Android :: Android Speech Recognition
Jun 15, 2010i am new to android.i am working on speech recognition.i need some sample programs.anyone can guide me.

i am new to android.i am working on speech recognition.i need some sample programs.anyone can guide me.
How to I properly parameterize the speech recognizer so that it can more easily recognize the words that the user will probably say?
As far as I can tell there is no way.
I believe this site is wrong:
Will give a hint to the recognizer that you might say those words. However, it appears to do absolutely nothing. It also conflicts with the google documentation which says:
"An ArrayList of the potential results when performing ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH. Only present when RESULT_OK is returned." This hints that the array is a return value NOT an input.
To test this out try adding: ArrayList< String > potentialResults = new ArrayList< String >(); potentialResults.add("cumin"); and try to get the speech recognizer to recognize it. You will find it very difficult.
How to properly control the speech recognizer?
Reading through this group about speech recognition in android. Is it possible for me as a developer to create an application that uses speech recognition in the 1.5 SDK. I want to be able to base my code on the examples/api/ code.
View 15 Replies View RelatedIs Android Speech recognition only available for english? I tryed to set EXTRA_LANGUAGE in the RecognizerIntent but it doesn't work. EXTRA_LANGUAGE - Optional language override to inform the recognizer that it should expect speech in a language different than the one set in the getDefault(). Do you know anything about this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedFrom what I've read, speech recognition is available for 3 languages: English (UK, US, Au ..), Japanese and Chinese (Mandarin). Does anyone know more details about how to switch between these languages? Is there a way to know (programatically) which language is active for speech recognition on a certain device? (maybe in Japan the only have Japanese ... but can I get this information somehow ... like a property or anything?).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to use the speech to text api in android, but I don't want to be slowed down by those dialogs. Is it possible to use the functionality without them?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to build an application (which would use the Hindi language and other regional languages) to get speech voice commands.I also need text to speech functionality in my application.I was wondering if there was any way I could get a speech recognition library on Android? I did a quick Google search and found a couple of libraries for Hindi on the Internet but I am not sure if I can include them in my Android project. Can I?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone have a recommendation for a microphone to use to demo speech recognition.
Wants: It has to work in a noisy environment. It should have a way to output the sound into an external speaker
In my android Application,I need to send the email, for the body content i need to use Speech Recognition. how to do this.Please give me the solution for this.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIn my emulator isRecognitionAvailable method from SpeechRecognizer class returns false and also when i run sample code on API level 8 platform 2.2 i got "Recognizer not present" message. Any idea hints whats going on? If problem is Speech recognition is not available in my emulator then how to install it in my virtual device?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to use an audio file as input to speech recognition? If not, is this feature expected in the foreseeable future?
A separate question (and this is going to sound ridiculous, but it might actually be okay for a joke app I'm thinking about): Would it be possible to play audio out of an Android handset, while at the same time having a recognizer listen to it via the microphone? (Guess I could just try it.)
I want to use the SR api to handle commands in my application. I know at any given point in my application what the valid commands would be at that point so would like to limit the results that the SR is matched against. For example, if the only valid commands were "Yes" or "No" I would like to be able to restrict the SR to only try and match against those two words. Otherwise on full vocabulary I get "Snow" and other false words. Limiting the vocabulary should make matching 90%+ accurate on limited words. Is this possible? Also, can I limit the SR to only match numeric for number input only? The internal dialer seems to be able to do this sort of this, so can I?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI want the Android speech recognition system analyzing audio file and not the default incoming voice from microphone..
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy speech recognition app needs to work without human intervention, so the situations where the "No speech heard" or the "No matches found" dialogs come up and require a button press are a problem.
Is there a way to prevent this dialog from displaying?
Is there a way to programming perform the button click?
Is there a way to programmatically close the dialog?
This is how I'm firing the RecognizerIntent:
I have installed the vlingo app which works with no problem (so far). However, when I download and run the app Talk to Me, and click the microphone, it says that "Speech Recognition Tool is not currently installed". I have searched all over Google to try and find what exactly it is that I need to install on my Wildfire to enable this app, and a couple of others, to recognise my speech. What I need to do to enable speech recognition.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI AM able to turn on "personalize speech recognition" via the settings in voice search, but on my google dashboard the speech section is missing and I see no evidence that google speech recognition accuracy is improving in any way. Ive tried clearing the app data and enabling search history without success.
I have only 1 gmail account linked to this phone and everything pertaining to that account (calendars, app store, etc.,) is updating correctly.
