HTC Droid Eris :: Lock Screen Picture
Apr 2, 2010I want to create my own picture for my lock screen. I was wondering what is the default size the picture should be?

I want to create my own picture for my lock screen. I was wondering what is the default size the picture should be?
Is there anyway to disable the initial swipe lock screen and replace with the pattern lock? Seems silly to have a double lock.....the pattern seems much better to me.
View 13 Replies View Relatedway i can have a different picture on the lock screen and home screen?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do you set a lock screen picture that is different from your wallpaper? The "show us your homescreen" thread has made me realise just how customisable the phone is so I'd like to have a go!
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust ditched my Eris and jumped to the incredible. I love it! Anyway, I'm trying to place a pic on my lockout screen. Not my wallpaper but my lockout screen. The Eris had an option within settings to do that but I cant find it on my Incredible. Any suggestions?
View 2 Replies View RelatedThis morning my alarm started unexpectedly at 6am. The lock screen turned into the snooze/stop screen. Dragging down didn't stop it it.. It came on every ten minutes for the next hour. My alarms were set to 9:45am and 8:30pm as usual. Even turning the phone off and on didn't stop the beeping. It was my 9:45am ringtone even. (The two are set differently)
Anyone else see anything like this? I'm on OTA 2.1
Looked around a bit and I can't seem to find any other posts about it but sometimes when i go to unlock my phone its at the default lock screen instead of my lock 2.0 screen. Anyone else have issues with that? If so how do i fix it?
View 8 Replies View Relatedis any way to get the lock screen the droid has on my droid eris?
View 10 Replies View RelatedIf I root, can I get rid of lock screen completely. I do not want that garbage on my phone. I want to press power button and it goes to home screen / lock pattern (if set).
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow come when i turn on my phone with the end button it doesn't open up a lock screen? No more slide down.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI really hate the HTC slide down lock screen, It always answers calls in my pocket. Is there a way to get rid of the HTC slide down lock screen and use the default android lock screen that you slide to the side. I'v seen apps like Lockbot and WidgetLocker, but you still have to use the HTC slide down lock screen when answering calls.
View 10 Replies View RelatedLooking for a way to change the lock screen. If there is an app for that will it change or get rid of the pattern lock? The pattern lock drives me nuts. I would like a left to right slide and a keypad would be nice.
View 22 Replies View RelatedAnyone else have this issue? My Eris' lock screen...well, locks up. So meta, right?
It does this maybe once a day and the only way to unlock the lock screen is... you can't. I have to pull the battery out and put it back in, then wait the entire three minutes it takes to restart.
EDIT: Sometimes it doesn't lock, but I can't pull down the unlock all the way. It sits there near the bottom of the screen and I can kind of move it around, but I can't pull it all the way down.
This is unbearably frustrating because I use the cardio program to track all my fitness. If it locks up in the middle of a workout, I can't save or see my progress. Obviously, I can't make a guess as to the distance I've traveled because I'm training for a marathon and I need exact numbers.
This is not to mention god knows what kind of screw-ups might result from so many restarts and forced shut down by pulling out the battery.
Is there a way to let the screen time-out and go black, but NOT re lock. Its a pain to have the phone sitting down for a little bit and come back to it always being locked. If i shut the screen off and put it in my pocket, i want it to lock, but auto time-outs should let it come right back up
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there APP of a different lock screen? If tried searching a few times
View 2 Replies View RelatedMost people seem to want to be able to lock their screen while on a call (using bluetooth headsets mostly), and I'd prefer it didn't go to lock while on a call. I just find it annoying when I've been talking for a few seconds or minutes, then take the phone away from my head, having to wake up the screen by swiping my thumb across the light sensor, set the unlock pattern, hit the home button to leave the dialer app, find the app I need to look something up in while talking, etc. And sometimes it doesn't go to lock at all! Does anyone know why/when the screen goes to lock during a call only? The rest of the time, it takes the full 10 minutes I have it set for before dimming out and shutting down. But usually, during a call, it seems like only a few seconds.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to unlock my phone so I can turn off the stream I am listening to in the app StreamFurious Pro but I can not. When I tap the red button right of the track ball, the lock screen comes up, but then when I swipe down it only slides part of the way and then starts to shimmy or bounce up and down. I can see the browser window I last had open below it, but I cant get to anything because the lock won't slide all the way down. Even when that grey bar does get all the way gone, it bounces back a second later.
