Android :: Table Layout In A Screen - Horizontal Scroll?

Sep 9, 2009

I am using a table layout in a screen. i need to have both horizontal and vertical scrolls. By default i am able to get vertical scroll in the view but horizontal scroll is not working. I am using android SDK 1.5 r3
Ihv already tried android:scrollbars = "horizontal". I hv read on some forums that in cupcake update horizontal scroll is possible in andorid.

Android :: table layout in a screen - horizontal scroll?

Android :: Horizontal Scroll On Table Layout?

Mar 7, 2010

I am having a Table layout which has 3 columns defined. But due to large Text in the second column, the content is going off the screen. So i was trying to place a horizontal Scrollbar. But was unable to do.

I am using Android 1.5 as target.

XML code of the table layout


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Android :: Scroll To Last Line Of Table Layout Within Scroll View

Jun 21, 2010

I want to have a dynamic table, with rows added over time as a result of user interaction, using a TableLayout inside a ScrollView. This works fine, but when I want to scroll to the end of the table using fullScroll(), it always leaves out the last line; that is, it scrolls so that the one before the last one is visible. The last line is visible when scrolling manually, and the scrollbar is correct too.I'm of course open to suggestions as to how to make a better layout out of this; but I'm specifically interested in understanding why fullScroll() behaves that way. Should I give it a different parameter, or use something else altogether? Or does it do that because the newly added line isn't yet visible somehow? (if so, how can I solve that?) Or did I miss some other obvious thing?The following code replicates the problem:
import java.util.Random;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.ScrollView;
import android.widget.TableLayout;
import android.widget.TableRow;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class TestActivity extends Activity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
((Button) findViewById( View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) {
Random rnd = new Random();
TableRow nr = new TableRow(v.getContext());
for (int c=0; c<3; c++) {
TextView nv = new TextView(v.getContext());
}((TableLayout) findViewById(;
// Scrolls to line before last - why?
((ScrollView) findViewById(;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:text="Add Row"
android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" />
android:layout_alignParentTop="true" >
android:stretchColumns="0,1,2" />
Edit: for reference, I implemented Romain Guy's solution as follows:In, replace:
// Scrolls to line before last - why?
((ScrollView) findViewById(;
// Enqueue the scrolling to happen after the new row has been layout
((ScrollView) findViewById( Runnable() {
public void run() {
((ScrollView) findViewById(;

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Android :: Scroll View Embedded In Table Layout

Jul 29, 2010

Before I added my ListView, along with changing my TableLayout height to "wrap_content" as opposed to "fill_parent", my ScrollView displayed properly. Here is my XML: <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" Code...

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Android :: Scroll View With Horizontal Scroll Support?

Mar 12, 2009

It looks like the standard ScrollView does not support horizontal scroll. Has anyone implement a ScrollView with horizontal scroll support? It would be appreciated if you can share it.

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Android :: Child Views Of Particular Table Row In Table Layout?

Jul 15, 2009

Here is my screen description: It is a TableLayout and it contains multiple Rows. I have set TableRow as clickable, as I want to go to next screen on click of a tableRow. Everything I am doing through Java programming (instead of XML layout, because number of TableRows changes each time) On next screen, I wanted to display all the views of that particular clicked TableRow. Here the problem i am facing is how to capture particular tableRow on onclick() even and how do I get all the textviews of that particular Row. I tried to set id at runtime, and tried to get id of view, but it's not working, giving error resourcenotfoundexception.

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Android :: Dynamically Add Table Row To Table Layout

Jul 8, 2010

When a button is clicked, the following method is run:

public void createTableRow(View v) {
TableLayout tl = (TableLayout) findViewById(;
TableRow tr = new TableRow(this);
LayoutParams lp = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
TextView tvLeft = new TextView(this);
tvLeft.setLayoutParams(lp);...................... is an xml TableLayout. I can see from debugging that the method is being accessed, but nothing is drawn to the screen. What gives? Do I need to reset the Content View somehow?

