General :: Multiple Gmail And Play Accounts - Nexus 5?

Feb 23, 2014

I have jusst dumped my iPhone and have joined the fold with my Nexus 5. I do have a couple of Android tablets so I am not totally new to this great OS.

I have 5 gmail accounts (primarily for email) and 2 of them are Google Play accounts, I used a different account for each tablet I had running. In hindsight the 2 google play accounts was stupid because now I have apps I want to use scattered on various devices, mainly on the Nexus 5, spread on both accounts.

Here is what I want to accomplish:

- Consolidate all of my apps to 1 single account and ideally close / delete one of them

- Just use the 1 single account on all of my deveices access all of my apps

- Have Google Play associate only with the 1 main account

- Utilize / access my 5 total gmail accounts for email only, I have no need to have 5 Google Keep, People, Calanders etc. I only use the 1 main account (the one I want all my apps in play to use) for all my contacts and notes and calanders. The remaining 4 accounts are really ony for email.

General :: Multiple Gmail and Play Accounts - Nexus 5?

KitKat 4.4 :: Nexus 5 - Multiple Accounts On Gmail App?

Dec 25, 2013

google nexus 5. I am wondering how to set up multiple accounts on the gmail app. I have been trying and cannot find an option to do so like in the stock email app. On the playstore it says that thw gmail app can manage multiple accounts but I just cant find the option

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General :: Google Play Store With Multiple Accounts - 403

Mar 22, 2014

Have had an ongoing problem with error 403 in the Google Play Store.In this case, the issue seems to have arisen because I have historically used 2 google accounts to purchase apps. 'Account A' from 4 to 3 years ago, and 'Account B' from 3 years onwards.

I now only have 'Account B' on my phone (N7000), however, some of the apps which I purchased with 'Account A' still appear as purchased in my Google Play Store, even although phone can be hard reset with no further 'Account A' reference. So I get this 403 download problem, although I wouldn't even mind just buying some apps afresh with 'Account B'. Also, maybe of relevance, the same card was used to purchase on both accounts.

Is there a way I can 'clear' the original 'Account A' purchases?

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General :: Install WhatsApp Multiple Accounts On Nexus 7 Without Rooting?

Dec 15, 2013

i am using nexus 7 2012 wifi version android 4.3 It's true that multi user support is available on Android 4.2 nd 4.3 Is it possible to install multiple whatsapp acct. using this feature i tried it and everything works jst fine but somehow when i'm done with mobile verification process on my second profile whatsapp crashes saying "whatsapp isnt responding"

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Nexus :: Want Multiple Email Accounts Through Phone

Mar 1, 2010

I will be buying the N1 on big red when it comes out (let's hope the March 23rd rumor is true). I know that you can access multiple G Mail accounts through the phone but does anyone know if you can have a G Mail and another account. I am a medical student and get important minute-to-minute emails about things for the hospital. The account I have through the school uses OWA and the school has dropped its ability to automatically forward emails to other accounts. Also, as much as I have tried, I can not get my GM ail account to import/retrieve emails from the OWA account. So I am hoping to have the .edu account and the G Mail account simultaneously. Any help would be provided from anyone currently using N1 on TMo. Even if you could test it by trying to set up another email with another POP 3 email server.

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Motorola Milestone :: Way To Set Up Multiple Gmail Accounts?

Jan 13, 2010

Every time i tried setting up a secondary account, i get the " cannot establish a reliable network" and tells me to try again later. i am sure i have a data connection as i am able to go on the browser and everything.

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Android :: Different Desktop Buttons For Multiple Gmail Accounts

Oct 25, 2010

I have several Gmail accounts and I would like to have a desktop button for each one. Is there a way to do this? Currently there is one button for Gmail and once I open it I can select the account I want to see.

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HTC Desire :: Multiple Gmail Accounts Setup / How To Remove One Of These?

Sep 16, 2010

Android Version: 2.2 (2.10.405.2)
Network: Orange, CPW unbranded handset
Taskiller Used: Previously ATK - now none.

I have two Gmail accounts setup on my phone, both of which use Google Apps, so the addresses are (at) and (at) as opposed to ending in I use my first account to sync my contacts, calendar and mail, and my secondary account just syncs mail. I then added an old account for no particular reason and now it won't let me delete it and gives this reason: "This account is required by some applications. You can only remove it by resetting the phone to factory defaults".

