Android :: AudioTrack Sanity Test

Oct 2, 2009

I am trying to determine if I should go the ndk way to work on a music synth app, but first wanted to do a sanity check in the java layer by testing how many sine tones i could play concurrently, and so I tried this. And it's pretty low: I can only play about 4 or 5 tones before the obtainBuffer timeouts start increasing in number. Also, changing the media volume while the tones are playing disrupts the output.

Android :: AudioTrack sanity test

Android :: AudioTrack Stop/release - AudioTrack Plays In The STREAM Mode

Dec 25, 2009

I need to stop the AudioTrack, regardless what's in the buffer, immediately when executing the stop/release. The AudioTrack plays in the STREAM mode. It appears that the AudioTrack finishes playing what's in the buffer and than stops. It seems that it's such a fundamental flaw since there are so many audio applications out there.

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Android :: Multiple Screen Support Sanity Check

Dec 9, 2009

I have a project compiled with and targeting 1.5. I now want to support different screen sizes instead of letting android handle the scaling.That's all I need to do, right? All my layouts are using dip, so it should scale, and I don't want to mess with different size bitmaps just yet.

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Samsung Galaxy S :: Save My Sanity

Oct 1, 2010

I bought an Android phone a couple of months ago, a Samsung Galaxy S, and it's been nothing but frustration. There's dozens of problems with the software/firmware and I was lied to by the network I bought it from. That and any attempt to buy a memory card for it yields a fake.I bought it to replace an aging old phone, and also to be an MP3 player.Allshare doesn't work. It will stream videos, but if I want to use to stream music it crashes each and every time without fail. It's as bad now as it was when I got it.It only has 16GB of memory, so it can't as it stands replace my MP3 player, I'll get a 32GB memory card for it sooner or later, and that will replace my 30GB MP3 player.I've tried 3 apps for playing music on it, the default one, Museek, and MixZing. They're all awful, and not designed with the way I play my files in mind. I sort them by file structure Artist/Album/files and I navigate to the files and expect to be able to play all. All three of those music players seem to want to use playlists. Are there any good music players I could get instead of them? I managed to delete all the MP3s on the phone half an hour ago when I tried to get the default music player to do anything like what I was trying to tell it.

I have a server set up in the house using Windows Home Server which has all the storage for the house on it. It can serve music pretty well - my main PC streams from it flawlessly with Foobar. My Android phone seems to have no way at all to do it short of Allshare, which is crap. I'm not interested in streaming it through Windows Media Player 12 which is what I'm forced to do with Allshare. If I could point the phone at a networked directory then that'd be fine... assuming there's a music player out there that actually works.Add to that the sheer stupidity of google calendar having no way to default to gmail calendar rather than the internal one on the phone, and no fix months later.I was going to have a bath tonight, and I thought I'd try again to get music working on the phone across the network. It's now 2 fucking hours later and I'm no further forward. The bath is cold though.

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Nexus :: Sanity Check Needed / Setting Up Wi-Fi

Mar 18, 2010

1.PC connected via wire works OK.. Nexus have been working fine since January,

2.Last few days I was having difficulty accessing my wifi via my Nexus.It would work, then it wouldnt, then it would.It "connects" gets an ip address, but I can't access anything.

3.Examining my old router (801.1b!) I accidentally snapped the aerial.I thought maybe it was partly broken anyway, causing the problem, so I bought a new router. (DLINK DIR-615)

4.Had to delete old connection on Nexus as it was WEP, this uses WAP.

5.At first,it appeared to work,then it wouldnt, then it would, then it wouldn't.It "connects" gets an ip address, but I can't access anything.

6. Today, I tried using my N800, and it works fine on the same desk as my Nexus, which doesn't. Just a few feet from the router.

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Android :: How To Transfer Test Fixture File To Device From Unit Test Application?

Sep 24, 2010

I'm writing an Android JUnit test and want to copy/reset a test fixture file (it's an SQLite database file.) If I were within the main application, I know I could just place the file in the assets directory and use getResources().getAssets().open(sourceFile).However, this API appears to be unavailable from the ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 class.Is there an easy way to copy a file over from the testing PC, or should I just keep a fresh copy of a test fixture on the device and copy it over a temporary file?

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Android :: Error When Unit Test With Activity Instrumentation Test Cas­e 2?

