Android :: Pull Webpage Or Content From Web Into Widget On Home Screen?

Apr 3, 2010

I have a php web page that will randomize an image that is 158x154. I was able to get the android application to work, but would also like to get it to work as a widget. How the heck can I get a widget to pull information from the net? I got the widget to work and layout correctly with a black sample image. I have tried to look at the wiki sample, but it is a bit too complicated for my little brain to grasp. The data that gets pulled looks something like:

<html><body bgcolor="#000000">center>
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img border="0" src=""></a>
<img src="" style="border:none;" />

Android :: pull webpage or content from web into widget on home screen?

General :: Show Certain Part Of Webpage In Widget On Home Screen

Oct 9, 2013

Is there any way to display a certain part of a webpage in a widget on home screen with a manual (or auto) refresh button to sync it with the website?

For example, I have the following website and want to only show the table I circled in red on my home screen.

Code: [URL] ......

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General :: Nexus 7 - Cannot Get Any Webpage Content On WiFi

Jul 12, 2013

My nexus 7 has just - a week ago - started to give wifi hassles. I can go to youtube, or internet-based apps like AIB Banking app with no hassle. But I cannot go online with either google, chrome or google +. All that happens is that the search functions but I cannot get any webpage content. No error messages, hangs, anything. Just a blank white page with the website header and even logo.

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Android :: Best Practice To Pull Content From Web?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm new to developing Android applications, and have only a little experience with Java in school. I was redirected to StackOverflow from the Google groups page when I was looking for the Android Beginners group. I have a question about what is best practice to pull content from a web source and parse it. Firstly, I would eventually like to have my application threaded (by use of Handler?), however, my issue now is that the class I have created (Server) to connect and fetch content often fails to retrieve the content, which causes my JSON parser class (JSONParser) to fail, and my View to display nothing. After navigating to the previous Activity, and attempting to call the connect(), fetch(), and parse() methods on the same remote URI, it will work. Why does this (sometimes retrieve the remote data) happen sometimes, but not always? What is the best practice, including the use of ProgressDialog and the internal Handler class, to make my application seemless to the user. Is this the best place to ask this question?

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Android :: Passing Integer From Android Home Screen Widget To An Activity Opened By The Android Home Screen

Jun 12, 2010

How can we pass Android Home Screen Widget info ( putExtra maybe ) to an Activity.. What particular method callback will handle this one?

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Android :: Home Screen Widget Size In Normal Screen And Largest Screen

Mar 31, 2010

I am designing a home screen widget. I ran this widget on a HTC Hero device, which has a screen of 320 pixels * 480 pixels with mdpi. It ran perfect on HTC Hero. The widget takes 3 cells * 2 cells space, i.e. 240 pixels * 200 pixels.Then I ran this widget on a Nexus One device, which has a screen of 480 pixels * 800 pixels, mdpi. Since Nexus One also is mdpi, so I though 240dip is equivalent to 240 pixels on Nexus One and 200dip is equivalent to 200 pixels on Nexus One, so the widget will not take 3 cells * 2 cells space on Nexus One device. To my surprise, when running on Nexus One device, the widget take exact 3 cells * 2 cells, about 360 pixels * 300 pixels, on Nexus One device.I am confused. The layout xml above specifies 240dip in width and 200dip in height for the widget, but why did it take 360 pixels * 300 pixels on Nexus One Device? What am I missing?

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Motorola CLIQ : Whenever Reply To Message Off The Home Screen Widget - Automatically Defaults To Home Number For That Contact

Feb 21, 2010

This is more of an annoyance, but whenever I reply to a message off the home screen widget, it automatically defaults to the home number for that contact, instead of replying to the same (cell) number that it was sent from. If I go into the messaging app, it works as it should (replies to the same number).

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Android :: Home Screen Widget Size For Large Screen Or Hdpi?

Mar 30, 2010

From Android widget screen guidelines,we know that, home screen has 4*4 cells, and in portrait orientation, each cell is 80 pixels wide by 100 pixels tall. I think these are for baseline HVGA screen. How about for large screens and hdpi screens, do they still have 4*4 cells for widget and each cell in portrait orientation is still 80 pixels * 100 pixels?

