Motorola Droid :: 3G Vs Wifi / Who Drains Battery More?
Dec 22, 2009Was wondering what drains the battery more? 3G or Wifi? If I switch on wifi does it drain more battery then being on 3G?

Was wondering what drains the battery more? 3G or Wifi? If I switch on wifi does it drain more battery then being on 3G?
Interesting....I start at 80% battery...insert the Dx into the official moto car dock and car using nav for 3hrs and my battery is down to 50%. I also stream pandora simultaneously. I would expect the charger to keep up but it is a losing battle....
View 12 Replies View RelatedSo i just got my droidx yesterday, fully charged, configured the alarm before i went to bed, and plugged the externally powered speakers above my bed into the droid.Wake-up, no alarm, phones battery is dead.Today, ive applied the power settings under the tips and tricks here. But really? Whole battery in under 12 hours from just merely having the 3.5mm jack plugged in?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHello as I wait for my Droid X to arrive to BB instore retail, I am curious if I download Launcher Pro (being it that the app makes the homescreen much smoother and customizable) to my phone, will it help my battery life or will it drain faster?
View 10 Replies View Relatedholy cow, since 2.2, my battery drains in like 4 hours. even in standby. is there some setting i should turn off? whats the deal?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm new here and a new Eris owner had it now for about a week and love it so far.I've read through several of the threads here about the battery and best ways to conserve, and I've tried to apply them (and I appreciate the info I've been able to find here).I'm conditioning the battery now (fully drained/charged it a few times), have set the brightness down lower, turned off bluetooth & wifi, set email checking to 2 hrs rather than 15 minutes.My question is about the effect on the battery of using facebook and peep/twitter as apps running on their own home screen.I have each of these two on their own screen so I can see updates but is this more draining on the battery than instead just having the apps as icons and then opening them up (meaning does this mean they are open all the time and draining battery)? Also, I have 3 email accounts setup but set to check every 2 hrs. Would this be more draining than just 1 email that checks every 30 minutes?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy battery keeps getting really hot (goes up to 105 degrees) and drains in about 2 hours. I've tried swapping it with a battery from another eris but it still happens so I know it's not the battery. I'm using the eris official v.1 rom. This happened on our other phone when I was using plain Jane rom so I flashed that one to eris official and it works great. I have the app killer set and everything seems to be turned off.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHere is something interesting about the Milestone. Enable Airplane mode, put it on the charger over night. Wake up to find your Milestone drained. This happens with my Blackberry Curve as well. Airplane mode drains the battery faster than its being charged. Has anyone else seen this? Or am i just getting lucky twice?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I purchased the phone, the battery would last about four hours until I installed advanced task killer. After group, it sucks. I checked to make sure it was still on safe mode and would only sync my gmail account. What are my options?
View 7 Replies View Relatedhad my desire since the first release date and everything was fine until a few days ago when my phone was very hot and the battery life was about 5 hours from full charge.I think it is something running in the background i have been into settings then checked to see what was running everything seemed fine so i am a little stuck, is there an app to see whats running.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a HTC Magic running the latest version of CyanogenMod 4.The battery was fine on my phone, till yesterday when it started draining within a couple of hours (while on standby). Clearly something is wrong as usually the battery would last most of the day if it was on standby.I thought it was an application, so I uninstalled everything I installed in the last day or so.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHas anyone else had problems with weather bug draining their battery?I unplugged my phone this morning and in less than 2 hours I was down to 30% and I never even used the phone. The only thing I remember installing lately was weather bug and this game called sketch online.
View 15 Replies View RelatedThis has happened about 2-3 times now since the phone was released.The phone is fully charged before I go to bed and in the morning it's dead since the phone turned off by itself.Also it might explain why during the day, even without use for 2-3 hours it drains for no reason down to ~25%?So weird, anyone else have this problem? I don't have the GPS on.
