Android :: Arraylist Storage In SQLite
Nov 16, 2009Can any one tell me how to store and retrieve arraylist in/from sqlite.
ArrayList<Double> results = new ArrayList<Double>();
Can any one tell me how to store and retrieve arraylist in/from sqlite.
ArrayList<Double> results = new ArrayList<Double>();
I have array list of geopoints
List<GeoPoint> geoPointsArray = new ArrayList<GeoPoint>();
I want to put geoPointsArray array in to SQLite database and then fetch the data back as an array.
Now I use ContentValues for insert into array as:
ContentValues initialValues = new ContentValues();
initialValues.put(KEY_TIME, time);
db.insert(tableName, null, initialValues);
I'm working on a android application that will display Strings to the user, and the user then has the option to add one to a favorite list. I have searched and searched and cannot find the proper way of doing this. I did get one open source project, everything worked until the user removed a favorite. The database would clear the row of data, but when a new row is added, it would behave as if the deleted row still had data, leaving blanks in the favorite list.
This is my insert method
public long insertString(String newString)
ContentValues newStringValue = new ContentValues();
newStringValue.put(KEY_STRING, newString);
return db.insert(DATABASE_TABLE, null, newStringValue);
The long returned will always increment even if i use the remove method:
public boolean removeString(long _rowIndex)
return db.delete(DATABASE_TABLE, KEY_ID + "=" + _rowIndex, null) > 0;
If I try to remove the third index, and the user removed a question at the third index, the method returns false, is there a way to completely remove all rows with no data?
I've been working with SQLite on android and I would like to add an arraylist to a column in a table, and then fetch the data back as an arraylist. The arraylist is a list of Longs. I've noticed that SQL has an option for storing BLOBS, however, it looks like I need to convert the array list to a byte[] first before being able to store it as a blob in my SQLite database. Is there any other option for saving my array of data, I should consider?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am developing an application that periodically sends information to an external server.I make a local copy of the data being sent, for backup purposes.What is the best option to store the data in terms of saving battery life? Each data submission is a serialized object (the class has 5 fields, including a date, numbers and strings) of about 5K-10K.Any other idea?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there something like a FileDialog available? From previous threads, it appears there isn't one.
If not, has someone written one?
I want to allow a user to
a) Specify a folder/filename on storage for creating an SQLite database.
b) Specify an existing file/folder on storage card for opening as an SQLite Database.
Please direct me to a description of the techniques that the ContentProvider employs to access data. I am trying to understand how it works as well as what is tunable or even if its meant to be tunable. It the memory management tiered, cached, virtual, flat? Is it file based, shmem based, stream based? Can there be a combination thereof?
Any information, suggestions, or references are welcome. The android fundamentals page says: "The data can be stored in the file system, in an SQLite database, or in any other manner that makes sense;" but the android ContenProvider page barely skins the onion.
I'm new to android developing and I've done a function which return an arraylist type ArrayList<ArrayList>. I would like to display this arraylist for see if my function work.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI'm writing my own custom view, a keyboard, which I think the ArrayList in the keyboard view is causing the application to quit in the emulator.
public static ArrayList<HexButton> hexButtons = new ArrayList<HexButton>();
The application ran fine when I did
But I want to nest my keyboard with a TextView so I'd like to be able to do
Is there a way to pass an Array List of objects between activities? The myObject implements Parcelable and I'm able to successfully pass the objects around individually, but that means I need to have an exact amount of "myObjects" coded. I want this to dynamically grow/shrink by what the user does with the app. I have seen some posts on the web about doing:
Activity A
ArrayList<myObject> myObjArray = new ArrayList<myObject>();
Then when passing this into the intent I would use:
intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra("myObjArray", myObjArray);
Activity B
ArrayList<myObject> myObjArray = new ArrayList<myObject>();
Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); myObjArray = extras.getParcelableArray("myObjArray");
However, the myObjArray always gets filled with "null". How can I achieve this?
I have an ArrayList<MyList> aList in an activity. I would like to send this data to another activty. Such that,
ArrayList<MyList> aList;
Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setClass(mainactivity.this, newActivity.class); intent.putExtra("MyList", aList ); startActivity(intent);
On the receiving activity,
Intent i = getIntent(); newList = (ArrayList<MyList>) i.getSerializableExtra("MyList");
But this gets me no where. ERROR! My intention is to share this List between activities.
I was trying to serialize an ArrayList which contains custom objects. I'm serializing it in a Servlet (server side), and deserialize at the client side. (using ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream)
It worked fine, when I work with ArrayList<String>.
But when I tried it with ArrayList<MyObject> I couldn't get any results in the client side, this is the exception:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: web.MyObject
Of course I have done this:
public class MyObject implements Serializable { ... }
MyObject contains only String fields.
I want the contains() method from ArrayList to be case insensitive. Is there any way?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have two applications which i want them to share the same arraylist.
How could i achive something like that? is there anything in Android for sharing such a prefrenceses?
