Samsung Fascinate :: Picture Thread For Phone
Sep 9, 2010Post your pictures here. I will be posting the ones I take from later today.
View 49 RepliesPost your pictures here. I will be posting the ones I take from later today.
View 49 RepliesI have been having a bunch of issues with the messaging app, and was wondering if it was just me. I keep having this issue when I will select a text conversation to open, and it will open another thread. I have made sure I am selecting the right conversation, it just likes opening another one. Also sometimes when I use the puzzle piece unlock method to go straight to the new text, it just opens the homescreen, or opens to the list of text conversations when it is supposed to open the specific thread. I am rooted, with LauncherPro running, but I had the same issues when running full TW.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI don't know how to add a picture to a thread I am posting. I see the "Insert Image" icon. When I click on it I see I need a ("URL"?).
View 3 Replies View RelatedEvery time I try to upload a picture for a contest thread, I get this. I've tried uploading from here and my phone, but I get the same message.
I haven't cheated in any previous contest, or at least I'm pretty sure I haven't
Nexus 7
All I hope Samsung will no do what they did to the Behold II. They said they would update Android 1.5 to 2.0. They backed out and said they will only upgrade to 1.6 or 1.7.
View 14 Replies View RelatedThis also happened on my Droid, so I'm not sure what the deal is. When I'm in a call sometimes my phone will black in and out, if I tilt the phone it will kick on for a half second and then kick off. The phone is still working and I'm still in the call, but I'm unable to do anything on the phone. Alternatively, if the phone does stay on and I try to touch a keypad the screen goes black again. Also, sometimes I won't be able to touch the number pad. The only way to get the keypad to work is if I drag the top down, click the little phone icon, and then the keypad again and it will work. It's driving me CRAZY.
Lastly, I have my phone with the pattern unlock because I like to know only I can open it. However, I don't want the timeout delay to long and drain my battery, but if I need to touch anything my phone needs to be unlocked during calls. Is there an app that keeps your phone on JUST during phone calls?
Was using odin 3 trying to get my phone to remove ota update . First time I ever tried anything like this . had worker and pick with phone downloading pit and pda. it stopped and all I have now is small phone triange stop sign and pc. I have no idea what to do did I brick it samsung vibrant.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was taking a picture with my phone a little bit ago, and my phone locked up. None of the buttons would work and I couldn't hold power button down or nothing. So I pulled my battery out, let it sit for about 5min and put it back in. Now it's been about 10min and still on the "AT&T World Phone" screen. I'm going to just leave it on that screen and hope the battery dies all the way soon, then hook it up to the wall and see if it will turn on. I know the iphone has a way where you can reset a phone if it locks up, and of course i have my numbers backed up to my google account so I'm not worried about that. Don't really care about the videos/pictures I have on ther ebecause I typicall upload to youtube/flickr right after I take them.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do you save a pictures sent to you in a text message to the phone.
I press and hold on the picture thats in the text message and there is no option to save.
Today, I made a call and the party on the other end was not answering. So, I tapped the red "end call" and nothing happened. There was not feedback from the phone at all. Other end kept ringing. No response anywhere on the phone. Soft keys would not respond--Nothing. Had to press power key and power off, then reboot.
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis is my first smartphone and I don't know if it's my phone or not, but It takes 2 or 3 tries to turn it on? Is it my phone were do most of the new Samsungs have that problem?
View 16 Replies View RelatedI have had two samsung fascinate for about 2 months now. Yesterday my wife complained that after calling someone she wanted to hangup without leaving a VM and the phone was just frozen. This is not the black screen. This is she could see all the buttons etc and the hangup button was just not doing anything.She said she powered off and on to fix it.Well, this morning the same issue happened to my phone as well !! I wanted to hangup after a call and the phone was just frozen. I could not hangup. I kept hitting the red hangup button and nothing happened. Not to mention the other person got a long and blank VM.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhen the phone is charging, the "alarm clock plus" app page comes up. When I try to click out to perform any function, it goes back to that page. I am sometimes able to complete another operation, but usually the phone goes back to the "alarm clock plus" page before I can complete it. Any ideas?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow would I return my fascinate to get the droid x? My 30 days is coming up soon. should I just go to verizon, and ask for a replacement? What should I tell them? And should I switch to Droid X or Incredible or stay with SF?
