General :: Haptic Feedback On Stock Samsung Rom?
Jun 6, 2012i'm developing a samsung rom, based on stock, and i want to implement the haptic feedback, in this rom, like CM7/9 roms.
It is possible to do that?
i'm developing a samsung rom, based on stock, and i want to implement the haptic feedback, in this rom, like CM7/9 roms.
It is possible to do that?
Such that it is only on for the navigation buttons (capacitive touch buttons at the bottom) and not anywhere else (i.e. not on the keyboard)? I prefer typing without haptic feedback but I don't want to turn it completely off because it becomes even harder to see if a bottom navigation button responded with it off.
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust wondering if anyone else has this with their phone: When I have haptic feedback activated and i am texting(not using swipe) with each vibration I can hear a very very feint tinny ring (This is the best way i can describe it) And the major emphasis being on FEINT. Ive never owned a samsung before and so im wondering if thats just something that comes along with the vibration.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan u set two different vibrations for haptic feedback and ringer vibration or are they tied to each other? I cant figure out how to set haptic to low and ringer vibration to high.
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust got my captivate and have one problem. Sometimes when touching the haptic menu button (first from left), i get a double vibration. Like it senses my first touch but vibrates second time right away. I do not get this constantly. But it happens all the time when i first touch the home button then the menu button. Does not happen with any other button.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI am loving my verizon galaxy s3 and i currently running a leak JB rom for it and like it but i miss AOSP i was on aokp and liked it allot but i hated how strong and long the haptic feedback is when pressing back and menu hardware keys as well as other keys that activate it.
i can control the power the the keyboard haptic feedback but cant figure out how to with the system stuff?
My vibration feedback on keypressing is gone. I've done everything hard reset, factory reset, soft reset, uninstalled task killer. even after factory reset I chose not to install my backup files - still no luck... any ideas?
View 23 Replies View RelatedHow is everyone's haptic feedback? Mine seems to be less powerful than it should. It doesnt feel like when the phone vibrates on a call or message. It almost feels less powerful, and almost like its dying. Anyone else experiencing this have any ideas?
View 6 Replies View RelatedThe other day I had haptic feedback on my phone and today it's not there. I looked in the settings to see if it was still checked and it is, but nothing is being haptic. I also tried setting the phone to vibrate when a call is received and no vibration either.Something wrong with the innards perhaps?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI went to [settings > sound settings > haptic feedback] and turned it off. but my phone still vibrates for every letter when i tap out texts! what am i missing here? there are no options that i've seen in [settings > language & keyboard].
View 2 Replies View RelatedAt first i though that the slight clicking I felt while typing was due my Seidio case. But after removing it, I noticed that it was still there. Its a slight clicking feeling as you type when you get the haptic feedback. Sometime when typing on the screen but most of the time when Im typing and go press one of the screen buttons. Almost like the haptic feedback motor is causing something to click on the phone physically. Anyone else having this issue?
View 21 Replies View RelatedMy evo makes this weird noise when it vibrates while typing.The 4 touch buttons on the bottom also do it. Its like theres something loose in there and its vibrating. Sometimes almost like a click. Anyone else having this issue?
View 4 Replies View RelatedSince downloading Bugless Beast .9 on my new phone, I have had issues with haptic feedback. After a restart it was working on everything EXCEPT the hardware keys.Anyone know why the hardware keys arent giving feedback?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI use Haptic Feedback for texting because I don't like that loud clicky noise, it's annoying. So my question is - considering that I text alot, is it possible for haptic feedback to lose it's "feedback" as to where it's not as "rumbly" anymore?
View 2 Replies View Relatedjust curious, who uses haptic feedback and who doesnt? i wouldn't go so far as to say that i love it but it definitely feels weird to not use. i've been using it since i got my phone and i tried turning it off yesterday (to see if there's any real impact to battery life with/without haptic feedback) but i couldn't deal so now it's back on. thoughts?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIt's not a huge deal, I actually don't mind having it on it's just in the interest of conserving battery life I'd quite like to get rid of it. It really don't seem to want to turn off though! I've tried restarting the device but it's still there.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI recently noticed an issue with my Droid Incredible that no one has been able to fix. Whenever I press the "t" on my virtual keyboard, I am constantly getting the "r" or "y". Rarely am I getting the "t". It seems like sometimes I press the "t" and I don't get any haptic feedback. If I continuously press any other letter, I get that letter. But with the "t", it is mostly "r" and "y".
