General :: Finding Android App Music That Can Wireless Sync To Windows Media Player?
Jan 3, 2013
finding a good Android Music Player apps that can wirelessly sync to my Windows Media Player from playlist to the actual mp3 files itself. Or do i really need an iTunes for it? If so can iTunes recognize my Windows Media Player playlist?
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Jun 7, 2010
Sync Music to Nexus One using itunes and Windows Media Player. This process automatically creates a Music folder at the root level of the SD card. Hopefully some of you find this useful, especially coming from using iTunes Read more
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Nov 10, 2010
I use Windows Media Player to manage all my mp3s and playlists. I want my Samsung Galaxy S to be synchronized with my PC. I can connect my Galaxy S using "Media Player" mode and use the built-in sync with WMP, but there are issues:
1) Some mp3s get "corrupted" - how do I force WMP to "re-sync" them without losing my playlist association (if I manually add it as a file to sync, it is no longer associated with the playlist)
2) If I delete an mp3 from the device, WMP doesn't realize and won't re-sync the file again... is there a way to re-sync?
3) Sometimes WMP will re-sync playlists and each song shows up 3-4+ times when I load up a playlist on my device. I then have to wipe the Music and Playlist folder and re-sync from scratch any way around this?
4) Where are android playlists stored? The Playlists folder on the sd card can be wiped, but the playlists still show up in the music player?
5) If I make a change to a playlist on my PC, WMP will freeze and start skipping random files the playlists get corrupt and I see problem #3 occur. Essentially, if I change a playlist, I have to wipe the Music and Playlist folder and re-sync from scratch.
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Jun 16, 2010
After hours of hit and miss using programs like Double Twist etc. I found that the easiest way to sync music to the iHTC Music player is to use Windows Media Player and buy Album Art Grabber to load the album art. Once you have done the initial sync with WMP you can go back and load individual albums simply by dragging them to the sync area. Connect your phone to the PC and unmount the SD card Open WMP and click the sync tab. Click the drive that represents your SD card (mine was H You will be prompted to sync everything for either this session or all sessions. (I always click this session only). Works great and all I will need in the future!
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May 30, 2010
I found this site that says when you mount the phone, is should show up on the list of devices within WMP, mine isn't for some reason
Does any know what is going on? I am mounting the phone, and can see it as a removable drive under my computer, am I doing something wrong?
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Oct 9, 2010
New here and hope someone can help!
Windows Media Player 11 (running Vista) does not seem to sync with my HTC Desire - does anyone have a suggestion? I have copied and pasted from the c: drive to the sd card but this is a pain.
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Oct 22, 2010
I m trying to download music from my windows media player and when I plug usb into back of computer then into my phone, my computer is not recognizing phone to sync with....says "found new hardware" but cannot find way to install phone. The phone recognizes being connected..but can't get computer to sync with phone?? Anyone??
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Dec 23, 2013
I just finished decompiling an apk file and fro this issue I googled it and no luck? I want to extract the assets fro this app but the .png and .jpg files are coming up as an "Invalid image" The same applies for the sound ".mp3" files that cannot be read by VLC or windows media player!
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May 25, 2012
How do you find and open the Windows Streaming Media Player for DROIDX
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Jun 5, 2013
I need to embed windows media player in a web page and show streaming video from my server with a url. I have WMP on my phone and the video streams through it fine. Is there any way to embed this now in a web page? It does not play. Do I need a special plugin or what?
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Apr 8, 2010
I want to be able to use/view the video's I record with my phone on my computer. (open from an email or use in window's movie maker)I have a new computer with Windows seven at work and a Vista laptop at home. I can send the video to myself and try to open in from my email or tether to the computer and transfer the file manually. Either way I can't open with windows media player. Video's taken with default "Camcorder" app on a myTough 3G running Android 1.6.I know it has something to do with the codec's the phone uses but wonder why they wouldn't use codec's that are compatible with the most commonly used pc's?Is there any way around this? Some kind of converter for the computer or for the phone?Is there another camcorder app that can record video with a different codec or is it phone hardware specific?So far have been able to use these forum's to sort out most of my Android problems but I'm stumped on this one. It doesn't seem like it should be this hard to do. Should be more user friendly.
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Mar 1, 2010
I'm looking for an app which will let me listen to music through a shared itunes library, or windows media player library - any suggestions?
