HTC Droid Eris :: Task Killer Question
Dec 20, 2009
for some reason ever since i installed this its been sucking my battery dry.. this shouldn't be happening should it?
also - how do u find out what applications are running and how much memory you have (or is this what advanced task killer tells you?)
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Dec 11, 2009
I know this was talked about before at different times but I still have 3 questions.
1. what is the difference between a task killer and a task manager?
2. should we be using one of these apps or not?
3. when you look at the awake time if it is like 70% or 80% and you aren't using the phone a bunch I take it that means something is running,how can you find what is running.and is the awake time that big of deal?
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Sep 9, 2010
Has anyone used both. Ive heard that that Advanced Task Killer, still drains the battery. What about the Automatic Task Killer, which puts everything to sleep when not in use.
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Mar 14, 2010
What is the best task killer. I was using ATK but it would start out at like 60 know free then with in hours be down to 30 with no running apps showing and with the phone just sitting there. Also how do they work and why do some apps keep reappearing like footprints.
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Dec 31, 2009
Should I get a task manager/killer app? I have read good and bad about these apps. My phone works pretty darn good without one.
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Jul 25, 2010
my eris is slow....i've got task killer pro and use it often...texting just one person takes the point where i'd much rather hook up to pdanet and text from my computer....when i try to load it takes a minute to load up...try to takes a minute to fully load so i can start typing..which normally ends up in all caps or symbols and i have to erase and type it all over again..cause it finally caught up...then sending has loading...that takes forever..then for it to finally pop up on the screen takes another long time...
My eris normally runs with 64 memory when i do task killer..thats about the average...this is like my storm all over again..without the battery pulls..
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Aug 22, 2009
Anyway, I just wanted for everyone to post their favorite Task Manager/Killer, and why, and if there are any flaws. I personally use Advanced Task Killer Free. It has a simple UI, and the when you select or unselect apps it remebers it so next time you launch the app you can only remove the apps that you usually do, and keep ones that always run. It doesn't slow down or break the system.
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Dec 3, 2009
I have used both Taskpanel and Advanced Task Killer. Both re-boots the phone after closing all background apps.
Anyone have another good one I can try?
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Apr 3, 2010
I just noticed that Astro has a built-in task killer. (Please no more about if we NEED a task killer) What I like about the killer on astro is that it lets me see how much memory and cpu a task or process is actually using before I kill it. I rarely use a task killer. Only when a task seems to be hanging up. It looks like Astro has the functionality I need, so I will remove Advanced Task Killer.
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Nov 15, 2009
I downloaded atk a couple days ago and everything worked great! Last night my phone died. When I charged it and turned it back on this morning I went into task killer to clear out all the apps that turn on automatically and then I hit home. Whenever I did this before, it took me back to the home page, no problem. Now I get a black page with HTC on it and then it resets the home page and I lose my weather. Eventually, it comes back, but why all the sudden am I getting the black HTC screen?
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Feb 11, 2010
My Droid Eris still lags very bad even when clearing cache and adding a task killer. Anything else that can be done?
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Jul 8, 2010
I finally deleted Advanced Task Killer. Ever since getting my Eris, I have been dependent upon it. I have in fact been obsessed with it, making sure I clicked the ATK widget to kill all programs before ever putting my phone to sleep. I was obsessed with battery life and the Messages App issue. Now, I am giving it a shot.
My two biggest concerns are phone speed and battery life. My battery life has been fine, mostly because I shut my 3G off when I am at home or work. My phone speed has been lagging considerably, and I am hoping that deleting ATK, along with deleting some unused Apps and clearing the cache, will help keyboard lag and general app lag. I will keep you posted to see what happens. I am excited, I know that a lot of you have highly suggested not using Task Killers, and I am excited to not be bound by it. However after a week if I notice considerable battery life loss, and no considerable difference in device speed, I may reinstall it. We shall see!
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Mar 27, 2010
I have an HTC eris and lately I've been having an issue with atm. Every time I have it kill my tasks it takes me to the HTC screen (the one that appears during start-up) and then "please wait" appears with my wallpaper in the background. It does still kill the tasks however it has never done this before and it seems abnormal. Ive heard that task managers can be bad for your phone?
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Mar 8, 2010
With Advanced Task Killer, which apps should I exclude to avoid poor app performance. For example, I realized after reading another thread today that I should exclude the Weather Channel widget. I could not figure out why the weather conditions did not update automatically. Excluded the widget and now it updates. Any other apps that are similar?
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Aug 21, 2010
I finally took the plunge and rooted with xtrSense, does a root need a task killer like the stock did?
