Android :: Sqlite - Big Tables And Like/glob Statement

Apr 25, 2009

Anyone working with big sqlite tables and trying to match rows using patterns (for example for autocomplete purposes) ? recently i played with LIKE statement and it seems it will never use table index (if any), you have to use GLOB instead. but....... the weird thing is that you cannot use selectionParams in your query: you have to specify your pattern in selection like:


My words table has two TEXT columns: 'key' and 'value' and index on 'key'

For example: i have table with ~28000 rows and when using selectionParams my query took 1500 ms and without selectionParams 20 ms does it have anything to do with android or its sqlite weird feature?

Android :: sqlite - big tables and like/glob statement

Android :: Query Two Tables In One Statement?

Sep 27, 2010

I'm trying to reduce the number of queries I do to the Android's database. Basically I want to get any email or IM address that contains a user defined search term. Right now I'm doing two separate queries:


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Android :: Join Tables Using Sqlite In Droid?

Jul 19, 2010

I am trying to find out the best way to do a simple table join on my two tables using a sqlite database in an android application. Is the simplest way to use CursorJoiner or is there any easier way?

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Android :: Optimize SQL Statement For Sqlite

Jul 23, 2010

I'm developing an application that tracks the user's current position and stores it into a SQLite database. Everything works fine, but now I have the problem when querying the database for a track with more than 1000 records it takes nearly 1.5 minutes. On my Desktop it just takes 1 second. I know it's a query with many subselects but I wasn't able to get the right result another way. In my opinion this belongs to the aggregate functions like avg() and sum().

Here's my query:.................

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Android :: Tables Created Using SQlite Database Will Be Stored

Oct 16, 2010

Where do the tables created using SQlite database will be stored in Android? how to access them and see the data contained in them.

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Android :: Using LIMIT Statement In SQLite Query

Mar 23, 2010

I have a query that selects rows in a ListView without having a limit. But now that i have implemented a SharedPreferences that the user can select how much rows will be displayed in the ListView, my SQLite query doesnt work. Im passing the argument this way:


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Android :: Using COLLATE In SQLite - Locales Is Ignored In LIKE Statement

Aug 13, 2010

When creating my SQLite database in Android I set the database locale - db.setLocale(new Locale("cz_CZ")). This is a Czech locale. A SELECT statement works and takes the locale into account, for example:

SELECT * from table WHERE name='sctzy' COLLATE LOCALIZED

But using LIKE will fail: SELECT * from table WHERE name LIKE '%sctzy%' COLLATE LOCALIZED

BTW. There is no java.text.Normalized class in Android. I thought I could make a second column with a normalized text, stripped of special characters, which would be used for searching - but I am missing a class or way how to normalize the String.

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Android :: Reference Sqlite Db Column To Use In Update Statement

May 8, 2010

I am trying to update a datetime column in an android sqlite db to use international date format (yyyy-mm-dd) instead of the current format (mm/dd/yyyy). I want to use the sqlite date() function to reformat the current value of the column. I thought it would be as simple as the following: update tblename set thedate = date(thedate)

But the above does not work.

How would i write the sql statement to accomplish this?

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General :: Cannot Get Android SQLite Select Statement To Work?

May 11, 2012

I'm trying to select the items that have a expiration date >= that an selected date.I'm using the format yyyy-mm-dd, and this is my sql statement:

String sql = "SELECT _id, item, value, finalDate FROM "+DATABASE_TABLE+" WHERE date(finalDate) >= date("+selectedDate+")";

This query always result a "full select" in my database, as if there were no conditions.Some useful information:

selectDate is a String which have a date in yyyy-mm-dd format
I'm executing the query like this:
return db.rawQuery(sql,null);

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Android :: SQLite Statement Produce Result To Indicate Duplicate Entries?

