Android :: Free App That's Similar To Root Explorer?
Feb 3, 2010Is there a free app in Market that's similar to root explorer? I just rooted my phone and I don't want to pay for an app that I might have very little use for.

Is there a free app in Market that's similar to root explorer? I just rooted my phone and I don't want to pay for an app that I might have very little use for.
What are the advantages of root explorer over estrongs file explorer?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have buyed an samsung galaxy s (android os) only to used it for biddind on a damaged vehicule site AUTOonline but it won't work After i login i recive an erorr(site not optimaized for safari) I tried opera ,dolphin,skyfire. but no success After i login the site extension is .aspx. If somebody can advise me il will be greathfull because i like the phone an i hope i'l solve the problem.
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust wondering, if there is a free app that is similar to the purikura photos (sticker photos), for those who aren't azn enough ^^ its like this:
Basically an app that edits photos and adds frames, sparkles, etc etc
I have downloaded PhotoWonder, i quite like it but im just seeing if there are any others.
I haven't used Root Explorer in a while, and when I go to use it, I'll I get is a blank black screen with Root Explorer at the top, then it FC. I have a rooted droid x and have given it Root Explorer SU permission. I know for a fact I've used it before. Not sure what's up. I have tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it. I even have a previous version saved via Titanium back, and that won't work either, nor will the updated version when I update it via the market.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm working on a G1 rooted. I have to implement program that execute "Root Explorer". I have write this code:
Process p;
try { p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
// OK DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(p.getOutputStream());
os.writeBytes("echo "HELLO!!!!!!!!" >/system/test.txt");
os.writeBytes("exit"); os.flush();
// ERROR File dir = new File("/data"); String [] list = dir.list();
Log.v("TEST]", String.valueOf(list.length));
try { p.waitFor(); int exit = p.exitValue();
if (exit != 255) { Log.v("TEST]", "ok");
} else { Log.v("TEST]", "Error");
} } catch (Exception e) { Log.v("TEST]",e.getMessage());
} } catch (Exception e) { Log.v("TEST]",e.getMessage());
I use Superuser.apk for execute "su" command. My program write file test.txt in /system but statement Log.v("TEST]", String.valueOf(list.length)); return value 0.
Which app are you all using for Root Explorer? I see one on the market named the same, but it's not a U.S. version.
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust got new htc explore.a310e, and wanting to root it. Tried superoneclick but I m unable to root it.
Also tried revolutionary but this device is nt supported yet. How can I root it?
I currently use Titanium Backup, but it is growing tiring to have to sit there and man the phone while I am restoring apps, so now I am looking for another app that will restore apps and data without having to choose each app individually. I know most people will say "Just buy the donate version". Unfortunately that is not an option for me. Why not? Because the dev doesn't offer the donate version in Market, nor does he offer a donate through google checkout. His donation is paypal only, and due to some recent VERY bad experiences with paypal, I have closed out my account and I refuse to ever use paypal again. what options am I left with? I've been poking around market for a while now, but it seems like every other backup I can find is for personal data only.
View 7 Replies View Relatedi see the other forums have a thread or two on this but thought i'd ask fellow moment users if anyone is using root explorer to remove installed apps. i have used it with much success so far and even reinstalled one or two. just curious what you guys think is the best way to do things of this nature and what all can be done with this app without too much concern.
View 28 Replies View RelatedI downloaded root explorer twice and it still will not open. It's stuck on SU Request. Is this normal?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI was attempting to replace inverted facebook 1.3.1 with 1.3.2. Root explorer appeared to be working (tho the apk didn't update :|) Attempted today (i was plugged in to my computer, but was not in USB mode) and RE seemed to be stuck on a bl ck screen after it got SU permissions. Pressing menu key caused it to fc. I un-/re-installed and even rebooted. Still no luck. I was planning on flashing a nightly anyways. Wonder if that will help.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it ok if I root my htc explorer with Rom manager. In another thread I saw that rom manager can cause problems.
From a HTC Explorer A310e using XDA.
I flashed the official nightly build of CyanogenMod on my Samsung Galaxy Ace.
