Android :: Accepting Certificate For HTTPs On Android
Jan 6, 2010
I'm trying to make Https connections on the Android phones, using HttpClient. Trouble is that since the certificate isn't signed I keep getting " Not trusted server certificate". Now I've seen a bunch of solutions where you simply accept all certificates, but what if I want to ask the user? I want to get a dialog similar to that of the browser, letting the user decide to continue or not. Preferably I'd like to use the same certificatestore as the browser.
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Jan 25, 2010
Anyone else experiencing this problem or know of a solution? I have a Digicert signed https certificate that is throwing an SSLException (Not trusted server certificate). This doesn't make any sense as Digicert is a recognized certificate authority. I can connect to my https url without a problem via IE, Firefox, and Safari so they appear to have no issue with the certificate. Here's the code I'm using. Very simple stuff......................
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Apr 29, 2010
I need to do is download some basic text-based and image files from a web server that has a self-signed SSL certificate. I have been trying to figure out how to use HttpClient to do this, but getting the SSL to work is a nightmare that seems to be way too much trouble for such a simple task. Is there a better way to perform these file downloads? Perhaps through a WebView or Browser feature? Reinventing the wheel of making a simple HTTPS GET request is a major pain, and is significantly holding up my development schedule.
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Feb 23, 2010
I want to connect to a server using ssl/https connection. During handshake between client and the server, I want to have server certificate authentication as well as client certificate authentication. The server certificate authentication is successful. But I don't know how to send client certificate to server for authentication, during the handshake.
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Sep 21, 2010
I have looked into various posts about how to retrieve something via HTTPS on Android, from a server that uses a self-signed certificate. However, none of them seem to work - they all fail to remove the " Not trusted server certificate" message. It is not an option to modify the server to have a trusted certificate, and it is also not an option to make the server certificate match the server's IP address. Note, that the server will not have a DNS name, it will only have an IP-address. The GET request looks something like this:
I am fully aware that this solution is prone to man-in-the-middle attacks etc. So, the solution must ignore the lack of trust in the certificate, and ignore the hostname mismatch. Does anybody know the code, that does this, using Java for Android? There are plenty of attempts to explain this on, and plenty of code snippets, but they don't seem to work, and nobody has provided one block of code that solves this, as far as I can see. It would be interesting to know if somebody really solved this, or if Android simply blocks certificates that are not trusted.
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Apr 19, 2010
I was out with a friend, he asked if he could use my droid to check something on Grisliest, he sent a link thru my g mail account. Then I noticed when loggin back on to g mail it was asking me for my password? I put it in and it kept saying WRONG password (it was not).Went on my pc at home and still could not get into my account. clicked help they asked for my address, I put it in, then a scene came on saying my account has been suspended due to a violation of there terms and policies, I wrote them 3 days ago, they have not gotten back to me, I got a support phone number, but a recording says google does not have tech support via phone. So now I can not log onto my g mail, android market, maps, all I can do now is make phone calls. what can I do.
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Oct 27, 2010
I am trying to setup at ServerSocket on my Android phone, and send a char or int or anything from my computer. The code on the phone creates a ServerSocket and then blocks whilst waiting for a connection(plus some more bits if the socket is created. But I'm not getting this point, so left that out!)Basically, the phone is getting to accept, and the computer is not connecting. The xx.xx.xx.xx is the public IP of the phone I obtain programatically (and it matches up with checking on have set the INTERNET permission on the phone. I have also been able to do this in reverse (ServerSocket on pc, client on phone).
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Mar 11, 2014
I am running Android 4.3 and I have a issue when I delete Event Emails.When i accept an Event Email request, it is added to the S Planner !when I delete the Event Email from the built in Email Manager (Hotmail Email account) it also removes the event from S Planner.
Surely I should be able to delete an email after accepting the event request, without S Planner deleting the Event from my Calendar.
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Oct 1, 2013
I've been trying to get a Cyanogenmod on my LG Optimus 2x/Speed/P990. Most of the (german) how-to's didn't work, until I found a toolkit named "AIO Toolkit for P990/SU 660" by SpyrosK, which did finally install a CWM-based recovery (v6.0.2.5).
