Media :: Video Player For G1
Oct 21, 2008Where can i download the Video player for G1?

Where can i download the Video player for G1?
I recently bought some gameloft games for my droid incredible but i noticed all the sounds of music of the games are showing up on my media players. Is there any fix for this issue?
View 2 Replies View Relatedgood mp3 player and video player / HTC EVO. is there anything better than stock
View 5 Replies View RelatedI recently wanted to watch a video on my N1 I had the default player on my home page but the icon went away. I figured I must have accidently moved it to the trash but I cannot find it in the apps list either. Has anyone else had this problem?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there such an app that can play almost all video formats/codecs? I'd like an app where I would just transfer a video file (dix, xvid, whatever) to my SD card, and the app would let me play it. Kinda like what "Media Player Classic" does for windows.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to play mp4 video file from mediaplayer demo given in the api demos along with android sdk.I changed the path to /sdcard/video.mp4.If i run mediaplayer_video demo, the audio output is coming, but no video is being displayed, the screen is black.when i seen the logcat,it reports, surfaceCreated called and surfaceChanged called.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm developing an application that makes video stream to an internal network, so I need to broadcast to listeners devices (connected to this network), found an application called VPLAYER receiving video stream, but it performs HTTP, which makes the broadcast. So, I wonder if there is any player that receives video stream and run under the UDP or whether it is possible to develop an application that receives the video stream and pass to the player's native android.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan anyone please tell me if Android Media Player is able to play a video that is placed in a remote server, in a supported format?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am new to android.I am trying to play a video from sdcard. this is the sample code I have used..
public class videoa extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
VideoView videoView = (VideoView)this.findViewById(;
MediaController mc = new MediaController(this);
// (1) Web
//""));................Please help me out.
I was wondering if there is a good app like TCPMP for windows based smart phones that can be used for streaming video that launch video in MediaPlayer.
Also, for some reason I have trouble watching HULU on my droid, even in the Skyfire2.0.
The stock media player is good but not so good when your looking at videos late at night like porn =/ lmao
i need a new media player that supports many of the video files whats in mind?
I was wondering if anyone has had any luck getting subtitles to work in any video player on Android so far.
I though that I may be lucky after converting an MKV with embedded subs to an MP4 and playing in Meridian with no luck. After having a look over the Meridian FAQ/Tutorial I can see they are supported, though only as an additional SRT. Having a had a look around it appears extracting SRTs from MKV is not nearly as easy as you'd think (I've so far been unsuccessful) so I thought I'd see if anyone else has had more luck.
Does the video player really not have a full-screen option for Landscape mode?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want that when i will pass the utube url to media player it will automatically load the video and play in it.
This type of url i want to play in android media player
I'm using the android mediaplayer to display videos and i try to implement two modes:
The first one is a simple fullscreen mode which scales the video to the maxiumum maintainable aspect ratio. Depending on the video size there are black bars on top/bottom or left/right. The second mode should scale the video to fill the full screen but to keep the aspect ratio. That means either the width or the height has to be cropped.
And that is the problem. How to crop a video? For ImageView there is a scale type "crop_center" which crops the image on a predefined rectable. Is there a similiar solution for video? If i set the surface view to a bigger size than its parent container the surface view is automatically scaled to fill parent. Next try was to set negative margins in the parent layout but in vain. Another try was to place the surface view in a scrollview which also leads to strange behaviour. Any ideas?
I am new to using Android. I am wondering if there is any video (MP4) player that would continue playing the video even when I use the home button to switch to other apps (e.g. check my email etc.) I have a few documentaries/discussions to watch and sometimes minimize the video player to check other information on my phone and the video stops.
Any Video players that continue playing when minimized. I know that the Meridian Player continues playing when the screen is switched off, but it stops if you press the home button.
(I use a Galaxy Nexus with Jelly Bean.)
I am writing a media player application in Android when I calling a mp.prepare() it is giving a IllegalStateException. The same RTSP URL working with VLC or quick time Media Player.
View 2 Replies View RelatedYou have seen When u r playing a video in android or in any phones the video controller like play, pause will disappear automatically when the video is running.once we touch the screen only the media controller will come to visible mode.i just what some guide to do this in my application.Please Help me out.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen playing videos from the X10mini using Windows Mediea Player, there's no sound...what's wrong?
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy friend and I both have a Galaxy Tab 3.
When he uses his native android video player he can see media listed from DropBox (and a little drop-box icon on the bottom left corner of the thumbnail).He also has the options "View by" under the options button and can select "view by content on DropBox ".
-> This allows him to stream the videos from dropbox on the native vid player without downloading onto the device...