Oct 28, 2009

For my application, I am trying to add entries without having a duplicate entry, and if there are a duplicate notify the user and have him try again. Using SQLite, which I know very very little about, I have tried these two ways and want to know which one is better, more efficient or a better way to develop it? First way:

db.execSQL("INSERT INTO " + DatabaseHelper.DATABASE_TABLE +
"(LATITUDE, LONGITUDE, RATING) SELECT " + latitude + ", " + longitude + ", " + rating +
" WHERE LATITUDE = " + latitude + " AND LONGITUDE = " + longitude + ")");

Second way:

long id = -1;
try { id = db.compileStatement(
+ " WHERE LATITUDE = " + latitude
+ " AND LONGITUDE = " + longitude)
} catch (NullPointerException e) { return -1;
} return id;

The first way, either inserts or ignores the values, I check by doing so, storing the row-count of the rows into a variable before the call, call that function, and then check its results. If the results is not higher than it was before the call, the insert was made ignored, prompt the user with the 'values exist' message. (Very sloppy, I know but desperate times calls for desperate measures). The second way, returns the actual count of rows that match the numbers I want to store, if the number returned greater than 1, prompt the user with the 'values exist' message. I have been going back and forth, trying different ways but I do not know how to set up SQLite to have UNIQUE pairs, which I was told would be the easiest.

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Android :: Sqlite Statement - Get Item That Contained In Box_content Table

Aug 8, 2010

I have a database with tables called box, item, and box_contents and I want to get any item that is contained in the box_content table (all items, but discard the ones that arent in the box_contents table). What would be the correct sqllite syntax for this?

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Android :: Finding Auto Incremented Values From An INSERT OR IGNORE Statement In SQLite

Sep 25, 2010

I have a table called "images":


On inserting a row, I'd like the URL column to be unique. At the same time, I'd like to find out the id of the row with that URL.

INSERT OR IGNORE images (url, caption) VALUES ("", "A logo"); SELECT last_insert_rowid(); -- returns the id iff there was an insert.

Of course, I'd like to do it as quickly as possible, though my first thought was along the the lines of the following pseudo code:


But this seems hopelessly inefficient.

What is the most performant way of getting the Auto incremented row id from an INSERT OR IGNORE statement.

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Android :: Using SQLiteQueryBuilder To Join Two Tables?

Nov 20, 2010

I'm trying to use Android SDK's SQLiteQueryBuilder to join two tables, let's call them t1 and t2, and query that table based on an attribute from each table, say t1.att1 and t2.att2, equaling a certain value. I'm a little confused on the syntax when it comes to the selection.

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Android :: SQL Syntax To Combine Several Tables

Feb 28, 2010

I need to display a single list, ordered by date which contains different types of data, images, video and whatnot.

I guess you could have one separate table for each type and the use something like FULL OUTER JOIN (simulated as sqlite doesn't support it) and sort on date. But this would be complicated because I still need to have unique IDs across all tables.

Maybe having a master list which has ID and date, and then JOIN in the types tables? But how bad is the performance of this using sqlite? I really like to avoid having a super table which contains columns all the combined types could ever need.

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Android : Multiple Tables In One ContentProvider

Oct 6, 2009

I want to operate on multiple tables. I searched a lot but everywhere I could find is single table with one content provider.

How can I use multiple tables under one content provider? How can I get result from two/three tables ?

Can I provide my own SQL select query from multiple tables in ContentProvider?

Can anybody give me any example or link where I can get idea?

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Android :: Create Database With Two Tables?

Jul 30, 2009

I am trying to create a database with two tables. Employees and Computers. A spinner with employee names fill properly when I don't try create and do anything with the second table...

The code to create is:


Is there somehting I am doing wrong during the creating, as the rest of the code (to read data) is exactly the same...

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Android : How To Create Dynamic Tables?

Sep 4, 2010

Does anyone of you know how to create dynamic Tablelayouts? On my Emulator Android just shows nothing.

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Android :: View Tables Created In Database

Oct 6, 2010

I created a data base named as example.db with some tables in SqlLite. It worked fine. It was also created in data/data/com.mypackage.myapp/databases/example.db. Now, I need to open that database and see the content in the database.

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Android :: Throw Tables Into List Table?

Mar 9, 2010

I am trying to throw 4 tables into a List<table> and then run a query on each through a loop... this isn't really working. ollowing code totally freehand as I had to undo the code I wrote because it wouldn't run :

//this first line is the one that I would imagine is the linchpin on getting this to work List<table> mTables = new List<table>(); mTable.add("character1") //add character 2 //add character 3 //add character 4 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { mCursor = db.query(mTables.get(i), null null.......); mCursor.movetofirst;
//use ContentValue to update a few fields

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Android :: Way To Achieve Listview From Multiple Tables?

