HTC Incredible : Is Task Killer Bad?

May 4, 2010

Is it bad? i see some people seem against it saying android OS does a find job of it by itself. but yet ill see things in the task list that i haven't even opened always opening up. i also feel like killing tasks seems to improve the battery life. lets hear some thoughts and reasoning for Using and NOT using a task killer.

HTC Incredible : Is task killer bad?

Android :: Favorite Task Killer - Manager - Advanced Task Killer Free

Aug 22, 2009

Anyway, I just wanted for everyone to post their favorite Task Manager/Killer, and why, and if there are any flaws. I personally use Advanced Task Killer Free. It has a simple UI, and the when you select or unselect apps it remebers it so next time you launch the app you can only remove the apps that you usually do, and keep ones that always run. It doesn't slow down or break the system.

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Motorola Droid X :: Automatic Task Killer Vs Advanced Task Killer

Sep 9, 2010

Has anyone used both. Ive heard that that Advanced Task Killer, still drains the battery. What about the Automatic Task Killer, which puts everything to sleep when not in use.

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HTC Incredible : Way To Get Task Killer?

May 10, 2010

I'm looking for task killer that has a small 1x1 widget that doesn't show the available mb on the widget. I have the task manager but I don't like that it shows available mb.

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HTC Incredible :: Closing App Using Task Killer

May 30, 2010

Coming from having iphone for 3 years, so please forgive the dumb questions. Am I understanding that only way to close an app to free memory is an app like task killer? And if i turn therm off using this app, they will just turn back on of i press the program again? Is there any recommended memory setting that we should run at? So if start a game like black jack, if I go to task killer, uncheck it, it will load normally next time I play?

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HTC Incredible :: How To Use Advanced Task Killer

Sep 25, 2010

First let me explain how I use Advanced Task Killer (ATK). I use all the default settings with the exception that Auto Start is off. What I do is, every now and then, I open ATK and kill every app that shows up on the list, including ATK itself.

I've had my Incredible for about a month; I've been doing the exact same thing for about that long as well. However, recently (maybe a week or two, I am not sure), once out of every handful of times when I ask ATK to kill all appls, ATK kills them, but the white background with green "htc" logo shows up for a second or two. (It looks kind of like when the phone first boots up.) Then it goes to my home screen, but it looks dim and fuzzy, like when you turn off your phone where a rectangle pops up in the middle of the screen saying the phone is shutting down while your home screen is dim and fuzzy. Instead of saying the phone is shutting down, however, the rectangle box in the middle says "Loading..." I do not know what it is loading.

My impression is that when I ask ATK to kill all the apps on the list, it somehow kills some "important" ones so then my phone immediately reopens those apps hence the "Loading..." screen. What is puzzling, however, is that it just started doing this recently. I do not think I have made any major changes to my phone in the last few weeks.

I have tried to pay attention to the apps that ATK kills before I kill them; I have not been able to spot any pattern.

Does anyone have the same experience? Or does anyone know what is happening here? As far as I can tell, my phone runs fine, but it is a little bit disconcerting when that "Loading..." screen shows up every now and again.

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HTC Incredible :: Is Running Task Killer Harmful In Any Way?

Sep 1, 2010

Sorry for yet another task killer thread, but I can't find an answer to this one. I understand from several of you that task killers are not needed because of the way the Android system operates. I have tried and tried all of the suggestions given on how to manage apps manually, but my Inc is just plain faster when I close all running apps.My question is this, is running a task killer harmful in any way?

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HTC Incredible :: Whats Better Advanced Task Killer Or Manager

May 28, 2010

Are they both the same? i use atk and have no problems

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HTC Incredible :: Continue On %1$s For One And A Half Kilometers - Task Killer App

Jun 6, 2010

Strange program running? "continue on %1$s for one and a half kilometers" I found it running when I ran the task killer app. I am wondering what the heck it is and should it be running?

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HTC Incredible :: Advanced Task Killer - Pros And Cons

May 10, 2010

Should be installed and used in the Incredible. In fact the store Mgr said they download it to every Inc they sell in the store before the customer leaves with it. Now I have heard many pros and cons about this app. mostly cons.

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Android :: Task Killer Auto Killer

Jul 3, 2010

I want a task killer that automatically kills processes when they load. Some apps like HTC sense and the built in messanger app I would love having them killed instantly, is there one that i can get? Before you say, yes the Eris DOES need a task killer. Asked any eris user, once it gets below 30 MB of ram, it slows down to a near halt. They majority of thos for me is processes that load without me telling them too, and ons that I never use, such as htc sense or the default messager apps. I'm rooted btw.

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HTC Droid Eris :: Task Killer - Task Manager

Dec 11, 2009

I know this was talked about before at different times but I still have 3 questions.

1. what is the difference between a task killer and a task manager?

2. should we be using one of these apps or not?

3. when you look at the awake time if it is like 70% or 80% and you aren't using the phone a bunch I take it that means something is running,how can you find what is running.and is the awake time that big of deal?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: How To Use - Task Manager - Task Killer App

Oct 15, 2009

Looking for a guide on how to use task killer. I had task killer on and deleted it. I think I was killing tasks that were needed to keep certain functions running that I use frequently. If someone would take the time to help me understand how to use one, I think I would be much more successful with it.

example - text messaging just stopped ( werrent receiving them ) . Once I took task killer off, everything started working again.

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Android :: Best App Killer (task, Advanced Task Or Something Else)?