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Aug 14, 2010
I'm sure its been covered somewhere but does anyone have an explanation as to why when I open advanced task killer it tells me a bunch of apps, that I didn't open, are running? Doesn't really slow my phone down too much, just annoying... Running Eris Root KaosFroyo
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Jul 3, 2010
I want a task killer that automatically kills processes when they load. Some apps like HTC sense and the built in messanger app I would love having them killed instantly, is there one that i can get? Before you say, yes the Eris DOES need a task killer. Asked any eris user, once it gets below 30 MB of ram, it slows down to a near halt. They majority of thos for me is processes that load without me telling them too, and ons that I never use, such as htc sense or the default messager apps. I'm rooted btw.
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Oct 15, 2009
Looking for a guide on how to use task killer. I had task killer on and deleted it. I think I was killing tasks that were needed to keep certain functions running that I use frequently. If someone would take the time to help me understand how to use one, I think I would be much more successful with it.
example - text messaging just stopped ( werrent receiving them ) . Once I took task killer off, everything started working again.
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Aug 1, 2010
Who uses an ATK? Is it helpful? I got it downloaded because seems like Apps always find a way to run in the background. Anyone know if it makes a diffrence to have ATK?
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Aug 23, 2010
Is there a task killer that actually works in 2.2 rooted x.
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Sep 24, 2010
In 2.1 i could choose to close all apps and it would reset my browser back to my home page.. now with 2.2 it wont do that and it keeps all the windows open and i have to close them manually... do you guys know away around this?? a way to set it so my task killer will close them..
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Oct 25, 2010
Do we need to use task killer?
What task killer are you using?
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Dec 10, 2009
I have tried taskiller, atk, and one other thats blue, not sure of name, cost 99cents. I was wondering what you guys thought was the best, paid or free.
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Dec 27, 2009
Automatic task killer, advanced task killer, or something else?
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Jul 17, 2010
I've read a few users on here saying to NOT install task killer on Droid X (or any phones running 2.1 or higher). Wanted to know the reason for this? Or if any of you disagree with this? I currently have it running on my X cause it seems there are constantly unwanted apps running.
Which actually leads to my next question :Why does it seem apps on my phone are constantly running by themselves? Im new to android phones, but on my previous phone (blackberry) no apps would start by themselves after the phone was running?
Anyway should I be running app killer or should I not be concerned with the apps running in the background on their own? What will hurt my battery and/or performance more?
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May 28, 2010
I had a task killer, and life was good. Then I noticed that my GPS was acting up, and after reading this thread ( I tried uninstalling my task killer, and lo and behold, my GPS starting working great.
And the people rejoiced.
But then I noticed when I took video, I'd get this video pixelation followed by my video and audio being totally out of sync. I followed this thread (Occasional Video Pixelation and Audio/Video Sync Issues - Droid Forum - Verizon Droid & the Motorola Droid Forum) and realized it was basically the phone not having enough free memory off the bat, then getting mucked up in the middle of recording. There's a workaround listed in the thread about taking a dummy video, backing out of the camera app, then going back in, but honestly, that just means I'll stop taking video.
So it looks like it would be great if I could just clear the memory before taking the video, everything would be fine. Unfortunately, this means installing a task manager, and messing up my GPS.
So you see the problem.
I tried managing the apps through Settings > Applications > Running Services but I have no idea what I'm doing in there, and "25mb + 12mb in 4 Other: 62mb in 4" is Greek to me.
To sum up:
Task Killer = No GPS, Yes Video Camcorder
No Task Killer = GPS, No Video Camcorder
Thoughts on how I can get GPS and Video Camcorder to work without a hitch without installing a task manager?
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Jul 27, 2010
So I have read all the comments on ATK and task killers in general, and have decided I don't want to mess with one. BUT, on, they have a weekly app roundup where they review a few apps every week. I came across one today called MultiTask Manager. When you open it, it basicallly lists what apps are running in a scrolling ribbon at the bottom of the screen. Tap to open one, or long press to get the option to kill it. EXACTLY what I was looking for. And let me tell you, being new to Android, I had no idea how many apps keep running in the background if not closed properly. I can't wait to see how my battery life is now. If you want, here is the article to get the app or scan below!
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Mar 17, 2010
So i have bugles beast v8 on my droid and when im running livewallpaper and end tasks it kills my livewallpaper... I know I could just unchecked it everytime but I have a widget for it and that's just a hassle and defeats the purpose...anyone know how to stop this? Also does anyone know where to download that random generated smoke livewallpaper I've seen before? Or is that only for a certain ROM?? What is 'smoked glass'?
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Aug 21, 2010
I've read a few posts in other forums where 2.2 doesn't allow you to kill apps with a Task Killer, can anyone confirm or deny? Please no task killer arguments! Just curious whether it still allows you to use one.
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Oct 1, 2010
I am new to android, I have been spending the past 2 weeks on the forum scanning through all the posts trying to pick up some off the tricks and other things I am gonna need to not break my phone and get the most out of it. One thing I haven't found a clear answer on though is task killer apps on froyo. I've read that with froyo, you don't need a task killer because it does it well enough on its own and might bug the os out by closing apps that should be closed, and ive read other wise. So does anyone have the definite answer?
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