View 7 Replies View Relatedis there a FM Turner for the Samsung Fascinate?
View 22 Replies View RelatedMIUI Rom for Fascinate? - xda-developers
It appears things are moving along wrt to the MIUI ROM.
I am curious what you think the best keyboard is. I am currently using smart keyboard pro and wondering what else is out there.
View 26 Replies View RelatedMy dad's phone was due for upgrade this past Monday. He has a flip phone, and wouldn't be able to handle a smart phone. The phone he has has big buttons and a screen that displays big numbers and that kind of thing. He needs to stay with it. I was trying however to figure out if I could upgrade him to a Fascinate, but put my number on it, and give him back his flip. I have an Eris,and my contract with it is due for upgrade 11-1-10. I don't think this would work because I'm still obligated to one more month of data plan on my Eris. I'm desperate to get rid of this thing though.
View 21 Replies View RelatedI've searched around with no luck. Are there any themes available for the Fascinate?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFirst of all congratulations everybody. I am soooo excited for each and every one of you. Seriously, I have a big smile on my face because I know that excitement, that joy you all are feeling. You won't be putting your phone down for days, I GUARANTEE IT! You guys seriously just purchased the most kick ass Android device, along with the rest of the Galaxy S phones!
The Vibrant and Captivate users are watching closely. Samsung has promised us a GPS optimization, and presumably your Epic and now Fascinate already has it. So you guys are our life line right now.
For those of you who will be testing out your GPS in the next few days, I'd like to make a few comments, so that we can get accurate GPS testing, to determine if the phone is actually using satellites like it should, or depends instead heavily on less accurate cell phone towers to determine your location, which means the GPS is still busted on these phones.
Okay, so here it goes. When testing your GPS, "Use Wireless Locations" should be turned off. Settings>location & security>Use wireless networks...make sure its UNCHECKED.
Read the note right under it, it says "See location in applications(such as Maps) using wireless networks."
If you put a check mark next to this, and turn this ON, then how will you ever know if the phone is functionally using the satellites. This is the big question with the phone, can it use and lock onto satellites or is Samsung hoping we use less accurate cell towers. Samsung hopes you have this on. I ask that you keep this unchecked, this is the only way to truly test the Satellite usage.
Further, by checking this, you are allowing Google to collect location data, even when no applications are running, they say its anonymous, but you never know.
So uncheck "Use Wireless Networks," restart your phone, make sure this is still unchecked, power up Google Maps, and go for a good long drive. Then please share your real world results. Including, how quickly it located you, was the location correct, how wide of a blue circle is there around your location, did the phone ever drop the GPS signal, etc. No 2 min drives, you really need to drive around a lot to dependably test this.
You can also download "GPS Test" from the Android Market, it will show you how many satellites your phone views, versus how many satellites are locked in. You need 4 LOCKED on satellites to get a true 3D positional lock that includes x,y,z,t. GPS test also shows your accuracy in ft, up in the upper right corner. Good accuracy is anything less than 10 ft. I have phones that get 5ft accuracy, the best accuracy I can get with my Vibrant is 40ft. Please report this number also. If you have time, upload a screen shot of your GPS test, or just take a pic of your phone running the GPS test, upload it and share your results.
You can also use the built in native GPS test. It is virtually the same as the GPS TEST program above, it's just not a pretty visual interface.
Go to your phones dialer, as if you are making a phone call, and dial in *#1472365# or if that doesn't work try *#*#1472365#*#*Then click on "get position test."
This test will show you your longitude and latitude, you can then enter this into Google maps to see how accurately it located you. It gives you accuracy in meters, convert to feet by multiplying the number given in meters by 3.28, you will now have your accuracy in ft.