Aug 23, 2009

I am using ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 to do some test for an activity. I get a button in the setUp() method like this: protected void setUp() throws Exception {super.setUp(); act = getActivity(); btn = Button)act.find ViewById ( ); // this button has been defined in layout} Then I use this button to perform a click in a test method like this: public void testBikeButton(){ //click the bike button btn.performClick();}

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Android :: Getting Test Run Failed No Test Results?

Aug 11, 2010

I have never used JUnit before, and now I'm trying to set it up on an Android project.My project under test is fairly complex, including some JNI, but my test project, at the moment, is completely trivial. I have found many examples (that look totally different) online of how to make a test project, but it seems that no matter which one I follow, I get the same results.Here's my JUnit project code:package com.mycompany.myproject.test;
import android.test.AndroidTestCase;public class SimpleTestCaseExample extends Android TestCase {public void test_testOne() {fail("Just Always Fail");When I run, I see the following in Logcat:
stdout INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: test=test_testOne
stdout INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: id=InstrumentationTestRunner
stdout INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: class=com.mycompany.myproject.test.SimpleTestCaseExample
stdout INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: test=testAndroidTestCaseSetupProperly
stdout INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: id=InstrumentationTestRunner
stdout INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: class=com.mycompany.myproject.test.SimpleTestCaseExample
stdout INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS: test=testAndroidTestCaseSetupProperly
stdout Test results for InstrumentationTestRunner=..
stdout Time: 0.07
stdout OK (2 tests)
But, I get the following in the Console:Launching instrumentation android.test. Instrumentation TestRunner on device emulator-5554 Collecting test information Test run failed: No test results I have tried a variety of different things, messing with the basic TestCase class, or the TestSuite class, or a variety of other options. I tried to just go for the most trivial example because I'm really still trying to learn how this works.Whatever I try, I see this error.

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Android :: Is It Unit Test Or An Integration Test?

Nov 9, 2010

I'm working on a school project and I'm researching testing possibilities for Android applications. On this page: http: // developer . android . com/ resources / tutorials /testing /hello android. Google writes about a unit test. Is this really a unit test? A Unit test will not integrate all classes and will not test in his context. So my opinion is it is not a Unit Test but an Integration Test.

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Motorola Droid X :: Touchscreen Test - Drawing Lines Test

Jul 15, 2010

One more video about the fancy touchscreen of the Droid X. This one has happier results! Check it out at the link below.Droid X Touchscreen Test See you later. you'll know why this post is short when you read the blog. running downstairs!

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Missing Target Class To Test In Test Application?

Nov 10, 2011

I have a project (that compiles and runs in the emulator.) I have a test project that tests part of this project. This test project also compiles with no problems, but when I try to run (test) it in the emulator, I get a NoClassDefFoundError exception on one of the classes my test class tests (I hope that made sense!) when it starts to run in the emulator. This is coming out of the adb log. I looked in the bin directory (of the test project) for the missing class, but could not find it... Should it be there? I found no reference (apk, etc) of the project I am trying to test either in the test projects bin directory. How does the test project get the classes it needs to test against (in the classpath, I assume.) How do the tested classes get moved to the emulator? I did try running the app before testing, so I know it is installed and runs correctly. BTW, I am using netbeans with the nbandroid plugin.

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Android :: How To Use AudioRecord And AudioTrack?

Apr 30, 2009

I want to use AudioRecord and AudioTrack classes(in SDK 1.5) in my program. Where can I find how to use it. Is there any API demo program for this?. If not it is greatly appreciated if someone can post a sample code in this forum.

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Android :: How Do We Use AudioTrack Class?

Apr 23, 2009

I'm currently initiating the AudioTrack() for MODE_STREAM. I load some bytes using the write() and I see that it is working but once hit the play() call nothing happens. what is the matter? should I do something else that is not obvious? Any tips Google friends? My settings: streamType - STREAM_MUSIC sampleRateInHz - 44100 channel Config - CHANNEL _CONFIGURATION_STEREO audioFormat - ENCODING_PCM_16BIT bufferSizeInBytes - 256K the total size (in bytes) of the buffer where audio data is read from for playback. mode - MODE_STREAM.

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Android :: Android And Junit Reports Test Run Failed - No Test Results

Jul 16, 2010

I am unable to integrate Junit with Android. I am using Junit 3, I have also tried Junit4.
import*; *
import* android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2;
public* *class* TestMyView *extends *
ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<MyActivity> {
Activity myActivity ;
*public* TestMyView(String pkg, Class<MyActivity> activityClass) {
*super*(pkg, activityClass);
myActivity = getActivity() ;

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Android :: How To Play Music From AudioTrack

Feb 15, 2010

I want to play music from online mp3 link.I am reading the music data into a stream and trying to play it using audio track. But itz giving only noise.No music i could listen.Same buffer I can play in Media Player,But i could not play in audio track.

