Android :: App For Changing Voice Attributes With Phone?
Feb 10, 2009I want to create an application that can change one's voice during a call in real time is there a way to do that in android? can you point me to the right package?
View 2 RepliesI want to create an application that can change one's voice during a call in real time is there a way to do that in android? can you point me to the right package?
View 2 RepliesI am developping an android app which downloads an xml and displays a layout with a number of edittexts, checkboxes, spinners, etc. added dynamically like this:
LinearLayout ll = new LinearLayout(this);
EditText nameField = new EditText(this);
ScrollView sv = new ScrollView(this);
I'm having trouble with setting some properties to an EditText added this way. For examle android:maxLength attribute can easily be set in an xml layout but I found no method to do the same in the java code. How can I do it when hawing to add dynamically?
I've changed my Google Maps app to read me directions in UK English since I like the voice. It turns out that dad can't understand it, thus can't stand it.I tried to change it back to US English, but couldn't find that option, either in the app or the help files.
A) How do you change that setting?
B) How'd you find that answer?
I have an LG G2 and I am using a pair of LG Tones. Whenever I click the Hands-Free button it automatically launches the Android voice dialer. It is slow, unaccurate, and obnoxious. I can use my Tones along with other voice assistant apps but I cannot change the app that is automatically launched after clicking the Hands-Free button. After all, that's why I have the Tones. I wanted to know if there was a way to substitute the default Android dialer.
Other info:
Clearing the defaults is not an option. It came as the default.
Disabling the voice dialer makes the Hands-Free button do nothing. (Interstingly enough, when trying to use my play/pause button it also wouldn't work. The other functions like volume and forward and previous track may also not have worked but I don't know I didn't try. After re-enabling the voice dialer all functions resumed functioning.)
Conclusion: I love my phone and my tones but this Voice Dialer is horrendous. Even on my S4, the default is S Voice which is even better than this.
my buddy has a voice changing app on his iphone, which is really gives the chipmunk effect and deep voice effect...will a program like that be available for the droid..or even something similar to that iamtpain app that adds autotune
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan anyone explain the question mark means in Android XML attributes?
<TextView style="?android:attr/windowTitleStyle" More attributes/>
I'm sure its been discussed and all but I think that the voice recognition software is capable of being much more advanced.There should be a way to just give your phone a voice command without having to manually open an app. It probably would have to be running in the background the whole time, analyzing everything it hears, so it may use a lot of battery and cpu.therefore it may be easier to have a starter phrase to tell it to listen more carefully. for example: say the said app is running in the background,listening to every noise, but it wouldn't begin to really analyize until you say something like; "hey, phone!" or "yo, droid!" (or whatever tag phrase). I don't know what would have to go into an app like that for it to work but hey, if an app like that was designed, then I think the android would be a really smart smartphone. In the end thanks for all the awesome apps you guys are already developing. be sure to tell me when someone develops something like that though.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI don't know about anyone else, but I HATE the turn-by-turn directions voice in Google Navigation. I have a Moto Droid and the voice is practically unintelligible. As a die-hard Google devotee,I have faith that they will correct the problem if enough people tell them to. Surprisingly, I was not able to find this suggestion on their product suggestion forum, so I created one.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI finally changed the voicemail system on my Hero from Sprint's "visual voicemail" (which is misleading because it doesn't transcribe voicemails) to Google Voice. It's nice to see my transcribed voicemails now. However, when I actually want to hear them (if the transcription didn't work well), it only comes through the external speaker; the speaker on the back of the phone. I went into Google Voice settings and under "Voicemail Playback" I tried the only two options: "Play via Handset" and "Play via Speaker." Unfortunately, both play through the speaker phone speaker. How do I change it to the phone speaker? I also can't adjust the volume, so the whole world hears my voicemails through the external speaker.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIn my application, I don't want the activity to restart when user changes his mobile's orientation or when he opens his physical keyboard.So, I have to assign the following XML attribute to all my activities in the manifest file.Is it possible to assign the same XML attribute value to all activities ? Or should I copy the attribute in all the <activity> tags of the manifest?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI met a problem in setting xml attribute at run time.
For example I define a xml layout like this:
I want to set android:drawableLeft="@drawable/icon" at runtime.But thers has no setter method for this attribute.
I use custom xml attributes for preferences. The preferences are inflated from xml.I managed to create and read custom xml attributes for EditTextPreference, ListPreference and CheckBoxPreference by creating custom classes which inherit from the respective preference class.My problem is that I can't do this for the PreferenceScreen class, as it is a final class. So my question is: Is there any way I can read the custom attributes of a PreferenceScreen?
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View 3 Replies View RelatedI have downloaded a media file. (say mp3 file). I need to get the attributes of the file, like ARTIST, TITLE etc.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am desperately trying to set TextView attributes of cells within a table programmatically but can't get this to work! Whenever I set layout properties, the field will simply not appear (but not give any error or exception). I boilded this down to this simple example:
This will show three fields, but when you uncomment the five commented line, then NOTHING will appear. Why is that so? Why does setting layout parameters cause my TextView's to not appear? I'm stuck! What am I missing?
