Android :: Validate Keys On Virtual Keyboard?
Apr 22, 2010I want to have a toast message to display "Enter numeric characters only" whenever the user presses a non-numeric key on the virtual keyboard. Any clue?
View 3 RepliesI want to have a toast message to display "Enter numeric characters only" whenever the user presses a non-numeric key on the virtual keyboard. Any clue?
View 3 RepliesI am working with an hardware that have just five buttons. But I have just one button available to the following functions: home, back, search, soft-back(menu). The hardware is for automotive use, so that is because he doesn't have the common buttons of a cell phone. So I am thinking about create a second virtual keyboard that is called by this available button, to show these buttons that are missing on hardware. I want to know if it is possible to do. If it is, what type of code should I follow to create this extra virtual keyboard? I think a good start is to look at the code of the current virtual keyboard.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was smsing this morning on my HTC Hero using the normal virtual keyboard that came with the phone. But all of a sudden, the keyboard changed into something different.
The keys became smaller, the number keys are with the alphabet keys(on top), and there is an extra key to toggle to tamil(?) characters. And when I type, there is no more 'feedback' from the screen. The auto correct feature is gone too. how to get my old virtual keyboard back?
Any way to edit the keys on the D2 2.2 virtual keyboard? It has a ":-)" on it that I would like to change.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want that on each key press I require to change the Counter some what similar to Tweeter Thing but the issue is that OnEditorActionListener only calls for the change while the user presses Enter or Done key, Please Can I Find a Resolution for this.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn many games there are actions that you need to hold Y and then press B , but for snesoid, since I am using my same thumb on the virtual keys in an attempt to press them both at the same time, it doesn't work. It will release y and then press B or just release y. This becomes apparent in games like Super Mario World when you run, then jump, you lose the momentum and just do a regular jump. On the droid x, the only solution I have found is to set B also to a hardware key, like one of the volume buttons, then you can see how its supposed to work when you hold Y then hit B. This affects many other games like DKC3 (jumping while holding barrel). Any help or ideas?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm getting the G1 next weekend and am wondering how long until a virtual keyboard will be available. I really like the idea of having a full slide-out keyboard but I would also like a virtual one so if I'm not wanting to say much I can just use the virtual keyboard or if I'm in an area where it needs to be quiet I don't need to have the sound of the keyboard sliding open.
View 14 Replies View RelatedBasically I want to capture Alt-key combination to provide some customized alternative text input. For example Alt-f would put FOO into the text field. However there doesn't seem to be ALT key on the virtual keyboard in ether portrait or landscape. Is it possible to fake Alt key on the virtual keyboard somehow?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have developed an app that uses setTextFilterEnabled(true). It works perfectly on my G1. My partner has a new MyTouch phone that does not have a real keyboard. He cannot use this functionality at all. He tried holding down the menu key(and so have I) but the keyboard does not appear. Without a keyboard, this app is dead on arrival.
I am trying the following code to no avail.
I just read this blog on about a new virtual keyboard, launching December 7, called Crocodile Keyboard. Crocodile Keyboard chomping its way onto Android - Android and Me
From the screenshots it seems like it'll do pretty well. Can't wait to find out.
I'm looking for a way to move the virtual keyboard to the top of the screen, rather than the bottom. Is it possible?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to configure the virtual keyboard to "hide" once the return key is pressed? I have numerous EditText fields in my application and I want the user to be able to enter a single line value, press return, and the keyboard goes away.Is there a way to override the virtual keyboard return key?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIf I´m using the T-Mobile G1, then the QWERTZ- keyboard is very good. But if I only want to use one hand, then I have to use the keyboard. Is it possible to add a virtual keyboard to the T-Mobile G1? I've heard, the new HTC Magic (with Android) has got one!
View 4 Replies View RelatedUsing the 1.5 SDK. I have an application with a TabActivity and when I change from one tab with edit fields to another that does not need any user input I would like the virtual keyboard to be hidden. I've tried setting android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysHidden" on the manifest for the activity that doesn't need user input but it didn't work (maybe because the activity is triggered by a TabActivity).
I've found the method hideSoftInputMethod(IBinder, int) in the InputMethodManager class but I don't know how to get the IBinder object that this method needs.
How do I get that IBinder object? Are there other ways to hide the soft keyboard?