View 40 Replies View RelatedAnyone know what could be the cause of my battery dying while I'm asleep at night? I don't put it on the charger at night if the battery is above 20% and the last couple nights my battery will be near 30% and when I wake up in the morning it's dead?! My feeds are set to update 12 hours apart which is usually around 7am, and I thought it was the auto task killer but I shut that off. The only thing I can think of is my alarm?! But really?
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy battery is alright, and can last almost 2 days, but while from 100% to ~40% it drains 'normally' , from 40% to 0% it drains real fast - about 20 minutes phone call.
View 6 Replies View RelatedWhen I use this app to tether my laptop my battery drains like 2% a minute and my phone gets extremely hot. Is this the case for everyone else using this app?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI really like Nonsensikal 10.8.1! It seems very zippy, smooth, and stable. The only issue I seem to be having is that my battery drains so quickly. Anyone else having this issue?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAfter updating my Hero to 2.1 I have noticed that the battery drains much quicker now even after I've done all recommended tweaks (switching off Always On, reducing frequency of updates etc.). Has anyone also experienced the same problem. Some people mentioned that battery life of their phones improved after the update.
View 4 Replies View RelatedThis has been happening over the past two days, ever since I installed PureCal widget with no success of running it properly. I uninstalled it today. However, the battery drains really quickly and the phone heats up a bit.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have 2 batteries for my phone, both of which show the exact same problems. The battery drains very quickly on standby (8 hours or so). It drains when off and if I turn off my phone and remove the battery for about an hour, it loses 10-20% of the battery. A lot of people told me it had something to do with the wakelock or some app but that's not what it is. Wakelock is fine and with stock apps only it still drains way to quickly. Airplane mode doesn't work either. It charges exactly as fast as it drains too.
View 6 Replies View RelatedJust to clarify, is there in fact battery pull and drain from BT, Wifi and GPS even if you are not actually using them as there no app running needing them and no icon showing them active in the menu bar?
I am curious if they are sending out polling or searching signals and thus, still draw the battery down? It seem they must, agreed?
Is it a substantial pull? I kind of want to leave them all on, but have started the habit of having them off and just using a widget to turn each on - 1 by 1 - as needed.. but that is kind of a PITA and I wonder if it is not even necessary?
I am developing an app which has one service running in the background even if the application is closed. This service basically listens to the server via socket connection. It is an app's requirement to keep one consistent connection open. but this drains battery liek anything. I know socket is costly affair in the sense of battery life. Do anybody know any other way to keep communication channel open? or any optimization in using socket?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI got my Samsung Vibrant yesterday and like it a lot. However, I have what I thought was a faulty battery problem. The battery would not charge when hooking it up via USB to my desktop or AC.I took the phone to the Tmobile store and they swapped out the battery for me. The battery runs fine unplugged but as soon as I plug in the USB adaptor it starts losing a % of charge every 10 secs. As soon as I unplug it the draining stops. I called the Tmobile store again and they said it may be the USB adaptor. Well, I have a spare cable. I used it and the same thing happens.Is there something wrong with my phone? Is there a setting I need to adjust? Anyone experienced this yet?
View 5 Replies View RelatedSo yesterday was the first day I used my Hero "officially". I took it off the charger at about 10am and by around 7:30pm it had about 20% left. Not fantastic, but it seemed ok. Last night, I charged it via USB (forgot the charger part) and this morning when I went to take it off the charger, I noticed it was completely dead. I switched it over to another USB cable and after a minute or so, I was able to boot it up and get it going again. I was only able to let it charge for about an hour before I had to leave and go to class, so when I took it off this morning it was around 52%. I didn't do much with it on the way or during class, simply tried stream a little music via subsonic (only for about 10-15 minutes) and sent maybe two text messages. Getting to class (the phone had been off the charger about an hour at this point) I was already at 46% and by the end of class I was at 22%. A quick trip to Wal-Mart for a spare charger and the battery was below 10%. From taking it off the charger to finishing at Wal-Mart was about a span of 2:30 hours. Draining over 40% of my battery in a couple of hours when the phone was mostly idling with the screen off seems absolutely ridiculous. I have the phone overclocked with SetCPU which is set to go from 245 to 710 when it's above 30% and when it's below, it clocks itself down to something like 195 and 490. When the screen is off, it's 125 or so to 245. About midway through class I killed SetCPU just to see if that was my problem, but it didn't appear to be as my battery seemed to drain just as quickly. I don't use a task killer extensively, only to check what applications are running in the background and maybe kill something that won't shut down. But, when I did check, after Wal-Mart, I had an application called "My Uploads" running. I wasn't sure what that was, but I left it running anyway.
