Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: In-call Volume
Sep 4, 2010Does anyone know if the new 2.1 update will or can it make the in call volume louder. its the only thing i dont like about what i think is a great phone.

Does anyone know if the new 2.1 update will or can it make the in call volume louder. its the only thing i dont like about what i think is a great phone.
thinking to buy this phone , however from many forums and youtube comments , i found that this phone has way too low call volume that you cant even hear it when at noisy places. is this true ? be true to yourself and kindly reply.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am torn between the xperia and and the desire. While i like the xperia most the only thing that is holding me back from buying this phine is the low in call volume reported by many users. I am hearing impaired, and would like to know if this issue has been fixed with the new firmware or if this issue is still there.
View 10 Replies View RelatedJust bought the x10i and loving it, got a few problems but which phone on the market is 100% perfect. I do however have an issue with the low in-call volume and ringer volume. Its very low and struggling to hear the other party, I see from other threads this isn't an isolated issue. Will SE be sending out an update to solve this problem? It seems like a batch issue as not everyone is experiencing this fault.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi notice on a few occasions the ringer volume automatically,for incoming call, goes all the down to the left, thus phone just vibrates. i know i did not change the incoming call volume. it just does it automatically. has any experiences this before. how do i fix this because i miss calls when the phone just vibrates.
View 7 Replies View RelatedThe in call and ringer volume on X10 is way too low, I can hardly hear the other party on a call at a shopping centre or food court. This is very frustrating as making a phone call is the most basic function of a phone but X10 fail in this aspect badly. I am sure a firmware upgrade can increase the volume on X10, its just a matter of whether SE will implement it. Can everyone who had low in-call and ringer volume problem of your X10 report here and hopefully SE will listen to us and give us a fix ASAP. Other than this volume problem, I reckon its a fantastic phone. But SE gotta act NOW!
View 193 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone experiance the lack of volume in a call. Can anyone help
View 4 Replies View RelatedI noticed a lot of people making posts asking the same questions time and time again, so I thought I would make a post for people to list all common problems and how to resolve them. I will edit the list below with every common problem, as they are posted. Problem List:
Problem: The default Keyboard is too difficult to use!
Resolved: Download the HTC keyboard from the link below, it is much easier to use than the X10 and default android keyboard! Alternatively, you can choose from a selection of keyboards in the Android Market
[MOD] HTC_IME (8th June) v27: Small fix - xda-developers
You can also customize your own HTC keyboard to your liking here:
Problem: The battery does not last very long!
Resolved: Doing this has worked for with every phone I have owned, just follow these instructions. Wait until your battery has completely drained (so the phone will not turn on). Then charge your phone to 100%. Repeat this process as many times as you want, until you feel like your battery is lasting long enough. Also, the more often you charge your battery the longer it will last, over time
Call Volume
Problem: The call volume is too low, even at highest setting!
Resolved: At the moment there is no setting or app that can further increase the volume, but there is something known as the "Sweet Spot". The sweet spot is a spot on the area of the phone, circled in the image below, that enabled you to hear better. Keep trying different spots of the call speaker to find the sweet spot.
Is there any app or anything to increase the call and speaker volume?They are well too quite. When I am outdoors I cannot hear my phone ring and cannot hear anyone on the phone.If there is no way around it, has there been any information released about this in v2.1?
View 16 Replies View RelatedI recently bought a xperia x10 and i am disappointed with the IN CALL VOLUME.its low not able to hear a thing if your there any application to increase the call volume?
View 12 Replies View RelatedThis has been my biggest problem with the phone in that I cant hear people if there is any background noise. I was expecting this latest update to fix the problem but I dont notice any difference - have any of you noticed any improvement?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've just got Xperia x10 mini pro and still don't know how to adjust the loudspeaker volume during a call. Could anyone please tell me how to? I would appreciate it for the respond.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWas flipping through the xda forum the other day and found a hidden menu you can enter through the lock screen;
When the screen is on but locked you press menu(left hardware key), back(right hardware key), back, menu, back, menu, menu, back
This enters you into service menu. decided to check out the service test menu and there's a test option for 'earphone'. when you press it... my my how clear the earpiece can sound - with this kind of loudness and clarity i might have a chance of hearing my phone calls outside of an isolated soundproof room!
My phone seems to be eating my battery away more than normal. No new apps have been installed and I am only using the phone how I normally have. what could be causing this? And also the in call volume is way to low, I am a gas engineer and working on site with this phone is a nightmare I can not hear a thing. Will the 2.1 update change this? I can not wear a Bluetooth headset for too long as it starts to hurt.
