General :: Data Usage Does Not Add Up Correctly
Aug 9, 2013Razr maxx xt910 with stock jelly bean. why?

Razr maxx xt910 with stock jelly bean. why?
In android 4.0 and above there is the option in the data usage settings, to turn mobile data on and off. What difference does it exactly make? As fas as I tested, I still can take a look at my mobile data usage, even though it is tuned off in the data usage settings.
According to this source of Google
turning it off means:
If it's off, you won't be able to use mobile data at all and many features of your phone and apps won't work correctly.
what they mean by "...use mobile data at all..." (since I still have 3G) and what features there could be?
I have been using more data then usual this month and when I checked it showed my android os background was using the most but it won't show me what is actually using all of it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any device (phone or tablet) running Android 4.0.x that can display the native battery usage data via Settings --> Battery , instead of displaying "Battery usage data not available" ?
It is supposed to display a list of apps and what % of the battery they consumed.
Just got my first ICS phone. I'm looking at the data usage analysis tool, and I see that the vast majority of my data usage falls under the heading "Android OS", which sounds pretty generic. Is that some catch-all meaning "anything which doesn't fall under something else", or is it something more specific which I could easily control? What does "Android OS" mean in the context of Data Usage?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI only have 750 MB, and I'm going way over that. How can I get my phone to use wi-fi as much as possible? There's wi fi in alot of the places I work but not at home. Most of the usage seems to be software updates, and google play store updates, and a few other apps being updated. Can it not wait to do those updates until wi fi is available to save my data. I'm with Orange btw, and the local wi fi netwrok is with O2.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am from the UK and have just got an HTC Android phone.I have a data usage limit of 500 MB per month on my ty UK network.
I got the My Data Manager app to track my data use and at the top every time (of mobile data not wifi obviously) is 'Calendar Storage'. It uses up stupid amounts of data every day.
I have gone through all my accounts that are synced to my device (facebook,gmail,GMX,linkedin etc) and I have disabled the calendar sync for all of them that have the option available. Yet it still shows as using data every day on calendar storage.
So, I was looking at some themes and I came across this screenshot for the Chromium theme:
I like how the data usage/reset timer is in the notification drawer. What app it is?
saving data usage on android.To those who use data plan on sim cards, there are plenty of apps that can monitor and reduce their data usage. ie: Onavo Extend, Opera Mobile/Mini.
But im using MiFi/portable hotspot to access the internet. Apps like Onavo seems working only in 3g mode, and not wifi.
So i cant ge maximum data savings on my MiFi plan.
Is there any apps, that can tweak android so that when i connected to my hotspot, it is detected as 3g. Basically something like that.
Just flashed a new ROM and I use the built in data usage tracker thingy. How do I edit my current usage as it's reset to 0 but I'm half way thru my data. How do I edit it?
Note: previous ROM had the usage incorrect so backing previous data and restoring will not work.
Im looking for an application to monitor data usage, i know there are a lot but im looking for one specifically,
My plan is in fact 2 plans, it is unlimited for social networks (1GB @ 4G then EDGE till month expires), and 100Mb for any other applications.
As you know there is a new part in android 4 which can control and limit internet usage
How can I backup database of data usage? So i can restore it after changing my rom
I am using XXLP6 rooted Rom in SGS 2
I plan to upgrade to a 4G LTE device this year. Typically, my usage on my 3G device (a Droid 2 Global) runs less than 1 GB a month. Have any people experienced increases in their monthly data usage after switching to a 4G-enabled device? And if so, do you think it would be due to the fact that you're consuming more data at a faster rate, watching more videos, streaming more content through your cellular data network because of the increased capability?
I'm trying to decide between buying old technology off of a third party (e.g. Droid 4/Razr Maxx at no contract) or upgrading to the latest and best (GS3/Razr Maxx HD) for the same cost, but losing the unlimited.
I want to be able to reset an apps data usage in the stock data manager in jb or ics.. Is it possible? Or do I have to reset all apps at the same time?
Nexus 10
I have a galaxy s2 running 4.1.2. Is there a way to disable or reset the data usage tracking?
View 7 Replies View Relatedwhen both wifi and mobile data are available, android (from version 4 and onwards) is smart enough to always* use the wifi, right?
*: by always i mean with some exceptions like sending an mms.
I have a Motorola RAZR V XT885 running stock Android 4.0.4 on Virgin Mobile.
A couple days ago I tried to set a mobile data limit at 6gb using the stock app. For some reason it thought I wanted a limit set at 500gb. Since then I have not been able to reopen the app to reset it or turn off the limit, settings crashes and sends me back to my home screen. I have rebooted my phone multiple times and cleared the cache, but I'm unsure where to go from here.
So a day or two ago Google Services randomly ate up a huge amount of my data. And all within about a second. I really can't figure out why it happened. I was going to see a movie so I turned off my phone, and when I turned it back on, I got a data usage warning and after checking my settings it shows this:
Even with Onavo Extend, Google Services somehow consumed a big chunk on my data, all in about a second:
I migrated from Mororola RAZR (XT910) to Alcatel One Touch Idox X (6040D) on both phones I have the same applications, but on the Alcatel it happens again and again that out of nowhere suddenly Streaming media starts to download a huge amount of data, until I restart the phone.