Here's the manifest, if some kind soul quickly wants to try this out:
I have a simple horizontal linear_layout with bunch of image views in it. the trick is that the views have different widths, relative to the size of their parent (the linear layout). I set the layout's weightSum to a 100 and the layout_weight to let's say 10 of one view and 15 of the other, on so on. And it did not work. I also tired using float values setting the weightSum to 1.0 and the layout_weight of the image views to 0.2 and 0.3 and so on. But it didn't work either. I did search this group for any references to the weightSum but found nothing. Any ideas how to handle it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI was wondering if anyone could give me hints on this one (i am re-posting an older version of a question i once had): i created a new attrs.xml that adds some functionality to the soft keyboard sample code.. code...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm introducing multiple custom widgets for my application, extending View. These widgets (LineGraph and DotMatrix) include various attributes that can be set via the layout-xml. How can I have multiple widgets using attributes with the same name. For instance, 2 attributes both having color as an attribute that can be set via the layout XML?
main.xml snippet:
When I want to add the info for my LineGraph in attrs.xml, Eclipse starts to whine: "ERROR Attribute "color" has already been defined" XML:
Is it not possible to have a DotMatix resource with a color attribute, and a LineGraph resource with a color attribute?
Steps necessary to add a couple simple attributes to the stock Android Contacts application. Also, in the event the vendor has shipped their own Contacts application, will the same solution apply equally well to those handsets shipped with custom apps? I'm not looking for anyone to supply code; just a design pattern and any caveats I need to be aware of. I am writing an application that requires a couple new properties on the contact.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to center the application title/label in my android app but I can't find a lot of documentation on how to set that property. I have found a couple of posts saying that I can create a custom title bar and change the theme in my manifest but I just can help think there is a simpler way to just center the title.
Having custom attribute (in attrs.xml) in library project leads to compilation fail of the project dependent of that library.Code...
How to avoid this except for no having custom attributes in library?
I have defined custom views in the various layout .xml files. However, all the layouts are using the Linear Layout - put the content would vary.
I would like to create my own widget tag something like <com.mypackage.MyLinearLayout />, I would like to pass the layout as a param to the <com.mypackage.MyLinearLayout layout="@layout/simple.xml" />
How to define new attributes to the custom widgets ? Simply defining a getter/setter method would work or is there any other references.
Is there a way to specify a background in a layout based on OS version?:
I'm running into a problem where using a 9 png drawable for the background causes a stack overflow exception on a listview item (stack trace shows its related to a child TextView -> drawText()). The layout is simple:
<LinearLayout><ImageView /><TextView /></LinearLayout>
and the background works fine on 1.6 and above. It's just 1.5 that's having the issue. If I set the background to be a color, it works fine.
Looking in the android sdk folders, I've found a file called values/config.xml. This seems to be somewhere that you can define values for later use in layouts and animations.
Given the config.xml:
<string name="config_somePadding">50dip</string>
How would I reference this to use as the layout_height in a layout xml file?
@string/config_somePadding is actually the only one I've found that doesn't throw an error in Eclipse (even though there isn't a config_somePadding in values/strings.xml), but it appears to just put an empty string.
In the sdk, they use an integer for animation duration. They reference it like this: android:duration="@android:integer/config_longAnimTime". Is there a way to use values that aren't integers in the layout_height attribute?
I need to create a GUI (layout+views) in my .java activity class (I know it's far more flexible and easier to use .xml layout file, but I don't want to use it for now).
I can't find any setGravity() (but a "Gravity" object I can't figure how to use) or any set setMargin() method for the "View" object. What is the easiest way to do it?
I am able to bind an object to Javascript through addJavaInterface() of WebView. I am able to access methods from JavaScript, Is there a way to access the java class attributes through JavaScript?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a way to implement a minimum value in my SeekBar and also have the option to increment decimal numbers. For example, currently my SeekBar's minimum is set to 0, but I need it to start at the value 0.2. Also, I would like to have the functionality to be able to have the user select a number from 0.2 to 10.0 at a .1 precision so they can choose the numbers 5.6 or 7.1.
Here are the style attributes for my SeekBar:
If a RelativeLayout must be generated at run time, what are the equivalent API calls for the attributes set in the XML Layout editor? Take for example this very simple RelativeLayout that places the second ImageView to the right of the first ImageView:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=" android"
android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"
android:orientation="horizontal" android:background="@drawable/ bg_sunrise"
android:layout_gravity="center" android:gravity="center">
<ImageView android:id="@+id/ImageView01" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:src="@drawable/icon"></ ImageView>
<ImageView android:id="@+id/ImageView02" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_toRightOf="@id/ ImageView01" android:src="@drawable/icon"></ImageView> </RelativeLayout>
Of the many, variations I tried, I had the most hope for this one, but it didn't work either:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
RelativeLayout layout = new RelativeLayout(this);
layout.setLayoutParams( new ViewGroup.LayoutParams (
LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT ) );
ImageView imageView1 = new ImageView(this);
// set the ImageView bounds to match the Drawable's dimensions
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params1 = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams (LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
params1.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_TOP); layout.addView(imageView1, params1);
ImageView imageView2 = new ImageView(this); imageView2.setImageResource(R.drawable.icon);
imageView2.setAdjustViewBounds(true); // set the ImageView bounds to match the Drawable's dimensions
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params2 = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams
(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
params2.addRule(RelativeLayout.RIGHT_OF, imageView1.getId());
layout.addView(imageView2, params2); this.setContentView(layout); }
Can anyone offer the Java equivalent to the above XML? Can anyone explain why there is no attribute, getter/setter, or method for accessing the properties that can be set in XML? What is the most elegant solution for dynamically creating Layouts, Views, and other Resources on the Android platform when there is no Java programmatic equivalent?