View 2 Replies View Relatedso what if each of uses this thread to clearly state the problems that they are having with the X10, please don't go on about firmware updates etc as this isn't an actual problem, we all knew the firmware the phone was running when we bought it, so therefore I feel we have to accept that is down to us as we made the choice to buy the phone. Please be polite and concise and hopefully Jeff or someone from SE will take the time to read the thread and answer in due course, remember though it may take a little time for people to post the problems they are having and also for Jeff and co to find the answers for us.
please pop in and acknoledge the posts every now and then, just so we know our complaints aren't falling on deaf ears. I am hving problems with 1/ In call volume is very low and needs to be fixed asap 2/ Battery Life is very poor, I mainly only send texts at the moment as I cant hear calls and also use the ebook reader for maybe an hour or two a day, yet I have to charge the phone halfway through the day, even though I fully chatge it at night.....
Again and again you promised us an update that will increase the volume (in call and ringing) of the X10. Now months have passed, there were several small updates introducing some new "cool" features (Wow, different colors for Timescape that keeps crashing after every sync with studiVZ (german facebook clone)), but it is still not possible to use the X10 as a mobile phone. n several online boards there are people allready running android 2.1 on their devices, and the volume is still to low for a mobile phone. So I am asking myself if this issue is "fixable" or are the speakers so cheap that they cannot handle higher volume? To say it again and again, I bought the X10 to use it as a smartphone and make calls with it. Otherwise I could have kept my W580i and my iPod Touch.
View 6 Replies View RelatedMy X10i has really low audio volume when using my bluetooth headset. The same headset when paired with my old trusty Sony Ericsson K610i worked fine. I have also tried with a Sony Ericsson Elm and that was ok. Is there anyway to increase the volume on the X10i? Any SW patches, apps or tweaks?
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust noticed that notifications sounds only come out of the tiny speaker port on one side of the X10. No sounds come out of the speaker used for listening to voice calls on the front of the phone. Wonder if the phone can be modified to output notifications from that speaker as well as the one on the side? Guessing though, that it isn't a very loud speaker though as you've normally got your ear stuck to it!
View 6 Replies View RelatedSo I noticed that the ringtone volume is really really low and the headset earpiece volume is really low too. Its so low that I am thinking that i may have a faulty unit. The ringtone on max is about half as loud as a iphone and the earpiece volume is about half of any other phone that i have owned.
Has any other owners experienced the same?
when pressing any application, key etc... on the x10 screen the volume is very very faint! the other day it was ok - what has changed?its the keyboard click - any way off making it louder?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have installed various call recorder apps TotalRecall, VirtualRecorder, Voice2do, NoteEverything, Qmemo... but none of them record the sound of the person on the other side of the line. Can someone tell me which call recorder work for Xperia X 10 mini pro?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHi. I am looking for some advice with regards to how I receive calls on my Xperia X10i. Basically, the story goes as follows...normally when I receive a call I have to do that swipe thing to accept the call, however, at very random times instead of the swipe I get the option of pressing 'Accept Call' or 'Decline Call' which are displayed on the lower part of the screen side-by-side. Now, to be perfectly honest I actually prefer the latter option but do not know why it is so random. To be clear, I have never updated my phone since I got it and I have searched the settings but not been able to locate anything which would explain this.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDuring a call my screen goes blank; I am unable press the end call immediately ..
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow to delete an individual call or text message on my new Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini (which I love by the way)? Would really appreciate help in finding some sort of Call Log which I can edit.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI was wondering, is there a way to further increase the volume after rooting the X10? My volume is way to low even when I set it to the highest setting, but the volume is louder in the test menu.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI recently bought a sony ericsson xperia x10 mini pro. When I set an alarm, the volume is quite high. I would like to lower this volume, however, I can't. There is no volume function in the alarm menu; I also tried to lower or switch off the other volumes, but the alarm volume remains the same...
Does anyone know how to change the alarm volume? It would make me wake up happy.
I have just purchased my X10 no more than a day ago and find that when talking to someone the ear piece volume is not very loud. I have set the volume setting to max and its still very faint and hard to hear.
I also find the Ring Tone Volume is not very loud, even after setting it to max. I have confirmed the Firmware is the latest version, just as a process of elimination.
Has anyone else experienced this? Or could be that I have a faulty handset?
So we all know that the x10 has crap volume, but i have a question, mainly for powerkiter because he was the one who stated that with root his volume went up. How do you increase the volume? i would like to reap these rewards too.
View 5 Replies View Relatedthere will be an update that will increase the poor volume of the X10. Was that one of the famous SE lies too? The R2BA02X didn't change anything for me. Still cannot hear the phone ringing, still cannote understand my partner on crowded places. So what is this?
View 13 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to know when you call someone that he's already have a call and you're on waiting cuz there is no notification in my X2.
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