HTC EVO 4G : Use Visual Voicemail On Froyo While Running Rom?
Jun 20, 2010Im currently running Evolution V8 RevA on my evo and Ive been wondering if I can use visual voicemail while running this ROM?

Im currently running Evolution V8 RevA on my evo and Ive been wondering if I can use visual voicemail while running this ROM?
Voicemail - Google Voice/VZW Visual Voicemail (poll) Which do you use?
View 18 Replies View RelatedI am a noob to android and apologize if this has been asked already but under the specs list on the sprint website, it says visual voicemail. Is it true visual voicemail where you can select which message you want to hear first and play them in order of priority or is it an email visual voicemail where you actually read the voicemail as a text. I never had a phone with vis voice so I am interested in finding out how it works.
View 12 Replies View RelatedIt is asking me for a password and I havent set anything up, I have the service, i got the everything plan, i just dont know how to get into it, i just got my droid yesterday and it is amazing, the best phone made in the history of phones, this throws alexander graham bell out of the water
View 1 Replies View RelatedSo I didn't set up my voicemail yet, but the phone has been doing it for me, I guess. My previous voice mails and my 9 year old OGA have all been deleted. When I use the "Visual" voice mail, which btw, is hardly visual, it's more like photo voice mail. No visual text to read. The only two options I have are speaker or earpiece. Bluetooth does not work! When holding it to my ear to listen in private, the phones sensors never pick up the fact that the phone is near my face, and the screen stays active. Touch your face with it, and who knows what function you activate. And the audio quality is bad. You know who it is, but the sampling rate, or codec they use is low quality and you get a tinny buzzing sound constantly while the vm is being played back. Am I using this wrong, or is this just an Epic Fail on the part of the software?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI had VZW visual voicemail (VVM) on my BB Storm before I got the Incredible. When I switched over, I noticed that the Incredible had a VVM app native to HTC, and I have been using that app. However, the $2.99 service is still on my VZW account which started when I was using the Storm. If I'm not using VZW's VVM app, do I need to pay the $2.99 a month to get VVM using HTC's app?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI need a good visual voicemail app. currently I don't have any on my phone. What would you guys recommend?
View 5 Replies View RelatedJust like with my Moment I can't get my visual voicemail to work with my Bluetooth earpiece. Is there a way to fix this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI hearing them tell me that they called and left me a voicemail, I decided to call 1 on my phone and lo and behold, I had more than 40 missed voice messages. NONE of which I was notified or had in my visual voicemail. When all is said and done, I haven't received a visual voicemail or a notification of a voicemail since June 30! What is wrong with my phone and how can I fix it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am running the XtrRom 3.0 and seem to have lost my vzw and can't get it back. I have the gmail and stuff so I did the extra downloads from the zip files but can't find it in the market.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHas anyone been able to activate Visual Voicemail on the DI?I installed the app, but then it told me to remove and that it was already on the HTC unit.I removed and still cannot find out where this is.
View 12 Replies View RelatedDo you seriously have to pay for Visual Voicemail on VZ?I just got the Fascinate and it looks like it.I'm coming from Sprint and the HTC Hero.It was a free option there.I thought it was feature built into Android?
View 19 Replies View RelatedAnyone have trouble with Visual Voicemail being delayed a few hours? I'm using the stock application, though I have Google Voice installed (not set-up, however).
(I know I could just use GV, but I would rather stick with the stock app for the time being.)
Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes, my voice mail doesn't d/l to visual vm on the phone. I get notified of a voicemail and I have to dial in and listen to it on the server.
Anyone else having this problem? I cannot duplicate it, as it has only happened to me twice and I couldn't tell you the circumstances under which it happened. Nothing out of the ordinary?
Sitting here waiting on my Incredible to arrive, and I was just curious as to how many of you actually opted for the $2.99 charge to take advantage of the visual voicemail service offered by Verizon?
I like the convenience of not having to call my VM number and enter my pin when I receive a VM, but a part of me is saying it's not worth the charge.
I don't receive or make a lot of calls, as I mainly text and use data, so phone calls don't make up that great of a percentage of my actual use of the phone.
Is the service always accurate? When I had T Mobile, sometimes the VVM wouldn't work. I would miss a call and receive a VM but I would have to call the number to retrieve it.
Just downloaded the Update, now you can use speakerphone or earpiece to listen to voicemails. Also, it works even if you are on wifi, so no more annoying error messages while using wifi. It tempararily activates 3G to get your voicemails while you are on wifi. It works great so far.