I am trying to add an object to an arraylist but when I view the results of the array list, it keeps adding the same object over and over to the arraylist. I was wondering what the correct way to implement this would be.
I have double checked my JSONArray data and made sure they are not duplicates. It seems to keep adding the first object over and over.
I want to save an ArrayList so that it is persistent. The contents can change. What is the best way of approaching this in android?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to pass an Arraylist from one activity to another. I use putStringArrayListExtra(), but there shows an error : "The method putStringArrayListExtra(String,ArrayList is undefined for the type bundle." Is there any other method available for passing ArrayList?
Something is wrong whit my code. in application when I "add item", it doesn't show anything, and if aim clicking somewhere around the android application, then "item" sometimes comes. code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to stop phone from displaying "low storage, uninstall apps to free storage. "
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've bought this chinese clone of the SIII, it's a MT6575. It's great except for the internal storage, which supposedly is 500MB but there seems to be an invisible SD storage which is 2GB. It's really confusing... When I go to Settings -> Storage there are 3 memories: "Internal Storage" (claims to be 4GB but it's fake, it's actually 500MB), "Phone Storage" (claims to be 16.5GB but it's probably 2GB), and finally my SD, "SD Card" (32GB).
The thing is, I'm having problems downloading big apps because apps go to "Internal Storage" which is 500MB only, and which files are stored in the "Phone Storage" (maybe internal & phone are actually the same?). However when I go to Settings -> Apps, on the "Downloaded" tab, the apps are in "Internal Storage" (500MB), and on the "On SD Card" tab, it shows that apps are in "Phone Storage" (the ones I moved to SD). This means my 32GB SD isn't being used by the system when I send apps to SD probably.
Also, my 32GB SD card is found in /mnt/sdcard2, and the /mnt/sdcard... I don't know which storage is that.
So basically all this is happening because I tried to Link2SD with my 32GB SD doing all the 2 partitions stuff and so, but Link2SD never detects the "secondary SD" which is the 32GB SD, as this fake SD card, "Phone Storage", is probably what the programs thinks to be the SD card.
i just download some applications from the Market then suddenly got warning phone storage getting low. So is there anyway to transfer the files from phone storage to SD storage ??? PLease anyone who knows about it to inform me coz i stuck with this problem.
View 3 Replies View RelatedFor some reason my Incredible won't mount both the internal phone storage and the SD card storage at the same time. What I mean is...when I plug my phone into my PC I only get a single popup asking to mount the phone's SD card storage, but not the internal phone storage.If I remove the SD card (or unmount the SD card using menus on the phone) and then toggle the connection type from Disk Drive, to Charge only, and then back to Disk Drive (to burp the connection), the internal phone storage will mount, but the SD card won't mount because it has been removed.When I connect my wife's incredible, my computer sees both the SD card storage and the internal storage (as expected) and gives me prompts for both. I took the SD card from the problematic phone and put it in the "good" phone and there are no issues at all (IE.. both the internal storage and SD storage mount). This of course means there is no issue with the SD card.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy phone keeps telling me I'm low on space, but I cleaned out my sd card and I know I haven room. Just today my phone at the top scroll bar said I was running low on space, and that my text memory was full even though I only had very few.
View 7 Replies View RelatedOn my galaxy tab 2 7, with Android 4.3, I have two choices of memory storage, emulated and extSdard. Im wondering if the emulated is actually on a like Cloud system or are the files still on my tablet? Also, if emulated storage is for multiple users, does this mean another device is connected besides my tablet?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI bought my new phablet that was powered by 4.1
im shocked with how the manufacturer of my device(cherry mobile) designated their storage. the phone storage is 2gb and internal is 500 mb.
it is not a problem if i could write apps on phone storage by default but even though the 'write to phone storage' is checked, when i downloaded an app, the internal storage still losses free space.
so is it possible to extend internal storage?
I wish to display data in the the arraylist in a list view. The arraylist is not a generic list but a object defined by me. I want to display only certain data of the object. Something like, an object of a student, I want to display the student's name only, the student id and the student dob is not required.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI notice in the source code they are not used in critical loops, e.g. in :;a=blob;...
