Android :: Attach Image To Upload In Droid?
Jul 19, 2010I want to select an image from an android image gallery and upload it to a web server
Can any one guide me how to achieve this?

I want to select an image from an android image gallery and upload it to a web server
Can any one guide me how to achieve this?
Is there an app that will allow me to attach files and upload, for example on this site in a post so I could attach a picture or zip file straight from my phone. Or something I could use on a file hosting site, etc. If I could do this I will have no need for a computer at all once I get flash. I have a rooted Droid X.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to attach an image with email, that image is stored in /data/data/mypacke/file.png. How can I attach that image file programmatically? What would sample code look like?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a programmatically generated image that I want to send as an attachment via the ACTION_SEND and EXTRA_STREAM method. But how do i do this? My first attempt (writing to my context.getCacheDir() based file path) appeared to work in the Gmail preview (no image preview, but attached file name and icon was visible), but the attachment never arrived on the recipient side. I guess this has something to do with permissions on the generated file, but how to avoid this? Do I need to set more permissive settings on these generated files (so that the Gmail activity can access)? Is that even possible for the app's cache folder?
Is there another file location that would be more suitable to write my files to? I considered the downloads folder, but think it would be an awkward location for something that only needs to exist until it has been emailed. I have even tried encoding my image purely in a ... style URI. This, too, showed up in Gmail preview (attachment icon, but no file name), but did not result in a recipient-side attachment. Has anyone been able to attach a one-shot generated image to an email intent by any means? What options may I have overlooked?
I am New To Android,My Requirement is to Attach an ImageFile and an AudioFile to an E-mail in android?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI apologize if this was already addressed. I received the 2.2 update last week and liked everything so far. This morning i snapped an image of 42nd St-Time Square and I tried to upload to facebook. To my surprise, the option to unload directly to fb is NOT there...WTH? I did notice that the fb app for android has a little camera icon to take a picture.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi am implementing photoimage upload in sdcard in sdcard jpg image getting and in image uri retrieve data in bitmap in bitmap converting byte code this byte code sending to the database how can implemented this problem please some suggestion of implementation some example of source i am new in android t's very urgent , if anybody knows the solution.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn my app i want to Upload my photos to my phone database.when i click upload option it wil show browse options and then i wil find the location of an image i.e., any folder if i select any image it wil store it into my databse..whenever i want to view my photo means i will click Viewphoto option if i click tat option it should display my photos from my phone Database.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn would like to write a simple Android application that takes a picture from the camera and uploads it to a webserver. Additionaly, I would like it to print in the screen the response from the server which is a simple text string.Do you know if there is any sample code that does something like that?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an image which is taken from andorid by calling image _capture how do i upload it to a windows server?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThis is my code.
I got Http 400 error.
As part of my Android app, I'd like to upload bitmaps to be remotely stored. I have simple HTTP GET and POST communication working perfectly, but documentation on how to do a multipart POST seems to be as rare as unicorns.
Furthermore, I'd like to transmit the image directly from memory, instead of working with a file. In the example code below, I'm getting a byte array from a file to be used later on with HttpClient and MultipartEntity.
This all seems fairly clear to me, except that I can't for the life of me find out where to get this ByteArrayPartSource. I have linked to the httpclient and httpmime JAR files, but no dice. I hear that the package structure changed drastically between HttpClient 3.x and 4.x.
Is anyone using this ByteArrayPartSource in Android, and how did they import it?
After digging around in the documentation and scouring the Internet, I came up with something that fit my needs. To make a multipart request such as a form POST, the following code did the trick for me:
The HTTPMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE bit is very important.
I apologize if this was already addressed. I received the 2.2 update last week and liked everything so far. This morning i snapped an image of 42nd St-Time Square and I tried to upload to facebook. To my surprise, the option to unload directly to fb is NOT there...WTH? I did notice that the fb app for android has a little camera icon to take a picture.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm having trouble uploading pictures I've taken on my DX to facebook through the "Quick Upload" option.I got a few uploaded, so I know it works, but now everytime I try, the status bad fills up all the way to "Uploading 100%" then it stalls before giving me the error "Can't send response now.Try again later."I've tried turning Wi-Fi on or off, but on both Wi-Fi and 3G it's not working.Thoughts?
View 1 Replies View RelatedBelow is my codes for my camera application. how to insert the multimedia files into the blob storage of azure mobile services.
import android.content.Intent;
I would send two or more files using ACTION_SEND on Android as an excerpt code...
But that code does not work with GMail, it attaches only the last file.
I attach a jpeg and send it to my email and it comes out as winmail.dat and can't be opened.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to attach pictures to gmail (using the onboard gmail application). I hit menu, attach,gallery. The problem is I have several hundred pictures which means that I have to cycle through all of them. Is there a easier way to pick/view the files? Right now the pictures I'm trying to find are in a different folder than the other pics.
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I am a car nut. I love to keep my car clean and I don't want a mount to attach to my windshield. What do you think? I kinda think this is my best bet.
So now that the threaded text messaging displays both the pic of the person your texting and your own display pic how do you get your phone to display your own facebook account picture to your messages just like it does to your facebook friends that text you or your texting? Cause it just displays that blank android pic for me.
View 8 Replies View RelatedMy question is pretty simple. I cant find an option to attach sound in MMS.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI would like to be able to have email accounts and check them etc but do NOT want it to notify me everytime I get do I do this?
Also, I have an efax that sends fax to my email in pdf form etc...can I retrieve these on my device and store them? how? and how do I create a word doc on my Droid 3 and attach to email all through device?
Does anyone use a better program? Or is it better to pay for the upgraded version? Has anyone found a way to attach the Droid to their arm or waist? Where is the GPS antenna located? If my wife makes me a arm band for it I want to be able to have that portion of my phone exposed.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI use to load images in a ListView and a GridView. It works but the images are loaded form bpttom to top. How to fix that?
Bonus Question: Can I use a loading animation in a image view while the real image is loaded? Right now it's just a default image.
It will be helpful if any one can help me out in understanding the concept of radio,flash,system image in android mobile device. Also why are they required? and what is their role in Device?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I upload images using FTP on Android?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI assumed this would be a rather simple process, but i plugged my phone into the computer and the SD card (in the phone) didnt show up. i took the SD card out and put it into the computer but i couldn't copy anything. i don't want to rebuy all my mp3s (DRM free btw), how do i do this?
View 30 Replies View RelatedI need to upload an image to a remote PHP server which expects the following parameters in HTTPPOST:
Most of the Internet searches suggested either :
Download the following classes and trying MultiPartEntity to send the request:
Use URLconnection and handle multipart data myself.
Btw, I am keen on using HttpClient class rather than is it classes. Eventually, I downloaded the Multipart classes from the Android source code and used them in my project instead.
Though this can be done by any of the above mentioned methods, I'd like to make sure if these are the only ways to achieve the said objective. I skimmed through the documentation and found a FileEntity class but I could not get it to work.
What is the correct way to get this done in an Android application?
I'm having some trouble uploading screenshots via the dashboard. Although I've followed the rules about 320 x 480 size for screen shots, + I've used 24 bit PNG, it still is not accepting any of my screenshots. I've tried everything. Why isn't it working? When it says "no borders" - am I meant to remove the part of the screen shot that contains the time, battery consumption etc? It is basically a screen capture of the emulator.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying upload a video from the application.i am able to upload videos of size lesser than 2 MB but when i am trying to upload videos more 2MB i am getting out of memory error.
plz suggest how do i upload videos?