Media :: Which Player Will Play .mov Files?
Jul 15, 2010As the headline say:How can I play .mov files on my HTC Desire?

As the headline say:How can I play .mov files on my HTC Desire?
My application gets playlist from a XML file, requests URL of mp3 file from server, downloads and plays it. It was able to download mp3 file but unable to play it. When I used emulator with Android 2.1, it was displayed in LogCat:
Anyone know of a media player that will play .flv files without having to convert to .mp4 or .3gp ?
Seems strange that youtube streams fine, but you can't play the downloaded files in the default media player.
Does anyone know where to find a media player that would allow you to play streaming videos on Android Browser?
I want to know if you can play streaming videos on your web browser on your android os phone.
I guess no one cares to listen to their favorite music in the order the artist intended? we now listen to timeless classic Opera in whatever order? makes no difference? Classic Rock albums out of order? Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon"?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a Samsung Galaxy I7500 using android 1.5. I extended my phone with a 16GB microSD. I copied a big music collection (around 800 files) into a folder on this SD. Now the problem is that the music player can't find all the files.
I know that there are several threads about android not finding music. The answers are usually that the library hasn't yet been updated or that the ID3 tags are not correct.
I have checked both.
Btw. I can play the files using ASTRO.
In my opinion it seems as if android can't build up a library with too many entries. If I rename the files or put them into different folders, songs disappear and reappear quite randomly.
Do you have any solutions? Is there a music player which doesn't use the native music players index of files?
I'm looking for an app or combination of apps where I can find a link to a movie online, stream it on my phone then using air play push it onto my tv. They only released the sony screen mirroring app to a couple of sony xperia phones so I cant use that. I dont want to have to download the movie first either.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI create a "mplayer" to play the rtsp on the emulator. When the "mplayer" play the http ,it is ok.
MediaPlayer mplayer = new MediaPlayer();
mplayer.setDataSource("rtsp:// 20090313/wenjiabao1.mp4");
mplayer.prepare(); mplayer.start(); but when it play the rtsp, it doesn't work. The Wireshark shows UDP Checksum Incorrect.
I am interested if there is any programs out there that mimic the DVD player. On a DVD you first start off with a Menu then can decide to either play the movie or see different interviews ect. Is there a player or a converter that allows you to take a DVD and play it with menu and all?
View 3 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know of a player that will do avi files? Or, can anyone design a player that will play avi files!?
View 5 Replies View RelatedAnyone get MKV files to play yet? I have done web searches and forum searches, but have come up pretty dry so far.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan anyone please tell me if Android Media Player is able to play a video that is placed in a remote server, in a supported format?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI tried to play a piec of 16-bit .wav audio file, no sound came out from my earphone, but .mp3 file would be OK. Do any one else have this kind of experience? This is the code: player = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.test); // I put test.wav in /res/raw player.start();
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am using the stock music player. Why does it also play the ringtones that I have added to my SD card?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am new to android.I am trying to play a video from sdcard. this is the sample code I have used..
public class videoa extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
VideoView videoView = (VideoView)this.findViewById(;
MediaController mc = new MediaController(this);
// (1) Web
//""));................Please help me out.
I have an Activity that plays a brief OGG "pop" sound effect when bubbles pop. To keep it fast and to ensure I can play several pops, I create four MediaPlayer instances. I synchronize access to a pool of instances, so I can play up to four pops at once. Once a sound completes, I call seekTo(0) and return the MediaPlayer instance to my pool.
Here is a rough sketch of the code:
// when the activity resumes... for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(context, R.raw.pop);
mp.setVolume(1f, 1f); players.add(mp); // put into a pool of available players }
The dev guide suggests this
MediaPlayer mp = new MediaPlayer();
mp.setDataSource(this, Uri.parse(""));
mp.prepare(); mp.start();
I can't seem to get it working though.
I'm getting " Prepare failed.: status=0x1"
Is there any support for avi and other media formats except mp4 and 3gpp? If there is no support may I develop a support through correct the program? Will that be too difficult ?I don't know where to put my hands into first, should I correct programs in opencore first or should I just correct programs in directory frameworks/base/include/ media . I want to have a clear mind how I can achieve my goal, I need a roadmap to guide me how to do it.