Dec 27, 2009

Automatic task killer, advanced task killer, or something else?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Task Killer

Aug 26, 2010

I turned task killer off last night and set it to not load on boot, then rebooted my phone. It had been up for 167 hours and awake for over 100 of those. Promptly after rebooting it was put in a drawer for nine hours overnight.

I get up this morning and what do I find for battery usage?

Up time: 9.5 hours
Awake time: 9 hours

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HTC EVO 4G : Need Task Killer App

Jun 5, 2010

i downloaded taskiller and when I kill all running programs it resets my scenes and my phone resets.anyone know a better task killer app? Also programs show up that I never opened. Can anyone help?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Want A Task Killer For Phone

May 30, 2010

Do I need a task killer for the Evo? If so, which one is the best and how is it best used? If no, why not?

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Android :: Best Task Killer

Oct 13, 2010

Advanced Task Manager (ATMGR)

A tool to kill tasks,free memory,speed up phone.

*Simpe,quick easy to use
*Ignore list to exclude apps
*Auto kill apps after screen off
*One click kill widget
*Quick uninstaller
*Send feedback in Settings

Want to install it ?

Google Market Search Keyword: ATMGR

APK Download:

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Android :: Best Task Killer App

Jan 16, 2010

What is the best, in your opinion, task killer app?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Task Killer Is Frustrating

Jun 6, 2010

I know theres controversy on the issue i just dont understand thoe should i use one i got atk and sprint navigation keeps coming up should i be killing it all the time am i doing harm?

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General :: Task Killer ICS?

Jan 28, 2012

I am a fairly seasoned root user, although I have a lot of research to do for ICS. I am running the IceColdSandwich ROM and thus far only one crash, to be expected! I have the CPU oc'd to roughly 1.76ghz with smooth results. my question is... are task killers, any to speak of, safe for ICS? I realise that a solid killer is built in but...always curious. all comments welcome and NICE to have ALL features working on my Inspire 4G with an ICS 4.0.3 ROM.

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Motorola Droid X :: Task Killer Or No

Aug 1, 2010

Who uses an ATK? Is it helpful? I got it downloaded because seems like Apps always find a way to run in the background. Anyone know if it makes a diffrence to have ATK?

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Android :: SystemPanel - Task Killer

Mar 1, 2010

(scroll down for screenshots)

I've written a new task manager / system information app called "SystemPanel". It displays a list of running applications, and allows you to view information about them, e.g., memory consumption, when they were started, how much CPU time they've used since start, and so on. It of course provides "task killing" capabilities; it can end individual apps, all apps, or groups of apps such as "inactive" or "background" apps.

It also provides meters to show you current CPU consumption, network use, memory use, and SD card use. A "system info" function is available from the menu that provides all the gory details about your phone, everything from your Wi-Fi router's mac address to your Android build number.

A word of warning....SystemPanel does NOT offer a capability to automatically kill tasks in order to "save battery life". I disagree with the idea that such a thing would offer an improvement. The Android OS does a fine job of this all by itself, and such a capability would only be helpful if an app were suffering from a bug (or poorly written), such that is consumed battery unnecssarily in a semi-dormant state. And in that case, killing it every few minutes isn't going to solve the needs to uninstall it or contact the developer. If you happen to know a technically sound reason why such a task killing strategy is beneficial with well written apps, please let me know, and I'll be happy to rethink this. If you do want such functionality, there are tons of other task killers that supposedly have this feature.

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Android :: Recommend Task Killer

Sep 22, 2010

Recommend a task killer that actually works for froyo on my motodroid.maybe one that doesn't kill my batery as well.

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Android :: Article On Task Killer Use

Aug 29, 2010

Decided to write an article about task killer use, mainly because of so many people being surprised that i do not recommend it, after their so called techy friends told them they need one, I'll post the opening paragraph with a link to the rest of it.

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Android :: Task Killer - Benefit

Jul 6, 2010

Is a task killer really necessary? I haven't really noticed any benefit in using it. I am beginning to think it's like a Windows registry cleaner -- sounds good in theory, but pretty much useless with the ability to really screw things up, if you don't know what you're doing.

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Android :: Advanced Task Killer?

Aug 6, 2010

advanced task killer? or the other one called task killer? and what else is out there to see whats running as far as apps and services?

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Android :: Galaxy S / Task Killer

Nov 8, 2010

I just got my first smartphone, a Samsung Galaxy S through US Cellular (the Mesmerize). It runs Android 2.1 Eclair, and is supposed to be updated to Froyo before the end of the year.

When I got the phone, the person at US Cellular installed Advanced Task Killer on my phone and said I should use it to free up memory and save battery life. So at first I was using it, and it did free up a lot of memory when I pressed the kill tasks button. But then I had some issues like Winamp getting killed when it was playing music in the background. This prompted me to look more into task killers and I found a lot of conflicting information. Some people say they are bad and don't help and cause trouble on the phone, others said just the opposite. There were some specific comments about ATK saying it can corrupt the OS. This all made me very nervous and I'm not sure what to believe. So for now I have uninstalled ATK. What input do you guys have about task killers?

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Android :: Task Killer - Article

Aug 28, 2010

Decided to write an article about task killer use, mainly because of so many people being surprised that i do not recommend it, after their so called techy friends told them they need one, I'll post the opening paragraph with a link to the rest of it.

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Motorola Droid X :: Task Killer For 2.2

Aug 23, 2010

Is there a task killer that actually works in 2.2 rooted x.

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