Android :: Build And Display SpannableString With Image Spans?
Jul 4, 2010I am looking for an example of how to build and display SpannableString with Image spans. Something like inline display of smileys.

I am looking for an example of how to build and display SpannableString with Image spans. Something like inline display of smileys.
Just wondering if its possible to use the built in image viewer to display an image sourced from a database. I'm hoping I can pass the byte[] as an extra to the ACTION_VIEW intent, but can't find any docs on it so far. Alternatively I'll have to roll my own viewer or first write the image out to a file and pass that to the intent.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm building a text at runtime that will be put into a TextView. This text has composed with different size fonts. I must calculate the width in pixels of this text. I have tried to use Paint.measureText, but it does not consider the different font sizes.
How can I calculate the real width?
this is an example: code..
In this example, if I set the relative size to "2f " or "3f"(for example), the total size that returns "MeasureText" is the same.
I'd like to show a png in the built-in image viewer. Code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to build recovery image. how can i compile this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to make a wall paper that spans all 6 pages of the SenseUI desktop rather than having the same image Copied to all 6 pages?
I was in the IRC room the other day, and was told by a couple of users that they had tried a few things and it wasn't possible.
Then today I was playing around the forums and Disabled SenseUI to check out the Android Home, for shits and giggles no attempt to keep it.
I set a background in Home, which spanned all 3 Home pages... when scrolling thru it actually looked like you were moving along a Image 3x the width of one screen.
When I went back to SenseUI.... that same background was there on all 6 pages no copies at all.....
Any1 kno how to make our on like this and install it on the phone? What would the resolution be on one page or multiple pages?
I want to display an image from a url, for this I defined the ImageView first as,
<ImageView android:id="@+id/imagename" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
then in the activity,
super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); ImageView imgV = (ImageView)findViewById(;
Now how should I supply the url of the image from where it should fetch the image ever time. I have seen the function setImageURI but it is not clear how to give the url.Any clues?
I want to display a list of image form url which i will get from xml file. how can i do that please assist me.Any kind of help is appreciated
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm having trouble displaying SOME images on my android app. Just normal display image from certain URL. Some images works, some just doesn't work. For instance try displaying this image from URL:
It doesn't work. Doesn't even work in emulator.Could it be the EXIF info for the image is problematic? Can anyone try to see they are able to display that image on android app, and share the code/method to display that image on screen?
How can i display image in ImageView in android from a link (from the internet)?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm thinking that BitmapFactory.decode.only handles JPEG (and maybe PNG)images? Is there some way to decode a TIFF file?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a large image.But i have to display just some portion of it.How is this possible using Android ImageView?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to display an image by specifying the file name instead of by using resource. E.g showImage("background.png") instead of showImage(R.drawable.background). Any one knows how?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an image that is currently stored in variable of type "File". File img; What is the easiest way to display this image onto the screen so I can verify it is working correct?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I started to display an image from the SDCARD in WebView, I got errors like:
" Not allowed to load local resource: file://".
I�ve found a solution for this, and you don�t even have to care about ContentProviders�
Here�s an example:
/* Using WebView to display the full-screen image */
WebView full = (WebView)findViewById(;
/* Set up the Zoom controls */
FrameLayout mContentView = (FrameLayout) get Window().
final View zoom = this.full.getZoomControls();
mContentView.addView(zoom, ZOOM_PARAMS);
/* Create a new Html that contains the full-screen image */
String html = new String();
html = ("<html><center><img src=""+fileName+""></html>" );
/* Finally, display the content using WebView */
full.loadDataWithBaseURL("file:///sdcard/data/data/com.youproject.example "utf-8",
""); Hope you found it useful, let me know how it works for you!
In my android application, i am displaying images of different categories.When i click on these images i would like to get a small list of the items in that particular category.What should i use for that.I am not sure which control will satisfy this and how can i use it.Could any one please suggest me with a solution?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to get the real size of an image displayed in an image view. Actually my image is larger than the screen and the imageview is resizing the image to diplay it. I'm looking for this new size.I've tried to override the onDraw method of the ImageView in a custom view but I'm not getting the correct height and width.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am writing an Android app that includes an ImageView.The image to be included in the view resides on the local app directory of the emulator.The image is not being displayed in the view.The relavent XML and method used to display the image are given below.The image file is a "png" format file and is able to be opened from the local app directory. The path returned by getFilesDir() includes the full path, "/data/data/" This path designation does not exist on the development system but does exists when DDMS File Explorer is used.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to display an image before the list in a listactivity. If I put an ImageView before the ListView, then only the list is displayed..
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to display the image like first image but my images are displaying like second image
i want to display images like first image, like center in screen and equal spaces top and bottom look first image,but my images are displaying not center in screen and no spaces in top,what can i do for display image like first images.anybody knows,please give solution for that.
I want to display external image like:..
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am looking for an optimized solution to display image in different screen size. I have a image in server which I would like to display in different handled devices like iPhone, iPad ,Android based tablets or mobiles etc.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want display image on another bitmap image with text.please send me the code if you are having solution.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to display the image on the ImageView object. But the setImageResource fails to display the image. Here is my XML file looks like:
<?xml version=*"1.0"* encoding=*"utf-8"*?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android=*"" *
android:orientation=*"vertical" *
android:layout_width=*"fill_parent" *
android:orientation=*"vertical" *
android:layout_width=*"fill_parent" *
android:layout_height=*"fill_parent" *
Here is my code:
*public* *void* onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ImageView batteryLevelImage = (ImageView) findViewById(* batteryLevelview*);
Can anybody tell how to display background image in a TextView in android?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have the url of an image. What i need to do is launch the default image viewer for images using an intent. But it doesn't work. If I do not specify the type of data, the intent launches the browser since the data is a url. It works basically (since you can see the image on the browser) but what I would like is to have the gallery display the image for me.I can also download the image into a Bitmap but I would still not know how to display the Bitmap using the gallery (if that's even possible).I tried saving the bitmap to the cache and then launch the viewer on that file but it doesn't work. Can you spot any mistakes on my code? (The Utilities class is a class i wrote.
View 3 Replies View Relatedany one guide me how can i display remote image in my layout imageView?
View 1 Replies View Relatedcan any one tell how to display the List with an Image in the left side of the view.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have implemented an activity that retrieves data from a web service and display it in the AutoCompleteTextView. This has been working quite well.I'm interested in displaying a spinning animation while the data is being retrieved (The same effect like the Quick Search Box) I try to figure out how the QSB is doing it (10x Open Source!) but couldn't find any place where the spinner image is being put/set/drawn onto the EditText control.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes setImageResource() in ImageView also draws the image instantly on the screen or does it require any other function call? i need to display the image as soon as i set the resource.
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