HTC Hero :: Randomly Going Into Silent Mode

Feb 20, 2010

I've had my Hero for less than 48 hours and twice no it goes into silent mode for no reason and when I turn silent mode off the sound still doesn't work unless I reboot. Is this a glitch that can be easily remedied or should I take it back. I still have 12 days to decide whether to keep it or not.

HTC Hero :: randomly going into silent mode

HTC Hero :: Alarm Get Off In Silent Mode

Sep 23, 2009

I had set the Hero to "silent mode" (by long-pressing the power-off button and selecting "silent mode"). A crossed-out quaver appeared in the notification bar to confirm that the phone was silenced. However an alarm has just gone off very audibly. What have I done wrong?

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HTC Hero :: Ringer Volume Often Goes To Silent Mode

Dec 9, 2009

I use Ear to set my ringer profile and it seems to work great. However the ringer volume often goes to silent mode, because I unintentional push the ringer volume button and I miss the calls. Does anyone have a solution for this? Is it possible to turn of the ringer volume button on the Hero?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Rebooting Phone In Silent Mode

Nov 3, 2009

Sometimes when my phone is on silent and I turn it off and reboot it, it plays all the start up sounds as its loading. Sometimes, it does not. I hate this, because at work (in a spa) I keep my purse in my cabinet, and I don't love for it to play a bunch of sounds when it is supposed to be on silent. This is the only thing that makes any noise when the phone is on silent, and its only sometimes.

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Sprint HTC Hero :: Setting All Applications Muted In Silent Mode?

Oct 30, 2009

The alarm goes off and media volume is still separate. Any way to string these all together so they are all muted when in "silent" mode? App solutions are fine with me.

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HTC Eris :: Phone Randomly Go Completely Silent With 2.1 / WiFi Tethering

Mar 21, 2010

Hey everyone, I have a couple of simple questions regarding root. I have never rooted a phone before but I'm sure I can figure it out. I don't need to do anything fancy with my phone but Wifi tethering sounds like it would be worth taking the plunge. I have been following the bugs and fixes thread about the 2.1 leak and the only think that initially kept me from installing the leak was everyone saying that the phone would randomly go completely silent. Does this also happen with the newest root ROM? Also, just to make sure I know what exactly what WiFi tethering is, will I be able to tether my WiFi if I get rooted and set up WiFi tethering?

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Motorola Droid :: No Silent Mode In New OTA

Aug 19, 2010

Just got the new OTA this morning and I notice the volume for the ringer only goes down to vibrate at the lowest. Silent used to be below vibrate. Looks like we have no silent now.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Phone Keeps Putting Itself Into Silent Mode?

Nov 16, 2010

I'm not sure what's going on with my Evo, but all of a sudden it's been deciding to put itself in silent mode for no apparent reason and I'm missing tons of calls because of it. I will turn the sound back on and then all of a sudden it's off after a couple of hours for no apparent reason. I don't want to have to return the phone, but I'm not sure what other options I have at this point. Has anyone heard of this issue?

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Android :: Want App That Switches Silent Mode On

Oct 1, 2010

There was a app that turns silent mode on on preset times, anyone know the app ?

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HTC EVO 4G :: Evo Won't Stay In Silent / Vibe Mode

Jun 28, 2010

Just noticed this this morning (don't think it's happened before).. this is my second evo (0003 buld), had it for a few days.This morning (after having gone to bed last night and putting it on silent), i got a text and my phone started going off.Set it back to silent, and a few minutes later, it went off again after getting another text.Changed it to silent again and literally sat and watched the phone (w/ screen on) and watched it change back to "normal" on its own.Tried the same thing w/ vibe and after about 30-40 seconds it went back to normal on its own.I already did a hard reset/wipe and its still doing the same thing. I have nothing off the wall installed (that I didnt have on my 0002 device, and it wasnt doing this).

