Android :: Set Background Image In ListView
Mar 29, 2010I want have an image and i want to set it as a background of android list view. i have used android:background="drawable/image" but nothing happened. how to achieve this?

I want have an image and i want to set it as a background of android list view. i have used android:background="drawable/image" but nothing happened. how to achieve this?
ListView Question! I know it's possible change the row color, but it's possible to put some imagem on background? And if yes, it's possible to create an imagem 1px and repeat-x or repeat-y like CSS?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am developing an android application where I need to manipulate the background image of the rows in listview on certain conditions. Initially when the listview is loaded all works properly. But when I scroll down to the listview and come up again the background image changes. Can someone tell me the reason why its happening so? Hope to get the reply soon.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have a ListView with a lot of "rows". In each row, i have one TextView with a background image. When i scroll, the images of the rows mixes... they jump to another row with the scroll.
In have tried android: scrollingCache="false" and android:cacheColorHint="#00000000" but nothing.
The images are loaded dinamically.
Part of my layout:
And part of my code:
"avatars" is a cache of Drawables. any idea?
This is my current row. If I created a .JPEG, and I want that to be for each would I change this .xml file? Where would I put the image? In Assets?
I am loading a listview dynamically. I have set a .9.png image as row background image. The main purpose of using .9.png image was to extend the height of the image dynamically according to the contents of the listview. But, the image is not getting extended. The contents which can be displayed within the height of the row are being displayed and the rest are being cut.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am loading a listview dynamically. I have set a .9.png image as row background image. The main purpose of using .9.png image was to extend the height of the image dynamically according to the contents of the
But, the image is not getting extended. The contents which can be displayed within the height of the row are being displayed and the rest are being cut.
Back when I originally wrote my app, I thought I could use some tricks with TransitionDrawable to briefly highlight some rows in a ListView. However, when I actually implemented this (a fading background), the background would jump from item to item randomly.
As my knowledge of Android has progressed, I've learned why this no longer works: the ListView uses optimizations and actually shuffles rows around, so the row that I may have originally told to animate ends up placed in a different spot by the time the ListView is visible.
My question is whether there's a solution to this problem. I've thought of using a different view type, but that would only work if I can turn *off* the view type for that row at the right time; since I'm using a TransitionDrawable, there's no way for me (right now) to mark once the animation is done.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to make a temporary fading background on particular rows in a ListView?
I would like to change the background color of a ListView Item after it has been touched until a further event.
This is my code:
Changing the background color of view yields weird results.
I have a LinearLayout layout with a ListView in it. I've made the android:background of the LinearLayout (I've also tried it on the ListView) be an image that I would like for my background.
This works fine enough. However, when I start scrolling through the ListView, the background often disappears and becomes black. If I move it around some more I may be able to get it to appear again. It would seem that Android is drawing over, or perhaps painting what's behind my background onto the items.
I have a ListView backed by customized ArrayAdapter where each item has 2 LinearLayouts - one I call head, and the other one - body.
The body is hidden (gone) until user clicks on the row at which time it slides out. The second click (on the head) will hide the body. However if user clicks on the body it brings another activity. All of this works just fine, here comes the problem:
When user presses on body I want a visual indication of the action just the same way as regular list item will flicker an orange background when pressed. I'm not getting this by default since (my theory) the onPress event is intercepted by body's view and not processed by the list item.
The first thing I tried was to execute body.setBackground('#ff00ff') (never mind the color) in onPress event. That didn't work since (I suspect) there's no repainting after the call. Then I dig a little bit more and decided to use <selector/>-based background. I defined body_background.xml in drawable folder and assigned that to the body's background property.
There I noticed that background will only change if the even is processed by the list. For example if I set <item android:state_selected="true" android:drawable="@drawable/selected"/> then when I press on the head - the background of both elements (head and body) will change, however when I press on body - nothing.