Following the steps of the how-to's I found I tried installing various Roms, all of the available Cyanogenmod Roms from their homepage, and another I found somewhere else.
All ended with the same, the phone doesn't boot into the rom, but into the Stock 4.0.4 ICS
I'm installing in the following order:
-wipe data/factory reset
-wipe cache partition
-advances > wipe dalvik cache
-install zip from sdcard
-choose zip from external sdcard
-reboot system now
It always sends me back into stock 4.0.4
Did I mess up something in the CWM-order?
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Feb 6, 2010
With the earlier Orange ROM , even if we enter the unlock code, the hero shows a screen with message "unlocking " and this screen remain for ever.Anyone has idea if this issue is fixed with new orange ROM released in feb 2010.(i.e the code should unlock the mobile without any issue)
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Feb 23, 2010
I do not have the keystore that I used when I first created the app and I am wondering if I can create a new certificate using the same details that I used to create the earlier certificate. I have the details available with me.If I do so and update the app using this certificate, will the users get an update notification on their device?
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May 2, 2010
I finally had the time to sit down and order my Incredible. However, it is not accepting the SMART30 promo code to save $30. Anyone else who has tried to use this code unsuccessfully (or successfully)?
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Jun 15, 2009
I am doing a https post and I'm getting an exception of ssl exception Not trusted server certificate. If i do normal http it is working perfectly fine. Do I have to accept the server certificate somehow?
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Apr 8, 2010
I'm new to implementing HTTPS connections in Android. Essentially, I'm trying to connect to a server using the org.apache.http.client.HttpClient. I believe, at some point, I'll need to access the application's keystore in order to authorize my client with a private key. But, for the moment, I'm just trying to connect and see what happens; I keep getting an HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request error.
I can't seem to make heads or tails of this despite many examples (none of them seem to work for me). My code looks like this (the BODY constant is XmlRPC):
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Feb 11, 2010
Has any one been able to connect to a soap server using ksoap2 android via https?
I keep getting the error that "Hostname <###>was not verified"
Apparently looking back at other ksoap which isn't for android your ment to us a different call to connect via https, but i can't find a way to do it in the android version.
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May 28, 2009
I had configure a Tomcat webserver with SSL and client autification. So I need a clienKey.p12 File to visit the site. If I import the key into Firefox, it works fine.
So I tried to develop a Client from "normal" Java. That works:
Now I try to develope a Client into Android and I am getting crazy....
Here my two Android implementation:
I always geht the following Exception:
But the key is the same that I use for the "normal" java Client and for the import into firefox. So the key is valid. But it is signed by me... I don't want to sign it by a commercial Company like verisign.
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May 21, 2010
How do I sign an APK with more than one certificate, so that I can do this when I publish to the Android Market...
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Jul 16, 2010
If I have an apk can I remove the current signing and some how resign it with a different .keystore file and still have the application install?
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Aug 24, 2010
I just recently bought a sony x10 phone everything was fine until one of the kids entered wrong start up key 5 times in a row now i cant gain access to phone in any way,does not accept google user name or password,tried switching off for 10 mins taking out battery and so on to no effect.user name and password seems to be accepted online. Also tried to fix problem online using sony Ericsson pc companion which asks to drag down on phone but does not allow drag down.
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Jan 13, 2010
I tried searching the forum for this problem but it seems I can't find it (there might be one out there ) Anyway, so I have a Droid Eris. The problem is that when my phone is in SLEEP mode, it takes about 10-30 seconds for my phone to AWAKEN when receiving a text message and around 10 rings (from the caller) for my phone to AWAKEN start ringing. But when my phone AWAKE, I receive texts/calls right away. I have two phones so I constantly test it out and results are the same. Do you think some of my apps are delaying it? My default SMS app is Handcent and configured properly. Do you think Automatic Task Killer is the culprit (this kills all apps when in SLEEP mode)? But even if I exclude MESSAGES, VOICE DIALER and HANDCENT, I still get the delays.