View 10 Replies View RelatedI just received a mandatory update for my Visual Voicemail app. It downloaded and installed without a problem. I think I had read about this update somewhere a few days ago. It kept on shilling an add-on service from Sprint for voicemail to text transcription service. I do not mind being asked once about a service because I can just decline. However, this advertisement insists on on rearing its ugly head every time you restart your handset and go to use the Visual Voicemail app again.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHas anyone seen this error or have any ideas? Tried to receive voicemail earlier today and got another error message that voicemail was not responding with an option to force close. I think I might have forced the close. Now I just keep getting that error message. Went in and looked at the settings and everything seems normal but I can not use Visual Voicemail.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow realiable is your gvvm? I just switched to it from verizons version and it seems like i'm not getting all my messages. Sometimes i'll have voicemails that play nothing for a long time, some will start in the middle of the conversation, etc. What annoys me the most is that sometimes it seems it will go to the verizon voicemail box as I'll get a text from verizon stating i have a voicemail.Anyone else have that problem?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow can I setup google Voice to be used just for Visual Voicemail? I know it can be done but not sure how to set it up or use it. I still want to use my Verizon phone number for eveything, just use GV for VV. Also I am with Verizon will this cost anymore?
View 20 Replies View RelatedI have the Eris and I signed up for the Visual Voicemail through the widget (?) on the home screen. When I listen to my voicemails, they play through the speakerphone.I have tried to turn off the speakerphone by pushing the menu button when I am in Visual VM.I looked in options and preferences and can't find a way to set the phone so the voicemail doesn't play for everyone to hear.Any ideas?Also, what exactly are the benefits of paying an extra $2.99 a month for this service?
View 13 Replies View RelatedI have root. Now how do I go about removing Visual Voice Mail? I already removed CityID and Footprints but I can't seem to find any tutorials for removing VVM. And as a side note, I'm surprised that Google Voice doesn't integrate more on this phone. I mean, it's a Google phone/OS, why not incorporate it seamlessly? Is there a way to have like a notification "star" on the Voice icon when I have new voice mail? I don't really like having notifications delivered to me via gmail.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo I upgraded to zenexp and now I don't have visual voice mail. I do have a google voice account though, so I downloaded the program. Am I missing something or can I only use the google visual voice mail with my google #? I cannot seem to figure out how to pick up my voice mail when people call my cell phone.
View 11 Replies View RelatedSo its 2.99/mo for Visual Voice Mail, if I am on a family plan is that 2.99 for both lines or is it 2.99/mo per line...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI really like the look of the Desire, but I'm unclear as to whether it has Visual Voicemail, like on the Nexus? Don't they call it something like Google Voice? Is that built into the Desire? I know you can get apps for it but is the cool thing where the phone automatically turns the voice message into text built into the Desire? Also, I've seen lots of Nexus-like voice-to-text keyboard apps on this forum. Do they use the same technology as the Nexus One and do they too require a data connection?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI want to use WiFi while I'm at work to save battery (my 3G coverage is awful and it constantly searches for it). Everything works except for Visual Voicemail. the second I turn "mobile network" back on my voice mails appear. Is it a silly setting I'm doing wrong? or does Visual voice Mail need 3G to receive? When I try and use WiFi, I turn on WiFi and turn off 3G.
I haven't tested to see if I could get my voicmails the old fashioned way by dialing in (while on WiFi only) but I do know that I don't get a indication that I have an email (so I wouldn't know when to dial in if it did work the manual way). I know someone spoke about they use WiFi instead of 3G while at work and every thing was perfect but I don't know if he subscribes to Visual Voicemail.
I have the Galaxy S Vibrant. It is suppose to come with the visual voicemail but when I try to install it it says it is not available.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSince I rooted I cannot find the program to get visual voicemail on my Verizon Droid.
View 8 Replies View RelatedSince I am waiting to get my google voice invite, I am attempting to try this app. Has anyone been able to get it working on the Droid? When it dials the number to forward voice mails to the YouMail site I get a recording from Verizon to call Verizon customer service. Verizon customer service tells me to contact the app. While waiting for a response from the developer, does anyone here have any information? The code being used to attempt to forward voice mails is *71.
View 7 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone have Visual Voicemail working on their Cliq? I received a new Cliq a week ago aand only just tried Visual Voicemail yesterday.
The app (which was pre-installed on my phone) is call "Voicemails" but just shows empty when there are definitely voicemails waiting and I even have the voicemail logo in the upper left corner of the Cliq notification bar?