duplicate Behavior Of An App Upgrade?

Jul 13, 2009

I changed my database schema on my application to include an additional column in one of the tables. I did this in the onUpgrade method in the DBHelper.

Then I tried exporting my signed application and reinstalling it using the 'adb install -r <app>.apk' command to try and 'simulate' an application upgrade, but onUpgrade never gets called.

Is there a command that I can use to try and duplicate the behavior of an application upgrade?

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Android :: Set Behavior For An Inflated View?

Oct 1, 2010

I have an audio player toolbar activity that has a corresponding layout file.

I need this player to show up at the bottom of another activity. I use a ViewStub and inflate the audio toolbar's layout file in the stub.

How do I access the buttons, etc on this inflated view and how do I set their behavior?

The docs on ViewStub did not mention anything about this (or maybe I totally overlooked something).

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Android :: Sleep - Screen Behavior Documented

Oct 1, 2009

I'm looking around and trying to find out where sleep behavior is documented - and I mean in the general sense.

When the phone is left alone: * Sometimes the phone screen dims and doesn't shut off. * Sometimes the phone screen goes dark in five seconds * Sometimes the menu lock happens. * Sometimes the menu lock doesn't happen. * Sometimes the only way to darken the screen is to push the power button.

What's not clear is what triggers these different states. I'm looking for a complete list I can use in testing and application validation.

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Android :: Behavior Of SingleTask Not Consistent With Document

Mar 31, 2010

I have an app with two activities, one of which the launchmode is set to "singleTask". From the Android dev guide, I got the impression that my SingleTaskActivity should start a new task (or reuse an old task) and always sit at the root of the stack when launched.

However, it's inconsistent with the behavior of the app if I follow the steps below: - launch StandardActivity from home - click the "home" key - launch SingleTaskActivity from home, you will see it's in the foreground as expected - click the "Back" key, StandardActivity comes to the foreground whereas I expect to see the home screen because SingleTaskActivity is supposed to be at the ROOT of the stack. It appears SingleTaskActivity was launched into the task that StandardActivity started, rather than starting its own task.

Is my understanding about the "singleTask" launch mode correct?

=== The Android Dev guide ( manifest/activity-element.html#lmode) says:

In contrast, "singleTask" and "singleInstance" activities can only begin a task. They are always at the root of the activity stack. Moreover, the device can hold only one instance of the activity at a time — only one such task.


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Android :: Inconsistent Premultiply Behavior In Bitmap

Sep 28, 2010

I have noticed that loading an image into a GLTexture using


Will create a texture with premultiplied alpha. Not a problem, as long as I use glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) to blend instead of glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) which will cause dark borders.

However, I've found that if I render text onto the Bitmap and convert to glTexture using:


The resultant texture is NOT premultiplied, and using glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) will cause ugly over- saturated edges when blended into the 3D world. Blending using glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) makes it look right again.

To confirm this, I saved the bitmap into a PNG file and load it as a resource into a texture, and the resultant texture is premultiplied and renders correctly using glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)

Is there a way to force the text rendering onto the bitmap to be pre- multiplied?

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Android :: IME Options Behavior Is Inconsistent Across Different Devices

Jun 4, 2009

I noticed that the imeOptions attribute on TextViews behaves inconsistently across different devices. For instance, setting imeOptions to "normal" has the following effects:

1) On the emulator and G1s running 1.5: The OSK will have a "Done" key and clicking it will simply close the OSK with no further action taken (this is exactly what I need)

2) On my HTC Magic (G2), also running 1.5 (of course): The OSK will have an enter key (showing the enter symbol instead of "Done") and when clicking it, the OSK will close and bring up the context menu of the text view... I mean, seriously. That is the last thing any user or developer would expect it to do.

There seems to be no way to simply close the OSK after entering some text on the G2, *except* when specifying flagNoEnterAction in imeOptions, which on the G2 does what "normal" does on the G1, but on the G1, this will lead to the OSK to not respond at all to the enter key (user has to hit "back" to close the OSK).

This is a complete mess, is there any way to have the OSK behave in a sane manner without resorting to hacks (like checking for device models and setting imeOptions programmatically)? Didn't Google say they cared about backwards compatibility before releasing Cupcake? I have nothing but trouble getting my app to look and behave identical on different Android models.

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