Android :: Current Or Zone Time From Address Or Long / Lat Pair?
Jun 20, 2009Does anyone know any tricks for getting the current local time or time zone from an "Address" object in the location package?

Does anyone know any tricks for getting the current local time or time zone from an "Address" object in the location package?
I am getting a date/time string from web in the format of "yyyy/mm/dd'T'HH:MM:SS'Z'" and it is in UTC. Now i have to identify the current time zone of device and then convert this time to my local time. (FYI, Currently, UTC time is 10:25 AM, in india current time is 3:55 PM)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI seem to get this error message daily 'Unable to detect your current time zone', does anyone else get this?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI can't figure out how to get the local time zone...
TimeZone.getDefault() returns Pacific Time, while my phone's settings show the time zone correctly set to EST.
I travel each week to Brussels from the UK and don't want to keep switching my current time zone.I have tried setting 'Automatic' in the Time & Date settings but it does not seem to do anything, but maybe this is because I have data disabled (cos I don't have a data pack).Is there an App that will use GPS to automatically alter the time zone setting?
View 5 Replies View Relatedpackage com.broadcastreceiver; import java.util.ArrayList;
import android.appwidget.AppWidgetManager; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.util.Log;
public class ExampleBroadCastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
@Override public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub Log.d("ExmampleBroadcastReceiver", "intent=" + intent);
Intent intent1 = new Intent(context,Login.class); context.startActivity(intent1);
} }
I run this above code change the time zone in settings not calling other activity.
Is there a way to obtain the time zone from the callbacks received
void onLocationChanged(Location location)
using the time information that can be obtained from the location parameter
long Time = location.getTime();
Or if there is another way please provide info!
My Google Calendar on my Android phone is off by one hour. Although it displays correctly on the website, on my Android phone some of the times are off by 1 hour. When I click into the event, it says (America/Cancun) which I assume means for some reason its displaying Cancun time zone.
View 3 Replies View RelatedAndroid: 2.2
Network: 3UK
Task killer: None
For some reason on most mornings since I got my Desire some 12 days ago I get a notification stating that the phone has been unable to confirm my time zone. I get an option to confirm my time zone as BST (GMT +1) and the phone is happy again...until the next morning.
My settings have the phone automatically checking the date and time. The greyed-out "choose time zone" option correctly shows GMT +1 / BST. I switch my phone to airplane mode overnight, so that I don't download updates unnecessarily...and don't get my sleep disturbed. Could this be the problem?
The strange thing is that this has not happened every morning, although most mornings it has. But my brother who lives in the same house also has a Desire and he has rarely had this problem. Any ideas?
Is there any way to adjust the time zone in Xda premium.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have multiple events (ie birthdays) as all day events. That means that these are set up in Outlook 2007 from 12am to 12pm on selected day. Recently, I went from Central to Eastern time zone. While there, I synced my phone with outlook using HTC Sync and now I have an additional occurrence of the event that goes from 11am to 11pm and spans into the previous day. I thought this would fix itself once the phone was back in the right time zone and was resynced, but it doesn't.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI entered some appointments prior to a business trip in another time zone. When I arrived in the new TZ, the calendar shifted all my appointments by 6 hours, so a 9am meeting was shown at 3am. How can I set an appointment at what will be the local time for that event and not allow the calendar to adjust it?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI've used XDA many times before, normally for specific questions on ARHD ROMs.
I work on a cruise ship and we're continually crossing time zones. Currently, to alter the time zone on my (rooted) HTC OneX, I need to pull down the notifications tray, select settings, scroll down and select date and time, then select time zone. I can't use the Auto function, as the network time on the ship (satellite) is only available over Wi-Fi, for which I have to pay an exorbitant rate.
I'm looking for an app that will allow me one-tap access to changing the time zone. 'Time Zone Widget Light' almost does the job, as a tap on the widget scrolls through pre-set time zones, but this only allows me to step forward, and sometimes I need to go backwards as well (sadly our ship itineraries refuse to follow pre-set time zones, although I'm working on it!)
Any app, or perhaps a toolkit that lets me drill down to sub-layers of the android settings menu and create a short-cut?