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Android :: Sleep Widget For Home Screen

Jun 29, 2010

Im still looking for a widget to put my Incredible to sleep without pushing the power button. I am using No lock for the ability to use the touchpad to turn on but I hate using the power button to turn it off and leaving the screen on, even for 30 seconds, has to be draining the battery. (I am constantly on/off/on/off the phone throughout the day.)

I would like something I can put on the home screen that when touched, puts the phone to sleep. This will help save my power button in the long run as well. Ive searched and cant find anything.

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Android :: RSS Application With Home Screen Widget?

Apr 26, 2010

What's everybody using for an RSS app? I'm using NetaShare. I really like it, but it's lacking a home screen widget - I sorta wrote about it as part of my top 5 favorites, but I'm wondering if there might be something better that allows you to download and store RSS content on your phone and has a home screen widget.

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Android :: Home Screen Widget Container

Aug 22, 2010

Are home screen "pages" exposed in the API? Can you instantiate and control them?

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Android :: Home Screen Widget Graphics

Sep 17, 2010

HI took a look at the home screen widget design recently and I tried to deploy a simple widget with 4x1 portrait background provided in Widget.I tried it in HVGA emulator (screen size 320x480 or something) and on Nexus One (screen size 480x800) and the widget seems to be the same size with respect to other UI elements (search widget etc) on both devices. How is that possible when one screen is 320px wide and the other one is 480px? Is the graphics in png format being automatically resized somehow based on screen width? If so, is it better to create the home screen widget graphics to make it perfectly fit to HVGA screen with 320px or is it better to create the graphics to fit the largest screen width possible so it would shrink itself on smaller screens (based on assumption shrinking an image is always better than magnifying it)?

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Android :: Possible To Put Webview As Widget On Home Screen?

Jan 13, 2010

I've been seeking a way to embed an html widget on home screen. Is it possible to do so without changing the Android framework?

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Android :: How To Add Edittext Box In Home Screen Widget?

Mar 25, 2010

I want to create a custom widget for my application which should be used for doing search internally in my application.But i am not able to place an Edit text control inside a widget.While browsing further i found that Edittext box was not included for creating custom widgets.I was surprised to see google's search widget showing an edittext box.Is there a way to add an edittext box in a widget...?

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Android :: AudioManager Home-screen Widget

May 31, 2009

We just released our first widget to the market called AudioManager, it's available now and free to download to anyone who has cupcake already installed.AudioManager is a home-screen Widget that allows you to get live readings of your current volume levels on your Android phone (similar to your computer's "Volume Mixer").Tap on the screen and you can adjust the volume levels individually for the following streams: Alarm, music, notifications, ringer, system and voice call volume.The widget comes in two sizes, large (4x1) and small (2x1). The AudioManager Console is also available through your application launchpad in case you do not need the Widget on your screen but wish to access all volume streams from one place.Attached are a few screenshots, check it out and let us know. Only tested with Android's default home-screen, however, there are mixed reports of the widget working for aHome and dxTop with the latest versions.

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Android :: Contact App / Widget For My Home Screen

Jun 21, 2010

I'm look for one that I can just scroll thru all my contacts on one of my home screens, you know with out hitting the contacts icon on the screen. Just the way you can do it on sweeter home 2. I'm not looking for one where I can just put my favs on. I'm looking for one that will list all my contacts.

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Android :: Creating Home Screen Widget

Apr 16, 2010

I'm trying to create an icon/widget (1 cell x 1 cell) that can be placed on the home screen of android. The widget will look and act exactly like the other standard shortcuts in android. It will have an icon and under that a label, it will be selectable with the trackball (highlight able) it will be highlighted when it is selected / clicked. How do I go about creating this home screen widget? Do I have to create the widget myself using code/xml or is there some standard xml, style, theme, code that I can use to ensure that the widget will have the same style/theme as the other home screen widgets? I currently have the following.....

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Android :: Home Screen Widget X-y Coordinates

Aug 9, 2010

Is it possible to obtain the X-Y coordinates of a home screen widget? I need to display a pop-up relative to the position of the widget, so I need to get the X and Y coordinates.