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Nov 11, 2010
I am trying to get an image from a https url but it doesn't seem to display and get the image correctly but works fine on my computer browser. I have tested out a http url pointing to a different image and it works fine. My code is below:
public Bitmap getContactPhoto(String url) {
Bitmap pic = null; try { pic = BitmapFactory
.decodeStream((InputStream) new URL(
.getContent()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return pic; }
Here is the code from the activity class that calls the method above:
private ImageView mContactPhoto; private ContactDetailsViewHelper mViewHelper;
mContactPhoto = (ImageView) findViewById(;
mViewHelper = new ContactDetailsViewHelper(mContext);
ignore the mDetail.getImageRef, that passes the real url value but for this case I tried hard coding the url as you can see from the getContactPhoto method.
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Apr 12, 2010
How to collect URLs of all http/https requests made by the phone as well as well as the return status code and user agent from the headers. This information should be coming for all browser requests and other applications too.Please let me know this information can be retrieved on App level or we have to go to system level for this.
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Jan 11, 2010
I want to use HTTPS in my application. The Java URL class does not seem to do the job.
Does anyone have any pointers?
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Sep 7, 2010
I downloaded Android SDK when I run setup, it displays the following error message.
Failed to fetch URL, reason: HTTPS SSL error. You might want to force download through HTTP in the settings.
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Jan 18, 2010
I'm creating an app for the Android platform which will connect with just one site using HTTPS. It is essential that it won't be able to connect to any other sites, even with valid SSL certificates. I want it to be resistant to every form redirection (for example to site pretending to be the one I need to connect with) or other "attacks". Unfortunately I cannot find any good tutorial about SSL in Android.Do you know any? I'd be grateful for some links or advices. Or maybe could you give me some code snippets? My app is prepared to use HttpURLConnection or HttpClient - it makes no difference which path will I choose.
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Mar 30, 2010
I'd like to be able to get the MD5 fingerprint of the certificate associated with my app (regardless of whether it's the debug cert or the release cert). You're probably aware that in order to get a Google Maps API key, you need to provide them with the certificate fingerprint of your app so that they can match the key with the fingerprint when you use it so as to ensure it's "really you". I've got a similar situation in which I'd like to make requests against a URL (my server) and would like to pass my app's fingerprint as part of the request. I've got no clue which classes I should be looking at.
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Nov 17, 2010
Is there any way to create an X509 certificate on the android device?
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Mar 28, 2009
So I have the following code.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(4096);
while (true) { int i =; if (i == 0) break;
else if (i == -1) throw new EOFException();
sb.append((char)i); }
What I see (with thousands of times run) is that this code takes about 1ms for every 7-10 bytes read. So reading just 10k takes almost a second!
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Jun 2, 2010
I'm trying to load https requests with a Webkit object but It shows only a blank page, with http requests I don't have problems, It shows the page correctly. I have look the source code of the browser, in;a... but I don't understand how the browser process the https requests. I think that the class BrowserActivity process the http and https requests but I don't see how to do it. Somebody could explain how the browser process the https request? It uses a Webview object to show the response of the https requests?
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Jul 13, 2010
I am trying to stream video over https from Android browser. If the video URL is http, everything works fine. But when I switch the url to https, no video can be played. I tried 2 methods to stream over http/ https through Android browser.
1. Use html5 Video tag on browser (Android 2.0+ device) and call ) from javascript. - With Https url. Browser launches media player and the player displays alert dialog saying "Can't play video". I captured the client TCP traffic and found no SSL handshake between client and server. It looks like the player pops up the alert on any https link. - With Http url. Browser launches media player and the player can stream the video successfully.
2. Use direct link of html <a> tag on browser and click the link - With Https url. Browser downloads the video file without launching the player. The browser seems not try to load any https link in media player. - With Http url. Browser launches media player and the player can stream the video successfully.
So the above tests make me think Android media player cannot play media from any https url.
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