HTC Droid Eris :: Need Clock / Weather Home Screen Widget
Jul 9, 2010I accidentally removed my Clock and weather widget that displays on the home screen by default. Does anyone know how to get it back. I went to the HTC widgets but I don't see it.

I accidentally removed my Clock and weather widget that displays on the home screen by default. Does anyone know how to get it back. I went to the HTC widgets but I don't see it.
How do i get the big clock/weather widget on my home screen? I love that thing. Anything else I should do to my D2 right off the bat?
View 2 Replies View RelatedJust me or is anyone elses weather way off, its 2:05am right now in Minneapolis, MN and it says "sunny" and 57 which it obviously is not. I tried other locations from Chicago, to Miami, to San Diego and they all say sunny or cloudy when the sun obviously is not out in any of these cities, then I tried tokyo where it is 2pm rigtht now and it says "clear" with the moon picture and it obviously cannot be dark if its 2pm, so what is wrong with my weather widget.
View 4 Replies View RelatedJust curious what is on everyone's home screen. Not the extra screens to the left or right, but the main one.
I'm looking for ideas.
Mine has:
HTC clock/weather widget
messages widget
mail widget
shortcut to sms for my friend and wife
battery widget
task killer
lockme widget
and a folder with my most used apps
I trying to find a good clock/weather app for the top of my main home screen. I'm looking for something that will cover 1 layer, not 2.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do i put the stock weather widget on my home screen.The one it came with.When i go to add widget and select weather its gives me three options or size.The first needs it on home screen the other two are really small.
View 2 Replies View RelatedNeone kno if by using the standard clock weather widget on home screen drains battery? Or does the weather only update over a period of time? Just wonderin if i should remove it for just a clock and use the weather channel.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow many people here are having an issue with the clock/built in weather widget here? I for one am. It force closes, thereby rendering it useless and freezing everything up. Anyone find any solutions yet? I really love that clock widget and want to keep it up there with updated weather, fix for force close problem on weather widget on 2.1!believe i just fixed thbis problem.goto applications, sort by name. goto "weather provider" and clear data.then, i added my widget again. i tapped it, but the clock came up instead of weather. on the desk clock, tap the area under the clock where the weather WOULD be. then you have to add a city. i just added trenton, because it's in NJ, and it wasn't picking up my GPS location yet..after adding that, a few seconds later it realized where i was via GPS, then bam, i refreshed and everything was fine and no more crashing!
View 27 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know why but my clock/weather widget always shows my location as a few towns over. If i manually open it it then shows it correct as i can add a city myself, but it doesnt update on the home screen, any ideas? I read somewhere about setting your home city, but im not seeing it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter updating to the 2.1 ota update my entire clock and weather widget is gone. I've read posts of people having the weather app force close or the clock not displaying the right city but I haven't found one where the entire widget is gone. After looking in the widgets folder the only clock widget i have is an analog clock.
I thought one of the new cool features was the weather floating across the screen and now i dont even have a clock! Is there anywhere I can download the HTC stock clock/weather app? I know there is a million clock apps and weather apps but I actually want the stock one.
I dont want to take the phone to Verizon because all I ever deal with is incompetent people there and I'd prefer fixing this on my own if possible.
My boyfriend lost his clock and weather on the home page. he said he might have swiped it away by accident? is there a way to get it back?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAbout the Eris. On version 2.1 does Beautiful Widgets (the app) show under "data" on your SD card? Should it? If it doesn't belong there should and I delete BW - will the clock/weather on the home screen still work? I expect the HTC / Android clock weather deal is a widget vs an app? Or is it an app and what is it called?'
View 6 Replies View RelatedI updated to v2 of the 2.1 leak several days ago. Since the update, I have noticed that the weather/clock widget that changes depending on your location, no longer works. All it says is "My Location" where the weather should be. I tried removing the widget from the home screen and replacing it, yet that didn't work. When replacing it, I was given the choice of weather for "Add a city", new york, and my location and I chose my location yet the weather never updated. In the weather app, there is also no screen for the leather in my current location, just New york, which can be deleted.