View 8 Replies View RelatedNormally I wouldn't worry, but when it does crash, and I'm not paying attention to my phone, it suddenly sucks the battery big time. If it happens overnight while I'm sleeping, the battery will be dead. I just checked my phone now; last check was about 2 hours ago, it was at 90-odd percent, and now it's at 55% and is asking to be force closed. I check my battery usage, and sure enough, it's the culprit. My phone is also very hot, perhaps because it's overusing the battery. I want to avoid a factory reset. Is there any solution or known cause for this problem?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI update my x10 from 1.6 to 2.1 last night and ever since the battery drains in a few hours, EVEN when connected to the charger I see the battery going from 28% to 27% in a few minutes...
View 16 Replies View RelatedI read somewhere that older sim cards drain the battery more is this true and if so how old are the ones that do? And will my network just give me a new one if I request it?
View 7 Replies View RelatedFirstly I want to clarify that I am NOT talking about a normal battery drainage caused by background apps, foreground apps, enabled wifi, bluetooth, google background activities, synchronisation, facebook, google location settings, any antivirus app or something of that kind. There are plenty of threads about that and google search is full of this topic. I am talking about something else when it comes to sudden and quick battery drainage.
It already happened to me a couple of times when I use the built in projector of my phone (samsung galaxy beam). So I watch a movie on the projector and it takes let say.. around 30 percent of my battery life. After I turn the projector off, close all foreground and background activities I wait like a minute or 2 and the battery status drops from lets say 28 to 20. This is normal as the battery status somehow needs some time to get "updated". So after every single fore- and background activity is closed and I got 20% battery left I go to bed. Then in the morning I look at my phone and its dead meaning the battery dropped to 0 causing the phone to turn off. And thats not normal for me. (I do hear the sound of very low battery in the early morning meaning it doesnt turn off within 1 hour which would mean faulty battery) First I was thinking that this problem might be caused by previously overheating the battery but I checked the temperature and here all is fine. Also both batteries are not too old and still work normally (beside the described problem). I may add that using the projector itself is not an "extreme" usage of the battery. When I use the projector, play an HD android game connected to my ps3 controller ...that is a different story.
So my question is what could cause this rapid battery percentage drop even tho the phone has no activity at all and sleeps. Sometimes it happens and sometimes it does not tho..If I would not use the projector then I loose around 2-3 percent overnight, if I use it then I sometimes loose 20% without doing anything. And thats not normal. Maybe android somehow thinks that there is still activity even tho there isn't. Like a virtual activity making the battery think its in use and therefore draining it.
Im running on 4.1.2 JB stock rooted
which should I use for browsing? I know that speed varies depending on your connection and signal, but what is better for battery life?
View 20 Replies View RelatedProblem is that both charging port and battery and malfunctioning. My charger port has a mind of its own. Only certain chargers positioned in certain ways will charge it. I'm talking about brand new charge cords (no shorts in cord itself) that when plugged in will over work if I play with the port for awhile. Along with the problems actually getting the charging port to work, there is also problems with the battery. The battery has a terrible life using all of the battery conserving settings it drains like crazy. And along with that when I charge my phone with it off it will tell me fully charged many times but when I turn the device on I'm in the RED.
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