Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Proximity Sensor Not Working For 2.1
Nov 10, 2010before i updated to 2.1, The proximity sensor turns the touch screen off when your face touches the screen. after the updated, it does not seem to work anymore.

before i updated to 2.1, The proximity sensor turns the touch screen off when your face touches the screen. after the updated, it does not seem to work anymore.
It says everywhere that it does, but my screen never turns off when its close to my face. The black thing next to the earpiece should be the sensor, why doesn't it work? Does it have something to do with android 1.6 not supporting it?
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhen I'm in a call and put the phone to my ear the screen does not turn off instantly. Only after the screen timeout period has reached does the screen goes off. Is this normal?
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone notice that when you are using bluetooth headset, the proximity sensor doesn't work? Is it a bug in Android v2.1 or am I missing something? I'm using MW-600 with X10i Android 2.1 if that matters.
View 23 Replies View RelatedI bought a xolo q700 recently ,n i did an official software update, now proximity sensor isnt working and i dont know if it is due to the update or is it a hardware issue.. The proximity sensor is shown when I checked hardware with some app, but its not giving values... just showing waiting
View 1 Replies View RelatedAnyone know if there is a way to fix this? Not being able to bring the screen back up during a call pretty much makes it impossible to call any automated line, or even delete voicemail messages.I really love this ROM but this particular issue is causing me quite a headache
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs anyone having this issue? Friend of mine has the D2. Says the display does not turn off when next to her face and registers any touches.I don't have a D2, so I don't know what the phone options/settings might be.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a HTC Hero here, and when I tried to get the list of available sensors on the device by calling ((SensorManager) getSystemService (Context.SENSOR_SERVICE)) .getSensorList(Sensor.TYPE_ALL); I get only the following sensors: D/SensorManager( 6302): found sensor: BMA150 3-axis Accelerometer, handle=0 D/SensorManager( 6302): found sensor: AK8973 3-axis Magnetic field sensor, handle=1 D/SensorManager( 6302): found sensor: AK8973 Orientation sensor, handle=2 D/SensorManager( 6302): found sensor: AK8973 Temperature sensor, handle=3 According to the specs, there should be a light and a proximity sensor on the Hero, and I've seen it in action (the automatic screen brightness adjustment) - so at least the ambient light sensor is definitely there. My question is then, why doesn't the getSensorList return for me the light and the proximity sensors?
View 8 Replies View RelatedHad WiFi working earlier now it has stopped but laptop still working ok?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhere abouts is the sensor that detects if you are holding the phone up to your ear and dims the screen? Need to modify my wife's case (like what I did with her old iPhone case) as it doesnt turn the screen off, or if it does it doesnt turn it back on afterwards!
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhy do we have a proximity sensor? Coming from Nokia phone, I not only don't understand it I don't like it.Can it be removed - disabled? How?
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs it even that big of a deal on the Hero, and is the app even useful?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI had real problems until with my phone until I loaded the proximity sensor. I had a little trouble getting it to work but when it did, it remedied the one thing that I disliked about the Hero. I loaded 2.1 yesterday and generally I like it EXCEPT I cannot get the proximity sensor app to work again. Has any one else had this issue? Suggestions?
View 14 Replies View RelatedAnyone still having problems with the black screen? Have downloaded and installed the ota update and if anything the problem is worse! Seems ok on incoming calls but if I make an outgoing call the screen goes blank and the only way to reactivate is to hit the power key. This is starting to sound like faulty hardware to me. I read that the ota update was supposed to sort this! Any advise would be appreciated as other than this really annoying problem the phone is great!
View 9 Replies View RelatedFirst of all, I love my Desire, but there's something bothering me that's been costing me some money and trouble: Whenever I accidentaly call someone, I press the back button thinking it hangs up the call. But then I realise it's still calling! So I try to bring up the notification bar, though whenever I try to place my finger near the top of the phone, it automatically turns of the screen. After 20 seconds of trying, I've already lost money and afterwards people call back or message me why I've been calling them. Anyone else had this problem yet?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSomehow I keep managing to hang up on calls/call other people during calls. The proximity sensor does work but i think I must inadvertently move the sensor away from the screen, activating the screen. Is there an app that requires the screen to be unlocked during a call when the screen re-activates?