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Android :: Nesting Table Layout In Linear Layout

Mar 15, 2009

I have defined the layout which you can see at the end of this message. I do not understand, why the button is not displayed. If I move the button to the top that the rendering works.


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Android :: Horizontal Scroll In ListView

Mar 26, 2010

I would like to catch horizontal scrolling in ListView. I don't wont to scroll ListView content, I need an event only. I use GestureDetector, and in onScroll() method I can figure out when user scrolls in horizontal direction. This part works. But my problem is ListView fires onItemLongClick event also. I need this event, but only if user doesn't scroll. If user scrolls in vertical direction, ListView doesn't fire onItemLongClick event. I need the same behavior for horizontal scrolling also.

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Android :: Horizontal Scroll Not Working?

Sep 9, 2009

I am using a table layout in a screen. i need to have both horizontal and vertical scrolls. By default i am able to get vertical scroll in the view but horizontal scroll is not working.

I am using android SDK 1.5 r3 i hv already tried android:scrollbars = "horizontal". i hv read on some forums that in cupcake update horizontal scroll is possible in andorid.

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Android :: How To Set Horizontal Scroll Menu Bar

Aug 26, 2010

I have task to set menus in horizontal scrolling with images at two ends to show availability of menus. I did it by using gallery view, but i need to place an seperator (Vertical Line) between menus,i can't able to get the seperator in between the gallery.

How can i get it.

i need the view below
< menu1 | menu2 | menu3 >

just refer CBSNews application if u have.

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Android : How To Get Rid Of Horizontal Scroll Bar In Tabhost?

Jul 14, 2010

I want to get rid of horizontal scroll bar in TabHost. It's there even if TabWidget is on top.

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Android :: Mage Does Not Scroll Vertical Or Horizontal

Mar 2, 2010

i am adding scaling image (size 800 x 800) to Scroll layout but this image does not scroll vertical or horizontal.

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Android : Way To Make GridView With Horizontal Scroll?

Jun 8, 2010

I currently have a GridView scrolling vertically, and everything works fine. But now that I want to change my layout and have the gridview grow on its width instead of height as it grows bigger I am lost. I have tried to simply change the column width each time an item is added to the gridview. But no vertical scroll appears, even though the items are added correctly. Is there a neat way to fix this, or must I make my own gridview?

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Android : WebView Horizontal Scroll Not Working

May 14, 2010

I have a WebView that displays a complex graph. My problem is that the webview will only scroll a few pixels instead of scroll horizontal all the way so I can view the entire graph. How can I make it so my WebView is able to be scrolled all the way to the right/left to view the entire webview content? I tried putting a ScrollView around my WebView but it did the same thing.

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Android :: Make Verital And Horizontal Scroll On 2 Layouts?

Apr 16, 2010

I am trying to make Layout that contains 2 layout, vertical and horizontal scrolls.

Like this :

How to make it ?
I've tried it. But horizontal scroll doesn't work for me.

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Android :: TableLayout Which Is In A ScrollView - Horizontal Scroll Required

Mar 11, 2010

I have a TableLayout which is in a ScrollView, so I get vertical scroll. But when the columns exceed the screen with, I want the horizontal scroll also.

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Android :: How To Have Horizontal Scroll View With Multiple Buttons

Sep 11, 2009

I have a layout with multiple buttons. Now I need to scroll them horizontally. Below is the part of my xml file. But I am not able to get the scroll bar and also not able to see the Buttons 4 & 5.


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Android : First And Last Position Of Textview From Horizontal Scroll View

Aug 26, 2010

I have a horizontal scrollview with text fields,here i need to get the first and last position of textview when i scrolled it,how can i get the position of textview when i scrolled.and also need to know how to set color for text when i clicked the particular text from this. sample code....

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Android :: How To Set Long String In A Text View With Horizontal Scroll?