When I first added the account, by default it didn't turn on mail sync. I have left that unchecked, and also left contacts and calendar sync unchecked. Therefore, this account hasn't yet interacted with any apps/programs. Is the reason I can't delete this account because Android recognizes it as a 'proper' Gmail address? I have searched for similar threads, but ultimately the discussions there seem to focus on different problems.

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Android :: Support For Multiple Gmail Accounts Simultaneously?

Sep 25, 2010

I'd like to have two GMail (Google Apps mail, if that makes a difference) accounts active at once, both getting new mail notifications, and having the ability to send and reply through both accounts. My current solution is to simply forward all of Account #2's mail to Account #1 -- but then I can't send. Am I missing an option here? Surely this must be possible on Google's OS.

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HTC Desire :: Want Multiple Gmail Accounts Synced To Phone

Jul 1, 2010

Is it possible to have multiple gmail accounts synced to the phone? Also, say I sync multiple accounts to the phone, are they all equal or is the 1st account created when the phone is initially set up the main account? can I change this?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Way To Use Multiple Gmail Accounts On Phone?

Jan 13, 2010

My wife recently got a Droid Eris, set up her Gmail account and decided she didn't like the email address you had chosen. I created a second Gmail account for her, but when I try to send her and email to it, she does not get notification on her phone. Only if you send and email to her "original" Gmail address. Is it possible to set it up to receive notifications from both addresses on her phone? Delete one address and just use the new one? Etc, etc.

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HTC Hero :: Multiple Gmail Accounts Not Working In Phone

Oct 6, 2009

I'm thinking about getting one of these in a few days when they become available from Sprint, but I have a question. I have an iPhone right now and I have three Gmail accounts for different purposes. I don't use Google Calendar, so I'm not worried about calendar events. But does Android/Hero have any problems using multiple Gmail accounts?

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Android :: Gmail - No Reply As Option From Multiple Accounts?

Feb 13, 2010

I've seen the video for the Nexus One handling multiple Gmail accounts, that's fantastic, but what it does not show me, and what is killing me about my Eris, is that there is no "Reply As" drop down menu like there is in the regular Gmail app for Desktop OS. Ex. I have 3 email accounts (Hotmail, Work and Gmail) that I have setup on my Eris. Currently, the only one getting pushed to my phone is Gmail, which means that the other two are constantly polling for messages and causing a drain of battery, not to mention the hassle of having to enter into different mailboxes, apps to retrieve mail. I would love to be able to have my Gmail pop those other accounts and label them accordingly so that I can receive all my mail via Push from Gmail, saving on battery and making email management on my phone much easier.

However, this is not a possibility for me simply because I need to be able to Reply As the account that the msg was originally sent. Ex. Someone sends an email to my work email, and I'm on the road. I need to reply as, not That would be really confusing to the sender, not to mention unprofessional for me. I've read some work arounds where some people have Gmail setup the way i described above, but also have their sep mail accounts setup on their phone w/ the Auto Polling set to manual. That way, they can manage their email in Gmail, but if they need to reply to one from a specific account, they open up the Mail for that account, manually refresh and find the msg and reply. Also, the built-in Mail apps have no ability to do batch operations such as "Mark as read" or "Delete all" functionaility, GMail does.

So, I can't be pumping through 30 emails a day w/o this feature. I'm doing it now on my Eris and trust me, it's more work that it's worth. I'm not one of those people that can just leave the Mail Icon sitting there with a number on it. It has to go away. Otherwise, I don't know if/when another email comes in. It could be important. This is especially important to me because I'm an IT Professional, and, not only do I need to get my email in a timely manner (Push is instant and therefore ideal), but I need to be able to reply as such. I've been looking at alternatives, but this seems to be the only/best way, and I'm really hoping that it's built-in to Gmail on Android 2.1, like it is on the Desktop OS version.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Way To Have Multiple Gmail Accounts On Phone?

Jun 25, 2010

Is it possible to have 2 gmail accounts? for ex: i have a gmail personal account, and also a work account which i want to use my calendar as it tracks our days work. is this possible i cant see where is can set up a second one?

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Sprint HTC Hero :: How Phone Handles Multiple Gmail Accounts?