The root explorer just closes when I try to open it. So I removed it, and installed it via an apk, same issue.
And when I download it from the market, it says it's "Purchased", but when I try to download it, it gives me a 403 error.
So, I can't get to twrp because of fff. I was wondering if I can flash ROMs with root explorer or some other app I can just download directly to my kindle.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy phone's details are as follows:
MEMORY : 512Mb
SOTWARE NUMBER : 1.31.720.3
MORE : Baseband, Kernel Version, etc.
So am I correct in thinking that I can not mod the fonts and what not for the notification bar with root explorer?If I can what path do I take to get into those settings? I'm having a helluva time finding them.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs there an app thats free and can be used to edit rooted x10 files especially to change the default.prop file
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo in accordance with a deodexed ROM, is it possible to simply use Root Explorer to delete all of the .odex files under /system/app and lighten up our current ROM or is there something else that goes into deodexing?
View 1 Replies View Relatedevery time I try to utilize the search function of root explorer, it starts searching through all my folders as usual, but then at the end it gives me this... it never used to do that, and after a few seconds of showing me this screen, it force closes on me.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using KaosFroyo v.32 and wanted to delete some included apps I don't use. I tried deleting the Twitter app using root explorer. I went into system>app, switched to Mount to R/W and deleted Twitter.apk--- however, when I go into manage applications, it's still listed there. Did I do something wrong?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI found this online while researching how to remove bloatware off my phone. It's written for the Samsung Moment, but is there any reason why this wouldn't work for the Incredible? Removing stock apps with Root Explorer Tutorial @ Tutorial - Talking about Gadget and Computer Freak I am also seeing many people who use Titanium Backup to remove unwanted app's. It seems that Titanium will only delete them, not move them, but if you know you'll never want it again wouldn't that be okay? For app's like CityID or VZ Nav that you will never use or want?
View 2 Replies View Relatedi had a smartphone HTC Explorer Pico A310e,i want to root my phone but i cant find any guide on google
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've got CM6 on my phone right now and I'm trying to change the boot animation using Root Explorer. I've used Root Explorer to change the boot animation on the stock 2.2 Rom. When I try to change the boot animation in CM6 it won't go through. I know the boot animation is located in system/media/boot and I choose Mount R/W and it still won't change it. Do I have to use another method to change it?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to remove some of these stock apps like cityid and amazonmp3. What I did was created a folder on my SD "deleted" and I was copying the applications I didnt not want from /system/app. So I moved amazonmp3.adk and cityid.apk to the deleted folder. When I look in the app folder they are gone but when I look under my apps from the home screen they are still there. So I reboot and when i go back into /system/app the apps are mysteriously back.
View 1 Replies View RelatedSometimes I can get root explorer to work and sometimes not. Is there an option that needs to on or off on the phone for it to work? Does it need to be plugged into the comp, debugging on or off, storage mode or studio mode?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to use root explorer to move my SU to the xbin so I can get around losing my root with 2.2. When I move it and go to paste in the xbin it says thats a read only area. If its read only then why are numerous sites say that how to move it? Am I doing something wrong?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been reading about the sdcard partitioning on the forum here and I thought I might ask a question that I couldn't find along my travels whilst reading. I have a 16GB SDcard class 6 and here is my question. I have a HTC Desire with setROM 4.5, before I installed this ROM I partitioned my sdcard with a 512MB ext partition using ROM Manager (paid version), now everything seemed to work just fine with the flash etc, but when I go into the SD card + phone storage I see this: When I use Root Explorer application, I cant see the other partition (512MB one) I made? Can anyone advise if this is normal? I can move my apps to sd though through the manage applications section. I should add, I have no idea why I even created this external partition, do i even need it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to remove the stock apps using root explorer? I search for the app and delete the .apk but the app stays in my app drawer after reboot. What am i doing wrong?
View 8 Replies View RelatedSpecifically, when I go to /mnt/sdcard/download all the files are ---rwxr-x. When I long-click a file I can access a Permissions dialog, but any changes I make there are not actually reflected on the file system. Anyone know what might be going on?
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