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Android :: AudioTrack - Clicking Sound

Dec 15, 2009

I am getting this clicking sound when playing static pcm data. Anybody out there is having the same problem? This is not the data issue.

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Android :: Synchronizing AudioTrack And AudioRecord

Jan 21, 2010

My application uses AudioTrack in streaming mode and AudioRecord simultaneously.My problem is that I start them at the same time, but I have no guarantee that they will actually start playback ecording in the same timestamp. The reason I need this kind of accuracy is because I use echo cancellation (subtracting audio played to speaker from the recording).My echo canceller doesn't require an exact delay, but the delay introduced between AudioTrack and AudioRecord moves in the range of 250ms (between different runs), and that's too much - each run is different because they start themselves asynchronously. The API doesn't provide me a way to make sure they start in the same time, so I thought about measuring this starting delay somehow and then using it in my calculation.Does anyone have an idea how to do that, utilizing their API or in any other way?

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Android :: Audio Stuttering When Using AudioTrack

Apr 13, 2010

I'm in the process of wring a music player that can play SID tracks (music from the Commodore 64), and everything is progressing nicely, except that I sometimes get audio stuttering.The stuttering only happens when the player is in the background, and another application has focus. It's most noticeable when a cpu heavy app(like Google Earth) is running in the foreground.I have tried adjusting the priority of my thread and increasing the AudioTrack buffer size, but nothing has solved the stuttering problem.I believe the problem is that generating the audio takes quite a lot of cycles (I'm at 15-30% cpu load), and that my audio thread is being starved and cant keep up with AudioTrack's constant need for data.I'm must be doing something wrong, I can't imagine that gui threads should be able to starve a high priority audio thread.I hope someone have some ideas on how to get my player stutter free, as I'm at a loss :)

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Android :: Memory Leak In AudioTrack?

Jun 27, 2009

If I create and release multiple AudioTrack objects, the GREF count continually increases which eventually causes an application crash. Even with a forced garbage collection, I end up with the same high GREF count at the end of the loop.In my application, I continuously create AudioTracks from variable lenght buffers.I guess I can try and use a fixed size pool of AudioTracks each with a buffer large enough to fit my longest sound, and try and reuse them.Is there a better/correct way to completely clear resources used by an AudioTrack?

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Android :: How To Realize AudioTrack Class In SDK 1.1?

Aug 10, 2009

There is a AudioTrack Class in SDK 1.5 which can play PCM buffer directly.But it is not exist in SDK 1.1. I want to play PCM buffer in SDK1.1,but i don't know how.

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Android :: AudioTrack - Clicking Error

Jan 21, 2010

I am trying to resolve the clicking problem while using the AudioTrack. It takes place only when playing the first part of the wave (pcm) buffer when the offset to the write is 0 (zero). track.write(buffer, offset, minBufferSize); It tells me that there is something wrong with the pcm data. Could it be because the wave data, I generate using Audacity, has some header as opposed to the pure pcm which does not? I was looking for the converter tools to generate pure pcm but found none. Applications I found generate only wave data so I am not able to test this assumption. At this point I am sure that filling the buffer is correct. Any ideas?

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Android :: Service + AudioTrack - WAKE_LOCK?

Jan 25, 2010

I'm currently writing an app that uses a Service. A thread in the service generates an infinite stream of audio, and writes it to the AudioTrack. I want the audio to keep playing indefinitely until the user stops it. Based on my understanding of the PowerManager class, it looks like I should need a PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK to keep the CPU awake so the audio can continue playing.

However, I left the audio playing on my phone with no wake lock, running on battery, in airplane mode, with all five items on the power control widget disabled, and the audio just kept right on playing for at least 15 minutes. Afterwards, I looked at the battery history, and it showed "Running (100%)", even though the Partial wake usage was negligible. Is there something special about AudioTrack which prevents the CPU from entering its deep sleep state? Should it be necessary for my service to grab a PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK and its associated permission?

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Android :: AudioTrack Stop - Release ?

Dec 16, 2009

It doesn't seems as if the the stop and release immediately terminates the audio played by the MODE_STREAM track. It looks like it finishes playing the rest of the buffer and then stops.