I want to develop a game, so I need to know elapsed time at lots places in my game. For example, to measuring FPS. I see there is some example use "System.currentTimeMillis" to measure elapsed time. But I see the warning on document: "This method shouldn't be used for measuring timeouts or other elapsed time measurements, as changing the system time can affect the results." So, if this method should not be used for measuring elapsed time, then what will be suitable?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIf you live in the Eastern time zone, please participate in this poll and indicate whether you have received the D118 update yet OTA (over the air). If you downloaded and installed the update yourself, please do not participate in this poll. This poll is designed to determine the penetration in the Eastern part of the United States. If you indicate NO and leter get the update, please come back and change your response (hopefully vBullitain supports that).
View 10 Replies View Relatedi have a address and wants to find the latitude and longitude for that address.anybody know how can we get lat long from address in android.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need the current long and lat. getLastKnownLocation will not do the job as the info may be old. give me some code examples on how to turn on GPS and get the long and lat?
View 4 Replies View RelatedAll text messages that I receive are 6 hours ahead of the actual time on the phone. Does anyone know how to fix this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI can easily find long/lat of my current location. Once I do that, I would like to find long/lat information for locations at distance X from y current location. Does anyone have suggestion(s) on how to do this using Android SDK methods?
View 12 Replies View RelatedI have tried searching the database for this and googled it and I couldn't find anything.
I'm not very experienced in Android, however, I am trying to develop an application. Within the application I want to check if the current time falls between time ranges
pseudo code
[HIGH]if (currTime > 9am AND currTime < 7pm)
//do this
else if (curTime>7pm AND currTime <10pm)
How can I determine if the current time is between two other time objects?
For example: current: 15:23, startTime: 22:00, endTime: 06:00. So the current time is not between this two other times, but this "23:47" is.
*I don't care about the date, only the time
I tried to do it like this:
Time startTime = getStartTime();
Time endTime = getEndTime();
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
Time now = new Time(c.getTimeInMillis());
but it dosen't work well. their aren't any errors but it just dosen't work.
To be more precise the problem is that 15:35.after(22:00) return true... and I don't know why. I think that the problem is something with the dates but I don't know what
im trying to take latitude and longitude value of current location.Iam moving to point A to point B.After reaching point B i start application more than 3times i got 3 diffrent lat and lang.After 3 rd time its giving the same lat and lang.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to find the current Address using current latitude and current longitude or phone number in android application.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to get the current time in Android? When i use int hours = java.sql.Time.this.getHours(); i get the error:
No enclosing instance of the type Time is accessible in scope
As you know, i can use System.currentTimeMillis() to fetch current local time, but how to convert local time to UTC time? the code below, i can get the timezone, utc_bias also can be got
my problem is i can't determine how to use this utc_bias: added or minus to current local time to get UTC time? You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Android Developers" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options,
I'm just trying to find the way to get current time. But I don't want to use currentTimeMillis() method, because the current time on device may be wrong. Is there any way to make some request to the Internet to get right current time?
View 11 Replies View RelatedI need to get pure UTC time in application level. It should not be changed by user or location or anything else. When I try with System.currentTimeMillis() or getTime() of Date class, they always return value of local time. If user change date or time, the return value is also changed. I found handleEndOfInit method in android_modem.c (externalqemu elephony) and the method is like below. Probably, the variable "utc" is what I want.
1. Is the android_modem.c for emulator?? 2. If it is, I think there must be similar file for target. Where is it? 3. How can I get the "utc" value in my application?................
I want to get current time accurately. I tried to get the time by "System.currentTimeMillis()" but it has the effect on the modificaion by User. So it is not useful for me. Could you kindly tell me how to get current time accurately?
View 2 Replies View RelatedFor instance, we are in SomeActivity and the activity has a button that invokes moving files from one dir to another (let's call it job).On Android things change. I know there's the AsyncTask that is probably provided to solve my case. There's even a good example of how it should be used. But since there's no guarantee of how long an Activity instance will live the AsyncTask should be cancelled on onSaveInstanceState (and restarted on onRestoreInstanceState). This means using AsyncTask there's no guarantee we are able to fully fulfill the job once started. In some cases as sending an http post request for creating a user I would not want to get in "user already exists for this login" trouble on reruning the AsyncTask. This is possible since the AsyncTask can be interrupted while the request is already sent (and the server actually is doing its job - creating a new user), but the AsyncTask is canceled before we got the response.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm following the guide at the following link.
I'm using the offline installer by using the guide at the following link.
I'm using Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers 3.5 (Galileo) on Windows XP. The installation was stuck at 5% install phase.