View 16 Replies View RelatedI've searched the forums, and the xda forums and I haven't really been able to find a good answer on this If I root my phone is there an option/app that will let me disable the proximity sensor?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIs there any app, flag or something similar that can be used to bypass the proximity sensor in the HTC Legend? I mean something that makes the screen stay on all the time during a call, neglecting the proximity sensor, as if it is in the speaker mode (but without the speaker on, I don't like people listening my conversations.My problem is the proximity sensor not working. I purchased an unlocked Legend a month ago in the Manchester (UK) airport free shop. I live in Brazil and travel to USA frequently.The phone is under warranty, but for me is too far to send it to Europe for fixing (no maintenance for Legend in Brazil and even in USA, if I knew it I would never buy this thing.)When in a call, the screen and keys go off and there is no way to bring them back.The sensor seems to "think" that the phone is near my head all the time immediately after a call is made or received. Only way to bring the screen and keys back is soft reset even after the end of the call.I already tried all the typical solutions and I don't use any kind of cover over the device, and by comparison with one that works I am sure that there is a problem with the sensor. I just don't want to stay more than a month without the phone and spend nearly the same that I spent in the phone in transportation to send it for fixing, so if there is something just to bypass the sensor it will be much better for me.
View 1 Replies View Related"A LOT" of people with DHDs that have this problem...I don't buy it, but everyone to their own!
i'm having problems with my proximity sensor. in the middle of a call, the screen lights up suddenly even when i got the phone pressed hard against my ear. is there an app that can fix this issue?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhenever I try to connect my Xperia to my pc via USB port nothing happens. The problem started after I updated my phone's software not to 2.1 (as its not available for my phone as yet) but another update that the software said was available. Upon completing the update I then reconnected my phone to the USB port but then my computer said there's no drivers installed for my phone. I've tried letting windows search for drivers but no luck with that. I find this strange when previously everything worked fine and I could browse the files on my memory card, but now all I get is no drivers are available. I've tried searching for drivers on line, but there doesn't seem to be none. Is there any way to solve this problem?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am a new x10 owner, I have 1 dekstop, 2 laptops, and a playstation3 all connected to my router wirelessly and they all work fine, so the signal strength and availability are definitely out of question. I've tried using different security protocols and they all yield the same result, it cannot successfully obtain an IP address. Occasionally it would work, but most of the time it doesn't.
View 7 Replies View RelatedOver the past few days, no matter where I am (ie connected to different towers) whenever I change from the gsm only option to 3g my phone loses reception altogether and the only way I can get it back is by restarting the phone.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way that a ROM could disable the proximity sensor during a call? I have a huge problem where I constantly hang up on people (usually my girlfriend) and that doesn't go very well . If its possible for the end buttonor volume button to wake the screen instead of the proximity, that would save me a lot of hassle. Is this doable, either standalone or through a rom setting?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been having this issue for quite some time, but just figures it was a bug in one of the BB roms I was using. Well, since then I have been through about 10 different versions of bugless beast, droid mod, and several others. My issue seems to be that when I make a phone call and put the phone next to my head, although the screen turns off, the touch is still activated.I will be in a call and I will feel the phone vibrate against my head. I usually hit the pound of star key on the phone, and as soon as buttons are pressed in a call, it seems to mute my voice to the person on the other side of the call. I have to remove the phone from my face, wait for the sensor to realize i moved my face, and have to press the backspace button till all the random characters are deleted at which point the person on the other side can hear me again. This happens to me on about 80% of my calls, and is by far the most frustrating issue I have had. Do you think I should re-install stock and bring it in? btw, I posted this in root sub-forum cause I am rooted, and wasn't sure if it was just a rom issue.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to disable it? I put a body skin on it and its barely off center off but its enough to cover the sensor so when i'm in a call its constantly black and i can't do anything . I would just take the skin off and put it back on but i was stupid enough to put it over my invisible shield and im to paranoid to put any more water on my phone and wait another 24 hours. So is there anyway to disable it or do anything?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have an application that needs to turn on/off the screen using the proximity sensor like what most dialer applications do when a user is making a phone call. I cannot seem to find a way to turn on/off the screen at will.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy phone (Xperia mini pro) unlocks itself way too often when it's sitting in my pocket. I was using a MIUI ROM for some time and there was that cool feature that didn't allow to unlock the screen when the proximity sensor sensed something in its... proximity. I really miss it, but I don't feel like switching from CM to MIUI just for it.
I know there are lots of apps like Gravity Screen Off or Cover Algorithm, but they don't do exactly what I wan't to have (or I didn't explore them enough), as I don't want to lock/unlock my phone by the sensor or anything. just a simple thing:
0. the screen is locked and turned off
1. the home/power button is pressed
2. the app checks the proximity senor's state
2a. if something's covering the sensor (e.g. my pocket's inside), the touchscreen is disabled (and some message appears to say so)
2b. if nothing's covering the sensor, then unlocking the screen is allowed
Something like that in Play Store?
I'm using the CM11 4.4 Kitkat on my Galaxy S4 and recently found out that my proximity sensor isn't working (when I dial the screen goes black and won't turn on until the call is over). all I want now is to disable it but there isn't such option in the Cyanogenmod. Is there anyway to disable it, like with a terminal or something?
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do I Adjust Proximity Sensor during a call, the screen comes on and off. and its the proximity sensor that needs to be calibrated. how can i adjust it? what file do i adjust this in?
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