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Android :: Put A Gallery Into A Widget In Home Screen?

Aug 19, 2010

I am trying to create a gallery inside a widget in the home screen i am new to android please do give me guidelines and the source code ...

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Android : Way To Get Widget At Bottom Of Home Screen?

Jul 18, 2010

Find this Widget at the bottom of my home screen? I downloaded it from and for some reason uninstalled it from my phone and now I cannot find it again. It's a widget that stores the 5 most recent apps on a "dock" that takes up 4 spaces on any screen.

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Android :: Direct Dial Widget From Home Screen

Sep 26, 2010

I've been looking for a widget that will allow me to direct dial (direct text a bonus!) from home screen. I've looked around online and there doesn't seem to be anything that suits me well. I tried making the "direct dial" shortcuts by long-pressing, but those icons are small and have a little "M" and image of Android which obscures the photo icon. I found the perfect app while searching for other stuff. I've attached the image to this post. Does anyone know what the app is that allows me to place those 2x1 icons onto the screen?

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Android :: Scrolling List In Home Screen Widget

Jun 8, 2010

I am trying to teach myself the basics of Android dev. At the moment I am experimenting with home screen widgets. I would like to create a simple widget that lists all my bookmarks. Somewhere in my googling I read that ListView is not usable in a widget. What's the best way to display a scrolling list in a widget?

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Android :: Dynamically Add View To Home Screen Widget?

Mar 5, 2010

I am writing a home screen widget. Is it possible to add a View, e.g. ImageView, to a home screen widget through RemoteViews? I want to generate the views for the home screen widget dynamically.

updateViews = new RemoteViews(context.getPackageName(), R.layout.widget_news);

updateViews.setTextViewText(, mTitle);

BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(image, 0, image.length));

My code is like above. But we I call updateViews.addView(aView), my IDE didn't allow me to do that and give me an compile error.

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Android :: Removing Widget From Home Screen When Uninstalled

Dec 7, 2009

When my application is uninstalled, the widget stays on the HOME screen and gives an error message "problem loading widget". How do I remove the widget when my application is uninstalled?Is there an attribute in the manifest that I am missing?I have tried asking on the Google Android groups, but they take so long to approve and then it get's lost with the 100's of other questions that are ask that get approved at the same time.I was sure that this would happen by default by the OS, but guess I was wrong.I am catching the "PACKAGE_ REMOVED" intent, and checking the "EXTRA_REPLACING" to make sure it's not a reinstall, but I don't know the actual code to use to actually remove the widget.

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Android :: Instant Messaging Widget For Home Screen?

Dec 17, 2009

instant messaging widget for the home screen?

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Android :: Highlight Widget In Home Screen By Using DPAD

Sep 25, 2009

Is there a way to highlight the widget in the android home screen by using DPAD, and on selecting the widget using the keypad, launches the app for the widget. Where do I make change in or

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Android :: Unable To Launch Widget To Home Screen

Oct 8, 2010

I am following for developing a widget. I am unable to launch a widget on to the home screen.When running the application I am getting the errors like No Launcher activity found and The launch will only sync the application package on the device!

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Android :: How To Remove Application Widget From Home Screen?

Feb 3, 2010

I am new to the Droid but totally in love with it. I downloaded the weather bug app. Didn't even get to use it, the download time was crazy so I went to settings> applications> manage applications, then I uninstalled it. But now where it was on my homescreen it has a black box that says problem loading widget. How in the world do I get that off!

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Android : How To Change App Widget Size On Home Screen?

May 26, 2009

I'm making App Widget program on Android 1.5 I wonder if I can change my app widget size on home screen . I can set my app widget's size in XML file. But, how can I change it's size after my app widget launched from home screen ? I want to add some button to my app widget that can change it's own app widget size. Is this possible?

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Android :: Widget Will Display Contents Of Inbox On Home Screen?

Jul 19, 2010

Does anyone know of a widget that will display the contents of the inbox on the home screen? So that, without opening gmail I can glance at the phone and see the 3-5 most recent messages, sender and subject? I have looked all over the market and can't find anything like this.

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