HTC Incredible :: Getting Out Of Sleep Mode
May 16, 2010
As the phone sits idle, the screen goes black. In order to use the phone again you must hit the power button, then slide down on the screen or hit menu. Is there anyway to remove the phone from sleep other than hitting the power button? I find this incredibly annoying that I can't just tap the screen then slide down. Are there any other options for removing it from sleep mode and if so where would I change it?
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Jan 5, 2010
I apologize if these topics were already covered in previous threads.I wasn't able to find anything related in my searches. Auto-rotation for keyboard when answering a text message received in sleep mode does not work. If I actively send a text when phone is already awake, keyboard rotates with no problem but when I go to reply to a text that I received while phone is in sleep mode, the keyboard does not rotate. Is this the norm?I am also experiencing a delay when the I wake the phone. After unlocking the phone, I used to go straight to my home page, now I get a "loading" message which takes several seconds. Is this due to the number of apps I have loaded? Is it possibly due to number of photo frames I have on my home screen or the complexity of the wallpaper?
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Sep 10, 2010
Let's say I want to use my gps all the time. how do I prevent my screen from going dim/shutting off ?
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Aug 4, 2010
I typically have my phone sitting on my desk infront of my keyboard @ work. I noticed that once maybe every 5 minutes or so, that the screen flashes on&off once. I assume it's waking to check for data updates or something, but just seemed odd.
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May 6, 2010
I am one of the thousands having the signal issue with the phone. I noticed while in debug mode (##33284) that the Band # will jump from Sleep mode to CDMA. Could that be contributing to the weak and unstable signal issues with the phone? If so how do we change this?
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Jun 4, 2010
Is there any way to get an email or text notification once my phone is in sleep mode? If my phone is "awake" it rings but once asleep I don't get any notification. Also, if my phone ringer is set to vibrate is there any way to set my email/text notification to ring or does it have to be both vibrating or both ringing.
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Apr 30, 2010
I've got my ALL notifications turned on for my IMAP email account (which is set to check email every 5 minutes).
That means I should hear a notification tone, I should feel a notification vibration -- and I should see the notification light.
Absolutely none of those things are happening. When my phone is sleeping -- I get no light, no audible tone and no vibration.
It very well may be operator error on my part -- but this phone is going back if this isn't resolved.
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May 4, 2010
My Incredible rings when there's a visible screen. When the screen darkens and phone enters sleep after, in my case 1 minute of non-use, any calls coming in do not ring through. Voicemail picks them up but there is no indication that I have an incoming call unless I wake the phone up and check the upper left hand menu for the voicemail icon. This can't be set up right. When the phone is asleep (dark screen) but not powered off, there has got to be a setting that lets calls ring through and awaken the phone so it can be answered.
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Jul 8, 2010
I just got an evo a couple weeks ago. I love the phone, but after I downloaded the OTA, it won't go into sleep mode. I've turn off all the syncing, tried task killers, tried stopping google talk, the calender, everything I have read in forums.I am thinking my only choice may be to root, but I wanted to see if anyone else had this problem and if anyone actually got it fixed.I really don't want to risk bricking my phone if I don't have to..
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Jun 17, 2010
So, I have left my almost fully charged Evo on my nightstand the past couple of nights without plugging it in, and when I wake up in the morning, my battery is almost fully drained. One night I did have the 4G on, but the other night I did not. Is there some sort of setting or sleep mode so it doesnt drain the battery when I am asleep?
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Aug 1, 2010
Is there any kind of app that can block incoming texts and calls, but still allow me to keep my phone on? I'm going to Mexico for vacation, and I dont want a 45378594365 dollar phone bill.
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Oct 27, 2009
Over the last week or so I've been obsessed with trying to get my hero into sleep mode, in order to save battery. For those who don't know about this, there are many threads around the net telling of a fix for the messages bug, which prevents the phone entering sleep. It's supposed to reduce CPU usage, thus saving battery.
Now, I've followed the methods of many people who claim to have done this successfully, down to a tee, but for the life of me, I can't get it to work. For some reason my awake time is always at 100%. It's now at the pont of driving me mad, and I'm just wondering if anyone else has tried and failed to do the fix. If anyone needs background info on this problem, I'll post a link up later, as I'm sending this via my phone at the minute.
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Apr 6, 2009
Is the actual version of the emulator able to reproduce the sleep mode? (Android 1.1 SDK r_1)
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Aug 30, 2010
Looking for an app or widget that will automatically disable 3G and change my phone to 3G (Edge) when the screen is asleep or I press the lock button.and the re enables when I unlock.
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Jul 26, 2010
I have just got my HTC desire. And i cant stand that i have to press the power button to get out of sleep mode to show the lock screen. wish i could just press menu/home or any of the buttons but the power one right at the top. I only say this as i swear my htc tattoo unlocked in this way. if not this could get quite annoying. So is there anyway to change this. I have tried looking through settings but i have a bad feeling you cant change it.
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May 26, 2010
Recently moved from a very old Nokia into the 21st century and got a hero last week. Of course i cant stop playing with it and love it, but i may have altered some settings which i wonder if anyone can help me with;before, when the phone was on and i pressed the power button once, it went into sleep mode. Now it doesn't. Any ideas why?the alarm on the clock is silent. Obviously a bit of a problem in the mornings! Any idea why?