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Android :: AudioTrack Start Called From Thread

Dec 8, 2009

I am getting the 'AudioTrack::start called from thread' when starting an AudioTrack. I am using it in a thread. I asume I shouldn't but why? I see it as a major limitation.

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Android :: Is AudioTrack Fundamentally Designed To Be Singleton?

Dec 14, 2009

Is the AudioTrack fundamentally designed to be a singleton? Methods on the OnPlaybackPositionUpdateListener receive just one argument, which is the AudioTrack itself. And since the AudioTrack does not have getTag/setTag methods I don't see any way to distinguish among multiple AudioTracks in the OnPlaybackPositionUpdateListener methods short of keeping track of references. So, if it's so why it's not implemented as a singleton? Any thoughts. I am trying to implement concurrent use of the AudioTrack. Anybody has any experience with this approach? Am I wasting time?

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Android :: Increase Speaker Volume Using AudioTrack

Jun 26, 2009

how to increase the volume of speaker using AudioTrack? the streamed audio is playing in speaker, but not loud as voice call. Here my code..............

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Android :: AudioTrack Cutting Audio Short

Dec 15, 2009

I am trying to play a 0.1s tone using audio track. I have done this succesfully in stream mode by calling play() then writing the array of short containing the data. However when I use STATIC mode and also in stream mode if I write the data before i call play() only about 0.06s of the audio is played. I have tried changing the buffer size but this has not effect.My understanding is that I have to write the data before I call play for static mode to work. Does anyone know what could be going wrong here?

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Android :: Continuous Raw Audio Playback Using AudioTrack

Dec 29, 2009

I am trying to play raw audio samples ( 16 bit, stereo, @ 32000KHz) using AudioTrack, in "MODE_STREAM" mode. I could play the first video buffer successfully but, After having received "onMarkerReached" for that raw audio buffer, I wonder how to push more audio data in AudioTrack ? without closing/stopping it. Writing more data to AudioTrack in "onMarkerReached" callback does not help. I am using the same thread to construct the AudioTrack and pump in audio - buffers and receive callbacks.

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Android :: ObtainBuffer Timed Out In AudioTrack.write

Sep 1, 2010

After stopping and restarting playback of an audiotrack stream, on some devices I consistently get;

W/AudioTrack( 2453): obtainBuffer timed out (is the CPU pegged?) 0x64acc0 user=00010000, server=00000000

after freezing for a couple of seconds. This happens whether I just pause() and flush() my audiotrack or release() and recreate it.

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Android :: AudioTrack - 51 - WARNING - ObtainBuffer() Timed Out

Nov 4, 2009

I am using MediaPlayer to play background music and SoundPool to play sound effects. All Audio data is stored in .ogg file format. Sometimes it happens that the MediaPlayer playback is interrupted for a fraction of a second if is called. Whenever this happens, the following two warnings are printed to logcat:

11-04 01:49:05.113: WARN/AudioTrack(51): obtainBuffer timed out (is the CPU pegged?) 0x2b6e8 user=000cc520, server=000cb710 11-04 01:49:05.113: WARN/AudioTrack(51): *** SERIOUS WARNING *** obtainBuffer() timed out but didn't need to be locked. We recovered, but this shouldn't happen (user=000cc520, server=000cb710)

Do you have any ideas what could cause the warning messages and/or how to avoid them? I.e. how to prevent from interrupting MediaPlayer playback?

An other warning that's sometimes appearing is: 11-04 01:55:49.793: WARN/AudioFlinger(51): write blocked for 89 msecs There seems to be no connection to the above messages, but do you have any ideas what causes this message and/or how to avoid it?

Here's some more detailed background information, maybe they are useful: My OpenGL powered game is split into three threads: One for rendering, one to take care about the game logic and the main thread to process user input. All Audio data is accessed through a central AudioManager class, which is only used in the game logic thread. (So this does not seem like a threading issue. Needless to say that synchronizing all methods has not solved the problem). The game runs smoothly at ~60 frames per second. According to DDMS the game causes ~33% system load (~10% in kernel space and ~23% in user space) on a G1. Even the idle task gets ~24% CPU time assigned while the game is running and input happens through the touch screen! (So it does not look like a performance problem) The MediaPlayer playback interruption always happens if () is called in response of a touch screen input. Although touch screen input and happen in different threads. I've tried suspending the UI thread for various different delays between 8 and 32 msec after a MotionEvent has been processed, but again, without success...

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