Android : Best Way To Launch An App - Calculate Its Launch Time?
Feb 24, 2010What is the best way to launch an app and calculate its launch time in android(if it can be done with some code,then its better)

What is the best way to launch an app and calculate its launch time in android(if it can be done with some code,then its better)
I'm new to Android development, so I might be missing something obvious. I want to launch an activity when the user's phone clock hits a specified time (similar to an alarm). However, I'm not sure how I would go about doing this as constant polling of the clock seems inefficient and a waste of resources. Do I need to capture broadcast events from the lclock, or use PendingIntents?
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View 2 Replies View RelatedSo I've been struggling with this and I am not sure why because it should be simple, but for some reason I just can not get my head around it !!
I am developing a game and when the user saves their game, I write out the last time I checked their stats using System.currentTimeMillis(). Then when they load in the game I want to see how many total seconds have elapsed since it was last saved. Naturally I thought of getting System.currentTimeMillis() and then deducting my saved value and then converting that into seconds using this :=
long timePassed = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCheck; int seconds = (int) ((timePassed / 1000) % 60);
But on each load the seconds keep altering, but not within the right bounds. For example on one load it comes as 59 seconds, then it showed 23 seconds etc. Obviously my algorithm is slightly wonky but I can't work out why.
Could some one please elaborate where I am going?
Does anybody know if there is an app that I can have on my homescreen that when pressed it launches a specific MP3 ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've read about intents in android but here goes my question. I'd like to launch an app on my android phone with the click of a link in the web browser. Example: If the link is "mycam://", "mycam://" acts as some kind of "tag" to launch my app but I'd like to pass "" as a string to that app on start.
View 2 Replies View RelatedAll Any one knows how to launch certain application in my android from URL send via email or SMS. I mean if I have an SMS: Http://GOOGLE.COM then I am able to click on it so the browser opened with that URL. the same thing I want, so when clicking a URL gotten from email or SMS like: appName:// the appName application launched and those arguments passed to the first activity of the application.
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View 5 Replies View RelatedI have 2 projects (each has its own apk). Can you please tell me how can I launch an activity which is in another apk that I created? I have this activity which I want to launch from another project: what should I put in here so that I can launch this from another activity in another project?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it in any way possible to launch an activity from the main function without having a UI? i.e. is there a way to create a sort of "wrapper" around another activity, i.e. by launching the main activity, it takes you to another activity automatically. If that is not possible, is there a way to remove the main activity from the stack so that clicking the back button does not take you to a blank UI?
Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:
public class WrapperActivity extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DIAL, Uri.parse("tel:555-1212"));
I am trying to create a widget that, when clicked on, launches the browser and goes to a particular URL. Unfortunately, I have had a lot of problems. I started with a (working) widget that, when clicked, opened the alarm clock. Then, using the code from another Groups post ( 11e54b1df3a4d279), I tried to convert it to open the browser instead. Here is my (non-working) code...
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm wanting to make a widget that launches an app another developer made when you touch it. I know you use the startActivity(intent) meathod. But I am wondering how I know what the intent is short of emailing the developer and asking?
View 13 Replies View RelatedCan some one tell me ,why launch is canceled ? [2010-05-15 07:56:22 - Helloandroid] Device API version is 7 (Android 2.1) [2010-05-15 07:56:22 - Helloandroid] HOME is up on device 'emulator-5554' [2010-05-15 07:56:22 - Helloandroid] Uploading Helloandroid.apk onto device 'emulator-5554' [2010-05-15 07:56:28 - Helloandroid] Failed to upload Helloandroid.apk on device 'emulator-5554' [2010-05-15 07:56:28 - Helloandroid] Unable to upload file: timeout [2010-05-15 07:56:28 - Helloandroid] Launch canceled! You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
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View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a good shuttle launch app? One that would show the countdown and update the user via maybe a text or a home screen message whether there were delays or not? Just seemed like a good idea to me and I haven't been able to find any. Seeing as I can't write an app myself I figured I would ask.
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View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to do is open a very simple application that is supposed to do nothing but display an imageView above a textView. The application worked fine until I added the imageView so I'm assuming my problem has something to do with that.
Here is the code:
Here is my layout -> main.xml
When I try and run the app in Eclipse through the Emulator the emulator gives me the following error:
The application Application Name ( has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.
The Console log in Eclipse shows the following messages:
The problem is the apps will launch twice or more when I apply the following steps: 1. launch the app A (1 time) 2. rotate the screen, (the app A will launch again, now the app A launch twice) 3. press return button (my expected result is that the app A will keep running, luckily, I can do that.) 4. launch the app A ( there will be one more app A running) So, in this case, there are 3 app A launching at the same time. But my expected result is just have one and only one app A launch.
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Is it possible to define a shortcut key to launch the app I'm developing for android? Can a service running in the background get hardware button events like the camera or send button for example.
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