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May 15, 2010
I have been having the problem of the music player not displaying embedded album art. To fix this I tried Menu > Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > Media Storage, then clicked "Clear Data"
I was told this would make the music player "rescan" for tracks and update the player. DON'T DO THIS ON THE INCREDIBLE! It caused the music player to not find anything on the internal storage.
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Oct 8, 2010
I have the Motorola Droid and am using the stock music player. I was looking for alittle help finding something better to sure alot of you are using something much better.
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Sep 15, 2010
I use Windows Media Player under Windows 7 x64 to play music and video's, and VLC fills in when it won't play something. I don't want to install Quicktime or Real Player. Is there an Android app that will allow me to control playback?
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Jul 19, 2010
I just got the Captivate. (It replaces my iphone 4). I am trying to sync with Windows Media Player, but I need drivers for that. I downloaded the modem drivers, but it did not do the trick. I am using Vista x 32.
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Sep 29, 2010
I can't get it to sync! i have tried all the tips on here. hit refresh on devices in wmp 12, upgrade htc sync, upgraded software on the Evo itself. my music folder on my sd card is in the root of the sd card and is labeled Music.i don't know what i am doing wrong or what to do.
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Apr 4, 2012
i am looking for any music player witch support media remote keys on notification bar (like ics music player).
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Jul 17, 2010
Within Windows Media Player 12 (Win 7 x64), I have checked "Stream > Automatically allow devices to play my media" Unfortunately, when I open up Media Share on the Droid X, and continue to the music folder, it doesn't show anything - instead it lists "no files found" Open Media Share -> Computer -> Play -> Next -> Next (DLNA) -> Next (allow remote playback stuff) -> Next (confirming we're connected to the same network) -> Then I go tot he All Music folder, and the Droid X says "No files to display"
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Jun 1, 2010
Up until now I wasn't having any luck syncing my Incredible with Windows Media Player 12. I ended up renaming my folder structure and it made WMP12 see the Incredible's media. By default, the Incredible makes a folder on the internal 8GB drive called MP3. Originally I put all my music in this folder. But when it was in there, WMP12 could not see it. I ended up creating the following folder structure, and it now syncs correctly. I think the main thing is to have a folder named 'music', not 'MP3'.Now my next step is to try and figure out how to sync my home computers music from any Windows 7 / WMP12 computer. I would like to plug my Incredible into my Windows 7 computer at work, and sync my home computers media data. I read that you can stream music from your home computer this way (WMP12 feature), so I am assuming there may be a way to sync it too. I'll let you know what I find. Let me know if you find out first.
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Jul 22, 2010
How To: Properly Sync Music To Android With MediaMonkey | from the site: Mount your phone in USB Mode to your computer, and note the drive letter that it is associated Open this drive in Windows Explorer and create the appropriate folders where you want your music stored. I have one called Music and one called Playlists, but you can do this however you want. Now launch MediaMonkey, and make sure it shows your phones memory card in the left sidebar (separately from the MyComputer option) In MediaMonkey, click on Tools up top, then choose Options and go down to Portable/Audio Devices Uncheck *all* of the plug-ins except d_USBMass1.dll Highlight d_USBMass1.dll and click on the Configure button to the right Choose the Device Configuration tab in the dialog box that popped up In the middle of this tab, youll see a box called Device Name, which is where youll type the name of your phone (mine is NexusOne)Below this, choose the appropriate drive letter from the drop-down Below this, enter a Drive Label (again, mine is NexusOne)Leave the USB Device ID box empty and dont click the Find Device button While you have this dialog box open, you can tinker with the other tabs, if you want. This is where you can specify a folder hierarchy and adjust your sync settings. I would recommend creating a small playlist (~15-20 tracks from various artists/genres/albums) to test with you dont want to do a full sync only to realize you dont like your sync settings. This guide is better because it allows for the use of smart playlists and has much fewer steps than if you use winamp.
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May 10, 2010
so i tried to use the camera for stills and video this weekend. the video looks great, and works fine on my phone, but i have no sound on my computer thru windows media player. I'm sure its just a codec issue, but does anyone know which codec?
photos on the other hand were really bad grainy or blurry depending on which one fast motion was horrible (but i really wasn't expecting much there) way too long a delay between button push and photo capture the kids kept moving during the delay ruining the photos.