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HTC Desire :: Phone Takes Itself Out Of Silent Mode

Oct 30, 2010

My phone has a really annoying habit. Every night before I go to sleep. I switch it to silent mode. But if a call or a text message comes through overnight it vibrates. The next morning I find that the phone is now in vibrate mode. I did have Foxy Ring installed, although it was not activated. I wondered whether it could have anything to do with this, but I've now removed it from the phone, but the irritating behaviour persists. Short of turning the phone off overnight, how can I get a quiet night's sleep?

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HTC Incredible :: Flipping Phone Over For Silent Mode?

May 4, 2010

I've noticed that my notifications were sporadic, both from e-mail and messages. I think I even missed a call once and was surprised because I never heard it ring/vibrate. After some testing I think I've figured out that when the phone is in my pocket, and I'm sitting at my office desk, the phone is face down in that same, fairly flat level position, that turns the ringer off if you flip your phone over on a desk while in a meeting. Is there any way to turn this feature off?

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HTC Desire Z :: Any Easier Way For Turning On / Off Silent Mode?

Nov 13, 2010

Any way to quickly hit a button to mute the phone when you go to sleep? Don't like my phone ringing when I am sleeping. On my G2 I just hold the power button and the mute option pops up. Or if I power on I can slide it to the right which mutes the phone. Side it left and it powers on. My gf has the HTC Desire Z I cant seem to find it. Only way I found out was to adjust the volume to lowest setting but this takes time there must be an easier way.

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Android :: Any Application For Temporary Silent Mode?

Mar 10, 2010

I'm wondering if there's any sort of temporary mute app. I'm oftentimes in meetings or on a phone call on speaker phone in my office, and my cell phone starts making all sorts of notification noises, so I'll turn the sound off. Problem is, I forget to turn the sound back on. I'd love an app that lets me tell it to go into silent mode, but come out in, say, 15 minutes. Does it exist?

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HTC Incredible :: Auto Silent Mode With ATK Running

Jun 22, 2010

I double check to make sure my phone is not on silent mode before going to sleep because I use my alarm clock on my phone (stock alarm clock). I run ATK before sleeping then turn on my alarm clock because running ATK last will kill your alarm. When I wake up I notice my phone is set to Silent mode on (holding down power button). What is the best way to fix this so I can actually get up on time with my alarm clock working properly?

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Android :: Alarm Clock - Silent Mode

Oct 28, 2009

I recently bought my first Android: an HTC Hero. I really like it, but there's something that doesn't quite work as expected: When I put my phone in "silent mode", and I set an alarm (Clock application) to wake me up in the morning, the alarm doesn't sound in the morning. Other cell phone alarms do trigger when the phone is in silent mode. I don't think this is such an exceptional scenario: I want my phone to be quiet all night: no calls, no SMS's, no email notifications. But I do want it to wake me up in the morning. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

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Motorola Droid X :: Vibrate On Silent Mode

Oct 19, 2010

I just got my droid x last week and I like it. I only have a couple problems. One I can't seem to getnmy phone to vibrate when receiving txts or calls when in silent mode. I went into settings and I have vibrate set to only vibrate in silent mode but it doesn't.Also it may be just me but it seems like other phones I have the in call volume was extremely loud. My old phone I could hear the person clear as day even holding the phone away from me. With the droid x I have volume maxes out but its not white as loud. Its not that bad I can still hear but I was just wondering. My other speakers such as media work great and are extremely loud. Any info is greatly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.

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HTC EVO 4G :: Call Exceptions In Silent Mode / Way To Setup?

Jun 11, 2010

Truly enjoying my EVO. On old blackberry, I could set profile to silent and assign number exceptions that would still ring through (eg wife, family etc). Is there such a setting on the EVO? I want to keep phone on silent during night, but also want critical calls to ring through. Any thoughts??

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HTC Magic :: Silent Mode On Incoming Calls

Jul 26, 2009

I'm a new user to this site, search for some related problems, but I couldn't find anything related to my problem that resolves it.I bought a HTC Magic this week, the best mobile I ever owned.Anyways, the problem is that when someone calls, the "Silent Mode" icon shows up at the "taskbar" and no sound is played. It's really annoying because I can't find the settings for it.I haven't set them to be like this, but it worked the same day I bought it.Not now.So, incoming call->no sound and the icon shows up->the orb flickers->I answer and I can talk without problems.The only thing is that even tho the ringer volume is at max, no sound is played during an incoming call.