So to summarize my question - how do I change background of the child element in the list item if I assign custom onClick handler to it? Any hints will be greatly appreciated
I have created a specific List which exists out of the following elements to create a scrollable list with every row containing a Image on the left side and some text on the right side.As long as the screen is shown statically (as in no movement) it will be shown correctly, but when I start scrolling through the list the background of the row-item (an "icon" as can be shown in the code) will be shown corretcly but the background of the "root" layout will become completely black when the scrolling stops the background will, most of the times, get back it's color.As I test I also added a TextView in that root-element with the same background, this one will detain it's color when the List is scrolled.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an array of all the URIs of the images which I am showing in a List. Now I want to run a thread in background which gets this images from web and store them on the SD card. So when I click a particular element in the list instead of fetching from web it should fetch from the SD card in the new activity.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to implement the fade effect in the listview like in shown in the link. here it is not explained how to implement that fade effect. Does anybody have any idea on this?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to apply a custom background to each Listview item via the list selector?
The default selector specifies @android:color/transparent for the state_focused="false" case, but changing this to some custom drawable doesn't affect items that aren't selected. Romain Guy seems to suggest in this answer that this is possible.
I'm currently achieving the same affect by using a custom background on each view and hiding it when the item is selected/focused/whatever so the selector is shown, but it'd be more elegant to have this all defined in one place.
For reference, this is the selector I'm using to try and get this working:
And this is how I'm setting the selector:
I have defined a custom theme, where I am drawing a dark gradient on my window background. My ListView background is set to be transparent, however whenever I scroll, the background color turns black, and then after scrolling has stopped, goes back to the gradient color. Why is this?
while scroll the listview, the Layouts background gets flickering. that is the layout is has a background image. this image will gets invisible and reload all the time while scrolling. how to rectify this? Any Idea?
Note: its happening for inbuilt android Array Adapter too.
How can I change background color of ListView items on a pair-item basis. When I use android:backgroundColor in the ListView item layout I can achieve this, however the list selector is no longer visible. I can make the selector visible again by setting drawSelectorOnTop to true but then the selector overlays the whole item.
Any ideas how to change those background colors and keep the selector?
I would rather not change the selector itself.
Authors of GMail application have managed to achieve exactly this so it's definitely possible.
How to do a listview which looks like this? I'm interesting in the style of rows with an own background and the selector working fine.
View 1 Replies View RelatedLet me know how to set up a background image in opengl. You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am developing a live Wallpaper on android 2.1
I want to set in background a bitmap that i download on a server. I use canvas with the method setBitmap(Bitmap bitmap); but it don't work. I also try to set it in an ImageView in a different class of my live Wallpaper but it also don't work.
Have you got a solution?
I have a background image about 100 x 100 that I want to center in an Android app. Is there a way to do this?
I'm thinking it would greatly help with orientation changes for simple apps.
I have an image that I want to place on the background on my activity. For the G1 I would use a background of 320x480 but with the nexus 1 the resolution is almost double that. Should I just place the large image and make the smaller phones size down? I am trying to keep the size of my package down as much as possible.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to set Image background for linearlyout in android ? can i ? if yes. how ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a RelativeLayout with a tiled background. Is there a way to make a tween animation to fade out the existing image and fade in a new one?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI created a custom background image and wanted to use it as the background for a layout that has height of wrap_content. However, the total height of the contents of within that layout are much less than the height of the background image.
When I set it as the background in XML via android:background="@drawable/image", I noticed that it displays the entire height of the image, although the height of the actual contents are much shorter.
I'm trying to set my root LinearLayout element (which is set to fill_parent in both dimensions) to have a background image which is always located in the lower left corner of the screen no matter the orientation of the device. It would be excellent if there were some way to set the background image position such as that which you can do with css using "background-position: left bottom;" but I'm not seeing a way to achieve this in Android. Is there a way to do this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a linear layout which has a background image (a 9 patched png file). How can I add padding to left and right so that the background image does not take up the whole width? I have tried 'android:paddingLeft' and 'android:paddingRight', but that does not change anything.
The whole background still stretches the whole screen width.
Using theme or ImageView ?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to overwrite the default backgroud color of List item which is holding the focus in the ListView. As you can see, in Android Setting Menu, when you scroll through the ListView, the focused ListItem has a red backgroud to highlight its focus. Does any way to change the default behavior by highlighting it with other color or just a bottom red line under this Item.
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