It would be even better if I could make the soft keyboard automatically hide when an EditText loses focus.
I am currently working on sdk 1.5, in which i want capture the Click event of Enter key on Virtual Keypad. My requirement is, for my Username/Password Login screen. Click on Username field. Cursor is displayed in Text entry box. Click on Enter key on Virtual Keypad. Cursor should be displayed in Password field. Take the cursor in Password field. Click on Enter key on Virtual Keypad. Virtual Keypad should be closed. I am testing the app on HTC Magic.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI need to close the virtual keyboard when user enter the "Enter" button in virtual keyboard. How to close it.
View 2 Replies View RelatedCan we make an application use custom virtual keyboard exclusively? So that no one else can use this virtual keyboard, and our app is always using our keyboard... ?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was fillding with EditText and handling of events, and I was wondering on a strange thing:
If you press some of the keys (for example forward slash '/') on the emulated physical keyboard, the keyevents are called as usual (onKeydown, the KeyListeners etc). If I click on the corresponding virtual key on the onscreen virtual keyboard, all these callbacks do not get called at all! This is strange, given that If I press other keys like alhpanumerical, the events are called.
How can I get an event when the user opens or closes the virtual keyboard..?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have several pages which are implemented using the ViewGroup class. I display a particular page by calling:
And also
I need help with showing the integrated virtual keyboard on-screen. I extended a View class and I implemented these two methods (most of it is just stub code; for now I only want to display the keyboard):
Where editor is an instance of my View. I noticed in the debugger that my onCreateInputConnection() is executed but after that the keyboard is not displayed on the screen. Using the TextView widtget and it's subclasses is not an option.
I don't want to show the virtual keyboard. I tried the below method but it doesn't make any difference.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI wanted to get a virtual keyboard on click of a button and when the button takes focus.the following code works only for on focus,but does not work for the onClickListner.
How do I get the virtual keyboard on click of a button?
I am having problem in Virtual Keyboard. I am having text field. if user click the text field then virtual keyboard need to appear. how to do this.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWe have got all our own edit boxes etc. so we call the virtual keyboard from SDK 1.5 in the followng way (when the use selects one of our edit/text boxes):
Context c = getApplicationContext(); InputMethodManager inputManager = (InputMethodManager) c.getSystemService( Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE ); inputManager.showSoftInput(ourCanvasInstance, 0);
This works fine and even populates our edit boxes automatically upon key entry, we can dismiss it by calling:
inputManager.toggleSoftInput(0, 0);
The problem we have now is that we need to know the size of the virtual keyboard so that we can resize all our popups etc to fit within the area of the screen that is not covered by the virtual keyboard. Is there anyway of getting the height of the default virtual keyboard? I have noticed that android.inputmethodservice.Keyboard has access to the height but I can't seem to find anyway to access this, does anyone happen to know any useful pointers to be able to access the height of the VK?
I've got a activity with one AutoCompleteTextView with associated 'doit' and 'clear' Buttons and a read-only TextView that displays the result of 'doit'. These results are being partially obscured by the QWERTY keyboard. I'm trying unsuccessfully to shift focus from the auto complete text view to the clear button (or the read only text view) thinking that as soon as the auto complete text view loses focus, the keyboard will go away.
So my question is really two questions:
1) Once I succeed in programmatically arranging for my auto complete text view to lose focus, will the keyboard go away?
2) Focus is stuck on my auto complete text view. I've setFocusable (true) on the clear button and the other read-only text view, and called requestFocus() from each (I've tried both). Also setText("") in the auto complete view. No love. Can I not set focus to a read-only textview or a Button?
I want to know is there a way one can check(programmatically) whether currently virtual keyboard is visible or not? I want to run some code when the keyboard is visible. Is there a even that occurs when the keyboard is being visible and when it goes back to hidden state?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm creating a ListActivity. In each list item I have a View I've created which contains a RatingBar and an EditText. In the screenshot at the bottom, you can see the virtual keyboard contains a returnline key and no "Done" key. I would like to specify a different style of keyboard to use (and hopefully retain the spell checking bar). I would like my virtual keyboard to have a "Done" key instead of a return key. Can I set the style of virtual keyboard I'm wanting in the EditText's XML?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to catch event from the virtual keyboard?In fact, I want to know if the screen is touch for instance.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI won't want to show virtual keyboard even user touch the editText field.
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