Oct 6, 2009

I asked this in the other "Hero" subforum, but I thought I'd ask it here, too. I really like what I see from this phone, but I wonder how it handles multiple Gmail accounts. I have three Gmail accounts for different purposes. My iPhone 3G handles these with no problem. I don't see anything in the Hero manual that indicates that it will play well with multiple Gmail accounts.

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General :: Two Separate Google Play Accounts For Two Different Devices And One Gmail Account For Both Devices

Oct 2, 2013

Can I have two separate google play accounts for two different devices & keep one gmail account for both devices?

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HTC Droid Eris :: Android 2.1 / Syncing Contacts From Multiple Gmail Accounts?

May 21, 2010

On my Droid Eris (just updated to Android 2.1), I have taken advantage of 2.1 offering support for multiple Gmail accounts. So I have 3 Gmail Accounts in the Gmail app. My question pertains to how Android syncs the contact lists (which include many of the same contacts) from these 3 separate accounts. Will I end up with dozens of duplicate contacts? If so, is there a workaround? Also, is there an easier way to switch between different Gmail accounts? E.g., in the Gmail app, you have to go to Menu then Accounts, which is inefficient. The built-in mail app displays a list of accounts when you open it (an ideal approach), but I would prefer to not open my Gmail accounts in the default mail app.

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General :: Sync Multiple Outlook Accounts?

Jun 18, 2013

is there any way one could sync multiple Outlook accounts to the same phone? I've tried to add multiple accounts that aren't Outlook, and I can't do it.

Or, what is a good work-around to try? Porting the accounts to Google calendars and sync them that way? It's for work, so I don't know if that would be the best option.

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General :: How To Have Multiple Email Accounts On Homescreen

Dec 29, 2011

I bought a Samsung Galaxy S2 a couple of days ago and since then i've tried to get my e-mail settings sorted out. I have been searching the internet for a long time without finding a solution.

My problem is that i have 4 e-mail accounts and 3 of them i need constantly. My phone can show my e-mails on a nice widget on the homescreen using the default "e-mail" labeled widget3 . However i cant choose which e-mail account i want it to show. Now all i have is 4 times the same nice widget showing me the same e-mail account's 3 newest posts.

I have tried several other e-mail clients but all of them have the same problem. I really like the default client which is bundled on the phone, but it won't do me any good if i cant see all my accounts.

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General :: Multiple Facebook Accounts With Sync Support

Apr 3, 2013

one can have multiple twitter, email etc. accounts on Android (running 4.1.2 on a Galaxy Note), but only one Facebook account. However, I have two of them and I need *both* their contacts sync'd to the contacts database (one is my "private" profile for close friends, the other is for work colleagues etc). Also, the built-in Facebook authentication has the same problem as the contact sync - I don't want to run games like Real Racing under my "public" FB profile.

Any way to make two FB profiles on one device? Maybe with something like a "virtualization"?

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General :: Sync Contacts Multiple Google Accounts

Dec 20, 2012

I have the phone running Android 2.3.4 (rooted).I have two Google accounts setup on my phone. I use both of them as there are apps purchased from both accounts.

I would like to sync contacts from my phone to BOTH the accounts. As of now, contacts are being synced to just one Google Account. In the "Accounts and Sync", I see both the Google Accounts listed, with the "Sync Contacts" option enabled for both accounts.

Is it possible to sync contacts to both GOOGLE accounts from the phone? If yes, how?

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General :: Multiple Switchable YouTube Accounts On Galaxy S3?

Jan 10, 2013

I'm trying to either have multiple switchable youtube accounts on my galaxy s3 (att) or at least a way to switch between the two accounts without going to app info and clearing the data. Any way to do this in the main youtube app?

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General :: Can Setup Multiple Secure Exchange Accounts On One Phone

Jun 4, 2014

We have a work phone for our three shift supervisors to share. Any way or app that would allow us to setup three exchange emails that are each secured by a PIN or password? I've seen that android tablets can now switch users , but I don't think that is available on the phone yet. Phone is a Samsung S4.

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General :: Way To Merge Google Play Accounts?

