Motorola Droid :: Where Is Dock?
Nov 6, 2009I can find the car dock on the site, but not the multimedia. Need this dock! Has anyone had any luck finding it?

I can find the car dock on the site, but not the multimedia. Need this dock! Has anyone had any luck finding it?
Anyone having trouble with the car dock it stopped working wont open up ive tried rebooting and nothing works
View 5 Replies View RelatedI bought the car dock and I do not like it. I wish you could just set the phone in the car dock and have it charge without plugging in the charging cable separately. Would it be possible to use the multimedia dock as a car dock? It seems like the only difference is the polarity of the magnet. Can that easily be reversed (cut out and turned around)? I already have an adapter to plug the USB cable into. 3M makes a great double-sided automobile tape that would hold the dock to the dashboard. Anyone with a multimedia dock willing to try it out and report back?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI checked 4 stores yesterday with absolutely zero luck, and there isn't one for sale on Verizon's website. Has anyone been able to find one at any other store? Tons of phones and very little docks.
View 48 Replies View RelatedIf you just had to choose one which would you chose? Im partial to the home dock. It really just looks cool when its docked up like that. I also wake up early and would like to use it as a alarm and it looks badass as a alarm clock .
View 18 Replies View RelatedGot my lovely Droid X and i see Car Dock app.. can someone tell me whats the point of Car Dock app vs Dock Simulator app? Why have a Dock Sim if you already have the Car Dock app?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAnyone found a good dock simulator for 2.2 yet? Ones I have seen are only for 2.1.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just upgraded from a D1 to the DX. I like it for the most part but was a little shocked to see that the Car Dock app for the DX wasn't upgraded. Is there anyway to get the newer Google car dock?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThere are two parts, the circular disc that sticks to the glass and then the actual holder which suctions against the disc. Do y'all leave the holder attached at all times? Even when you get out of the car? Or do you take it on and off as you use it? I'm just wondering how secure that disc is to the glass.
View 7 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know if other screens are available while the droid is in the charging dock?I havent been able to find anything else about this.
View 13 Replies View RelatedOK, so there's not too much customizing you can do with the desk dock screen.There are only 12 icon positions spread out over 3 screens.But what have you done to get it like you like it?I've just got my Calender, Sound Hound (in case I hear something on the TV or radio I want to tag), my Music, and my Photos slide show.If I wanna make a call or check the weather, it's here. The "All lables" folder is Apps Organizer where I can access all of my apps and games without leaving the dock screen for the landscape home screen.My internet screen where I can toggle WiFi, check e-mail, browse, or watch YouTube videos.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI ordered a Droid 2 for my wife, and I just got the Droid 2 car dock in the mail. When I opened it up, I found that it would work great for the original Droid. I made a video review on YouTube:
View 6 Replies View Relatedcan anyone recommend a quality car mount for the droid? I know Google made one specifically for the N1 which was a pretty nice unit, did verizon or Motorola offer one?
View 4 Replies View RelatedFinally purchased LP pro plus and as well as the icon and dock package.I understand how to change the dock to a custom image but the original dock doesnt go away and I wind up with two docks over laying each other.What is the deal to get rid of the original dock?
View 5 Replies View RelatedOn Monday night I put in an order for the car dock at It said "In Stock!" and had free overnight shipping. I was happy.
Tuesday morning I get an e-mail from verizonwireless saying that the dock was back ordered. I called my local Verizon store to see if they had any. "I think they are our across the country" was the reply. I was sad...
Anybody know where there is stock?
Anyone here recommend a car dock to use with my droid in the car? I hate leaving it on the seat especially when i am using the gps with google maps.
View 22 Replies View RelatedI have seen people asking about something like this, and I figured I would share it since it is something I have found to be pretty useful.
Car Dock Speakerphone by Everysoft
It's a little app that automatically enables the speakerphone for all incoming and outgoing calls when your droid is in the cardock. For anyone that doesn't use bluetooth, and doesn't want to remove the phone from the dock for a 10 second call, this is a nice app to have.
i don't get weather when i put it in the dock?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI love the multimedia dock except for one thing, it's too bright at night. The light bulb icon does make dimmer and more relaxed, but the buttons on the bottom of the phone are lit up to full brightness. Anyone know of any apps or options within the phone's software that allows me to turn off the buttons?
Also, anyone have any app recommendations for setting notifications? I'd like my phone to ring at night only when it's in its cradle. Right now, to keep it from chirping with every email, I have to set it to silent, which also turns the phone ringer off.
I have not seen anyone mention anything about this.... What I am looking for is another way to add new widgets to the multimedia dock. Specifically, I have "Beautiful Widgets" installed, with the nice "Silent Widget" on my home, but I would like that to be a widget on my "Multimedia Home". Is there a way around this, or does someone actually have to create widgets specifically for that screen?
View 5 Replies View RelatedAnybody having problems with bringing up the Multimedia Dock Widget/App
I have an ezstand and it is supposed to activate the home dock with a magnet...however it is very intermittent with mint.
Also, I actually see an error when the dock screen comes up (something like "Problem with loading Multimedia App"
I am guessing I might somehow have a bad version of the multimedia dock widget.. but cant seem to find a way to locate it to perhaps reinstall?
I got my Droid at the beginning of July and I really liked the idea behind the multimedia dock, but I thought $30 was a lot for something that did so little. Once I found out that media mode could be accessed with a magnet, I started looking at other people's designs for home-made docks. I used Crayola Air-Dry clay to hold the plug in place as well as make the phone fit perfectly. I wanted to be able to drop my phone into the dock quickly, it looked like other designs require you to plug in the phone, then set it in the dock.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to change the wallpaper while in the docking station. The color of the numbers kind of blend in with the background when I have the display dimmed.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just rooted yesterday and when I went to bed last night, I put my Droid in my multimedia and noticed that the temperature is displayed in Celcius, and I can't get it to change to Fahrenheit. I went to settings and Celcius isn't set, does anyone else have this problem?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI got the multimedia docking station for the droid (love it by the way!). its connects to my computer just fine. However, after a moment, the droid seems to power off (black screen). id like to keep the cool clock/weather display up all the time while its docked. anyone know what i need to do to keep the darn phone from powering off while its docked?
View 19 Replies View RelatedI lost the browser button on my dock, I'm using launcher pro. when I hold down on the screen to add a button there its not in the list of buttons I can put there. Does any one know how to get my browser button back?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI bought the dock for the droid the other day and i really like the home screen that comes up when you plug the phone into it, but i was wondering is there was anyway to access that screen with out the dock. the screen that im talking about is the one with the music player, photo viewer, dimming the alarm clock, etc.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI use the media dock as a car dock. How do I un install the media dock app? I do not want it switching when docked (not even to the car dock, if there was a way to reverse them).
View 15 Replies View RelatedThis weather thing with the media dock is getting frustrating. It worked again last night and early this morning but now it is down again. Maybe it is my problem this time, is anyone else having problems today?
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to default the sounds to silent while in the media dock? I'd like it to not update me on notifications like face book updates and emails in the middle of the night.
View 1 Replies View Related