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General :: App That Override Silent Mode Per App Basis?

Dec 8, 2013

is there an app that can override the silent mode if there's a notification for a certain app?There's a lot of app that override silent mode if someone calls / sms you. But i want to do it for an app because i've been tracking a website and i need it to notify me even when i sleep that it has changed.

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Android :: Google Voice Calls On Silent Mode

Apr 16, 2010

is there a way to make all incoming Google Voice calls always ring? I want to use Google Voice as an emergency line so even if my phone is on silent, it'd still ring anyone know if that's possible?

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Android :: Phone Still Making Sounds When Set To Silent Mode?

Dec 2, 2009

I got reports from some users that after making the phone silent with my application, sometimes, text messages or emails still make sounds. I don't have a phone so this is why I am asking. The application is making the phone silent this way:

final AudioManager am = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService (Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);

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Android :: Profile Application / Vibration And Silent Mode

Nov 14, 2009

Is there a application or a way to have the phone vibrate but have messages come in silently? Sometimes I need to have alerts silent, and be able to tell that there is a phone call, other times I need to have both message alerts and phone calls be audible. I'm looking for a way to quickly do this.

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HTC Magic :: Screen Lock Not Working - No Silent Mode

Nov 7, 2009

the screen has stopped locking. When i press the end call button the phone sleeps but the screen doesnt lock. I do have the 'require pattern' etc selected in the settigs, so it should work. it used to work, can anyone tell me how to get it back? spare parts doesnt work. Also, When i press and hold the end call button, the only option that appears is 'power off'. It used to say flight mode and silent mode too. Finally it appears that my phone will not receive calls. texts and outgoings fine, but no calls any help really would help, and i would like to avoid doing a hard reset.

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Motorola Droid :: Silent Mode - All Sounds Ceased

Aug 29, 2010

Had anyone addressed the "silent mode" issue, either in a ROM or by an app? When you put the phone to silent before me all sound would cease rings, alarms, notifications, now only the ring is silent, but the alarm and notifications sound off at the worst possible times! Its a pain to go to settings and turn them all off, but that's all it seems that works for now. Has anyone come up with a better solution? I have tasker- maybe a way to do it there?

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Motorola Droid X :: Separate Mode For Silent And Vibrate

Nov 5, 2010

I used to have a motorola droid and one of the features that I really liked on the unlock screen there was a silent feature which is still there on my droid x where I could put the phone in silent mode. That's great but I want a vibrate option also. On my droid I could login and use the volume down key and the volume would go down on the ringer and then it would go into vibrate all mode, and then silent mode. On my droid x it goes straight into silent mode without a vibrate all mode. Where is my vibrate all mode? I want it back!

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Motorola Droid :: Froyo - Silent - Vibrate Mode

Aug 3, 2010

Seems like froyo broke the option to have a ring mode, silent mode, AND a vibrate mode separately?

Personally, I'd like to be able to be notified discretely in social situations without having the ring on, BUT also the convenience of being able to turn everything off with a quick swipe. The vibrate is pretty dang loud.

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Motorola Droid :: Silent Mode Turns Vibrate Off

Nov 10, 2009

Has anyone noticed that Silent mode - when accessed via the Widget that comes up when the power button is held - also turns vibrate off. One would think vibrate should stay on to alert an incoming call "silently"

I've been using Menu> Settings> Sound and Display to turn sound off and leave vibrate on. Does anyone know an easier way ?

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Motorola Droid :: Goes Into Silent Mode After Connecting To Charger

Nov 20, 2009

Anyone have an issue with the droid going into silent mode after connecting it and then disconnecting it from the usb charger. I found that I have to manually take it out of silent mode each time.

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Android :: Programmatically Detect Phone In Silent Mode Or Not?

Jan 12, 2010

code snippet to identify whether the phone is in Silent mode or not. I am using Android 1.5. I tried by using "android.provider.Settings.ACTION_SOUND_SETTINGS". It is not working.

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