Im running ICS stock rom on a rooted HTC vivid with ATT service. I have voice search 3.0.1. The app store only has version 2.1.4. Id gladly uninstall 3.0.1 and install 2.1.4 from the app store if it would fix this problem but im worried uninstalling voice search could cause additional problems.
But before we engage in arguments on the politics of actively hiding the file system to computer users and restricting access to their devices... WHERE Google stores its Offline Speech Recognition Language Files?
I accidentally discovered that Offline Speech Recognition seems to have been bundled with Google Search somehow because if Google Search is disabled, so is Speech Recognition and looking at Google Search in Application Manager, one can notice that the data storage is proportional to the size of the downloaded language files, but so far have been unable to locate where on the device these files are stored, so that they don't need to be downloaded again.
For some reason in the past day or so, my speech recognition function makes a bleep noise when I activate it. I am pretty sure it never did before (I don't like beeps and bleeps). All my other settings are on vibrate or mute. I have gone through the various sound settings in the system menu and the language and input and can't find a way to turn it off. How to get that sound off? Or even tell me how it might have turned on?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am looking at doing speech recognition in android. The program needs to have continuous speech recognition. The library only needs to be about 10 words. I have considered using Googles api, but I don't think it will work. (I cannot have anything covering the screen). I have been looking into other ways but nothing seems like it will work. Is it possible to use java's speech recognition library, or is there any other way of going about this?
In summary
1. Need continuous speech input
2. 10 words at max
3. can train if necessary
4. overview of program - display screen, wait for voice input or touch input, update screen repeat
5. cannot cover what is being displayed on the screen
I just found this new Speech-to-Speech program for Android called Edwin. It's pretty awesome!! You simply say or ask it a question and it will reply to you with the proper response.
Here's the link to more info and a video demo:Android Zoom - Edwin, Speech-to-Speech
I am developing an app that uses the speech recognizer but I only want the speech recognizer to listen for speech for x number of seconds regardless of when the last speech input was or was not recognized. I looked through the speech recognizer documentation and I didn't see parameter to set the exact time the speech recognizer runs for. How I could accomplish this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just found a very cool app called Edwin, Speech-to-Speech in appbrain installed and must say its makes you feel like you have truly a SMART phone. asked it weather, time, open app, spell a word, definition of word etc etc and it spoke it everytime, tried to stump it with weather in hong kong and it told me! anyway it takes voice command to a very big next level.
View 49 Replies View RelatedI would like to be able to say an email or text message to myself or my wife sometimes. When I hold down the input field I get an input choice menu but the only option there is the Android Keyboard.Am I doing it wrong?What am I missing? I would also like to have it read emails to me, and word docs (or just .txt).I have a Kindle but my phone is a little more convenient for something I would rather read in bits and pieces while walking to and fro the car or whatever.
View 8 Replies View RelatedVoice Search is new with RC33. I am wondering if the voice recognition will be part of the API 1.1. Or at least an Intent? Btw, is the SDK 1.1 JavaDoc available somewhere yet?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI had developed a simple gesture recognition library for Android (not for accelerometer; I mean touchscreen - finger gestures). I had to abandon it for quite a while, but recently I was able to clean it a bit and port it to 1.0 SDK. It is released under GPL. Here are some sample videos: [url]
Me and some of my friends have made a gesture recognition application for android. It allows you to customize gestures that will call, text, or email one of your contacts or launch an application. Please check out our blog and demonstration video and comment to let us know what you think.
I am adding gesture recognition to my app. I have added the view as described in the Android Developers Gestures article but when it comes to adding:
where do I put this in my code, do I have to create a new class for it, or can I have it in an inner class, or does it not need a class at all?! I have a set up similar to Lunar Lander which comprises of two files, one of which is a thread that handles pretty much all the physics and drawing of the game. The other file begins the thread and saveInstanceState method. Furthermore, what type is mLibrary?! I cannot find out anywhere! I imagine I will put the OnGesturePerformed method in my thread as this is where I handle all keyUp and Down events.
has somebody managed to bring the voice recognition to run on the HTC Hero phone? I have experienced the "recognizer not found" problem (but it is not a vodafone from UK).
View 2 Replies View Relatedi'd like to be able to tell my alarm clock to shut up rather than fumble around with it and potentially drop it on the floor while trying to unplug it, look at the screen before my eyes have adjusted, etc.Anyone seen or heard of an alarm that you can say "snooze" to?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've had a search of the docs and forums and unless i misunderstand can find nothing on the below. Is there a way to send Google a set of words that the recognizerintent should be expecting? i.e. if i'm trying to listen to recipes i want it to hear the word 'sausages' and not the words 'saw hedges'.Maybe being able to register an Android app with a word list would be a good way round the bad recognition?
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