I am trying to get familiar with the SDK 1.0 now. another question, my chip is from freescale and it supports hardware codecs of mpeg4, h.263 and h.264, I don't know whether I can change the program or the architecture of mediaplayer to utilize my hardware codecs instead of software codecs provided by android opencore. I once implement an mplayer to my platform, there is problems about sync of audio and video due to the quality of my chips(CPU can support software codecs but is not fast enough to make sure sync of audio and video), So I am worried about when the android is implemented, there would also be the same problem, and for this reason, I am thinking whether I can utilize my hardware codecs for mediaplayer.
I'm still trying to get to grips with the folder/filing system of the Desire's SD card. I have yet to put any of my own MP3's onto the phone but have put on a few short audio clips which I created at work. These were on the phone mainly so I could transport them home but I also occasionally play them from the phone. However I don't want them cropping up amongst music in the music player app/widget, but it seems no matter where I put them on the SD card they appear. The only exception is if I put them in media => ringtones which isn't ideal. Are there any other places where i can put them where they won't be found by the media player?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to play a playlist I get using the MediaStore provider. However, when I try playing a playlist nothing happens. Can a MediaPlayer play a playlist (m3u file) and do I need to set the first track to play? This is my test code in the onCreate() method:
Uri uri = MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
if(uri == null) { Log.e("Uri = null");
} String[] projection = new String[] { MediaStore.Audio.Playlists._ID,
MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.NAME, MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.DATA };
Cursor c = managedQuery(uri, projection, null, null, null);
if(c == null) { Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),
R.string.alarm_tone_picker_error, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
return; } if(!c.moveToFirst()) { c.close();
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), R.string.alarm_tone_picker_no_music,
Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return; } c.moveToFirst(); try {
MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer(); player.setDataSource(c.getString(2));
player.start(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
I have turned on every volume stream.
I've searched for this already and can't find one!!
I've got about 4000 tracks on my pc and would like to stream them or browse and play them from my phone (not always convenient to play them from the PC).
I've got Estrongs file browser but can only play one track at a time.
When i record my audio from MIC and store file in /data/data/. why Media Player can't play this file ? If i change destination to / sd card/..... - all works great. I do something wrong ? I not found limitation for Media Player. Device - Samsung T959 (Galaxy S).
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am currently new to android development I been working on the examples in the Dev Guide in the android website. I want to get a stream from a server I have to play in the emulator when I insert the url it doesn't seam to want to play. My question is there a way to get the emulator to play audio or is it all enabled also does MediaPlayer require a special kind of format like mp3 or ogg? his is the code i am running on my 'onCreate()' method.
MediaPlayer mp - new MediaPlayer();
Why Update buffering is always 0% when mediaplayer play the rtsp? I try to play this both on the emulator and on the device. But eveytime it shows that the Update buffering is always 0%. Could anyone give me a reason?
At last it always shows the log
E/MediaPlayer( 1455): stop called in state 4
E/MediaPlayer( 1455): error (-38, 0)
E/PlayerDriver( 1088): Command (7) was canceled
I wanted to stream A/V from my machine to Android over HTTP
But that does not seem feasible using FFMpeg. I am planning to try FFMpeg streaming over RTSP. But I am not sure whether MediaPlayer or VideoView classes on Android support RTSP playback. Is playing RTSP stream possible in simple application?
Are there any MEdia Player Apps. which can play AVI, Mpeg, DivX, FLV, etc?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWe've a mpeg4 source that we would like to play in the media player. Our source is not in a file or on an rtsp server. It is hand coded to generate mpeg4 source on the fly. Imagine the data is coming from an unix pipe stream instead of rtsp or a file. How can I use that stream in media player?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to embed windows media player in a web page and show streaming video from my server with a url. I have WMP on my phone and the video streams through it fine. Is there any way to embed this now in a web page? It does not play. Do I need a special plugin or what?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat video player for Android can I download for free that can play mkv files?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm torn between which group to post this too, but since it is for an application I am working on, I guess I'll stick it here. So here we go. I have an application which downloads data onto the sdcard to be used by the application. Some of these files are sound or music files and the music player in android seems to parse these directories and add these files to the list. I'd like to somehow block or hide these files from the music player. Is there is a way to do this? I was thinking it may be possible to name my folder with a period at the beginning, since linux hides such files. I'm just not sure if that is going to hide it from the music player or if there is another way to handle this.
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