I do not have these options!How do i get them?
I need this because i want to use the AllShare option for streaming to my TV that is available on the native video player.
Is there a media player that will allow you to view video clips from the Iphone on the Eris? My son has the Iphone . He can view my videos sent by email but I cannot view his sent to me.
View 13 Replies View RelatedEven registering the broadcast receiver at the highest priority still fails to receive the Bluetooth media button events on the HTC Hero phone. The Bluetooth media button registration code works fine on the other Android phones that I have tested. Apparently this isn't the first time HTC has done something like this, as I also found a report of a similar problem on one of the HTC Microsoft Mobile Devices reported here
It seems extremely short sighted of HTC to code their media player so that it grabs the Bluetooth AVRCP media button events in such a way that other applications are unable to work with the Bluetooth head phone buttons and Bluetooth in car stereo systems.................
I use Windows Media Player to manage all my mp3s and playlists. I want my Samsung Galaxy S to be synchronized with my PC. I can connect my Galaxy S using "Media Player" mode and use the built-in sync with WMP, but there are issues:
1) Some mp3s get "corrupted" - how do I force WMP to "re-sync" them without losing my playlist association (if I manually add it as a file to sync, it is no longer associated with the playlist)
2) If I delete an mp3 from the device, WMP doesn't realize and won't re-sync the file again... is there a way to re-sync?
3) Sometimes WMP will re-sync playlists and each song shows up 3-4+ times when I load up a playlist on my device. I then have to wipe the Music and Playlist folder and re-sync from scratch any way around this?
4) Where are android playlists stored? The Playlists folder on the sd card can be wiped, but the playlists still show up in the music player?
5) If I make a change to a playlist on my PC, WMP will freeze and start skipping random files the playlists get corrupt and I see problem #3 occur. Essentially, if I change a playlist, I have to wipe the Music and Playlist folder and re-sync from scratch.
Does anyone know where to find a media player that would allow you to play streaming videos on Android Browser?
I want to know if you can play streaming videos on your web browser on your android os phone.
I want to be able to use/view the video's I record with my phone on my computer. (open from an email or use in window's movie maker)I have a new computer with Windows seven at work and a Vista laptop at home. I can send the video to myself and try to open in from my email or tether to the computer and transfer the file manually. Either way I can't open with windows media player. Video's taken with default "Camcorder" app on a myTough 3G running Android 1.6.I know it has something to do with the codec's the phone uses but wonder why they wouldn't use codec's that are compatible with the most commonly used pc's?Is there any way around this? Some kind of converter for the computer or for the phone?Is there another camcorder app that can record video with a different codec or is it phone hardware specific?So far have been able to use these forum's to sort out most of my Android problems but I'm stumped on this one. It doesn't seem like it should be this hard to do. Should be more user friendly.
View 5 Replies View RelatedSync Music to Nexus One using itunes and Windows Media Player. This process automatically creates a Music folder at the root level of the SD card. Hopefully some of you find this useful, especially coming from using iTunes Read more
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have just got a HTC desire and like many people would like to be able to get rid of my iPod all together and have just my phone. The problem I'm having is that the media player on the HTC desire doesn't work nearly as well as iTunes. I have several issues that would needed to be resolved and wanted to know if anyone had a solution to any of them
1) Audio books, I have many of these on my iTunes and on an iPod they are displayed in a separate folder and are removed from shuffles, not so on the HTC, solution?
2) Podcasts, Again i subscribe to many podcasts on my iTunes and wanted to know if there was any way of adding them to my HTC automatically or having them download automatically (Despite this being very annoying and clogging up my hard drive with duplicated podcasts)
3)Playlists I am currently using iTunes agent to sync from my iTunes but it means that I cannot sync playlists that i can then play on my phone. (I can sync playlists just not then play them on their own once they are on my phone)
I guess no one cares to listen to their favorite music in the order the artist intended? we now listen to timeless classic Opera in whatever order? makes no difference? Classic Rock albums out of order? Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon"?
View 6 Replies View RelatedThe tracks in an album playing alphabetically instead of by the track number?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAfter hours of hit and miss using programs like Double Twist etc. I found that the easiest way to sync music to the iHTC Music player is to use Windows Media Player and buy Album Art Grabber to load the album art. Once you have done the initial sync with WMP you can go back and load individual albums simply by dragging them to the sync area. Connect your phone to the PC and unmount the SD card Open WMP and click the sync tab. Click the drive that represents your SD card (mine was H You will be prompted to sync everything for either this session or all sessions. (I always click this session only). Works great and all I will need in the future!
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