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Aug 30, 2010
Looking for an app or widget that will automatically disable 3G and change my phone to 3G (Edge) when the screen is asleep or I press the lock button.and the re enables when I unlock.
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Jul 25, 2010
I like being able to listen to music as I'm falling asleep never having to shut it off later.Is there like some way to enable like a way for my Android phone to shut itself off at like a specific time?
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Sep 29, 2010
I just bought the phone, and have been charging it for a half hour or so, and it keeps shutting off(or going in sleep mode) while I am trying to set it up.
My first thought is that it needs to charge; I admit, I barely let it charge right out of the box because I am so anxious to use it. Is that the issue? I assumed that even if the batter is at 5-10%, shouldn't it work without issue if it is plugged in to the wall and charging? I will let it charge another hour or so, but I just cannot wait to get my hands on it.
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Jun 4, 2010
I installed juice defender this morning then deciding i didnt want it i uninstalled it, since then my wifi keeps going into sleep mode after about 15 mins which i dont want. before i installed juice defender it just stayed on all the time so i got notifications etc. ive reinstalled juice defender and disabled all its features as far as im aware but wifi is still going into sleep mode. what can i do to get my wifi back on all the time.
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Jun 1, 2010
I'm developping a LiveWallpaper on Android 2.1. This application must download an image every fifteen minutes and draw it on the screen. Everything works except when the phone is in sleep mode. Do you think it is possible to run an application like this when the phone is in sleep mode? And if yes how?
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Jun 14, 2012
I have a smartq t20 tablet (great cheap tablet!) running ICS, my question is, when I leave wifi on all the time, what happens when the tablet goes to sleep (not awake according to the battery details)?I can leave a download running and it would continue when the screen is off, does this mean my tablet is never going into deep sleep? Or is that unrelated?
I know the wifi itself drains more battery when left on even if it isn't being utilized but I was wondering about the CPU side of it.
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Jul 1, 2010
i have the moment and pressing the red hang up button will turn the screen on when its in sleep mode, but when i press it again to turn the screen off it wont, it has to time out. now the button still works to end calls and if i press and hold it will bring up the shut down window but like i said it wont just turn the screen off i have to wait for it to time out each time. is this a hardware problem or what is wrong.
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Jan 9, 2010
I was wondering if any1 could help me understand sleep mode and how when it activates, as I'm not 100% convinced when my phone screen is off its in sleep mode.As far as the battery Sticy is concerned, I've been using handcent SMS for well over a month now, as well as disabled notifications in the original SMS program. Although the original program starts in the background when I get an SMS, which I noticed today when sending a test message to myself to make sure that handcent was defualt. It doesn't display a window or any other info.I don't use bluetooth, so I leave that off, as well as GPS unless I"m using google maps or something. Wifi is also a situational thing as well. I leave the Google Sync and mobile data on almost all the time, as I luv these features of the phone. I set disabled the auto backlight and set it to a Low comfortable level. After playing with this, I noticed that the phone made to audible notification noises about 10-20 seconds after the phone shut off, but not always. Is this the phone entering sleep mode? Or is this an app, if it is I get nothing on any screen say it was when I immediately turn screen back on.
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Jan 20, 2010
I have a app that needs to run a command even if the phone goes to sleep. I have it running as a service but it runs randomly when. Is there a way to have the service run even when the phone is sleeping.
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May 26, 2010
I want to use the Smart Alarm Clock (same as the Sleep Cycle alarm clock for iPhone), but my Desire goes into sleep mode automatically. Can only pick a time between 15 sec to 30 min. The Smart Alarm Clock doesn't work properly because it requires that the screen is on during the entire night. Is there an application or something else than can disable the sleep mode when I want it?
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Sep 9, 2010
I've noticed when the phone goes into standby mode (press the right power button), the 3G eventually turns off. Is there a way to prevent that from happening? I'm assuming I can't get any notifications (i.e. Instant Messenger clients, Google Voice, etc.) while the 3G is off, but not sure. I'm also assuming 3G goes into sleep mode, as when I power the phone up I don't see the 3G icon (is that assumption correct?).
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May 26, 2009
I am sure it is buried in the SDK somewhere but I couldn't find it. This is relevant to a service running in the background: How can I find out if the device is in sleep mode?
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Jun 23, 2010
I'm trying to find some official android documentation that discusses sleep mode, with a focus on issues that might be of relevance to app developers. For example, things like:
1. What causes a device to enter / exit sleep mode?
2. How are running processes impacted when the device enters sleep mode? (I believe they continue to exist, but don't execute because cpu activity is suspended. When the device wakes up execution picks up where it left off?)
There is some good info in the API docs for PowerManager and WakeLock, but nothing there that explicitly states what I have assumed in point 2 above. Are the above issues (and any other relevant issues) documented anywhere?
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Jan 21, 2012
It seems something changed in GingerBread release that changes either how phone communicates with PC or whatever, but if you plug it into PC that runs Windows 7 OS and then put PC in sleep mode, the phone will still show charging icon, but will rapidly discharge.
I've noticed this on Atrix 4G, when it had Froyo 2.2 it would stay 100% charged overnight, but once it got updated to GB 2.3, I can't leave it connected to PC anymore, by the morning it's completely dead. (by the way it can last at least 12 hours if unplugged and laying on table)
Unfortunately Atrix 4G is the only phone I have that can get Froyo to confirm this, but all others phones I've tried so far all have GB 2.3.x and all suffer the same issue.
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