I can see this kind of code which would be much easier implemented as an ArrayList :
1867 private void addInArray(View child, int index) { 1868 View[] children = mChildren;
1869 final int count = mChildrenCount;
1870 final int size = children.length;
1871 if (index == count) { 1872 if (size == count) { 1873 mChildren = new View[size + ARRAY_CAPACITY_INCREMENT];
1874 System.arraycopy(children, 0, mChildren, 0, size);
1875 children = mChildren;
1876 } 1877 children[mChildrenCount++] = child;
1878 } else if (index < count) { 1879 if (size == count) { 1880 mChildren = new View[size + ARRAY_CAPACITY_INCREMENT];
1881 System.arraycopy(children, 0, mChildren, 0, index);
1882 System.arraycopy(children, index, mChildren, index + 1, count - index);
1883 children = mChildren; 1884 } else { 1885 System.arraycopy(children, index, children, index + 1, count - index);
1886 } 1887 children[index] = child;
1888 mChildrenCount++;
1889 } else { 1890 throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("index=" + index + " count=" + count);
1891 } 1892 };
Today I met a problem, I need to pass a ArrayList<MyClass> from an activity to another. I dont know what the Intent exactly do when I use putExtra to pass in an ArrayList<MyClass> object. I guess MyClass need to implement Parcelable interface, so I just did it. But still, it does not work. Maybe I need to create a Bundle and then use Bundle's putParcelableArrayList method to put my ArrayList<MyClass> object in, and then pass this bundle as parameter of putExtra to the intent. So crazy! I am lazy, I just want to pass an ArrayList<MyClass> object simply, is there a simple way??
View 10 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to parse a web service response using SAXParser and get certain values, store them into an arraylist, then display them in a listview. Example XML being returned from web service:
Here is my SAXHandler class:
public class SAXHandler extends DefaultHandler {
private boolean outertag = false;
private boolean mytag = false;
ArrayList<String> alist;
public ArrayList<String> getList(){
return this.alist;
} @Override
public void startDocument() throws SAXException {
} @Override
public void endDocument() throws SAXException{
} //@Override
public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException {
if (localName.equals("ArrayOfString")){ this.outertag=true;
}else if (localName.equals("string")){ this.mytag=true;
} }
public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) {
if (this.mytag){ String s = new String(ch, start, length);
} }
@Override public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
if (localName.equals("ArrayOfString")){ this.outertag=false;
}else if (localName.equals("string")){ this.mytag=false;
} } }
And here's my method calling and returing my web service:
try{ URL url = new URL("xxxxxxx");
SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser();
XMLReader xr = sp.getXMLReader();
SAXHandler SAXHandler = new SAXHandler();
xr.parse(new InputSource(url.openStream()));
ArrayList<String> stateList = SAXHandler.getList();
aa = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, stateList);
I keep getting an exception and I don't know why. Can anyone give me a hand?
06-21 20:10:47.901: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{}: java.lang.NullPointerException: println needs a message
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): at
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): at
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): at$2100(
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): at$H.handleMessage(
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): at android.os.Looper.loop(
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): at
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): at$
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): at
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: println needs a message
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): at android.util.Log.println(Native Method)
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): at android.util.Log.e(
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): at
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): at
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): at
06-21 20:10:47.950: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(472): ... 11 more
After editing how my error is displayed in my try/catch i'm not longer getting an exception, but just a blank screen. Here is what my logcat is displaying:
06-21 20:22:00.330: WARN/System.err(542): java.lang.NullPointerException
06-21 20:22:00.352: WARN/System.err(542): at
06-21 20:22:00.352: WARN/System.err(542): at org.apache.harmony.xml.ExpatParser.text(
06-21 20:22:00.362: WARN/System.err(542): at org.apache.harmony.xml.ExpatParser.append(Native Method)
06-21 20:22:00.371: WARN/System.err(542): at org.apache.harmony.xml.ExpatParser.parseFragment(
06-21 20:22:00.371: WARN/System.err(542): at org.apache.harmony.xml.ExpatParser.parseDocument(
06-21 20:22:00.371: WARN/System.err(542): at org.apache.harmony.xml.ExpatReader.parse(
06-21 20:22:00.381: WARN/System.err(542): at org.apache.harmony.xml.ExpatReader.parse(
06-21 20:22:00.381: WARN/System.err(542): at
06-21 20:22:00.391: WARN/System.err(542): at
06-21 20:22:00.391: WARN/System.err(542): at
06-21 20:22:00.401: WARN/System.err(542): at
06-21 20:22:00.401: WARN/System.err(542): at$2100(
06-21 20:22:00.410: WARN/System.err(542): at$H.handleMessage(
06-21 20:22:00.410: WARN/System.err(542): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
06-21 20:22:00.420: WARN/System.err(542): at android.os.Looper.loop(
06-21 20:22:00.420: WARN/System.err(542): at
06-21 20:22:00.420: WARN/System.err(542): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
06-21 20:22:00.430: WARN/System.err(542): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
06-21 20:22:00.430: WARN/System.err(542): at$
06-21 20:22:00.442: WARN/System.err(542): at
06-21 20:22:00.442: WARN/System.err(542): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
I'm not very clear about the Intent object and how to use it to pass data between Activities. In my application I have several tabs between which I want to pass ArrayList. Here is a sample code I plan to use, but I'm missing the part where the main activity catches the Intent and passes it to the new activity on start :
1. ==> This is where I think I need to add some code to pass the data between TabOne and TabTwo. For now it is just using the sample code of the TabActivity sample.
2. ==> I added a piece of code in the onStop procedure to fill in the Intent data with the array I want to pass to TabTwo. Not sure it is the right way to do though.