Jul 17, 2009

Actually i have keep on scrollview inside that scroll view i set one textview at run time i want to set text in that textview.The string which i m going to set is some what big in length so i could not get the string in a single line and i can get my string two or three lines .My scroll view layout width size is 250px.I don't want to exceed that size...My expectation is i want to see that string within that scrollview as single line if the string is exceeds the scroll size then it should horizontally scroll in text view.I tried some functions like setting horizontal scroll to scrollview and textview but nothing is work out.

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Android :: Force Horizontal Layout ?

Jan 14, 2010

I'm pretty close to finished with my first game for Android, and I've come across a problem that's so simple I'm sure I'll feel stupid for not knowing how to solve it, but how can I force the app to stay in a Horizontal layout? Right now, if you turn the phone (emulator) it flips the graphics and squeezes them. I want the game to start horizontally and stay that way regardless of how the user turns the phone.

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Android :: Table Row As Linear Layout

Dec 31, 2009

I've noticed a strange thing with a TableRow.



This code doesn't work properly as TextView text1 doesn't wrap it just stretches beyond the screen. I've managed to get it working by embedding this LinearLayout into RelativeLayout but it seems to be the least elegant solution plus I don't understand what's wrong with the code above...

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Android :: How To Create A Time Table Like Layout

Nov 1, 2010

I would like to create a time table like layout which has a dynamically adjustable lengths as shown in the picture Please provide some pointers on how to implement this.

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Android :: Nested Table Layout Not Showing / Fix It

Nov 25, 2009

In my view i have the need to a somewhat different layout. It needs to display a table within each row a cell for a thumbnail and a cell for displaying a title and a description. The title and description should be displayed on top of eachother, so something like...

In this case i thought i'd use a nested table layout. code...

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Android :: Put Two Views In A Horizontal Layout To Aligned 1 To Left And Other To Right?

Jun 20, 2010

Let's say you want to have a TextView and a Button in a Layout with horizontal orientation. Can you have the TextView aligned to the left and the Button - to the right?

TextView Button

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Android :: Table Layout Setup - Scrolling Like Spreadsheet

Aug 30, 2010

I want to set up a table layout that scrolls like a spreadsheet. The top row of column headings should scroll horizontally but be pinned when scrolling vertically. The left-most column of row labels should scroll vertically but be pinned when scrolling horizontally. The number of rows and columns is not known in advance. Does anyone know of an example of this? Are there settings in TableLayout that can turn on this scroll behavior? Is there, perhaps, a more advanced widget than TableLayout that can produce this type of scrolling? Are there some tricks I can do with a ScrollView to get this behavior?

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Android :: Scrollable Table Layout & Column Headers

Aug 3, 2010

I am trying to create a basic datasheet in my application using a TableLayout. The first row contains the titles of each column. Every row thereafter is data. I would like the data to be scrollable while keeping the first title row visible (i.e. the first row would not scroll with the rest).I have tried something like the following (unsuccessfully)

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Android :: Display Dynamic Table Layout In Droid?

Jul 7, 2010

I try to add a table layout from Java code. When there are two fields in a tablerow it displays the first field only. How to display the entire row with all fields?
code... How to do this?

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Android :: Get Actual Table With Borders In Display Layout

Jun 22, 2009

I'm new in Android. I searched a lot to get a table with borders, but I am not getting result.

I want a table with two colums, borders, white backgroud in table. first colums should be right aligned and second column should be left aligned.

With TableLayout, rest of things can be done, but not I can get table with border in display.

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Android :: Layout Weight Is Inconsistent For Horizontal And Vertical Orientation

Apr 8, 2009

I have played around a bit with the xml files for creating layouts and can't explain the behaviour of layout_weight when using it in a LinearLayout that has orientation="vertical"

When creating a layout that is horizontal everything follows the documentation, that a child would get more space if it's has the highest value.

But the following code for vertical orientation, give more space to the item with lowest weight.


And the question is: Is this a bug or just a feature that maybe need more documentation?

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