Jan 6, 2013

Any way to merge Google Play accounts? I have two email accounts on my phone, I wish to take that down to one but there are purchased apps in both accounts at Google Play. I looked into this some time ago and Google told me back then that they could not merge accounts -- which I thought was rather ridiculous. Doesn't Google have the (sometime scary) power to do just about anything? Anyway, they told me that I'd have to contact each and every paid app maker that I'd purchased from and see if they'd give me a new download under a different email addy since I'd already paid once. I finally gave up and just re-purchased the most important apps.

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General :: Switch Between User Accounts On Nexus 7?

Nov 29, 2013

In January, I acquired a Nexus 7, and in July, I met my boyfriend. Yesterday, I suggested that we put a user account for him on the tablet, so that he could have quicker access to his own email, writing and so forth. This we accordingly did, and he has been having great fun installing apps for chess and ukelele playing, as well as working on his writing. However, this means that the lock screen is back. The lock screen irritates the b*ggery out of me, and I disabled it as fast as I could when I originally bought the tablet. The way you are meant to switch accounts, however, involves bringing up the lock screen every time, and it also means the lock screen appears whenever the tablet is wakened from sleep. I tried disabling the lock screen, but then we couldn't switch user accounts.

So far, the best solution I've found is to have a desktop widget for the No Lock app, so that I can have the lock screen disabled during the day, when I'm the only one using the tablet, and then put it back on when my boyfriend is around and we're both using the tablet. This will probably be fairly manageable, and I realise that I'm whingeing about a few seconds of screen-swiping here and there, but what would be really lovely would be if we could just have a widget we could press on our home screens that allowed us to switch user accounts, without all this faffing around with lock screens. I've been hunting through Google Play apps, and so far all I've encountered is one which sounds thoroughly dodgy and may not even do what I want.

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General :: Changing Gmail Accounts?

Apr 5, 2012

I need to delete the gmail account from my old job off my droid. When i first synced that email account it automatically linked all my existing contacts to that email. so when i try to delete it it deletes all my contacts. Is there a way to change the email account that a contact is linked with? The password has been changed on that email account so im also constantly getting an error message that the account cannot sync.

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General :: Nexus 5 - Google Play Music / Song Play For A Second Then Pauses

Nov 7, 2013

Recently I've been having an issue with Google Play Music where when I play a song, it plays for a second then pauses, so I have to press play to get it going again. This occurs repetitively which means I can't listen to music.

It happens on songs that are being streamed and on songs that are on the device.

Funnily enough, if the song is played through ES file explorer and the little play music popup window comes up, it plays fine.

I've got this issue on both my devices, a tf101 running 4.3 and a nexus 5 with stock 4.4 rooted.

Edit: just remembered, I've also got this issue with MX Player and videos. I can't figure out what's wrong.

Streamed videos played through the gallery video player work fine.

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General :: Google Nexus 7 - Download Emails From Both Accounts?

May 12, 2014

I've used IOS for a while and wanted to try something different. That being the case I bought a google nexus 7 to play around with it. I have 2 google+ accounts set up on this phone because I play a game called Clash of Clans. I had to link both my IOS accounts over to 2 google play accounts. Now when I connect via Wi-Fi anywhere, it downloads the emails from both accounts. Is there a way for only allow for one of them to download? I'm not too familiar with this new operating system, so maybe I'm just not looking in the right spot.

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General :: Manage Contacts Among Two Gmail Accounts

Feb 29, 2012

My primary Gmail Account has about 300 contacts in it. I sync everything to and from this account.

My secondary Gmail account is for work and I have about 450 conacts in there. I sync emails and calendar events from this account BUT NOT CONTACTS.

Now I have about 80 contacts from the secondary work account that I need to move over to my primary Gmail account so they are in my phone. It seems like it would be a simple task but I can't find a way to do it. I don't want to sync the whole contact list which would result in duplicate or triplicate entries.

How do I do this?

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General :: Can't Update Apps In Play Store After Changing Accounts

Jan 3, 2013

I am having an issue on my Asus Transformer Prime tablet. I had my account on there and downloaded a bunch of apps and games. My wife signed up for an account and we added that one and removed my account as she has taken over my tablet. LOL. The app/game says there is an update but when we go to the Play Store it will not allow us to update it, it only shows OPEN and UNINSTALL. If I add my account back onto the tablet the option for update is there.

Is there anyway to update the apps/games without my account being on there? I thought about just deleting the game and re-installing it under her account but that would erase all of her progress in the game.

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