The native built in test will show you have many satellites it has in view, the satellites that it actually locks onto will have an asterisk next to it. Please report both these numbers. Remember you need 4 locked on satellites for true precise 3D positioning.
I'm really interested to hear from prior smart-phone Android users, because these users will be able to make a direct comparison of the GPS to prior phones.
Just found the stock /System dump, which includes all the apps/APKs that come with a stock Samsung Fascinate.
*This is useful for those who accidently deleted bloatware, but still want a backup for future use (i.e. for updates).
Fascinate system dump - Android Forums
Direct Download to the /System dump (Copy and paste the links):
I just came from blackberry to android, How do you download a picture from facebook directly to your phone? I have to download on my com then bluetooth now...just way too many steps I feel like there is an app out there.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I power up my phone I get the standard start up and then the phone starts ringing very loudly. It's almost like the old phone ringing sound we remember from years ago. It rings 5 or 6 times and then stops. This is not my ring tone and it's louder than any other system sounds. This has been an issue for only the past week, I've had the phone for just over a month. The only other thing I've noticed is that my battery has drained more quickly than normal the past couple days. I thought it might be Lookout security but I deleted that app and it continues.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf I want to call "Work," which I have 3 #s programmed for, and I press 9675, the # that pops up is the the first # that shows up for in the contact details, but it is not the one that I have programmed as the default. Are we stuck with this, there a way to change it and I'm overlooking it?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am new to android as I just went from a Blackberry to the Fascinate. I am wondering is there a way to sync events that I put on my calendar with my husband's Fascinate. We us to do this all the time with our Blackberries and it was a life saver. I just created a gmail account to that is all new to me as well. So I am not sure if it somehow has to go through my google calendar or is there an app of a different calendar that we both can download?
View 2 Replies View RelatedFascinate is factory resetting itself at random times, seems to be occurring only when corporate outlook account is added to the phone. started happening last night, the phone reboot itself and reformatted the drives, so upon reboot everything was erased. I re setup the phone and it did it again like an hour later. I re setup the phone a second time, only I did not add the work outlook email and it went all day long today without resetting. I'm worried if I add the work email account the phone will reset again. BTW the work email account was on the phone before with zero issues.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI initially had all of my contacts switched over to my new phone via backup assistant. Now I know most people don't like this because they can do this via google. However, the reason that I like backup assistant so much is because it puts the numbers on my phone and then I can give a person their own ring tone.My problem occurred on 10/23, when in the morning, I turned my phone on and all of my contacts were gone. I tried to resync with backup assistant but the stupid program is messed up and long story short, Verizon knows about it and they have no clue when it will be fixed.
Now to my question. I have managed to get all of my contacts from Verizon saved to my computer and uploaded to gmail. However, it is a pain because I have to go through each one and move the phone number from the notes section to the actual phone number section and gmail lags something bad for me for some reason.I want to know how I can get my gmail contacts saved back to the phone without having them all duplicated. I used this technique and I ended up with 270 contacts that were linked instead of the 135. I don't want them duplicated because I don't want them taking up more room than they have too. Is that just weird of me to be concerned about how much room the contacts are taking up? Should I just be happy with this or is there any way to change the gmail contacts to phone contacts?
I carry my phone in my pants pocket and all day long it will intermittently sound a triple note. I take the phone out, turn it on and notifications, no calls, nothing. I try pressing everywhere on the phone, power on/off switch, volume rocker, all around the phone front, back, sides, top, bottom and every combination I can think of but I can't duplicate the sounds. Also, the sound is unlike any that I can find on the phone Anyone have any ideas about what to do? Much as I love the SF, if this continues, it will be returned!
View 16 Replies View RelatedThis is my Second Fascinate I returned my first one so that I could get the free one from best buy. This one is much faster than my first one, but it seems to freeze up once a day while using it . Anyone else having this issue?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy FN gets pretty warm up by the camera area, with lots of use or heavy app downloading. Is this normal since or?
View 12 Replies View Related