I went to the Verizon store and they noticed the problem, but said only that I should do a factory reset which I did after organizing apps I have downloaded, with no resolution. And the first thing out of their mouth was if you get a replacement, it won't be a new one. Being with Verizon for over 8 years, I understand that since I've had bad Blackberries in the past, but I have also found that the so called refurbished ones have worked flawlessly. I went ahead and had them send one out to me.
While my sister was using the "Stool Scanner" app, it froze "scanning" her finger. I was unable to exit or force close the app, so I hit the power button and turned off the phone.
When the phone powered back up, I noticed that haptic feedback (the vibration you get when you touch the screen) was no longer working. It was still checked in Settings, so I tried un-checking, exiting settings, and then re-checking it. I even tried removing the battery. As a last resort, I factory-reset the phone under privacy settings. Still no haptic feedback...
Oddly enough, the row of capacitive buttons beneath the screen still vibrate. Also, when typing, the virtual keyboard still vibrates. But nothing else will vibrate, including any part of the Home screen or within any other app (ie: clicking a link in the browser).
I want to invoke the haptic feedback buzz when my ImageButton is pressed, but I am not sure the best way to do it. I first checked that my button was enabled for that, and isHapticFeedbackEnabled() returns true.
Then I am calling performHapticFeedback() with the constant FLAG_IGNORE_GLOBAL_SETTING, as the docs indicate that will be used to override any global settings.
The doc is a little ambiguous, but it does imply that this is something I can call at any time, so I am calling it in the OnClickListener():
I appreciate that it would be better to call it when the finger first touches the button rather than on the Click event, but I wanted to get it working to start with, before refining it.
Am I barking completely up the wrong tree, or should the above work when I click on the button, because nothing happens?
Seems to me you can't remove the haptic feedback on the phone dialer.I would hate to see that this is true, this is the best phone dialer I've had on an android device.
View 22 Replies View RelatedWhen you turn haptic feedback off, should the slider and the little arrows to change the home screens will vibrate?Or is this a bug like on the Droid 2?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to turn haptic feedback ON when using the keyboard? I haven't found a way with 4.6 and I really liked that feature.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI was in Verizon the other day and i realized that the Motorola Droid doesn't have haptic feedback on its home, menu, back, and search keys. I know that you can turn off haptic feedback for the screen, but on the eris, i have yet to find a way to turn off the haptic feedback for those specific keys at the bottom. So i was wondering is it possible? is there an option to do it in any downloadable apps?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnyway to turn off the haptic feedback when using the keyboard? It gets a bit annoying for my tastes.
View 39 Replies View RelatedI have the Haptic Feedback option unchecked in the phone's settings yet I still get haptic feedback when using other apps such as Handcent and Facebook. I did not see an option for haptic feedback in the Handcent options. What do I need to do to turn it off?
View 3 Replies View RelatedAnyone elses Haptic feedback on the 4 touch-buttons make a "crack" sound sometimes? I noticed that I hear it more when I hold the phone in landscape with the screen slid up. It still vibrates, but it also delivers a very interesting crackling sound and the vibrate usually feels weaker than normal when this happens. I think I will turn it off because it always feels like i'm breaking it by pressing them too much lmao.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe other day when typing my haptic feedback kinda went clunk. Now I get no feedback whenever I move from one screen to another or select an icon on the home screen. I am sure that I got feedback when I pressed an icon before, I just want to make sure that it is supposed to do that.
So, can anyone confirm that they get the haptic feedback when they press an icon on the home screen?
I still get feedback from the softkeys, but it does not seem as strong, so I think by haptic motor has a problem.
My phone just does not vibrate anymore. I've checked all my settings and they all say that it's on vibrate, but when I get a notification or a call it doesn't do anything (except the sound).
View 2 Replies View RelatedHas anyone here noticed that the haptic feedback on their droid is inconsistent? Not that different keys/inputs have different feedback levels (which is obviously intentional), but that occasionally and seemingly for no reason a key like "return," "home," or even an on-screen numeric key will have an unusually powerful vibrate?
View 8 Replies View RelatedThe haptic feedback only occurs when I am dialing phone numbers, I recently installed swype but I disabled the haptic feedback setting for it as well. Any ideas?
View 7 Replies View Related