View 1 Replies View RelatedGirlfriend just got the 2.1 OTA update and there only seems to be one clock widget. What am I missing here? The android widgets only show an analog clock and I can't find any widgets under HTC widgets. Nothing. At all. No widgets whatsoever... Anybody had this issue, can help me out here? I'm waiting for my OTA update and would love to have this fixed before I get my phone updated.
View 6 Replies View RelatedThis seems a little ridiculous. The droid obviously has a weather widget but we can't add it to our page.
View 12 Replies View RelatedHey guys so I just flashed a Fro yd Rom (android 2.2) and it appears that I don't have a clock/weather on the home screen. Any way of enabling it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm new to root/rom, just flashed my first rom today. I went with xtrROM 4.6 and I love it so far...however...
I can't find a way to get the original clock/weather widget, am I missing something, or is it missing?
Is there a way to make my moment home screen look like the hero with the clock and weather?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have the pro version of dynamic notification and I'm trouble getting dash clock weather widget on the dynamic notification screen. I downloaded dashclock, added the weather widget extension, and enabled dashclock in dynamic notification options. But nothing shows up on my dynamic notification screen.
View 1 Replies View RelatedBeen working my way through all the settings on my phone since rooting my Eris with KaosFroyo. Loving everything but a few minor glitches.
1. QuickProfiles does and FC when you try to edit a profile to change any of the Volume settings.
2. I would like an aquarium live wallpaper. None seem to work, even the smoke wallpaper included in the image. I have seen comments by Kaos that the LWP must be sized for Eris, but I see no way to check that. Particularly frustrating is that the preview works great.
3. I miss my default Eris digital clock and weather widget. Is there a separate install for that?
The weather widdget works fine on the home screen and updates, but all of the sudden now when I click on the widget to bring me the the 4-day forcast it keeps saying "No weather data available".
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there another good Weather Widget that will show the weather move on the screen? Like with the HTC Default on 2.1 if its raining there are rain drops all on your screen, if it is cloudy clouds move across the there another widget that will do this?
View 16 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know if there is a clock widget that looks exactly like the clock on the standard Android unlock screen? (the screen with the sliding tabs)
I love the look of that clock and I'd like to have it on my home screen
Turned my phone on and the Weather Widget on the main screen is gone and when I try and add the HTC weather widget it says not enough space on the screen. Any ideas?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a slick looking clock/weather widget. free preferably. i was going to get beautiful widgets but i heard it killed battery. true?
View 7 Replies View RelatedNeed some inputs on the best widgets for Clock and Weather.
View 26 Replies View RelatedI tried removing it and adding it back about ten times and it still won't show the weather..just says "my location" under the clock. If I click on the clock and load it, I can then click on the clock and it will load the weather screen, updated and all...but it still refuses to load it on the home screen with the time. Happened a few days after froyo update. How can I get the weather back as part of the clock widget??
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've installed weather widget donate and when I the clock is displayed on my moto droid screen, it's not aligned correctly. It's bunched to close together and I'm not sure what to do. It seems that all the clocks I've downloaded from within weather widget, it's all the bunched. Any ideas of what I can do? This is annoying as I was really happy to have this widget installed.
View 8 Replies View RelatedFor those of you using Weather Widget Donate, I've created some skins to match some of the ROM's going around.
To install:
Download .zip file of skin and copy to sdcard/prettyweather-googlecode-com/clock
Credit goes to GODZSON from XDA for creating some of these original graphics
Dark Sense:
Dark NexTheme:
Dark Sense
Dark NexTheme
I get the cool droid eris clock but what the heck. i have to download every different clock and weather and i have to then install them and i have all of these garbage widgets left over.
all i want is the flip clock n i want all the othe widgets off my droid
-how do u delete the other widgets