Aug 22, 2010

I'd like to populate a listview from 2 tables. Anyone know how I can achieve this? Currently what I have looks like but it only works with one adapter.

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Android :: Way To Retrieve A List Of All Tables In Database?

Nov 10, 2010

I have this database file under the usual databases folder and a bunch of tables inside it. Please note that I don't want to retrieve under the command line. I know I can use the ".tables" command. I want to retrieve a list of all tables in it, using code, so that I can execute some specific algorithms on each of them. Also, I didn't find any questions with this problem on Android, so please forgive me if there is any. I was wondering if there is any function I can use under Databases, but I didn't find any either.

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Android :: Possible To Retrieve Data From Two Tables Via ContentProvider Way?

Apr 5, 2009

How to retrieve data from two tables via the ContentProvider way? I.E. the database of Calendar application, include many tables including Events and Deleted, and some others. I want to retrive records in Events table, whose _sync_id field is also in Deleted table. Usually, we write a SQL sentence like: select (all fields in Events) from Events as e, Deleted as d where e._sync_id = d._sync_id or select * rom Events as e where e._sync_id in select _sync_id from Deleted etc. But, how can I accomplish it in the ContentProvider way? I saw ContentProvider.query take a Uri as the first parameter, but pity that I don't know how to build one that could fulfill my purpose.

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Android :: Storing Tables Of Information On Platform

Jun 1, 2010

I have about twenty pages of information that is stored in tables that needs to be stored in my Android application. Each column is a designated stop on a bus route and the column is filled with times that the bus will be at the stop. There is also certain information that needs to be associated with some times, such as if the bus is handicap accessible at a certain time.

Here is an example of one of the tables: Bus Times

I have thought about using a SQL lite as that seems as though it would be able to store these tables quite easily; but when I think of using SQL I think of dynamic data storage and this shouldn't be changing more than once a year.

Is SQL appropriate for this application? Is there a better way to do this?

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Android :: Get A Tables Columns Arraylist On Droid?

Mar 4, 2010

I am after a code to get the available column names of a table in Android?

I looked around and didn't find anything.

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Android :: Better To Create Db / Tables Programmatically - Through A .db File In Assets?

Mar 2, 2010

Does Android have a "best practices" guideline on creating & populating the db/tables programmatically vs. deploying a .db file in assets?

What are the pros/cons of both approaches?

I have a db with big long strings in several columns, and about 50 rows, so writing the insert statements alone would take quite some space. It seems a waste.

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Android : Tool To See Phone Database - Tables And Data

Jan 27, 2010

I am new to Android and i would like to know if there's any tool to see databases (.db) tables and data into these tables.

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Android : Creating Multiple Tables In A Single Database?

Feb 22, 2010

How to create two or more tables in one database in single class which extends sqliteopenhelper in one function oncreate.

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General :: Android App - Use Fusion Tables To Present Data?

Aug 16, 2012

Now I've done a bit of research into Fusion tables already and I know it's possible for me to put all the data that's going to be in my app into a fusion table and then display the fusion table there for the user to see the data. Much easier to update the data when need be instead of making it static text and having to update the app via the play store every time I need to update the data.

How do I do this though? All I know is that it's possible and that I should use the Fusion table API. More than anything I just need a starting point so I know how to set up Eclipse and then learning the code is up to me.

Any apps at the moment that use Fusion tables to hold their applications data? Would be good to download them and have a play.

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Android :: If Statement Not Validating?

Feb 16, 2010

I have a strange issue. I am new to java/android but come from a programming background maybe I am just missing or doing something stupid with syntax here. I have a string variable called reportlength

String reportlength;

I then go: reportlength = intent.getExtras().getString("ReportLengt");

Now in my debug console for the variable reportlength it has it set as "d" (that is the correct value it should have)

At this point I have my if statement:


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Android :: Entering Both If AND Else Statement?

Jul 20, 2010

So I've got this code (updated for solution).


The problem I was having was that one of the TextViews would turn grey when it wasn't supposed to. I tried fixing it by always setting the text to black again, but that turned every single one of them grey.

Until I tried:


Don't know why the latter works when setting text grey, but there it is. I guess I'm just a little retarded.

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