Has anyone gotten good results? what settings? i currently have everything to auto/default. sorry i cant load a pic to show u, they are all too big to post here
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Mar 20, 2012
I just got the Razr Maxx. I am a mac user, and am looking for a way to consistently and conveniently transfer my iTunes PLAYLISTS to my Razr. I know transfering the music itself will not be a problem, the issue is synching the actual play lists.
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Jul 7, 2010
I guess no one cares to listen to their favorite music in the order the artist intended? we now listen to timeless classic Opera in whatever order? makes no difference? Classic Rock albums out of order? Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon"?
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Dec 22, 2009
I've got a ton of music on my SD card in my phone, approx. 6.5GB worth on an 8GB card. The problem is, the music players in Android (I've used the default, RockOn and MixZing, though I want to stay with MixZing) only recognize about 80% of the music, in their libraries. The thing is, the music is there! If I browse to the folder and launch the file it will play, but there's no artist/title data, even though all the files are properly tagged (mp3s), plus, it opens in a weird verion of the default music player that will stop playing if it loses focus.
This has been a issue ever since I got this phone. It's a brand new SD card (my previous one, in addition to this problem, had major corruption issues; I originally thought it was the card but I guess that's not the case). Also, I've gone through two different ROMs (one when I first got the phone, and a second that I upgraded to about a month ago), so I don't think that's the issue. It seems to affect random folders (albums) at different times, whenever the library is refreshed, but I can't refresh the library manually (that I've found) to see if it's just not scanning those files, or if it's a more underlying issue. I'm stumped
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Aug 28, 2010
Samsung Galaxy S getting "Unsupported file format" on .mp3s in AllShare (DLNA). Want to stream music from Windows 7 computer to Android device. Connected AllShare to Windows Media Player 12 over WiFi G network to "Play file from server on my phone". I can browse PC media folders from the Galaxy S. In AllShare, I click an .MP3 from my PC library, add it to the AllShare playlist, then the circle spins for about 10 seconds and I finally get the pop-up error "Unsupported file format." All .mp3's are DRM-free unprotected files. They play fine directly from the MicroSD card through the standard Android Music app. Disconnected/reconnected WiFi, same results. Read a few other posts on various forums, a few people have the same issue. Looks like fewer are even trying to use DLNA like this. Heard plenty of "hypothetical" troubleshooting steps but still searching for someone who's actually tried the steps & got it to work. Some had success with other DLNA media servers or by using different software altogether. I want to specifically stream music from a PC to my SGS using DLNA & WMP. Great for portability. Any "dittos"? Resolutions? By the way this device is AWESOME (Sprint Epic 4G) Also I realize this post is verbose; I want it to easily appear for others' search results. Please feel free to copy, paste & post in a more appropriate forum or thread.
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Oct 24, 2008
you'll be able to set sync your G1 with an iTunes playlist (you're actually syncing the MicroSD card with iTunes, but it works the same). After you install the program, connect the G1. The "Recognize by folder type" field is important. It's basically how the program distinguishes your G1 from any other device you connect to your computer - I added a Notepad file called ANDROID to the root of the MicroSD card, seems like it can be anything that simple. In the "Music Folder" field, I pointed it to the Music folder at the root of the MicroSD card on the G1.
In the "Associate with playlist" I left it as "use device name." Now, when you go to iTunes, under "My Devices" there should be a playlist icon that says "G1". Add whatever files you want (make sure there isn't any DRM) and then right click on the iTunesAgent icon in your system tray and click "Synchronize devices."
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Sep 28, 2010
When playing videos from the X10mini using Windows Mediea Player, there's no sound...what's wrong?
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Jan 23, 2010
Is there something I can buy that will let me play music from my Droid on my home stereo? Maybe some sort of bluetooth or wifi adapter with rca jacks in them.
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Aug 9, 2010
I've been using the standard media player on my Nexus one since I've gotten it, only loaded music once using simple copy and paste method on the folder level. Problem is I've gotten new music (alot) and I can no longer fit it all on my nexus one.
Before someone mentions it, I've tried using DoubleTwist and I'm not a fan, I've had issues with slow syncing, duplicates, and as a music manager I can't determine the total size of the media I want to sync, can't choose more than all or selected playlists, no artist selections, I can't edit the file tags within the application, and some music isn't removed when I try to remove it from my library (not move to trash)... Overall I'm very unsatisfied.
Needless to say I'm looking for something else to use, something that allows me to rate my music both on the desktop and on my nexus one...and that those ratings actually sync on... this will allow me to determine what I Listen to and thus only transfer that over to my N1.
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