The menu button does not respond. If I hit the red button again to send it to sleep, it does. Letting it sit does not help. When I hit the red button again, it either shows the grey bar you grab still bouncing, or the lock screen again, but the same thing then happens. I have had streamFurious Pro for awhile and never had this issue. I have not added any new apps since yesterday AM and used my phone just fine between then and now.
I just realized that there is no way to make an ICE on the lock screen. This is most disturbing. Most every smart phone i've had offers a way to create a custom message on the lock screen.
View 13 Replies View RelatedSo i was doing a little searching and i came across this Download: 2.1 Clock App from Nexus One | Droid Life: A Motorola Droid Blog.So when you open the app and press the end button it becomes your lock screen but when you don't open the app you get the oringal HTC Sense lock screen. So i was wondering how you can make this your default lock screen
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do you change it back to the default wallpaper?
View 8 Replies View RelatedWhat uI downloaded a wallpaper off of Mabilo Wallpapers to the SD card, but when I try to go in and set it as my locks creen background, it won't come up. I went into Astro, and it says my phone can't recognize the file type...but then if I specify to open the file in Astro as an image, it will.Got any ideas on what I can do to make this work? I have tried deleting it and re-downloading it many times.
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust last night, my lock screen (standard lock screen, no weird app or anything) vanished. When I press the power button, the screen turns off, but when I press it again, it turns back on directly to the home screen. No more lock screen. I can also do this by pressing the trackball but not the 'call' button.At first though this was great, but I've pocket dialed 2 people already.I tinkered around in the settings but didn't find anything. Maybe I've overlooked the obvious.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy wife's Eris will frequently not allow her to open the lock page. It's like the screen becomes totally unresponsive. There is no lock-out pattern stored, it's all stock. If someone calls we can use the hard answer button but can't answer a call on the touch screen from the lock screen. The only way to fix it is to pull the battery and restart it. But this seems to be temporary since the problem comes back every few days, but not all the time. The "experts" at verizon told her just to keep pulling the battery every time this happens.
My question to you all is....WTF?
Is there another way to open the lock screen? Like with the trackball or something?
Anybody know if there is a way to lock the screen during a call when using a bluetooth headset? I've hung up on a couple people trying to do this.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIve been using chomp with notifications on... i miss the Default messaging app's lock screen sms notifications. How can i get them back while still using chomp?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhenever I set a photo for my lock screen, my Eris sets it but the quality of the photo always looks horrible from the original. I have tried using super high-res as well as PNGs instead of JPGs but it looks like crap when I save it. Is there anyway to make it so it doesn't downgrade the quality of my photos when I set them for my lock screen?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to have the lockbar appear lower in the lock screen?
View 5 Replies View RelatedAfter using the music player it remains on my lock screen until I reboot - is there any way to revert back to my normal lock screen picture without rebooting?
View 18 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a capability like my previous WinMo devices had, mainly for security if I lose my phone or leave it unattended. I'd like to be able to activate the screen after its 1 minute timeout without doing the swipe pattern. But, if the device is unused for "x" hours, I want the unlock swipe to be required.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe only choices allowed for lock screen wallpaper are from my photo album, once I went to a configured theme/scene for the home screen. How can I get the stock wallpaper I use for the theme/scene I have to also be the wallpaper for the lock screen? It seems stuck on the photo I used and the only choices offered in the menu are from the photo album I made.
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