-Google backup, location, photo sync is OFF
This behavior happens even if the Apps such as IMDB, YOUTUBE, POWERAMP are force closed. I used Watch dog 3G so My Data Manager, but both of them just show "streaming media" as the process eating the data. As Youtube was noted in System data consumption I could set there Background data limitation, which worked a little bit, but the issue continues, like some other application would try to take over YT misbehavior
Yesterday the phone "streamed" like this 6GB of data on WIFI and almost 700 MB on mobile, last month with XT910, I lasted with 700 MB mobile data for more than 2 weeks.
Kernel with fixed Iptables/Netfilter issue!! I found that my rooted Galaxy Pocket GT-S5300 has a problem applying the iptables/Netfilter. My Droidwall nor Data Usage Defender app cannot be able to filter the connection thus, I won't be able to manage my data usage at al. Below the quote from the page:
Common error messages:
1. can't initialize iptables table 'filter': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?) Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded.
This error message unfortunately means that your kernel does not support iptables/netfilter, so DroidWall will not work.
The only possible solution is to flash a customized ROM (or kernel) with full netfilter support.
2. no chains/target/match by that name
This error message unfortunately means that your kernel does not support netfilter owner match module, so DroidWall will not work.
The only possible solution is to flash a customized ROM (or kernel) with full netfilter support.
Ensure that the following configuration option is enabled in the kernel (either built-in or as a module): CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_MATCH_OWNER
Pporting the kernel/ROM that has already support the iptables/Netfilter for Galaxy Pocket GT-S5300?
I just signed up for these forums because soon I will be an HTC Desire owner in Canada. Having never owned a smartphone before I do have a few questions. The plan I intend on signing up for is the Telus Student 40 and that will come with only 100mb of data. Now I don't see myself being too data using heavy so I feel like I will be able to live with it. However I do have some questions regarding my data consumption.
1. Is it possible to completely stop all data usage by somehow disabling the data connection if I find myself reaching my limit?
2. What are ways to track my data usage to make sure I don't use too much data?
3. What are good ways to conserve data usage? I'm getting the feeling that there are some applications that will constantly be sending data back and forth updating themselves, is it possible to have these applications but stop them from constantly updating and only have them update when I want to access the application?.........
I'm on a family plan with my wife and 13yr old son. We purchased a Galaxy S4 for our son as a Birthday present in October. However, as of recent his grades have taken a dive. We notice he eats, sleeps and breathes on the phone. He primarily uses it for surfing the net, instagram or youtube. We were thinking of grounding him and removing his phone but we need him to have his phone as a point of contact. However, is there anyway to stop his data usage. I realize there is a setting on the phone to disable data usage but it is fairly easy to re-enable it.
Is there anyway to lock or password protect the phones settings or data usage?
I tried googling but the results kept yielding information relative to the "lock screen" which isnt what im looking for.
I have the Everything Data Family 1500 Share Plan.Just check my data usage today. What is this Roaming Data Charge?I was in USA and in the states all the time.Anyway to avoid this in the future? There's no charges now, but it could get worst.
View 26 Replies View Relatedhow can do a backup of data usage on ics with titanium backup? because if I change roms with full wipe I lost all saved data.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI love Sprint's true unlimited data.Switched from Att and the iphone after they changed the data plans. I was leaning towards the EVO anyway, but the new data plan was the nail in the coffin.I work night shift half the time and abuse tethering on my laptop while working nights.I pay for the hotspot app (i know i could root and do it for free but don't mind the fee considering how much i use).My first month (4 days left in the billing cycle) 21 gigs and change. And to just think, my city is getting 4G later this year and it will only be faster.
View 12 Replies View Relatedthere an app that monitors data usage?
View 5 Replies View RelatedThinking about getting the new Samsung Galaxy S (Vibrant) when it comes out in Canada and the end of month... With the GPS turn by turn I understand it uses data... anyone know how much data it uses for the GPS? Is it a ton?
View 8 Replies View Relatedwell the last couple days, my phone has been using data almost every second. i dont have the facebook widget, flickr or friendstream, only the weather one. my mail is set for every 5 minutes. i checked spare parts, it didnt show any apps using a large amount of data. i havent installed any new apps this week, so it shouldnt be a new app, though it could be an existing one.
View 7 Replies View RelatedSo we have 2 Incredibles on a family plan and with this chatter of eventual data caps, I just was curious and took a look at our recent data usage on myverizon to see where we stand.I average about 5gb a month while my significant other is around 20gb! I am a moderately heavy web user (although I don't really have anyone to compare to, but I check the internet a lot during the day out of sheer boredom at work) and he by all means is not.Can somebody explain what exactly eats data and how it works? We are mostly just curious and are guessing it's an app. But *what* is doing it? Like does it draw data from the internet or something? Is that app updating or refreshing? The only thing I know about data is like if you refresh a page on the internet, then data is used. I refreshed a website twice and my usage according to 3d watchdog jumped about 1mb. Is that normal? Is it also normal for there to be data usage while your phone is asleep?
View 7 Replies View RelatedHas anyone yet found a solution to determining data usage on a per-app basis that works with the Captivate? The only two market apps I've found, TrafficInfo and TrafficStats, both require Android 2.2 which of course isn't an option for us (yet).I had been fine but recently have seen my data usage skyrocket from 500-600MB per month to 200-300MB per DAY and yesterday over 500MB. At this rate I am going to blow through my 2GB only 11 days into my monthly billing cycle.
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